The Observer Vol. 81 No. 11 – November 2016

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Vol. 81 No. 11 • November 2016

30 Tishrei-29 Cheshvan 5777

World premiere in Nashville this month will feature work of Israeli choreographer Idan Sharabi and two others By CHARLES BERNSEN


bout mid-way through their public rehearsal of Israeli choreographer Idan Sharabi’s contemporary dance piece, “Ella,” members of Nashville’s New Dialect ensemble got a surprise: Sharabi stepped out of his role as coach/choreographer and joined them on the floor as a dancer. “It was a risk. It’s not what we planned,” Sharabi explained afterward to about 30 people who had come to watch the in-studio showing of “Ella” as well as a solo performance by Sharabi himself. But it was exactly the kind of thing Sharabi likes to do to promote collaboration and challenge dancers to expand their emotional and physical boundaries. New Dialect, a three-year-old nonprofit contemporary dance collective and

Idan Sharabi

(photo by Gadi Dagon courtesy of the artist)

training program, will perform “Ella” as part of a dance triptych titled FOCO on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 11 and 12 in the Polk Theatre at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. In addition to the Sharabi’s piece, FOCO will premier works by choreographers Yin Yue of China and Banning Bouldin of Nashville, the founder of New Continued on pages 3

Idan Sharabi (foreground) coaches members of the New Dialect ensemble during a public rehearsal of his work, “Ella,” which will premier this month in Nashville. (Photos by Charles Bernsen)

Rabba Epstein, visiting Global Day scholar, says event’s focus on creation and nature “incredibly relevent in today’s world” By CHARLES BERNSEN


n her presentation this month in Nashville for Global Day of Jewish Learning, visiting scholar Rabba Yaffa Epstein plans to speak about the Jewish theological doctrine that human beings are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. “There is something incredibly powerful about the Rabba Yaffa idea of the human Epstein being as being a creation of God, and as inherently Godly,” said Rabba Epstein, director of education in North America for the Pardes Institute of Jewish Learning in Jerusalem. “We’ll explore the concept of human dignity, and how each human is deserving of our respect – just by being God’s creation.” Global Day of Jewish Learning, an initiative of the Aleph Society aimed at fostering Jewish learning and community, brings together Jews in hundreds of A Publication of the


communities around the globe to study the same sacred texts on the same day. This year Global Day is on Sunday, Nov. 20, with local events schedule to begin at 10:15 a.m. at West End Synagogue. “The Global Day of Jewish Learning is an incredible event that has at its core the values of Jewish learning, and Jewish Unity,” said Rabba Epstein. “Rabbi [Adin] Steinsaltz, who was the creator of the event, famously stated, ‘Torah is the shared inheritance of all the Jewish people.’ And this is such an important message today – when so many Jews feel alienated and estranged from the Jewish community, and from each other.” Rabba Epstein said she is particularly excited by the 2016 Global Day theme: Under the Same Sky: “The Earth is Full of Your Creations,” which makes reference to an often cited verse from Psalm 104 about the awesome beauty, Six young adults prepare to join Federation’s Community Relations Committee page 5

sanctity and goodness of the divinely created world. “I think that the question of God’s creation is incredibly relevant in today”s world,” she said. “There is a real movement in the world towards turning back

to the land, and to the human being’s connection with the earth. “The issues of environmental responsibility, and food justice, are core values of the Jewish tradition, and I am excited Continued on pages 3

Global Day of Jewish Learning Theme: When: Where: Cost:

Under the Same Sky: “The Earth is Full of Your Creations” 10:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m. West End Synagogue, 3810 West End Ave. $5 for entire day (includes kosher lunch), $10 for afternoon sessions (includes lunch), free for morning sessions only (no lunch)

Pre-register online at or by contacting Barbara Schwarcz at (615) 354-1630 or

WES event builds sukkot and Jewish knowledge page 7

Travel & Leisure Special Section page 11

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