The Observer Vol. 80 No. 8 – August 2015

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Vol. 80 No. 8 • August 2015

16 Av-16 Elul 5775

For 22 Nashville teens, Get Connected adventure in Israel was a life-changing experience


hey rode camels in the Judean desert, floated in the salty water of the Dead Sea, hiked to the top of a mountain in the Negev, watched the sun rise from the top of Masada, walked through the narrow streets of Jerusalem’s Old City, danced and prayed at the Kotel, and perhaps most important, spent five nights in the homes of Israeli families in Hadera. As much fun as it was, the 22 Nashville teenagers who returned from a two-week Get Connected exchange trip last month will tell you that it was more than just a great adventure. It was a transformative experience that created enduring connections to the land and people of Israel – and to their own Jewish heritage. The Observer asked the Get Connected teens to talk about the trip and how it affected them. Among those who responded was Emily Ritchart, who acknowledged that before the trip, “I did not really feel connected to Israel … I just did not understand why everyone loved it so much, and how Jews could just pick up their lives and move to a completely different part of the world.” Her experience in Israel changed that.

The Get Connected Nashville teens enjoy a spontaneous dance near the Western Wall. by Jack Koch

“The moment everything made sense to me was at the Kotel on Shabbat,” she said. “The girls on the trip got in a circle and started dancing and singing to some of our favorite Jewish songs. Soon complete strangers came and joined the circle. Our small Get Connected circle soon included most of the people visiting


the sacred wall that night! Complete strangers became one, connected by our love of Judaism and Israel.” This was the eighth year the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee has underwritten the Get Connected exchange program, which is aimed at building connections to Israel

Taking care of our own


nachnu kan – we are here. On July 13, we embarked on the Campaign Chairs and Directors Mission to Tbilisi, Georgia and Israel. It was an honor to represent NowGen Nashville as part of a young adult leadership delegation on this mission sponsored by the Jewish Federations of North America. We were privileged to see firsthand how the Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee, along with other federations throughout North America, are making Jewish life possible for communities in Georgia and Israel. Continued on page 2

A Publication of the


See page 3 for more photos and accounts of the trip by the Get Connected teens.

Tell us what you think about the Iran deal


Fred Zimmerman provides a firsthand report on the situation in Ukraine. Page 6.

through exchange trips that send Nashville area teens to Israel and brings Israeli teenagers to Music City. Joining Emily on the trip from June 9-23 were Jordyn Attias, Adam Bednowitz, Gal Crouvi, Hannah Diskin, Riley Fobare, Silas Gelman, Brittan Gilmore, Sarah Goldstein, Natalie Hershey, Vivian Herzog, Sam Jacobson, Megan Kasselberg, Eleanor Koch, Ryan Kosson, Tanner McCormick, Isabel Morin, Jeremy Seloff, Talia Stein, Jonathan Stout, Margot Suchet and Ashley Wall. They were joined by their friend, Yotan Yemin, a former Nashville resident who moved to Israel last year, and were chaperoned by Christina Davidson, Jack Koch and Liron Finkelstein, the shlicah (Israeli emissary) for Nashville. “It was a unique opportunity to see all the wonderful sites through the eyes of the teenagers.” Finkelstein said. “I feel even more blessed because I got to hear from them about the moement when it just clicked for them – what Israel is and what it means to them.” •

O Batia and Aron Karabel dance with seniors at Chesed House, one of many Federation-funded community centers that serve poor and elderly Jews throughout Georgia. Photos by by Naomi Sedek

Coasting through Jewish history in Cochin, India page 5

New theater group at GJCC will assemble a diverse company to perform at unusual venues page 9

n Page 19 is a statement by Federation President Carol Hyatt and Executive Director Mark S. Freedman about the recent agreement between Iran and the United States and five other world powers. With the U.S. Congress now debating whether to approve or reject the deal, The Observer invites readers to tell us what they think. Letters of no more than 250 words should be submitted by Aug. 15 to Editor Charles Bernsen at We’ll post them online and run a representative sample in the September issue. •

Israeli teens welcomed by Nashville’s Jewish community page 10

All Things Seniors special section page 11

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