Fuels Fix - Spring 2018

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PROPANE POWERED SCHOOL BUS AMERIGAS CARES ABOUT THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE With the AmeriGas Clean Community Grant, eligible School Districts have the opportunity to replace their diesel buses and receive up to $5,000.00 per newly purchased propane powered school bus.* This grant is dependent on the total number of propane powered buses acquired and placed into operation during the specified time period. School Districts that choose propane powered school buses are making a smart decision for their schools, their students and their communities.

For more information and to apply, please contact: Lower Emissions

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*The AmeriGas Clean Community Grant Program applies to new dedicated propane powered (bi-fuel engines not eligible) school buses that will be directly placed into operational service. School Districts must apply for eligibility and meet and obide by the terms and conditions of the AmeriGas Clean Community Grant. Buses must be powered by AmeriGas propane AutoGas with a minimum 3 year agreement required. AmeriGas Clean Community Grant Program funds are dispersed on a one-time annual basis.

David Rigney National Accounts Manager


david.rigney@amerigas.com 1-800-AmeriGas (263-7442) / www.amerigas.com

Source: www.propane.com and ROUSHcleantech.com


Research Tool Introduced to Help Car Buyers Compare EVs & Traditional Vehicles pp. 29-30 Midwest EVOLVE

Idaho National Lab Switches to Renewable Diesel & Idle-Reduction Technologies in Buses p. 24 Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities

Kansas City & Central Kansas Clean Cities: On the Move in 2018 p. 21 Kansas City Regional Clean Cities

EV Fleet Change Management: Thinking Beyond Procurement p. 27

Hawaii Mayors’ Proclamation: Committing to 100% Renewable Ground Transportation by 2045 pp. 15-16 Clean Transportation Coalition Hawai’i

San Diego Regional Clean Cities

AMERICAN BEAUTY - Representation pp. 31-32 3

Four Myths about “Clean” Diesel School Buses pp. 19-20 ROUSH CleanTech

Energy Independence Summit 2018: A BIG Success! pp. 17-18 Transportation Energy Partners

New Heavy-duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator Launched p. 13 Argonne National Laboratory

Primary or Secondary? Understanding Propane Stations in DOE’s AFDC Station Locator pp. 11-12 Technical Response Service

UL of Lafayette Conducts Testing of System-level Vulnerabilities of Electric Vehicles & Connected Systems pp. 7-8 Louisiana Clean Fuels 4








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WEBSITE MANAGER & COORDINATOR Daniel Siksay East Tennesee Clean Fuels Coali on daniel@etcleanfuels.org

Fuels Fix is published quarterly by the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coali on in collabora on with the crea ve and groovy DOE Clean Ci es coali ons across the USA. Email info@etcleanfuels.org for adver sing informa on, or see the website.



PUBLISHER / SENIOR EDITOR / WRITER Jonathan G. Overly East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coali on jonathan@etcleanfuels.org

☐ Calculate Energy Use, Emissions,

and Cost of Ownership

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ADVERTISERS INDEX AmeriGas BBI Interna onal Icom North America Lightning Systems NAFTC ROUSH CleanTech On Fuels Fix website: > Lightning Systems > NAFTC > ROUSH CleanTech

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UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT LAFAYETTE: TESTING SYSTEM-LEVEL VULNERABILITIES OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE AND CONNECTED SYSTEMS Both electric vehicles and charging sta ons have Supervisory Control and Data Acquisi on (SCADA) that consume data from different sensors and control various processes in the vehicles and charging sta ons. The growing connectedness of vehicles and charging sta ons to the Internet and the building energy management systems and power grid could post cybersecurity risks to cri cal infrastructures like the smart grid. The Cyber-physical systems laboratory at UL Lafaye e is looking at inves ga ng the system level vulnerabili es both at the hardware and so ware level, and also building be er security for reliable and resilient cyber-physical systems. The Cyber-physical systems laboratory at the engineering department at University of Louisiana at Lafaye e Engineering Department is conduc ng research on cybersecurity related issues relevant to smart charging. Specifically, the team is looking at inves ga ng the cybersecurity issues related to electric vehicles and charging sta ons donated to them by the U.S. Department of Energy, and sponsored by the Department of Energy and Idaho Na onal Laboratory. The project team is inves gating hardware and so ware vulnerabili es of both the electric vehicle and charging sta on. For example, the CAN (Controller Area Network) bus that interconnects various components in the vehicle is inherently insecure and it is possible for any Electrical Control

