The Observer Vol. 88 No. 8 – August 2023

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Vol. 88 No. 8 • August 2023

14 Av - 14 Elul 5783

Department of Homeland Security Identifies Nashville for Continuing Engagement By BARBARA DAB


Observer editor Barbara Dab won two Simon Rockower Awards for her news reporting in 2022.

The Jewish Observer Picks up Two Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism By LESLIE KIRBY, PRESIDENT, JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER NASHVILLE


e are proud to announce that our amazing editor, Barbara Dab, won two Simon Rockower Awards at last month’s American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) conference in New Orleans. The first award was in the category of Excellence in News Reporting for her story, “Adoption Lawsuit Raises Questions of Government Funded Discrimination,” from the February 2022 Observer. This article discusses the tragic story of a Jewish family being denied the ability to adopt by a state-funded Christian adoption agency. The second award was in the category Excellence in Covering Zionism, Aliyah and Israel, for her story, “Ethiopian National Project is Making an Impact from Israel to Nashville,” from the January 2022 Observer. Continued on page 7 A Publication of the


he Biden administration recently released a report detailing a national strategy for combatting antisemitism. The report highlighted the fact that although Jews account for just over 2% of the U.S. population, they account for 63% of religiously motivated hate crimes. The report includes more than 100 steps the administration plans to take to raise awareness of antisemitism, to protect Jewish communities, and to build relationships with allies. It is against this backdrop that the Department of Homeland Security is including Nashville in its engagement with impacted communities across the country. DHS officials met last month with community leaders, clergy, school personnel, and staff of the Jewish Federation

of Greater Nashville as the first step in their efforts. Leslie Kirby, president of the Jewish Federation, says, “We’re very appreciative of the Biden administration’s efforts to tackle the alarming increase in antisemitism. It is a very positive sign that they are sending federal representatives to local Jewish communities to hear firsthand what people are experiencing.” According to Brenda Abdelall, Assistant Secretary of DHS in the Office of Partnership and Engagement, “We participated in listening sessions hosted by the White House to develop strategies for dealing with antisemitism. The strategies came from the close to, if not over, 1,000 participants.” Abdelall says that each community represented at the listening sessions presented different needs based on support and resources available. In Nashville,

concerns about the rise in antisemitism have escalated over the last year resulting from the distribution of antisemitic flyers in local neighborhoods, and the defacing of homes with swastikas and other racist tropes. Samantha Vinograd, Assistant Secretary of DHS in the office of Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention, says, “No one should be concerned about their safety because of their faith. We have seen an unacceptable rise in violent crime, including antisemitism. The strategy we published included, in our view, things necessary to protect the homeland from threats.” One of the neighborhoods targeted by the antisemitic flyers surrounds West End Synagogue. Board president Barry Allen attended the DHS meeting to both Continued on page 8

Jewish Family Service to Highlight Volunteers at Upcoming Event By BARBARA DAB


ave a great day and better tomorrows.” According to Liat Zilberman, this simple phrase has encouraged her, sustained her, and inspired her. It was uttered by her friend Mario, one of the Golden Lunch Bunch participants she befriended as a Jewish Family Service volunteer. And this month, JFS is hosting a special event in appreciation of volunteers like Zilberman. According to Pam Kelner, executive director of JFS, “Each year, over 125 people give of their time and talent to reinforce and support the efforts of our staff. The time and compassion given by volunteers enhances the lives of our clients by helping them feel less isolated and more connected to the Jewish community.” Jamie Maresca is the program coordinator for Helping Hands. She says, “I am incredibly grateful for our volunteers. Without them, our programs would not be possible. As the Helping Hands program coordinator, I take care of the logistics, matching volunteers with older adults in the community, ordering food for lunches, coordinating Shabbat Service leaders, but the volunteers bring The Temple introduces first cantorial intern: Aspiring cantor Ayla Schwartz leads prayers, teaches Sunday school, page 4

Golden Lunch Bunch Purim Party. Pictured left to right: Beth Barnett, Jamie Maresca, Liat Zilberman.

the heart and soul into our programs.” The Helping Hands programs include Jacob’s Ladder that assists older adults with household tasks, the Golden Lunch Bunch, monthly Shabbat services, companion visits, and much more. Maresca Finding Jewish Identity, Adventure, and Connections in Israel, page 6

says the personal benefits extend both ways. “The volunteers make personal connections with the people they serve. This benefits both the volunteer and the older adult. The volunteer is expanding his or her roots within the Jewish community, and the older adult is not only getting a necessary task completed, but they are making a social connection as well.” Zilberman, for example, also volunteers as a buddy to another of the community’s seniors, and visits and calls throughout the month. She says she was already volunteering at another local organization but was also looking for opportunities within the Jewish community. “When I found JFS, I thought I could do something valuable within my community.” she says. Those who volunteer typically say they receive much more than they give. “My favorite Helping Hands stories are the ones that start with a volunteer and older adult being matched and end with a long-lasting friendship that goes beyond the Helping Hands program,” says Maresca. Zilberman, who is from Israel, says the time spent with her new Continued on page 7 All Things Seniors Special Section page 21

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