the Jewish
bserver Vol. 82 No. 2 • February 2017
5 Sh’vat-2 Adar 5777
With Super Bowl party and Purim Masquerade, NowGen Nashville aims to do good while having fun
n addition to enjoying the typical Super Bowl munchies and libations, the young Jewish professionals who gather for NowGen Nashville’s Super Bowl party on Feb. 5 will be doing a mitzvah: As they watch the Atlanta Falcons play the New England Patriots, they will be stuffing “necessity bags” that will be taken to a shelter for the homeless after the game. “While many of us would likely watch the game alone at home or at a bar, this provides a chance to socialize with other Jews in our cohort and give back to the community at the same time,” said Abby Kaye-Phillips, who has been involved in planning the event. The Super Bowl Party/Mitzvah Day event is an example of NowGen’s effort to incorporate Jewish philanthropy and voluntarism into social events,
said Ellie Flier, co-chair of NowGen, a group for Jewish professionals ages 22-40 established by the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. “Since many young professionals’ lives are extremely busy, combining both a fun social event and a mitzvah project is a great use of time,” Flier said. Another example comes next month when NowGen holds its annual Purim Masquerade. The party is one of NowGen’s biggest social events of the year, but the proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships go directly to the Federation’s annual campaign, which helps fund more than 70 local, national and international programs and services. “NowGen is one of those programs,” said Marissa Wertheimer, a NowGen member who is helping to plan the Continued on pages 2
Super Bowl Party/ Mitzvah Day When: Sunday, Feb. 5, 4:30 p.m. Where: 1515 Demonbreun (in the Jam Room) Cost: Free For information about items to bring for the homeless, contact Carolyn Hecklin Hyatt at or visit the NowGen Facebook page.
Tiechtel family returns to its roots in Slovakia to honor a forebear and the “golden chain” By CHARLES BERNSEN
ast December, in the week before Chanukah, an unusual scene took place in the little Slovakian town of Piestany: Eight members of the Tiechtel family representing four generations locked arms and walked down a street in the central square, singing Am Yisrael Chai and chanting proudly and loudly a portion of the traditional morning prayer that begins, “Blessed is He who has created us for His glory …” Piestany, a resort town with a population of 14,000, has almost no Jews, and the mini-parade drew more than a few quizzical looks from townspeople who couldn’t have known that the seven rabbis and child had traveled there from three continents to celebrate their family’s Jewish heritage and honor a famous forebear, Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Tiechtel. “We had a Jewish pride parade right there in the square,” said Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel of Chabad of Nashville, the oldest great grandson of Rabbi Yissachar. “And as we walked down the street A Publication of the
chanting that prayer, I can tell you that I felt my great grandfather’s spirit right there chanting along with us.” Rabbi Tiechtel and his wife, Esther, were among 17 members of the Tiechtel family who made the trip, which was arranged to celebrate the 70th birthday of, Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Tiechtel, Rabbi Yitzchok’s father and the oldest grandson of famous rabbi of Piestany. Their impromptu parade was a kind of triumphant re-enactment of a dark event that occurred in 1938, when Nazi youths forced Rabbi Yissachar, the head of a local yeshiva and chief of the rabbinical court for that region, to watch the public humiliation of his teenage sons on that very spot. As stones rained down on them, the boys recited the morning prayer, “Blessed is He who created us to honor Him.” “We wanted to say what they did where they said it,” said Rabbi Yitzchok. “There was something spiritual about being able to say the same words in the same place.” Rabbi Yitzchok said his family has for many years described their Jewish heritage as an unbroken “golden chain,” that Continued on pages 4 Local educators build on Partnership 2Gether friendships in Israel page 7
Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel of Nashville and his father, Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Tiechtel (second and third from left) parade with other members of the family in the Piestany town square. The banner behind them reads, “Journey to our Roots in Piestany in honor of the 70th birthday celebration of our dear father, Yisachar Shlomo Tiechtel.” Vandy throws a birthday celebration for Ben Schulman page 17
Camps Special Section page 11