Unit (ECU) in the vehicle to listen and send messages to other ECU’s in the vehicle. Similarly, there are known vulnerabili es in the charging sta ons where it would be possible for hackers to log into charging sta ons to manage and control the charging sta on. Given that these cyber components (i.e. sensors, communica ons and computers) are controlling the electro-mechanical systems it is theore cally possible to steal iden es, unauthorized use of resources such as electricity or pose safety risk both for vehicles and charging sta ons. The project team has custom built tools to invesgate how different vehicles and charging sta ons respond to different electric signals and commands, and how, and what type of informa on is transmitted between different components in the charging sta ons and electric vehicles. The project team is also developing methods to develop be er trust and evalua ng system level cyber security risk and methods to be er authen cate IoT devices with vehicles and Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). While the team is s ll conduc ng their research, they have already made some exci ng discoveries. Once the program concludes, the findings will enable companies to make adjustments to their systems in order to ensure the con nued security of our connected buildings, smart grid and electric vehicles.

ANN VAIL | Louisiana Clean Fuels | ann@louisianacleanfuels.org | 225-342-3476 7

Above: Dr. Raju Go umukkala speaks at Louisiana Clean Fuels Annual Stakeholder Mee ng & Awards Ceremony in 2017. He is the Director of Research for the Infoma cs Research Ins tute at the University of Louisiana in Lafaye e, as well as an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Right: The project team includes graduate and undergraduate students, and professors Dr. Raju Go umukkala and Dr. Paul Darby. Dr. Darby is an assistant professor with the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at UL Lafaye e. The students include Andrew Roche, Rizwan Merchant, Adam Tauzin, Camille Charnews, Kaleb Leon, and Benjamin Armentor. Shown in the middle are two LCF staff, Madeline Hunt and Tyler Herrmann. Le : The award their team received in 2017 for “Innova ve Project of the Year.”





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UNDERSTANDING PROPANE STATIONS IN THE DOE’S ALTERNATIVE FUELS DATA CENTER STATION LOCATOR As propane vehicle technology becomes more advanced, propane dispensing infrastructure has evolved along with it. In par cular, the propane industry is focusing much of its a en on on enhancing the customer fueling experience by installing propane dispensers that are dedicated for vehicle fueling. These industry trends have also spurred a change in the way that propane fueling sta on data is represented. The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Alterna ve Fuels Data Center (AFDC) Sta on Locator has been tracking alterna ve fueling sta on data for more than 20 years, including propane, biodiesel (B20 blends and above), compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, electric, E85 ethanol and hydrogen. It is the most comprehensive online database of public and private access alterna ve fueling sta ons in the United States. Because many public propane sta ons serve customers other than drivers and fleets (e.g., those looking to fill barbeque grill cylinders), the Na onal Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), who maintains the Sta on Locator, has collaborated over the years with propane industry partners to establish and represent the vehicle fueling capabili es of each sta on. The ini al criteria, developed in 2012, were based on whether the propane sta on had vehicle-specific (i.e., lower) pricing for propane vehicle fuel. Based on feedback from propane industry partners, NREL revised the criteria in early 2016 to dis nguish between propane dispensers that are purpose-built for vehicle fueling and those that are not primarily used for vehicle fueling. Pricing is no longer part of the criteria, though sta ons with vehicle11

specific infrastructure may also have vehicle-specific pricing. As of early 2017, all 3,100+ public access propane fueling staons listed in the Sta on Locator are categorized with either a “primary” or “secondary” sta on service designa on based on these revised criteria. The goal of these sta on service designa on categories is to ensure that Sta on Locator users are aware of the fueling services available to them at each propane sta on they visit and to ul mately establish consistency in the propane vehicle fueling experience. As the alterna ve fuels and advanced vehicle technologies evolve, NREL will con nue to adapt the Sta on Locator to meet the needs of drivers and fleets. For more informa on about the Sta on Locator, visit the site via the links on this page. You may also contact the Technical Response Service at technicalresponse@icf.com or 800-254-6735 with any ques ons or comments.

Breaking Down Primary vs. Secondary Propane Sta ons Both primary and secondary propane fueling sta ons are able to fuel propane vehicles. Public loca ons with the primary sta on service designa on must also: • • •

Accept credit (and/or fleet) cards; Provide vehicle fueling at all mes during normal business hours; and Be equipped with a “purpose-built” propane dispenser.

