The Observer Vol. 77 No. 11 – June 8, 2012

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the bserver inside: Jewish

Middle East scholar to speak on ‘Arab Spring – One Year Later’

Rabbinic group guidelines for same-sex wedding 2 JFS awarded grant from Rosenblum Foundation


Five chosen for leadership program in Israel 3 The Temple awarded URJ Incubator Grant


Sections Letters 4 Commentary & opinion 5 Lifecycles 5

By Kathy Carlson


arak Barfi, a Middle East scholar researcher and noted journalist, will speak on “The Arab Spring – One Year Later” on Thurs., June 21, at 7:15 p.m. at the Gordon Jewish Community Center. He has written extensively about Libya and spent six months there during last year’s civil war that ousted longtime dictator Muammar Qaddafi. The event is part of the series “Increase Your Israel IQ: From Argument to Advocacy” funded by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Nashville’s New Initiatives Fund and organized by the Federation’s Community Relations Committee. Barfi grew up in Detroit and studied at the University of Michigan and Columbia University. “I specialize in Arab and Islamic affairs,” he said in a telephone interview. “I travel a lot in the region (and) get to talk with decision makers and people on the ground. … I’m on the road most of the time.” His articles have appeared in the Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and other publications. He is also a frequent commentator on CNN, BBC, MSNBC, Fox News, and France 24, and has testified before Congress about the threats posed by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Barfi said he’ll talk about how the tions, problems the United States can Arab Spring movement in the Middle help it address,” Barfi said. LongEast is affecting Israel, particularly as term, he is optimistic about Libya’s secular, pro-West Arab regimes are future because of its natural resources, being replaced with regimes that are relatively small population, and a more Islamist, more regionally lack of the history of violence that focused and not so sensinations such as Yemen tive to Western concerns. have experienced. “We’ll look at how Barfi said it’s importhese Islamic groups that tant not only to examine have traditionally been the statements Islamist hostile to Western influleaders make, but also to ence in the Islamic world, examine what they do. how their coming to Egypt’s leaders, he said, power will change the “control a population of equation” in their rela85 million people and Barak Barfi tions with Israel and the they have to feed this popWest, he said. ulation every day. (They) have bigLibya, he said, has 6.5 million ger things to worry about than the people and the capacity to produce Israeli blockade.” 1.6 million barrels of oil a day. “Should we take people at face Currently, there’s a security vacuum value for what they say?” he asks in Libya, a lack of the rule of law, he rhetorically. “In this situation we said, referring to a recent incident in probably shouldn’t take them at face which a group of militiamen, after value. We should see how power their leader was arrested, took over sobers them to the realities of governthe airport in Tripoli in a bid to get ing.” He says he’ll offer “specific him released. “People take the law examples and nuances” to better into their own hands and create spec- understand how the words of the tacles” to gain leverage to get what Arab world’s new leaders compare they want, Barfi said. The militia and with their actions. the government eventually negotiatThose planning to attend the ed their issues and the airport was event are asked to RSVP to baropen and operating the next day, For more according to news reports. information, contact Judy Saks, CRC “Libya lacks technical capacity director, at and has weak government institu- or 354-1637. c

Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan to perform for community at GJCC


A Publication of VOL.77 NO. 11 June 8, 2012 18 Sivan 5772

he Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan will be in Nashville for two performances at the Gordon Jewish Community Center this month as well as spending time with campers at Camp Davis. The performances, free and open to the public, will be on Thurs., June 14, at 6:30 p.m., and Fri., June 15, at 2 p.m. The Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan is part of a larger delegation of approximately 100 teenage scouts who travel to North America each summer to represent the land of Israel. Using song, dance, and storytelling, the Israel Scouts celebrate the Jewish heritage and bring the sights and sounds of Israel to life. Each summer the Israel Scouts visit Nashville for a few days in June.

Host families are needed to help house the members of the Israel Scouts Friendship Caravan one night. If you are interested in hosting or

would like more information about the Israel Scouts performance, contact or 615/354-1625. c

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