Fuels Fix Ezine - Winter 2018

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Mid-Kansas CNG Station Helps Fill in Important Corridor | pp. 11-12 Central Kansas Clean Cities

AMERICAN BEAUTY Wequiock Falls pp. 25-26


Cherokee Nation Celebrates First Tribal Solar Canopy Car Charging Station pp. 7-8 Tusla Area Clean Cities

Time Transport Honored for Large CNG Fleet, Partnership | p. 16 Wisconsin Clean Cities

GTA Partners to Create and Donate Lightweight Vehicle pp. 23-24 Greater Indiana Clean Cities Coalition

Kentucky Clean Fuels Has New Executive Director p. 17 KentuckyClean Fuels Coalition

Centralina Gets Serious About Autnomous & Connected Vehicles pp. 19-20 Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition

2018 Fuel Economy Guide Released | p. 13 Oak Ridge National Laboratory





SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Coral Thayer East Tennesee Clean Fuels Coali on coral@etcleanfuels.org

Fuels Fix is published quarterly by the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coali on in collabora on with the crea ve and groovy DOE Clean Ci es coali ons across the USA. Email info@etcleanfuels.org for adver sing informa on, or see the website.



ADVERTISERS INDEX AmeriGas BBI Interna onal Icom North America Lightning Systems NAFTC Quantum Fuel Systems Renewable Fuels Assoc. ROUSH CleanTech


PUBLISHER / SENIOR EDITOR / WRITER Jonathan G. Overly East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coali on jonathan@etcleanfuels.org

Twi er: @fuelsямБx




p. 17


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SOLAR CANOPY CAR CHARGING STATION The Cherokee Na on held a ribbon-cu ng ceremony at the tribe’s headquarters in Tahlequah, Oklahoma to celebrate the first tribal solar canopy car charging sta on to be built by a tribe in Oklahoma. Cherokee Na on’s new charging sta on is located in the main parking lot of the W.W. Keeler Tribal Complex. It is capable of charging up to eight electric vehicles and also provides about 58,000 kilowa hours (kWh) of electricity to the tribal complex each year, equivalent to the amount of electricity needed to power three or more homes. “Embracing solar panels and adding electric vehicles to our fleet is consistent with Cherokee Na on’s leadership in clean-energy usage and carbon-footprint reducon,” Cherokee Na on Principal Chief Bill John Baker said. “Cherokee Na on is the first tribal government in Oklahoma to build and u lize a solar canopy like this. We have always been good stewards of the land, and this is another example of excep onal natural resource conserva on, a legacy established by our ancestors. Addi onally, the structure’s design enhances the beau fica on efforts we have made at the tribal complex.” Construc on costs for the solar canopy totaled around $300,000 through a partnership between Cherokee Naon and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. “The new solar canopy provides a convenient power source for electric vehicles and also provides clean power to the Cherokee Na on complex,” said Cherokee Na on Secretary of Natural Resources Sara Hill. “I’m proud that Cherokee Na on is able to provide this op on to our employees and ci zens while also honoring our obliga on to act as good stewards of our natural resources.”

ADRIANE JAYNES | ajaynes@incog.org | 918-579-9494


Cherokee Na on ci zen Ben Phillips, of Fort Gibson, works at the tribal complex in Tahlequah and has driven a hybrid car for four years. He ini ally chose the electric vehicle for its technology and low maintenance and now uses the charging sta on daily, which saves me and money he would otherwise spend on gasoline. “It’s exci ng to see the tribe commi ed to green, renewable energy,” Phillips said. “I think it will be a win-win for the tribe and employees who commute to work every day. I have already no ced a flood of ques ons about electric vehicles and how they work and believe it will be a great opportunity to educate people about ‘EVs’ and sustainable energy.” The Cherokee Na on purchased its first two 100-percent electric-powered Nissan Leaf compact cars in October. The Leafs can travel about 107 miles on one charge and produce zero emissions. Following Tuesday’s ribbon-cu ng, the tribe hosted a ride-and-drive event. Aside from test-driving the new Nissan Leafs, employees were invited to drive electric vehicles owned by OG&E and Auffenberg Chevrolet in Muskogee. Francis Renewable Energy of Tulsa was the contractor for the solar canopy charging sta on. “The trend we’re seeing is an appete for parking canopies, and it’s not just tribes and other governments,” FRE President David Jankowsky said. “There’s federal tax credits available, and when you take advantage of them they prac cally pay for the structure, so we’re going to start seeing a lot more of these solar canopy charging sta ons in Oklahoma.” (con nued on next page)

Top: (L-R) Cherokee Na on Senior Director of Environmental Resources Pat Gwin, A orney General Todd Hembree, Chief of Staff Chuck Hoskin, Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr., Principal Chief Bill John Baker, Deputy Chief S. Joe Cri enden, Tribal Councilor Janees Taylor, Secretary of Natural Resources Sara Hill, Treasurer Lacey Horn, Bureau of Indian Affairs Eastern Regional Office representa ve Jeannine Hale, and Cherokee Na on Special Projects Analyst Julie Jus ce. Center: Aerial view of the new solar canopy car charging sta on at the Cherokee Na on W.W. Keeler Tribal Complex in Tahlequah. Bo om: Cherokee Na on Secretary of Natural Resources Sara Hill test drives an electric car during a ride-and-drive event for tribal employees.