Public propane sta ons that do not meet one or more of the above criteria are listed under the secondary sta on service designa on. Secondary sta ons may: • • •

Have vehicle fueling available by appointment only; Accept only cash or checks; and/or Be equipped with a propane dispenser that was built primarily to serve customers other than drivers and fleets in need of propane vehicle fuel.

An example of a dedicated (or “purpose-built”) propane fueling sta on, which is primarily, or exclusively, used for fueling vehicles. Source: Utah Clean Ci es

An exmple of a non-dedicated (or non-“purpose-built”) propane fueling sta on, which is primarily used for fills other than propane vehicles (e.g., barbecue grill cylinders). Source: Los Angeles Clean Ci es

TECHNICAL RESPONSE SERVICE | Provided by U.S. DOE & NREL | technicalresponse@icf.com | 800-254-6735 12

NEW HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLE EMISSIONS CALCULATOR LAUNCHED Available here - h p://afleet-web.es.anl.gov/hdv-emissions-calculator/ Late January at FedFleet2018, Argonne Na onal Laboratory launched the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator (HDVEC). With support from NGVAmerica, this online resource was created to provide state officials and fleet managers with a tool to gauge emissions reduc ons across various medium- and heavy-duty alterna ve fuel vehicle project op ons affiliated with the Volkswagen Environmental Mi ga on Trust Se lement. “As public officials begin to evaluate how best to clean their state’s air with their allo ed VW Trust funding, this resource will prove vital in evalua ng cost-effec veness of real world vehicle op ons,” said Andrew Burnham of Argonne Na onal Laboratory. “The Vehicle Emissions Calculator is a valuable tool for policymakers, fleet managers and procurement administrators alike as they look to compare vehicle technologies for emissions reducons associated with fleet opera ons.” The HDVEC es mates the vehicle opera on nitrogen oxide (NOx) and fine par culate ma er (PM2.5) as well as the well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) of current commercially-available alterna ve fuel mediumand heavy-duty vehicles eligible for funding under the VW se lement. Volkswagen’s $2.9 billion Environmental Mi ga on Trust fund provides each state an incredible opportunity to make an immediate and tangible impact on air quality by targe ng medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, the leading source of these toxic air contaminants in almost every metropolitan area. The tool can calculate results for three project types allowable under the Trust Se lement: •


Environmental Mi ga on with Scrappage – new alterna ve fuel versus diesel, plus addi onal benefit from early re rement of the scrapped vehicle. Environmental Mi ga on with Repower – vehicle a er repower versus diesel before repower.

Clean Vehicle Replacement – new alterna ve fuel versus diesel.

The HDVEC was developed using Argonne’s Alterna ve Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportaon Tool (AFLEET) available at: h ps://greet.es.anl.gov/ afleet. AFLEET 2017 uses emissions data from both the U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency’s MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) and Argonne’s Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transporta on (GREET) models. Recent analysis has found that diesel in-use emissions are much higher than their laboratory cer fica on results. Diesel NOx is driven by the type and performance of its a er-treatment systems, which can be highly duty-cycle dependent. While data for in-use NOx of new diesels is limited, analysis has shown that the EPA MOVES model is likely underesma ng diesel NOx emissions. For the new tool (and AFLEET), the op on to use in-use mul pliers is available to provide sensi vity cases as compared to the default MOVES results. AFLEET 2017 also adds a low-NOx engine op on for CNG and LNG heavy-duty vehicles. “AFLEET and HDVEC are the only tools analyzing alterna ve fuels in detail (including development of low-NOx emissions and the ability to compare EVs upstream emissions), as well as allowing for scenarios to examine higher diesel NOx emissions for MY 2010 and newer vehicles,” said Burnham. (See webinar for more informaon: h ps://cleanci es.energy.gov/webinars#11923.)






Right: The Proterra bus recently acquired by Oahu. Opposite page: Hawaii’s Mayors pose with students from Kamaile Academy a er signing proclama ons in support of aggressive 100% renewable transporta on targets. The signing took place on the Hōkūleʻa, a tradi onal Polynesian voyaging canoe, which recently circled the globe using tradi onal non-instrument voyaging and wayfinding techniques.


