The Observer Vol. 88 No. 10 – October 2023

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OBSERVER Vol. 88 No. 10


16 Tishrei - 16 Cheshvan 5784

Sharsheret: Linking Nashville’s Jewish Women to Health Empowerment By BARBARA DAB


ina Gluck, 35, learned she was a carrier of the BRCA gene mutation, the gene mutation linked to breast cancer, by chance. Although she does not have an extensive history of breast cancer among the females in her family, her doctor wanted women to perform the test. “My biggest risk is that I am Jewish,” says Gluck. In fact, Gluck’s test was positive and additional testing confirmed it was her father who is the parent carrier. She also encouraged her three siblings get tested and in fact, they all have the BRCA gene mutation. According to a recent study by BMJ Oncology, global cancer rates in people aged 50 and under have risen by approximately 79% in the last 20 years. And yet as Gluck says, most women her age have never been tested for cancer. “Ob/gyns don’t test during pregnancy, which is when they generally do genetic testing,” she says. Ashkenazi Jews have an even higher risk, about one in 40, compared with 1

in 400 in the general population. “Breast cancer is not rare in young women,” says Gluck, “You have to know your risk. Every Jewish woman should be tested.” When faced with the news that she is positive for the BRCA gene mutation, a woman must decide a path forward. “I was so unprepared when I found out,” says Gluck, who ultimately decided to undergo a double mastectomy, and a possible removal of her fallopian tubes. “I wanted to take action before I was on the back end with a cancer diagnosis,” she says. She sought out support from an organization called Sharsheret, that provides a full range of services and resources for people who have been diagnosed with breast and ovarian cancer. Melissa Rosen is the director of training and education at Sharsheret. She says the organization is unique from other cancer support agencies because of its unique spiritual approach. “We are a proud Jewish organization that provides culturally meaningful resources.” Sharsheret does not provide formal religious or medical

Dina Gluck, pictured with her husband Dr. Jonathan Gluck, learned she carried the BRCA gene mutation.

guidance, but rather aims to connect someone recently diagnosed or in treatment with someone who has experienced a similar cancer journey. Sharsheret is the Hebrew word for “chain,” and peer counselors are called “links.” “We connect someone to a link based on diagnosis, stage of life, and relationship to Judaism,” says Rosen, “We have a peer support network that is 20,000 women strong.” The cultural aspects of Sharsheret’s support resources are part of what distinguishes them from other cancer support groups. Rosen says, “The High Holidays, for example, can be different for so many reasons. From the practical, like someone not having enough energy, to the spiritual prayers dealing with ‘who shall live and who shall die.’” Gluck says, “It was so important to me to find someone with the same cultural understanding.” Education is another pillar of the services Sharsheret provides. “Training health care providers to offer culturally appropriate care affects outcomes,” says Continued on page 4


Learning to Recognize and Respond to Hate Crimes By BARBARA DAB


ashville’s Jewish community is witnessing an increase in antisemitic activity, and it is not alone. According to a 2022 report from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, crimes against the LGBTQ community doubled in the prior two years. The rise in these incidents has led many people to classify them as hate crimes, but legal statutes have a very specific definition for hate crimes. Around the same time as the TBI report, the United States Department of Justice launched a nationwide United Against Hate initiative. The program is aimed at engagement and outreach by all 94 U.S. Attorney offices nationwide to help communities learn how they can combat hate crimes. Locally, The Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville is hosting a panel discussion, led by A Publication of the


Nani Gilkerson, the Assistant United States Attorney’s criminal and civil rights coordinator. The Observer newspaper spoke with Gilkerson to learn more about how her office plans to roll out the United Against Hate initiative. Observer: What is the motivation behind the initiative, and who is the leadership behind it in Middle Tennessee? Gilkerson: The overall goal is to increase understanding and reporting of hate crimes. Middle Tennessee has a new U.S. Attorney, Henry Leventis. He has a background in prosecuting civil rights cases, so he is focused on it along with building relationships with communities. The United Against Hate initiative is a good template for accomplishing that. Observer: What can people expect when they attend the Federation’s event?

Where do your dollars go? Grants Committee Process, page 3

Gilkerson: First, we want to educate about what our office does. There are a huge number of crimes committed, but only a small number that fall into federal jurisdiction. There is often frustration around why we can’t do more. We plan to have representatives from the FBI, TBI, MNPD, and victims’ witness coordinators. We all work together and sometimes have overlapping jurisdictions. Observer: What are some of the challenges your office faces in combatting hate crimes? Gilkerson: First, law enforcement has limited tools at its disposal, and there are societal issues that can’t be fixed by law enforcement alone. There is important work to be done outside of law enforcement. Observer: Can you elaborate on that? Gilkerson: We want to help people understand the difference between a hate

Celebrating 70 Years of Akiva!, page 12

crime and a hate incident, so that’s a top priority. We also want people to feel like their concerns are taken seriously. We are here to listen, to help, and to enforce. Observer: Why do you think we have seen this rise in antisemitism and other hate crimes? Gilkerson: Personally, I think that’s a bigger philosophical question about who we are at this moment as a country. Observer: It seems like you face an uphill battle all the time. How do you measure success in your work in terms of making progress? Gilkerson: I take things one step at a time. I focus on the quality of our work, the integrity of our work, and on getting justice for people who have been victims. We have the pleasure of wearing the white hat and we do it regardless of who is President. And we do it the Continued on page 2

Entertainmnt & Dining Out Special Section page 21

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