GABRIEL BLIKSHTEYN Son of Yakov Blikshteyn and Ilana Rachshtut PARKLAND HIGH SCHOOL Gabriel will attend Muhlenberg College to study sports medicine and play soccer. SHAYNA BLIKSHTEYN Daughter of Yakov Blikshteyn and Ilana Rachshtut PARKLAND HIGH SCHOOL Shayna will attend the Pennsylvania State University to study medicine and radiology. MEGAN GROB Daughter of Robert and Tracy Grob JACK M. BARRACK HEBREW ACADEMY DECA Business Club president, regional vice president of BBYO, Widener Memorial Club president, math tutor, Young Entrepreneur Club president, varsity tennis captain, Friendship Circle volunteer, Camelot volunteer, French Club president. Megan plans to attend Wake Forest University. MATTHEW HAZAN Son of Adam and Sally Hazan EMMAUS HIGH SCHOOL National Society of High School Scholars award Matthew is planning to attend college as a premed student. KYLIE KNAFO Daughter of Heidi and Jerry Knafo PARKLAND HIGH SCHOOL Law Club founder and president, student council president, student senate secretary, Parkland Community Advisory Council, Parkland School District Student Leadership Council, Mathematics National Honor Society, National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Country Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center volunteer, Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley volunteer Kylie will attend Muhlenberg College in the fall. ZOE LACHTER* Daughter of Jessica Cooperman and Hartley Lachter LEHIGH VALLEY CHARTER SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS Valedictorian, National Honor Society, editor in chief of the Performer school newspaper, editor of the school literary magazine Rukus, Student
Diversity Council, Senior Literary Arts Council, Moxie feminist club, Chess Club. Zoe plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania. TALIA MARKOWITZ* Daughter of Lisa and Dr. Moshe Markowitz JACK M. BARRACK HEBREW ACADEMY Lehigh Valley Hospital volunteer, Jewish Family Service Food Pantry volunteer, JFS Better Together program participant, JCC lifeguard, Congregation Sons of Israel youth group babysitter, Super 8 Film Club founding member, Jewish Philosophy Club founding member, NCSY Israel ID, school cafe musical performances. Talia will attend the University of Maryland, College Park, in the fall, majoring in kinesiology. NOAH OXFELD Son of Gary and Jennifer Oxfeld PARKLAND HIGH SCHOOL National Honor Society, Mathematics National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, senior class officer, Jewish Culture Club founder and president, Future Business Leaders of America vice president, Investing Club president, Entrepreneurship Club president and vice president, Lehigh University High School Scholar, Kenneth Leventhal StandWithUs Intern, Allentown AZA Gadol and Moreh, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Student of the Year co-candidate, varsity tennis. Noah will attend Northwestern University. KELLER POOLEY Daughter of Jeff Pooley and Karen Beck Pooley LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL Diving team captain and 2023 district champion placing fifth at the state championship, National Honor Society, Special Olympics volunteer. Keller plans to attend Colorado College. ARI POWERS* Son of Joanna and Jonathan Powers JACK M. BARRACK HEBREW ACADEMY Jewish Leadership Initiative, NCSY, varsity lacrosse. Ari will attend the University of Hartford
MITCHELL DAVID ROSENTHAL* Son of Jarrod and Nicole Rosenthal JACK M. BARRACK HEBREW ACADEMY DECA vice president, Jewish Leadership Initiative, Gabbai school minyan, Mini-Thon treasurer, varsity lacrosse, Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake lifeguard and camp counselor. Mitchell will enroll in the Columbia UniversityJewish Theological Seminary Joint Program to pursue a dual degree in computer science and Talmud. LUISA SUNSHINE* Daughter of Feather Frazier and Ron Sunshine WILLIAM ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL National Honor Society, Mathematics Honor Society, Science Honor Society, Student Government, Canary Ambassadors, Canaries for Life, William Allen Construction Company, homecoming queen, HALA. She will attend the Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences. TATYANA ULMAN Daughter of Janet and Michael Ulman BRANDYWINE HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL Girl Scout Gold Award, Girl Scout Trifecta Award, Tri-M Music Honor Society president, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Spanish Club secretary, Key Club vice president, choir president, concert band president, marching band, founder of Brandywine Heights Clothing Circle (provides free clothing to the community), Brandywine Heights School Board student representative, Congregation Keneseth Israel Madrahim (Hebrew teacher). Tatyana plans to attend Franklin and Marshall College to study biology on a premed track with a Spanish minor. TALIA VAKNIN* Daughter of Lora and Sharone Vaknin JACK M. BARRACK HEBREW ACADEMY Israel Club president, swim team, BBYO Allentown BBG president, Camp JCClifeguard, StandWithUs intern, Jewish Day School volunteer. The will attend the University of Maryland, College Park. *ATTENDED JEWISH DAY SCHOOL HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | JUNE 2023 23