COVER STORY At the end of 2017, Hawaii’s four mayors made a historic proclama on pledging to transi on all ground transporta on in their coun es to run on renewable sources by 2045 (and by 2035 for public fleets in Honolulu, Maui, and Kauai Coun es). The Sustainable Transporta on Coali on of Hawaii (STCH) and Blue Planet Founda on were instrumental in bringing the four mayors together for the proclama on signed aboard the Hokulea last December. Since 2016, Blue Planet and STCH have been

advoca ng for a 100 percent renewable transporta on goal to complement the state’s mandate for 100 percent renewable electricity by 2045. Heading into 2018, Hawaii made significant strides to bring a clean transporta on future to frui on. At the end of January, Blue Planet and the STCH joined the City and County of Honolulu to celebrate the launch of Oahu’s first electric bus, which will be tested on 23 bus routes on Oahu. The new electric bus pilot is a first step toward the City’s commitment to transi on its fleet vehicles to 100 percent renewable transporta on.

LAUREN REICHELT | Sustainable Transporta on Coali on of Hawai’i | lauren@blueplane ounda on.org | 808-954-6140 16



A BIG SUCCESS! On February 12-14, Clean Ci es coordinators and a variety of industry stakeholders gathered in Washington, DC for the 2018 Energy Independence Summit (EIS). This year’s event was the 11th in its current form; it is presented annually by Transporta on Energy Partners (TEP). EIS has grown into the premier clean transporta on policy summit. About 130 people a ended EIS 2018. Pla num sponsors included Nissan and UPS. Gold sponsors were Workhorse, ROUSH CleanTech, Volkswagen, United Soybean Board, Na onal Biodiesel Board, Cummins-Westport, and NGVAmerica. “Our 11th Summit was big success once again,” said Phillip Wiedmeyer, Vice-President of TEP and President of Alabama Clean Fuels Coali on. “We couldn’t do this without the strong support of our industry partners and Clean Ci es coordinators.”

The main purpose of EIS is to educate members of Congress and their staffs about the work that Clean Ci es coali ons, industry partners and fleets are doing to adopt and promote cleaner, advanced transporta on fuels and technologies across the country. This educa onal strategy has proven highly effec ve over the years, as coordinators and industry partners have built rela onships with Congressional offices based

on successful efforts. Summit par cipants, especially Clean Ci es coordinators, also benefit back home from the rela onship building aspect of the Summit. “We’ve been able to build such strong rela onships with Congressional staffs and members from Arizona,” said Colleen Crowninshield, TEP Board member and Coordinator of Tucson Clean Ci es. “We simply educate them about what we’re doing, and they ask how they can help.” The Monday, February 12 agenda featured presentaons focused on the state of various clean transportaon industries and status and prospects for policies. On Tuesday, February 13, teams of Summit par cipants visited Congressional offices all day – over 240 visits collec vely in all. Wednesday, February 14, was devoted to mee ngs with leaders at federal agencies, including Department of Energy, Environmental Protec on Agency and others. Many of the a endees raised specific policy issues during their visits. These included funding for the Clean Ci es program, tax incen ves for a wide range of alterna ve fuels and advanced vehicles, posi ve impacts from the Renewable Fuel Standard, and issues regarding administra on of the Conges on Mi ga on and Air Quality Program by the Federal Highway Administra on. Timing of EIS 2018 could not have been more ideal, especially in terms of the federal budget and Clean Ci es funding. Because of the visits plus the groundwork prior to the Summit and subsequent follow up, Clean Ci es received a slight increase in funding in the

SAM SPOFFORTH | President | Transporta on Energy Partners | www.Transporta onEnergyPartners.org 17

Omnibus federal budget passed on March 21. Clean Ci es coali ons and industry allies had been extremely concerned that the program might be dras cally cut or even eliminated. The Trump Administra on and original House of Representa ves budget included zero funding for Clean Ci es. “There’s absolutely no doubt that TEP and the impact of the Summit led directly to the recent success with Clean Ci es funding,” said Alleyn Harned, TEP Board member and Execu ve Director of Virginia Clean Cities. “This shows the impact of the Summit and importance in personally par cipa ng.” TEP recently elected five new Board members to join exis ng members of the Board and is beginning to plan Energy Independence Summit 2019. An announcement of dates is expected by the end of April. Links from this ar cle: • 2018 EIS Agenda • DOE 2018 funding summary from Omnibus Spending Bill

Top: A TEP and partners team visit Congressman Mike Simpson’s office (R, ID, 2nd District); he is the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representa ves Energy & Water Subcomi ee, which is part of the overall House Commi ee on Appropria ons. That subcommi ee is part of the group that makes final decisions about the U.S. DOE budget, and the related DOE Clean Ci es Program budget. Middle: A endees learn about the Workhorse Group’s W-15 plug-in, range-extended electric pickup truck that is on sale now with first deliveries expect in Q4-2018. Bo om: a TEP con ngent and some Tennessee companies (including VW) meet with Congressman Chuck Fleischmann’s office (R, TN, 3rd District); he is the Vice Chair of the above men oned House Energy & Water Subcomi ee.