The solar canopy and addi on of electric vehicles to the Cherokee Na on fleet are part of the tribe’s recent ini a ve to reduce carbon emissions. Other environmentally friendly ini a ves include the tribe leasing land to a company for the development of a wind energy farm on Cherokee Na on trust land in Kay County. 8



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CENTRAL KANSAS CLEAN CITIES: MID-KANSAS CNG STATION HELPS FILL IN IMPORTANT CORRIDOR Last November, Mid-Kansas CNG celebrated the grand opening of a new compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling sta on at 636 Thompson Street in Kingman, Kansas, with a ribbon cu ng by the Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce, and a luncheon. Owners Mark Molitor and Ma e Giefer hosted the event, along with representa ves from Central Kansas Clean Ci es (CKCC) and Kansas Gas Service, which featured demonstra ons of CNG refueling and a tour of the sta on’s compressor system. The sta on is open to the public 24 hours daily for refueling of CNG vehicles of all sizes from smaller sedans and trucks to tractortrailers.

Ma e Giefer was looking for a cheaper fuel op on for his fleet of vehicles with GCI Construc on and turned to Mark Molitor, who is in the oil & gas business, for a solu on. Together they formed Mid-Kansas CNG to fulfill the need for natural gas fueling in the Kingman area. A er consulta on with area trucking companies, a loca on on the US-54/US-400 corridor was selected. The sta on fills a CNG fueling gap between Wichita, 50 miles to the east, and Garden City and Liberal, both about 175 miles west. Molitor and Giefer believe that CNG is a more economical and be er environmental choice for transporta on. They are open to inquiries about fleet fueling on the site.

Mid-Kansas CNG Owners, Mark Molitor (le ) and Ma e Giefer (right), hold the ribbon for the grand opening ceremony.


Clockwise from Top: The new CNG sta on and canopy. The TGT (Tulsa Gas Technologies) dispenser in use at the sta on. The Fuelmaster card reading system and the many cards that are accepted there. Shawn Schmidt, CKCC Program Coordinator; Ron Ediger, Kansas Gas Service; Dennis Brown, CKCC Board Member; and Kelly Gilbert, KC Regional Clean Ci es Coordinator, check out a CNG vehicle at the grand opening.

TAMI ALEXANDER | Central Kansas Clean Ci es | tami@metroenergy.org | 316-655-8838 12


2018 FUEL ECONOMY GUIDE NOW AVAILABLE ON FUELECONOMY.GOV The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protec on Agency (EPA) have just released the 2018 Fuel Economy Guide, available online at fueleconomy.gov (h p://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/ printGuides.shtml). The U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency publish the Guide each year to help new car buyers choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets their needs. The online version of the Guide will be updated regularly on fueleconomy. gov as addi onal informa on is submi ed by the auto manufacturers. New and used car buyers can also use the Find-a-Car feature on fueleconomy.gov (h p://www.fueleconomy. gov/feg/findacar.shtml) to compare the fuel economy of all vehicles sold in the United States since 1984. Along with the Guide, DOE and EPA have released online versions of the 2018 “Top Ten” (h p://www.fueleconomy. gov/feg/topten.jsp) and “Best and Worst in EPA Size Class” (h p://www.fueleconomy. gov/feg/best-worst.shtml) fuel economy lists. Like the online Guide, these online lists will be updated throughout 2018 as new data become available.

tronic file as needed. You can also join our email list to receive no fica on when the new Guide is available each year. Display Signage: Dealers, libraries, and credit unions can download and print a sign/poster to place in their display area direc ng customers to the Fuel Economy Guide.

New for the 2018 Fuel Economy Guide: •


Enhanced Electronic Access: The 2018 Fuel Economy Guide will be published in a (paperless) electronic format only. The online Guide will be updated periodically to include newly released vehicle models and current fuel cost es mates. You can download the latest Fuel Economy Guide from the government’s fuel economy website at h p://www.fueleconomy.gov/ feg/guides.shtml and print copies from the elec-



CLEAN CITIES TV Almost 500 videos are on the CleanCitiesTV channel covering alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology stories from all over the United States.

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Clean Ci es TV is the educa onal video channel of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Ci es program, which advances the na on’s economic, environmental and energy security by suppor ng local ac ons to reduce petroleum consump on in transporta on.



