the bserver inside: Jewish
Federation annual meeting set for June 18; incoming President Carol Hyatt will focus on communication and involvement
Master schmoozer Joel Abramson headed to Brandeis
Steve Hirsch offers final thoughts From the Campaign Trail
Sherith Israel hires assistant rabbi
Photo collage features JFS award for the Mays, Akiva grads and more
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A Publication of VOL.79 NO. 6 June 2014 3 Sivan 2 Tammuz 5774
ot long after moving to Nashville nine years ago from the suburbs of the nation’s capital, Carol Hyatt became a member of the grants committee of the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. She felt it was a good opportunity to learn more not only about how the Federation distributes funds but also about the Jewish community in general. “I never envisioned it would come to this,” said Hyatt, who will be become the Federation’s next president at its annual meeting on Wednesday, June 18. Federation Executive Director Mark S. Freedman said Hyatt is uniquely qualified to take over as president after having served on the committee that initiated Best Jewish Nashville, the Federation’s new model for planning and priority-setting that has enhanced cooperation among local Jewish agencies and institutions and resulted in a large number of new initiatives to address the community’s needs. Hyatt will be among nine new officers and board members installed at the annual meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. at the Gordon Jewish Community Center. It will be followed by a dessert reception.All members of the Nashville Jewish community are invited. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by June 16 to Barbara Schwarcz at or (615) 354-1630. In addition to the election and installation of the new board, the agenda for the meeting includes honoring outgoing President Andy May and two other members of the community. Raymond Zimmerman will receive the President’s Award, which was established in 2012 to recognize individuals for exceptional service to the Nashville Jewish community, Israel and Jews around the globe. (The previous recipients were Sandy Averbuch and Bob Eisenstein.) Board member Mindy Hirt will receive the Young Leadership Award. Hyatt and her husband, Larry, chief financial officer of Cracker Barrel, moved to Nashville in 2005 from Beltsville, MD, where they had helped start a new synagogue. She has
been deeply involved in Best J e w i s h Nashville, serving on and chairing the committee overseeing implementation of the new planCarol Hyatt ning and grant process over the past three years. “It has been so rewarding to be
part of the effort to re-envision and improve what we do,” she said. “And I am very excited about being in a position to move it forward over the next two years.” In addition to refining Best Jewish Nashville, Hyatt has two other related goals during her tenure as president. The first is to improve communication with the Jewish community. “When people learn about what the Continued on page 4 Calling
All Get Connected alumni and their parents All members of NowGen Nashville Past participants of Israel Experience programs Though you may not know it, the cost of your program was partially underwritten by funds established through the generosity of Raymond Zimmerman and his family with the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennesse.* So please join us for our annual meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 18 at the Gordon Jewish Community Center to say
THE FEDERATION’S 2014 PRESIDENT’S AWARD RECIPIENT To RSVP, contact Barbara Schwarcz at or call her at 615-354-1630. *The Raymond and Etta Zimmerman Fund for Special Projects and the Mary and Harry Zimmerman Family Youth Exchange Endowment Fund for Israel.
Nashville celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut with food, music and torch-lighting ceremony
t was 29 years ago that Risha Arkovitz read an article in The Jewish Observer about a new program started by an Israel army general that was bringing volunteers from around the world to the Jewish state to do nonmilitary work at Israel Defense Forces installations. “It sounded interesting and a bit intriguing,” said Arkovitz. So she and her husband signed up. Since then she’s been back 23 more times as a participant in the Volunteers for Israel program, known as Sar-El in Israel. She’s installed headphones in helmets, packed medical supplies, assembled antennas and cleaned warehouses. But perhaps her most interesting job has been repairing tank engines. Continued on page 3
Risha Arkovitz lights one of the torches at the May 6 Yom Ha’atzmaut ceremony. Assisting her is Harriet Schiftan, planning director for the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee. PHOTOS BY JACK L. KOCH JR.