FOUR MYTHS ABOUT “CLEAN” DIESEL SCHOOL BUSES Recent claims within the school bus industry state that diesel buses are clean, cost-effec ve and easier to maintain — while cas ng doubt on propane autogas. Here are some of those recent statements made about “clean” diesel school buses — and the facts about propane-fueled models. Fic on: Diesel is clean and has the lowest carbon footprint over the opera onal life of a school bus. Fact: Modern diesel emissions are much cleaner than they used to be and typically do well in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Propane engines also have very low greenhouse gas emissions — and also significantly reduce the toxic emission cons tuent of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at four mes less output than modern diesels. This is important because most NOx emissions are sourced from the transporta on sector whereas only a small percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are sourced from transporta on. Greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide are inert gases and are part of what we exhale. NOx pose considerable danger to human health and air quality. “Propane is definitely the direc on to go, away from diesel and emission issues,” said Neal Higgins, mechanic for Bibb County School District in Macon, Georgia. Fic on: Diesel buses are easier to maintain. Fact: Today’s diesel buses may be cleaner than year’s past, but they are cleaner only through complexity, like expensive equipment and high-maintenance systems, which aren’t required on propane autogas school buses. To meet federal emission standards, a


diesel bus has 20 addi onal parts — that’s 20 components that need to be maintained. They include diesel par culate filters, manual regenera on and diesel exhaust fluid, and other complex a er-treatment devices. “There are a lot of hoops you have to jump through with diesel due to of all of the EPA emission standards. New EPA-cer fied diesel buses have become much more expensive and difficult to maintain,” said Bruce Thomas, master technician for Adams 12 Five Star in Thornton, Colorado. “For our district, the upfront costs have increased substan ally just for equipment to pass newer emission standards.” Fic on: When you look at all the factors, diesel buses offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Fact: More than 800 school districts are saving 20 to 50 percent on a cost per mile basis for fuel and maintenance opera ng propane buses compared to diesel. School bus fleets have saved between $400 and $3,000 per propane bus per year when compared to the diesel buses they operate. Propane has the lowest cost of infrastructure of all transporta on fuels, saving money on fueling sta on needs. Historically, propane autogas averages 50 percent less than diesel. “We tracked data on both a propane bus and a diesel bus of the same model year. The propane bus was driven for bus routes on dirt roads with mul ple stops and starts,” said Brian Swestaka, director of transporta on for Howard-Winneshiek Community School District in Cresco, Iowa. “The diesel bus was used as an ac vity bus, mostly highway miles. The propane bus s ll operated significantly cheaper than the diesel bus due to fuel and maintenance savings.”

Fic on: Many alterna ve fuel engines aren’t built for medium-duty use. Fact: The Ford 6.8L engine is built specifically for mediumduty applica ons. Introduced in 1997, there are more than 1.8 million of these engines on the road today. This is the engine used in more than 10,500 Blue Bird Vision Propane school buses transpor ng students to and from schools across the na on. While there is an upfront cost associated with conver ng a vehicle or buying a new dedicated propane autogas model, the low cost of the fuel compared with diesel o en translates to a quick return on investment. Most fleets that make the switch recoup their investment within 18 months of use. “A state grant paid for the incremental cost difference of our propane buses, which meant we could start saving money right away since our fuel and maintenance costs are much lower than with our diesel buses,” said Ricky Phillips, vehicle maintenance manager of Clarksville-Montgomery School District in Montgomery County, Tennessee. Whatever type of fuel used, school districts around the na on must work within their opera onal budgets and environmental goals. Hundreds of school districts have chosen propane and are proving it’s a clean-burning and economical transporta on fuel. ROUSH CleanTech technicians discuss the benefits of propane-fueled school buses with school district representa ves during one of the many district propane bus meet-n-greets that they have held in conjuc on with district and bus vendor partners. There are over 10,500 Blue Bird Vision Propane buses in opera on across North America.

