Vol. 87 No. 5 • May 2022
30 Nisan-1 Sivan 5782
Anna Stern to Receive 2022 Sandy Averbuch Young Leadership Award By BARBARA DAB
nna Stern loves being busy. In the five years she has lived in Nashville, she started a career in education, joined the Board of a local nonprofit, and become involved in Jewish life through the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee’s NowGen program. A self-professed “ringleader,” Anna typically finds herself in the middle of things. It is this drive for connection and activity that led her to seek out like-minded friends, namely Hayley Levy, the 2021 Sandy Averbuch Young Leadership Award winner. “Hayley and I just clicked immediately,” says Anna, “Thanks to her I kind of fell into my involvement with NowGen.” The Young Leadership Award recognizes distinguished service to the community and was first given in 1971 to Sandy Averbuch. After her passing in 2016, the award was named in her memory. Eric Stillman, CEO of The Jewish Federation, says, “Anna has engaged so many newcomers in her role as co-chair of the NowGen Engagement Committee. She really is an essential welcoming ambassador on behalf of our Federation.” Anna is originally from Chicago, and attended college at Washington University, St. Louis. After graduation, she spent three years teaching history at a boarding school in Beaverdale, Wisconsin. When she learned of the opening at University Continued on page 5 A Publication of the
Rabbi Mark Schiftan will retire from the pulpit at The Temple at the end of June.
Guardian of Tradition, Agent of Change: Rabbi Mark Schiftan Retires from the Pulpit By BARBARA DAB
abbi Mark Schiftan, The Temple’s senior rabbi, and currently one of the longest serving rabbis in Nashville, is set to retire from his post at the end of June. His career spans more than three decades, during which time he has been instrumental in the growth of his congregation, as well as being a leader in building bridges between the Jewish community and its non-Jewish neighbors. Temple President Jimmy Marks, says he is happy Schiftan has reached this point, “The clergy’s job is to push us to find the best in ourselves. Rabbi Schiftan has done that, and more, over the years.” Schiftan views Judaism as a joyous celebration of life, a philosophy he inherited from his parents, both Holocaust survivors, who married in Shanghai after
World War II. They eventually settled in San Francisco and worked hard to put the past behind them. “My parents were new Americans who escaped a very dark past,” says Schiftan, “They were very celebratory of the gift of each day.” The family spoke German at home, belonged to a Conservative synagogue, and surrounded themselves with other immigrants. Schiftan says his parents were eager to pick up the pieces of Jewish life, and for them, rabbis and teachers were those role models. But over time, he found himself gravitating toward the more modern Reform movement. “To me it made sense for the American Jewish experience,” he says, “I liked the elegance and decorum of the services, which were mostly in English. I looked around, and people really knew what was being said.” But it was his summers spent at Camp Swig, a URJ camp
in the Bay Area, where Judaism came to life for him. “Camp made Judaism meaningful and joyous.” It was also at camp where he met his wife, Harriet. In addition to finding joy in Judaism, Schiftan says he was heavily influenced by the freedom and excitement of San Francisco. “The Bay Area is an incubator for social activism, for tolerance, for creative freedom,” he says. After completing his rabbinic training at Hebrew Union College, he began his career at San Francisco’s renowned Temple Emanu-El. “It was a dream. It was there I learned the art of delivering a sermon, among many other things.” He says during those years, he also attended many funerals of AIDS patients with whom he’d visited bedside. “It made a big impact on me. People were so far removed from the organized Jewish Continued on page 10
Jewish Federation to Send Delegation to Poland for Ukraine Aid Mission
he Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is sending a small delegation to Poland May 2-8. Eric Stillman, CEO of The Jewish Federation says, “This delegation representing our Jewish Federation will participate in a handson opportunity to assist Ukrainian refugees on the ground in Poland and bring desperately needed supplies to the Krakow JCC.” During the weeklong mission, participants will spend time in Warsaw visiting the local Jewish Community Center
Lisa Silver Retires as Cantorial Soloist at Congregation Micah, page 3
and learning about Ukrainian refugee assistance efforts by the American Joint Distribution Committee. They will also visit the Poland/Ukraine border, where, say Stillman, “These participants from Jewish Nashville will bear witness to the first-hand accounts of the Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion devastating their country.” The group will end their trip in Krakow at the local Jewish Community Center volunteering in the aid effort. As has been previously reported, most of the refugees are women and children. Currently the refugees are
Jewish Community Day Brings Everyone Together, page 11
being matched for home hospitality in the local community, but services are being provided at the JCC. Participants in this mission are Rabbi Joshua Kullock, Leslie Kirby, Steve Hirsch, Jacob Kleinrock, Fred Zimmerman, and Deborah Oleshansky. They will be bringing much-needed supplies, and a $20,000 donation from our Federation to purchase food for Ukrainian refugees. For those in the community wishing to send monetary donations, visit www.jewishnashville. org/ukraine. •
Health & Beuaty Special Section, page 15