The Observer Vol. 88 No. 4 – April 2023

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Vol. 88 No. 4 • April 2023

10 Nisan - 9 Iyyar 5783

Sylvan Park Becomes Latest Neighborhood to Fall Victim to Hate: Community Responds with Show of Unity, Support, Love By BARBARA DAB


n a recent chilly Sunday morning, residents of Sylvan Park woke to learn that five homes in the West Nashville neighborhood were vandalized overnight. The homes were spray painted with swastikas and messages of hate. One home also had what appeared to be a flag torn down, another had gay pride banners burned. It’s the latest in a string of antisemitic and racist incidents that began last summer and now it appears things may have escalated to the level of hate crime. Criteria for what constitutes a hate crime varies by state, and the federal government has its own definition. According to the state of Tennessee website, a hate crime is: A crime committed by a perpetrator who intentionally selected the person or the property that was damaged or otherwise affected by the crime, in whole or in part, because of the perpetrator’s belief or perception regarding the race, religion, color, disability, sexual ori-

Neighbors help clean swastikas and hate speech off a home in Sylvan Park.

entation, national origin, ancestry, or gender of that person or the owner or occupant of that property. The police recovered footage from one of the homes’ Ring doorbell cameras and are investigating. Law enforcement said they remain hopeful they will be able to track down the perpetrators.

The message from the community in the wake of the crimes is clear. Lizzie Harvey is one of the homeowners whose home was vandalized. “When something like this happens, it affects the whole community, and we are not going to be silent.” Rather than immediately clean the mess off their brand-new house, Harvey

and her husband, Oscar Anderson, quickly took to social media to plan a neighborhood cleanup of the graffiti on their home. By Sunday afternoon, dozens of people showed up to not only clean, but to join together to comfort and support each other. Harvey and Anderson provided art supplies for the children to create signs of unity, love, and inclusion. Anderson said, “We are an inclusive neighborhood where everyone is welcome.” Most of those who came were not Jewish, but still the sight of the hate messages and swastikas was shocking. Neighbor Carrie Rogers said, “We were stunned. My jaw dropped and I was speechless. This is disgusting and should not be permitted anywhere. This is a very diverse neighborhood, where we love everyone.” Rebecca Kuduru, who is Jewish, said her children attend Akiva School, and the incident made her fearful and confused. “I think maybe I should take down our Akiva sign from our yard, but I was told to leave it as a show of support. I Continued on page 2

Jewish Federation, The Temple, and Local Partners Help Afghan Ally Make Daring Escape to Freedom By BARBARA DAB


he Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville, in partnership with The Temple, Nashville International Center for Empowerment (NICE), the offices of immigration attorney Greg Siskind, state lawmakers, and Jewish community volunteers, secured the freedom of an Afghan ally left behind after his family escaped to the United States. The escape ends 18 months of trauma, fear, and separation, and just a couple of weeks ago, the family was finally reunified. This family’s story of courage and resilience in the face of immeasurable challenges began in the summer of 2021, during the invasion of the Taliban in Kabul. In a last-minute frantic race to the airport to board a plane out of the fallen city, one member of the large extended A Publication of the


Family members await the arrival of Javid, who was left behind in Afghanistan.

Temple volunteer Ruth Thomas, with Abdullah, checks for arriving flights.

family was pushed to the ground. Javid, watched in horror as the doors to the boarding area shut in front of him

with his family on the other side. An American soldier stationed at the airport tried to help, but in those final moments,

Luciana Berger to Speak in Person About Antisemtism in the UK and What it Cost to Her to Speak Out, page 3

Four Perfect Pebbles: Clinging to Hope in Bergen-Belsen, page 9

the only way to keep the family safe was to continue moving forward, leaving Javid behind. What followed was many months of evading the Taliban who had already announced a fatwa, or death threat, on Javid’s life. After making his way to Pakistan, and while in hiding, with the assistance of Nashville’s Jewish Federation, he began the lengthy process of securing a visa and completing the necessary paperwork to come to the United States. Finally, after several days of travel, Javid arrived in Nashville, into the loving embrace of his family. The success is due to a year-long effort by the Jewish community and its partners, to assist three families by providing critically needed services, including helping to Continued on page 10 Home & Garden Special Section page 25

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