L-R: Time Transport in May 2017 received the 2016 Regional Logis cs & Transporta on Supplier of the Year Award from MillerCoors. Pictured are mul ple officials from both MillerCoors and Time Transport, Inc. Lisa Morris, human resources and safety director for Time Transport, Inc. is pictured with the WCC Forward Fleet Award.

Time Transport, Inc. was honored by Wisconsin Clean Cities (WCC) and MillerCoors for sustainable transporta on efforts and delivery service efficiency in separate events last year. In December, Time Transport, Inc. received the Wisconsin Clean Ci es Forward Fleet Award in recognion of the company’s use of alterna ve fuels and sustainable transporta on op ons to reduce petroleum use. More than 87 percent of Time Transport’s fleet is now powered by compressed natural gas, or CNG. Of its 53 units, 46 are CNG-powered. The company is working to have 100 percent of its fleet CNG-powered very soon. “Time Transport is a valued Wisconsin Clean Ci es member and partner,” WCC Execu ve Director Lorrie Lisek said. “Their sustainable transporta on programs are making a difference in Wisconsin and we thank them for their efforts.”

MillerCoors Procurement in May 2017 conducted its 7th Annual Supplier Recogni on Awards at its Chicago headquarters. Time Transport, Inc. received the 2016 Regional Logis cs & Transporta on Supplier of the Year award and was one of 11 award recipients. “We feel very honored to be recognized at the top, among peers, for daily transporta on of the MIllerCoors product,” Time Transport, Inc. president Jerry Buchmeier said. “We thank them for this honored recogni on.” The award followed an analysis of metrics of contract transport service with a special emphasis on on- me pick-ups and deliveries. Time Transport, Inc. reported greater than 98 percent on- me service. “Obviously we all think this is well deserved as the performance and metrics have proven that Time (Transport, Inc.) is the right choice for (the award),” Jake Kilgore, transporta on manager for MillerCoors said.

LORRIE LISEK | Wisconsin Clean Ci es | lorrie.lisek@wicleanci es.org | 414-221-4958 16


NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Following 24 years of service and remarkable contribuons to the Kentucky Clean Fuels Coali on (KCFC), Execuve Director Melissa Howell re red December 31, 2017. Emily Carpenter, Program Manager and Analyst, has been selected as the new Execu ve Director effec ve January 1, 2018. Carpenter has served the coali on for over five years. Beginning as an intern through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Ci es Workforce Development Program, it was her passion for the mission and vision of the KCFC that inspired her. Through years of dedicated service to KCFC’s goals, she has taken on countless challenges to further fleet environmental sustainability and the advancement of the alterna ve fuels and advanced transporta on technology industry in Kentucky.

A Kentucky na ve, Carpenter is a graduate of the University of Kentucky’s Pa erson School with a master’s degree of Diplomacy and Interna onal Commerce with a focus on energy resources. In addi on to her experience with KCFC, Carpenter has extensive experience in natural gas procurement and a background in electricity markets through her work as an Energy Procurement Analyst. “It is an honor and a privilege to be the Kentucky Clean Fuels Coali on’s next Execu ve Director,” said Carpenter. The KCFC is a non- profit organiza on, established in 1993 to serve as an educa onal and industry resource for alterna ve fuels and advanced transporta on technologies.

“The KCFC began with seven members with a mission in 1993, and we have achieved na onal recogni on and con nuously served as the most qualified resource for this industry across Kentucky. Emily Carpenter will lead the KCFC through new adventures in technology with a renewed ‘energy’ to carry her,” noted Howell. Carpenter has been responsible for wri ng grants, expanding current programs, and developing new projects. She has successfully authored grants and obtained awards on behalf of KCFC members. She was tasked with spearheading project development for KCFC which led to the establishment of the na on’s first comprehensive alternave fuel vehicle technician training program. Carpenter also revitalized KCFC’s Green Fleets program. In 2016, program fleets’ combined efforts led to the reduc on of over 11 million gasoline gallon equivalents and a reduc on in greenhouse gas emi ed by over 48,000 tons.

MELISSA HOWELL | mhowell@kentuckycleanfuels.org | 502-593-3846


Above - Winners from the 2017 Green Fleet Awards in Kentucky, a project that Carpenter helped revitalize. Right - A photo of the new execu ve director, Emily Carpenter.

