The Observer Vol. 86 No. 7 – July 2021

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Vol. 86 No. 7 • July 2021

Jewish Federation Elects Andrew May as New President at the 2021 Annual Meeting By BARBARA DAB


upport for Nashville’s Jewish community, commitment to Israel and outreach to an increasingly younger demographic are top priorities for The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee’s incoming President, Andrew May. At this year’s Annual Meeting, once again held virtually, May highlighted the community’s growth and strong financial base upon which to build a solid campaign. “We’ve got incredible strengths here in Nashville. A Andrew May, incomgrowing popula- ing President of The tion including a Jewish Federation and growing Jewish Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle population, tre- Tennessee mendous economic opportunity that is attracting talented people, a strong financial base in the Federation endowment and better financial performance in the operations of our key local constituent entities than I’ve seen in my 35 years of involvement in organized Jewish Nashville,” he said. In outlining his plans, May said in addition to the community’s strengths there are also challenges as traditional Jewish affiliations are declining. Additionally, he cited growing political polarization when it comes to support for Israel as another hurdle for fundraising. He charged the membership to redouble its commitment to providing support both locally and abroad and to continue to put Israel front and center of those efforts. “They’ve built a thriving nation Continued on page 7 A Publication of the


21 Tamuz - 22 Av 5781

A Line in the Sand: Use of Nazi Yellow Star Sparks Outrage and Prompts Reflection By BARBARA DAB


he most recent Pew Study of American Jews reports that the vast majority, more than 75%, believe that remembering the Holocaust is essential to being Jewish. Additionally, more than half of those surveyed report experiencing antisemitism in the last year, either by seeing some sort of anti-Jewish graffiti, being harassed online, being personally attacked or some other sort of discrimination. It is the intersection of those two experiences that sparked an outpouring of shock and anger after a Nashville hat vendor used a yellow Star of David with the words, “Not Vaccinated,” in the middle to protest what she believes is government overreach in fighting the COVID19 pandemic. The incident centers around a social media post by HatWRKS shop owner Gigi Gaskins who says she was selling the patches as a means of expressing solidarity with the Jewish victims in Nazi Germany who were marked for deportation to concentration camps and

forced to wear the yellow star. “I did not make it up,” she says, “I saw videos of protests in Israel and other countries using the star to protest the vaccines, so there is precedent there. I am on the side of those who experienced the atrocities.” The post, which Gaskins removed within a few hours, nonetheless sparked outrage both within Nashville’s Jewish community and outside of it. A grassroots protest was quickly planned and fell on Shabbat, meaning it was not organized by any local Jewish organization, and attracted a wide range of people from the greater Nashville community. Many of her vendors immediately ended their relationship with her business, most notably high profile Stetson Hats. (Stetson could not be reached for comment.) Within a couple of days, Gaskins issued an apology through the same social media platform. Many who read it say it was not sincere and missed the point of what she did. Gaskins says the rush to judgement and protest was unwarranted and unfair. “One rabbi

I spoke with said she disagreed with almost everything I laid out, from my perspective. I felt like they wanted a sacrificial apology that I was ignorant and wrong and nothing short of that was going to be satisfactory.” She says she was even called a liar by one of her vendors. She acknowledges the biggest outcry did not come from the Jewish community, but rather it is the result of cancel culture. “Empathy is gone from the public eye. People pick a side and hate those on the other side. So I proved the point I was trying to make.” Still there are those for whom the use of the yellow star, in the fashion used by Gaskins, is both painful and traumatizing. Frances Cutler Hahn, 83, was born in Paris, France to Polish parents. They placed her in a Catholic children’s home to protect her from the Nazis. Her mother perished in Auschwitz and her father, who was in the French Resistance, died from combat wounds. She now lives in Nashville near her Continued on page 4

Jewish Federation Announces 2021/22 Grants By BARBARA DAB


he Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee is distributing about $2 million to organizations, congregations and agencies throughout the local Jewish community here in Nashville and Middle Tennessee, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The grants are the single largest infusion of funds that support services and programs locally each year and represent approximately 85% of the total funds raised by The Jewish Federation annual campaign. Jewish Federation CEO Eric Stillman says, “We are pleased to be able to provide assistance to every single agency and congregation in our community. And this year we once again were impressed by the applications for Innovation Grants.” And according to outgoing Grants Committee Co-Chair Gary Fradkin, the recent Pew Study report provided insights in how best to engage and support the community. “We looked at the implications of the study results and knew we had to continue to support creative programming and Understanding the Progressive Movement and Israel, page 2

Becca Groner, Shea Northfield and Rose Capin, founding residents of Nashville’s new Moishe House, plan for their upcoming move-in and opening. Moishe House is the recipient of a Jewish Federation Innovation Grant.

involve untraditional populations, particularly young people who are not yet involved in a big way,” he says. This year early efforts at re-tooling the grants process paid off. Fradkin says, “We began earlier than usual to think about this year. We were challenged JFS Annual Meeting, page 13

to create a process coming out of a pandemic and to engage committee members in new ways.” One of the key changes implemented this year was the creation of four committee sub-groups, each tasked with a different aspect of Continued on page 6

Back To School

Back To School Section, page 21

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