RYAN ZIC | ROUSH CleanTech | Director of School Bus Sales | ryan.zic@roush.com | 800-59-ROUSH 20


ON THE MOVE IN 2018 2018 has been a busy and exci ng me for Metropolitan Energy Center and the Kansas City Clean Ci es Coali on. We have added several staff members to con nue advancing alterna ve fuels and are focused on developing compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling along major highways in Kansas and Missouri. It has been an even ul end of winter consis ng of trainings, advocacy, networking and more! To begin, at right, our Central Kansas Clean Ci es Coordinator, Tami Alexander, is shown si ng in one of the Kansas Soybean Associa on’s (KSA’s) biodiesel trucks! This vehicle is one of the many ways the KSA advocates for biodiesel usage to soybean farmers.

During the last few months, Our team enjoyed sponsoring the Climate + Energy Project’s WEALTH (Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transporta on, & Health) Day at the Kansas Capitol (bo om right)! This summit was a state version of the Energy Independence Summit held in DC each year, where we spoke with Kansas legislators about the importance of alterna ve fuels, specifically the emission benefits of biodiesel blends in heavy duty fleets and electric charging for consumer vehicles. During this summit, our staff visited the new Governor’s office to discuss state energy policy with his policy staff, including the importance of their con nued support of the RFS. Our CEO, Kelly Gilbert, led a discussion on state transporta on policy at the listener forum and was joined by Senator John Skuball, Kansas District 11 (middle in center-right photo) and Dr. Larry Erickson of Kansas State University (far right). Addi onally, Sara Lamprise attended the Green Truck Summit in Indianapolis in early March and connected with many fellow industry advocates who are working to advance fuel alterna ves through large fleets. This conference consists of many class 4-8 industry representa ves, fleet managers, commercial vehicle manufacturers, and stakeholders from industry trade associa ons and professional socie es. KELLY GILBERT | Kansas City Regional Clean Ci es | kellie@metroenergy.org | 816-531-7283 21

Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Transporta on’s

2nd Annual Golf Ou ng & Awards Luncheon Individual - Complete Package Golf / Breakfast / Lunch / Open Bar


Thursday, May 17, 2018

$175.00 Includes:

WHERE: Blue Bell Country Club 1800 Tournament Drive Blue Bell, PA 19422

Schedule 7:30 am

• • • • • •

Locker Room Golf Cart Green Fees Buffet Breakfast Golf Course Refreshments (2 holes) EP-ACT 2nd Annual Alterna ve Fuel Awards luncheon • 2 hours open Bar

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Registra on

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7:30-8:45 am Breakfast

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• • • • • •

Locker Room Golf Cart Green Fees Buffet Lunch Golf Course Refreshments (2 holes) EP-ACT 2nd Annual Alterna ve Fuel Awards luncheon • 2 hours open Bar

The packages listed are Complete Packages. We also have addi onal sponsorship packages, including: Longest Drive; Closest to the pin; Hole sponsorships; Breakfast sponsorships; Lunch sponsorship; Refreshment sponsorships; and Lunch Only Packages. For more info, click the bu on below

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CLEAN CITIES TV Almost 500 videos are on the CleanCitiesTV channel covering alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology stories from all over the United States.

Natural Gas Vehicles Making a Difference in Tennessee

Electric Vehicles Charge up at State Parks in West Virginia

Clean Ci es TV is the educa onal video channel of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Ci es program, which advances the na on’s economic, environmental and energy security by suppor ng local ac ons to reduce petroleum consump on in transporta on.



Le : One of the MCI Motorcoaches that is being fueled with renewable diesel at INL (no ce the fuel s cker towards the bo om of the white part of the bus). Right: INL Transporta on Services Manager Tad Person accepts American Bus Associa on Green Spirit award at an event in Jaunary 2018.

Idaho Na onal Laboratory (INL) operates the U.S Department of Energy’s (DOE) largest bus fleet with 100 commuter buses and is a regional and na onal leader in implemen ng environmental fleet prac ces. INL’s Transporta on Services Manager and YellowstoneTeton Clean Ci es board member, Tad Pearson, is tasked with mee ng Execu ve Order 13693. Among other requirements, this Execu ve Order mandates federal fleets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions at least 30 percent by the end of FY 2025 with a 2014 baseline. Tad has u lized a blend of B20 biodiesel for years, and experimented with a few dual-fuel LNG buses. This unique approach was effec ve, but he had maxed out on the capacity to reduce emissions year a er year. Tad became aware of renewable diesel in late 2016 and he quickly realized the huge greenhouse gas reduc on poten al and the ease of using the fuel was exactly what he needed to con nue to meet EO 13693. U lizing the Clean Ci es network, Tad met with other fleet managers with experience using renewable diesel. This helped streamline his process for implemen ng the use of renewable diesel and allowed him to quickly setup a feasible procurement process. The buses travel approxi-

