Vol. 87 No. 3 • March 2022
Jewish Community World’s Fair to Provide Fun and Connection By BARBARA DAB
lthough the past two years have presented many challenges, Nashville’s Jewish community continues to both grow in numbers and to expand its reach. On Sunday, April 3rd, The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is hosting a Jewish Community World’s Fair. The special event is designed to showcase the partner agencies, organizations, and local groups that make up Nashville’s unique local Jewish community. Jewish Federation CEO Eric Stillman says, “The Jewish Community World’s Fair will be fun for the entire family, and it will be a great way to introduce how our local Jewish community agencies, congregations, and organizations are connected to our partners around the Jewish world at the same time.” The event will take place on the Gordon JCC’s campus where attendees can visit booths for the various local agencies and organizations. There will be activities for people of all ages, and families are encouraged to come prepared for fun. Of course, there will be food offerings and music, too. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to make phone calls on behalf of The Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. The 2022 Campaign Chair Leslie Kirby says, “This year we wanted to try something new to incorporate a more action-oriented, community-focused way to get to know Federation better. We will still be making calls, but we’ll also have other hands-on activities as part of that process. We hope that everyone who attends the event will stop by to reach out to a few other people in the community to talk Continued on page 6 A Publication of the
28 Adar I-28 Adar II 5782
Adoption Lawsuit Filed by Tennessee Jewish Couple Alleges Government Funded Discrimination By BARBARA DAB
iz and Gabe Rutan-Ram always planned to build their family through adoption. The Knoxville couple, who is Jewish, say they also decided to work through the foster care system rather than use private channels, and now their dream is being deferred by what they say is a discriminatory state law. The law known as House Bill 836, was signed by Governor Bill Lee in January of 2020. The law allows taxpayer funded child welfare organizations to deny services, like adoptions, to prospective families who, “violate the agency’s written religious or moral convictions.” The law has been condemned by human rights groups as targeting LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, or any other prospective parents with whom an agency has objection. And now, according to Pam Kelner, Executive Director of Jewish Continued on page 12
Liz and Gabe Rutan-Ram, of Knoxville, were denied adoption services because they are Jewish.
Jewish Community’s Neighbors Pledge Solidarity as Antisemitism Continues to Spread By BARBARA DAB
espite vows of ‘Never Again,’ antisemitism still rears its head.” Those are the words of Leslie Kirby, Vice President of The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee and Chair of the Task Force on Israel and Domestic Antisemitism. She made them on January 27th, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz. This year, The Jewish Federation used the day as a call to action. At a virtual event, “Shine a Light on Antisemitism – No Hate in Our State,” local leaders from Nashville’s academic, business, and political communities called on their constituents to take a pledge to stand against antisemitism in all its forms and in every place it occurs. Most recently, antisemitism has shown itself in the form of a violent hostage situation in Colleyville, Texas, in The Temple Begins a New Era, Hires Next Senior Rabbi, page 2
the banning of author Art Spiegelman’s graphic Holocaust memoir Maus, and, just days after the event, in the words of celebrity and actor Whoopi Goldberg whose comments about the Holocaust once again raised questions about racism, privilege, and identity. And recent legislation in Tennessee allows taxpayer funded child welfare organizations to deny services to those who they believe violate their religious or moral convictions. This law resulted in a Jewish couple being denied adoption assistance. Eric Stillman, CEO of The Jewish Federation, referenced the words of Rabbi Angela Buchdahl of Central Synagogue in New York in the wake of the Colleyville, Texas hostage situation, “Our Jewish tradition tells us we are not meant to fight hatred with only Jews.” And so, leaders from Nashville’s greater community pledged solidarity and commitment to help fight antisemitism, hatred, and racism. Governor Bill Lee paid tribute to Sculpture Honoring Children of the Shoah was Inspired by Beloved Local Couple, page 4
Holocaust survivors, and to the six million who were murdered by the Nazis. “We have a chance to ensure their stories are carried on for generations, all while remaining vigilant against antisemitism and acts of hate today,” he said. Congressman Jim Cooper, D-TN, addressed the most recent local incidents, “Let me be blunt. Antisemitism is alive and well in Tennessee and in America.” He said the banning of the Pulitzer Prize winning book Maus by the McMinn County School Board is outrageous, as well as the denial of adoption services to the couple in Knoxville. Cooper referenced another Pulitzer Prize winning book by Henry Adams that says, “All politics is the systematic organization of hatred.” He called out his colleagues in both parties who he says are, “Playing with fire, hoping it will elevate them to higher office.” The notion of banning books is nothing new, particularly the banning Continued on page 9
Back To School
Home & Garden Special Section, page 21