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the Jewish
Vol. 84 No. 9 • September 2019
Elul 5759
Representing the 615
First Lady Maria Lee speaks to the TGIT group at the Gordon JCC
First Lady Touts Service For full coverage of Team Nashville at the JCC Maccabi Games in Atlanta, see page 21
Save the Date President’s Award Celebration of the Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee Honoring Charlotte Seloff and Gilbert S. Fox (posthumously)
Sunday, November 17, 2019 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Gordon JCC Pargh Auditorium Hors d’oeuvres and dessert will be served More information to follow For questions, contact Barbara Schwarcz at 615-354-1630 or
Visits Gordon JCC to speak about Tennessee Serves volunteerism initiative With years of experience as a volunteer for a wide range of causes, Tennessee First Lady Maria Lee is a passionate advocate for volunteerism in the Volunteer State. On Aug. 1, she brought that enthusiasm to the Gordon Jewish Community Center as she promoted her new initiative, Tennessee Serves, at the Thank Goodness It’s Thursday luncheon. Lee said the initiative is a “three-part plan to serve, highlight and mobilize Tennesseans to help each other and their communities.” She hopes the project becomes “the embodiment of loving thy neighbor as thyself.” The Office of the First Lady uses their website,, as a resource for service ideas and volunteer work. Every month, there is a service challenge. The one for August was working with seniors, with many suggestions on how to do that. Those who volunteer are urged to spread the word on social media by using a #TennesseeServes hashtag. During the summer, there was a Tennessee Kids Serve challenge, where participants could log service hours, with top participants invited to a celebration at the Tennessee Residence. The website has descriptions of numerous agencies that can use volunteers, with links to many more. While the initiative is statewide, much of the effort focuses on 15 rural distressed counties “I can think of no better way to spend my time as first lady,” she said. The Nashville Jewish community recently undertook its own project to expand volunteer opportunities, with the Nashville and Middle Tennessee Jewish Community Volunteer Portal, a website that lists a wide range of volunteer opportunities in the Jewish and general communities. Some projects are for a day, while others are long-term commitments. The site can be accessed at
A Publication of the Joint Jewish, Muslim Volunteer Effort page 8
Welcoming Our New Shlicha page 10
Rosh Bash Turns 10 page 29