The Observer Vol. 87 No. 6 – June 2022

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Vol. 87 No. 6 • June 2022

2 Sivan-1 Tamuz 5782

Mission to Poland participants pictured l. to r.: Fred Zimmerman, Jacob Kleinrock, Rabbi Joshua Kullock, Steve Hirsch, Deborah Oleshansky, Leslie Kirby.

Poland Refections By STEVEN HIRSCH

During the week of May 2nd, The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee sponsored a small delegation to Poland with the purpose of better understanding the refugee situation and providing some assistance to one particular group of Ukrainian refugees. One member of our group, Jacob Kleinrock, documented our progress with daily postings on Instagram. Rabbi Joshua Kullock, of West End Synagogue, also posted some material on Facebook along the way. Being the elder statesman of the group, I elected to do an old-fashioned journal and was able to write up a daily log of activities and observations. What follows is a summary of these journal entries in the form of my observations and lessons learned. Anyone who is interested in the full text of the journal is welcome to contact me and I will be happy to share.


et’s be clear from the outset. There was nothing dangerous or heroic about our trip. Rather, it was the fulfillment of an obligation on behalf of our Nashville Jewish community to understand what is happening with Ukrainian refugees and what assistance could make a difference. Personally, I had been feeling frustrated following the war news daily and not being able to do anything about it. When the opportunity to make this trip came along, I was grateful to be included. Here are my observations from the trip including some of the things that we learned along the way: • The refugee crisis will be with us for a long time. People who have lost their homes, their material possessions and their livelihoods will need help to get back on their feet for years to come. • According to Jonathan Ornstein, Director of the Krakow JCC, 97% of the refugees are women and children. Consequently, many of these families are looking to return to the Ukraine when it is safe to go back so that they can be reunited with husbands, fathers, and sons. Unlike other refugee situations where whole families are permanently resettled to other countries, many Continued on page 12 A Publication of the






ake a moment to think about your Jewish story. Think back to a time when your great-grandparents, or your grandparents, or parents (or maybe even yourself!) left behind the life they’d known in an instant and headed straight into the unknown. Now imagine that happening to your mother, or your daughter, or your sister. And your siblings, cousins, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews…and imagine it happening right this minute, maybe with explosions and gunfire in the background. Our Nashville group saw and heard those stories in Poland. We saw Ukrainian mothers and children lining up at the Krakow JCC food pantry, and we would have thought we were seeing a checkout line at our neighborhood grocery, were it not for the Ukrainian passports being shown instead of debit cards. These were not the bedraggled refugees of previous generations, they were in many ways a mirror image of our own society. Over 5 million people have left Ukraine, and over 2 million more are internally displaced. Yet the numbers alone, staggering as they are, can’t convey the sheer horror of the situation. To truly grasp the scope, our group had to sit with people who fled their homes and their lives, and to listen to their stories. We had to see the shock and pain in their faces. We had to try to understand that two weeks of running and hiding and sheltering has changed these people in ways we can’t fully comprehend. Yet for all the numbers and stories, it’s the small details that stand out. It’s the cracking voice of a Jewish Agency staff person, herself transplanted from Ukraine, who is helping refugees make their way to Israel, all while trying to stay in contact with her husband and parents who are still in Odessa. It’s the faces of kindergarteners learning English, whose mothers haven’t heard from their husbands in weeks…and wonder if they ever will. It’s the thousand-yard stare of a woman who spent a week in a basement, listenContinued on page 13 Local Businessman Launches Nonprofit to Send Humanitarian Drones to Ukraine, page 3

Gordon JCC’s Dara Freiberg Says Goodbye, page 8

n early May I had the honor of joining a small delegation from Nashville traveling to Poland to witness and assist in relief efforts for Ukrainian refugees. At that time, Poland was assisting over two million refugees fleeing violence and mayhem caused by the unprovoked Russian invasion into Ukraine. The refugees, primarily women and children, fled to Poland to seek safe shelter in a place as close as possible to home, since all eligible men ages 18-65 are required to stay in Ukraine to fight. Immediately as the war began in late February, Polish citizens took it upon themselves to drive to the Poland/ Ukraine border to take as many refugees as possible to safety. By the time we arrived, international and local Jewish organizations were fully engaged in the work and actively providing safe housing and other essential needs for these refugees, and we had the opportunity to see these efforts in action. In the days leading to our departure, we put out a call for essential urgently needed items like diapers, hygiene products, and over the counter medications. In only three full days of collection, the Nashville Jewish community generously gave over 1500lbs. of donations items. Through a connection with Delta Airlines, we were able to secure permission to bring with us 22 large bags and boxes (roughly 1000 lbs.) of these donated items to give directly to the agencies on the ground assisting refugees. One of these large bags was filled with stuffed animals collected by Akiva students and given directly to refugee children in Krakow, in addition to notes and cards of support collected by students at several congregations and local schools. There is something particularly engaging, inspiring and urgent about Ukraine – perhaps because of their brave, young and media savvy President and government leaders, perhaps because of the humanitarian crisis the Russians invasion caused by deliberately targeting civilian targets. Perhaps because that we can see ourselves Continued on page 13 Coupon Special Section, page 15

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