mately 2.5 million miles a year and in 2017 only 40% of those miles were driven using renewable diesel, yet this use remarkably resulted in a 61% greenhouse gas reducon compared to 2016. Addi onally, through a partnership with Bergstrom, Inc. (a prominent cab climate systems company) and Motoro Coach Industries, INL has also installed a “no-idle” ba ery electric auxiliary power unit (APU) with a solar energy system support on one of their buses, and they intend to install more as results are evaluated. These systems are es mated to further reduce petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissons on the buses. On January 29th, the American Bus Associa on awarded INL as a winner of the 2018 Green Spirit Award, for their commitment to environmental stewardship. “Idaho Na onal Laboratory is a longstanding stakeholder of Yellowstone-Teton Clean Ci es and we are con nually impressed by Tad’s willingness to try new strategies and technologies to further reduce GGEs. Tad’s availability to share INL’s successes and challenges is a huge asset to our Coali on stakeholders,” said Alicia Cox, YellowstoneTeton Clean Ci es. Tad is also monitoring the performance of the renewable diesel in a cold weather climate and will hopefully have results to share soon.

ALICIA COX | Yellowstone-Teton Clean Ci es | alicia@ytcleanci es.org | 810-995-5811 24

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Training Centers Nationwide

The NaƟonal AlternaƟve Fuels Training ConsorƟum (NAFTC) is the only naƟonwide alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicle training organizaƟon in the U.S.

Founded in 1992, the NAFTC is a program of West Virginia University and consists of NaƟonal and Associate Training Centers located naƟonwide from Maine to California. Each center provides Training with Impact through its experienced instructors and realthr shop faciliƟes. Numerous other world sh members from small businesses, government, and industry also support the NAFTC’s mission.

The NAFTC’s mission is to provide the training infrastructure for implemenƟng the widespread use of alternaƟve fuels, alternaƟve fuel vehicles (AFVs), and advanced technology logy vehicles. Its eīort to increase energy security, as well as improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is embodied in its moƩo “Because Clean Air and Energy Independence MaƩer.”

More than 2,000 courses have been conducted by the NAFTC, resulƟng in more than 38,000 technicians, Įrst responders, students, Ňeet managers, and others trained on AFVs and advanced technology vehicles.

Curriculum Development

Courses & Workshops Learn the basics or gain indepth knowledge of alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicles by aƩending one of more than 35 courses and workshops oīered at the NAFTC headquarters and at training locaƟons naƟonwide.

Courses undergo a rigorous examinaƟon by professional automoƟve instructors and technicians before being released for use by the NAFTC and NaƟonal and Associate Training Center members.

Program Management

Outreach & EducaƟon The NAFTC has managed more than $35 million in programs through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental ProtecƟon Agency, FEMA, and other government and private sector industry enƟƟes.

The NAFTC aƩends and conducts mulƟple outreach and educaƟon events such as NaƟonal AFV Day Odyssey. Conducted biennially since 2002, Odyssey has built awareness of alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicles among millions.

NaƟonal AlternaƟve Fuels Training ConsorƟum Ridgeview Business Park • 1100 Frederick Lane Morgantown, WV 26508 • naŌc@mail.wvu.edu P: (304) 293-7882 • F: (304) 293-6944 • hƩp://naŌc.wvu.edu



San Diego Regional Clean Ci es Coali on (SDRCC) has audited electric vehicle (EV) fleet programs since early 2014. Last year, the Coali on began helping fleets include EV fleet program metrics and change management best prac ces into their Green Fleet Plans.

Use Cross-Func onal Teams Fleets should establish involvement and communica on across the organiza on, not just among fleet management and drivers. A wider dialogue can provide be er channels to iden fy poten al barriers to EV integra on success.

Just like a fleet safety program, fleet EV programs require planning, communica on, buy-in, con nuous improvement and reinforcement. In partnership with North Carolina State University, SDRCCC provides ac onable recommenda ons in its consulta ons for public fleets to improve EV fleet performance as measured by electric vehicle miles traveled (eVMT).

Develop a Change Management Strategy Fleet managers need a strategy to help employees understand the reasons for fleet electrifica on and to mo vate par cipa on. Recogni on of accomplishments builds support, so communicate money saved, emissions avoided, petroleum displaced, electric vehicle miles traveled eVMT totals and other posi ve informa on related to the effort.

