bserver O
the Jewish
Vol. 84 No. 10 • October 2019
Seloff, Fox honorees for Presidents Award
The Jewish Federation and Jewish ment. In 1986 she became the full-time Foundation of Nashville and Middle TenEndowment Fund Director, retiring in nessee will present the 2019 President’s 2001. Award to Charlotte Seloff, and posthuBorn on Dec. 31, 1920, Fox attended mously to Gilbert S. Fox. public elementary schools in Davidson The celebration, featuring guest speakCounty and Duncan Preparatory High er Avraham Infeld, will be on Nov. 17 at School in Nashville. The son of Gilbert J. 5:30 p.m., at the Gordon Jewish Commuand Natelle Hirsch Fox, he graduated from nity Center’s Pargh Auditorium. Vanderbilt in 1942; and, having earlier The President’s Award was established volunteered for the U.S. Navy, immediatein 2012 and is the organizations’ highest ly entered Midshipman School at Notre and most prestigious award. It is presented Dame and Columbia University, earning to individuals who have a distinguished rethe rank of Ensign and then teaching navicord of commitment to the gation to new naval students. Jewish people through their He later served as commandexemplary philanthropy, ing officer of an LSM 80 in dedicated community serthe Pacific Ocean. vice and betterment of JewHaving married Lois ish life in Nashville, Israel, Kuhn in 1943, Fox returned and worldwide. to Nashville upon his disA Nashville native, Seloff charge from the Navy, and spent almost two decades as began a 35-year business cadirector of the Federation’s reer with the family’s chain endowment fund. of retail stores: Kuhn’s 5, 10 After attending North& 25 Cent Stores, Kuhn’s western University, she Variety Stores and Big K married Ensign Leonard Discount Stores. They raised Seloff in 1954, then moved three energetic boys and he to California for three years, pursued his lifelong passion followed by three years in Gilbert S. Fox and commitment to volunMurfreesboro. In 1960, she teerism and philanthropy. returned “home” to NashNationally, he was an ville. officer and board member She became active in of the National Jewish WelFederation and at West fare Board and was actively End Synagogue, chairing engaged with a number of the telethon for the FederJewish historical societies. ation’s women’s division. Locally, Fox was president In 1972, she participated of the Jewish Community in the Women’s Division Center, championing maCampaign Chairman’s Misjor fundraising drives and sion to Iran, after which she expanding membership toured the region speaking through new programming to smaller Jewish communiand activities. He was active ties. in the Federation’s Annual At WES, Seloff was Charlotte Seloff Campaigns, served on its president of the Sisterhood, board, and he and Lois were then in 1982 became the congregation’s founding members of the Jewish Foundafirst female president. tion of Nashville. He was also a lifetime In 1984, she was hired by the Federamember of Temple Ohabai Sholom where tion to be the Endowment Fund Develophe served in numerous capacities. ment Director, a part-time position. She Fox was also involved with the Nashalso staffed other Federation committees, ville Chamber of Commerce, the United including trips to Israel for Nashville Jewish teens, and Young Leadership DevelopContinued on page 10
Tishrei 5780
Hearing The Candidates
Photo by Rick Malkin
The Federation’s Community Relations Committee hosted a Metro Council At Large Candidate Forum at the Gordon Jewish Community Center prior to the recent runoff election. All eight of the candidates for the four remaining at large seats participated. Front Row: Burkley Allen, Sheri Weiner, Sharon Hurt, Zulfat Suara. Back Row: Gary Moore, Fabian Bedne, Steve Glover, Howard Jones.
What Does It Mean To Build Community? By NAOMI LIMOR SEDEK
We at the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee build Jewish community. What does it mean to build community? Community is built in concentric circles, through design and support, beginning with the individual and rippling out. Building a Jewish community starts at home, where we raise our families, develop relationships and pass down our traditions from generation to generation. It spreads out from there to our Synagogues and Jewish communal gathering spaces, where we develop our spiritual homes and sense of community. In Nashville and Middle Tennessee, you will find homes that belong to multiple congregations, a truly pluralistic expression of Judaism, and homes that seek spiritual expression without walls. While personal connections to institutions abound, the Jewish Federation
weaves together opportunities for cross-collaboration so that Jews from around the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area have the opportunity to build connections and relationships that strengthen our greater Nashville Jewish community as a whole. With about 0.2 percent of the world population identifying as Jewish, we have to explore and connect beyond our geographical boarders. We connect with Jewish communities in North America and support Jewish communities in over 70 countries around the world. Close to half of the world’s Jewish population lives in Israel, and they are part of our Jewish family. Federation works to build these connections between Jewish people around the world who are not physically connected. Each concentric circle builds on the next and ensures a strong vibrant Jewish Continued on page 2
A Publication of the Hamilton and Vanderbilt Hillel page 3
New Middle School Volleyball Team Debuts page 12
Sukkot Events page 27