Here are three common recommenda ons:

Benchmark Against Peers Metrics and goals are essen al to measure program progress and vehicle u liza on. Fleets should record and monitor eVMT and benchmark these results against other similar fleets in programs such as CSE’s EV Fleet Benchmarking, to gauge effec veness.

Some photos of EV fleets that SDRCCC has worked with in southern California, including (above) Chula Vista, the second largest city in the San Diego metroplitan area, and (right) the East Orange County Water District.

MICHAEL TERRERI | San Diego Regional Clean Ci es | michael.terreri@energycenter.org | 858-633-8579 27


Green Drive$ Thursday, May 17, 2018 NIU Conference Center Naperville, Ill.


For sponsor and vendor opportunities, please contact Info@ChicagoCleanCities.org Register TODAY at https://2018greendrives.eventbrite.com

RESEARCH TOOL INTRODUCED TO HELP CAR BUYERS COMPARE ELECTRIC-DRIVE & TRADITIONAL VEHICLES Consumers seeking informa on about plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles can check out a new-vehicle purchase guidance tool created by Argonne Na onal Laboratory. The tool was created as a part of an innova ve clean-vehicle program recently launched in the Midwest. The consumer tool, called EVolu on: Choices for a Smarter Purchase, is designed to help car buyers make informed decisions when purchasing a new vehicle. It starts with consumers’ purchase considera ons, such as purchase price, and compares the monetary and environmental benefits of various passenger electric-drive vehicles (EVs) and equivalent conven onally fueled models. “The new guidance tool helps consumers compare the cost of owning different electric-drive powertrain technologies, as well as the environmental impact of these vehicles,” said Yan Zhou, principal environmental transportaon analyst for Argonne Na onal Laboratory. “By entering your zip code, your results are customized to show local fuel and electricity prices, vehicle purchase price accounting for incen ves, charging availability, and commute me to determine cost of ownership. “The climate where you reside, based on the entered zip code, and your commute me help the tool factor how o en you need to charge each type of plug-in electric vehicle,” Zhou said. “A map showing public chargers by loca on and type is also provided to assess your poten al charging availabilies. At the end of the six steps, you will know the differences in costs, emissions, and petroleum use between the various types of vehicles you are considering. There is an electric-drive powertrain to fit anyone’s driving needs.” The EVolu on website (h p://evolu on.es.anl.gov) connects to the Alterna ve Fuels Data Center, FuelEconomy. gov, U.S. Energy Informa on Administra on websites,

JOE KOENIG | joe@MidwestEVOLVE.org | 708-613-5005 29

and others in one convenient pla orm to provide the most recent informa on about electric-drive and conven onal powertrain types, public charging loca ons, and available incen ves. Argonne Na onal Laboratory designed the research tool as a part of the seven-state Midwest EVOLVE project. Midwest EVOLVE (Electric Vehicle Opportuni es: Learning, eVents, Experience) is a partnership between the American Lung Associa on and eight Clean Ci es coali ons throughout the Midwest to educate consumers about the clean-air and performance advantages of plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles. Midwest EVOLVE launched in early 2017 with more than 60 partners, including automakers, u li es, state agencies, municipali es, dealerships, and dealer associa ons. The project was announced at the 2017 Chicago Auto Show. The Midwestern Clean Ci es coali ons are par cipa ng in more than 200 events, large and small, over a three-year period, in brand-neutral se ngs that will give drivers an opportunity to get behind the wheel of EVs. Vehicles are being showcased at community events, auto shows, and rideand-drives in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The first events were held in the spring of 2017. At Midwest EVOLVE events consumers, government officials, fleet administrators, and dealership personnel have an opportunity to learn about the performance and environmental benefits of plug-in vehicles and about op ons for charging their vehicle. Midwest EVOLVE is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), under Award Number DE-EE0007743. To learn more, visit h p:// www.midwestevolve.org or follow on Twi er, Facebook or LinkedIn.

It is definitely beautiful when Americans get together to go to Washington DC and speak to our elected representatives about topics that matter to us - cleaner fuels for a healthier, cleaner and better America! About 130 people attended the 2018 Energy Independence Summit that was held February 12-14 this year in Washington DC at The Wink Hotel (in the Foggy Bottom area). For the past decade, Transportation Energy Partners had managed this event, and done a stellar job. Each year, on Monday we have a full slate of discussions and panels that allow us to dive deep on some facets of what is going on in DC that impacts all Americans lives. Then on Tuesday, we get together in teams and go visit the halls of congress and the offices of congressional representatives to speak with them about supporting cleaner fuels for our country.

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