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CENTRALINA GETS SERIOUS ABOUT AUTONOMOUS & CONNECTED VEHICLES The Centralina Council of Governments (COG), in partnership with NCDOT and the Centralina Clean Fuels Coali on, was pleased to co-facilitate a series of three Autonomous and Connected Vehicle (ACV) Workshops in the Greater Charlo e region in fall 2017 with transporta on-focused consultants, Cambridge Systema cs. This ACV technology—also referred to as self-driving, driverless, or robo c—is poised to disrupt the transporta on industry and usher in a new paradigm for mobility and travel choices. These vehicles have the poten al to increase safety, improve mobility, and reduce environmental impacts on a global scale. Many vehicles on the market today already include some level of automa on, such as adap ve cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, and parking assist, with more features expected in the next year or two. Although no one can predict exactly how quickly or deeply ACVs will alter mobility, the ripple effects will be felt across the transporta on sector, affec ng change through policy, long-range planning, traffic forecas ng/demand modeling, traffic opera ons, and fleet management. A widespread deployment of ACV technology is an cipated to provide numerous addi onal benefits beyond safety. This technology will enable innovave mobility deployments such as coopera ve cruise control and vehicle platooning, increasing roadway throughput and reducing conges on. In addi on, these vehicles might be able to provide new mobility op ons to millions more Americans who might not have the ability to drive, thereby increasing their

quality of life and ability to be more ac ve and live a be er lifestyle. Today, there are 49 million Americans over age 65 and 53 million people with some form of disability that could be well-served by on-demand ACV services. Centralina staff had recently led the successful development of the region’s first Greater Charlo e Regional Freight Mobility Plan (which included an intelligent transporta on system) and were poised to go deeper in drawing together officials across various transporta on disciplines and agencies to discuss the knowledge, collabora on, and ul mately ac ons needed to begin preparing for ACV change. The workshops were designed to be replicable and a model for other ACV workshops. Flowing from them and the subsequent wrap-up discussion, the group resolved to keep the momentum going around this topic, with the idea of con nued convening of ACV stakeholders being key to achieving this. Therefore, Centralina will be working over the coming weeks to develop an ACV Task Force. This group’s ini al job will be to clarify and formalize its charge based on what was heard through this series, me availability among those able to be involved, and resources that can be accessed over the long term. Along with the development of an ACV Task Force, Centralina also expects to debut an ACV Roadmap for the region in January 2018. Finally, the ACV website will be con nuously updated with upcoming events, interes ng news ar cles, and other important ACV developments and resources impac ng the region at

CARINO SORIANO | csoriano@centralina.org | 704-688-7035 19

this link: h p://www.centralina.org/regional-planning/transporta on/autonomous-and-connectedvehicles/. Should you wish to learn more or be involved in this conversa on, please contact Jason Wager at 704348-2707 or jwager@centralina.org.

Clockwise from above: Workshop a endees discuss land use implica ons and modeling and forecas ng related to ACVs. The workshop also showcased some of the technology that is in current vehicles via a vehicle show and tell.



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Training Centers Nationwide

The NaƟonal AlternaƟve Fuels Training ConsorƟum (NAFTC) is the only naƟonwide alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicle training organizaƟon in the U.S.

Founded in 1992, the NAFTC is a program of West Virginia University and consists of NaƟonal and Associate Training Centers located naƟonwide from Maine to California. Each center provides Training with Impact through its experienced instructors and realthr shop faciliƟes. Numerous other world sh members from small businesses, government, and industry also support the NAFTC’s mission.

The NAFTC’s mission is to provide the training infrastructure for implemenƟng the widespread use of alternaƟve fuels, alternaƟve fuel vehicles (AFVs), and advanced technology logy vehicles. Its eīort to increase energy security, as well as improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is embodied in its moƩo “Because Clean Air and Energy Independence MaƩer.”

More than 2,000 courses have been conducted by the NAFTC, resulƟng in more than 38,000 technicians, Įrst responders, students, Ňeet managers, and others trained on AFVs and advanced technology vehicles.

Curriculum Development

Courses & Workshops Learn the basics or gain indepth knowledge of alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicles by aƩending one of more than 35 courses and workshops oīered at the NAFTC headquarters and at training locaƟons naƟonwide.

Courses undergo a rigorous examinaƟon by professional automoƟve instructors and technicians before being released for use by the NAFTC and NaƟonal and Associate Training Center members.

Program Management

Outreach & EducaƟon The NAFTC has managed more than $35 million in programs through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental ProtecƟon Agency, FEMA, and other government and private sector industry enƟƟes.

The NAFTC aƩends and conducts mulƟple outreach and educaƟon events such as NaƟonal AFV Day Odyssey. Conducted biennially since 2002, Odyssey has built awareness of alternaƟve fuel and advanced technology vehicles among millions.

NaƟonal AlternaƟve Fuels Training ConsorƟum Ridgeview Business Park • 1100 Frederick Lane Morgantown, WV 26508 • naŌc@mail.wvu.edu P: (304) 293-7882 • F: (304) 293-6944 • hƩp://naŌc.wvu.edu



CREATE & DONATE LIGHTWEIGHT VEHICLE It’s hard to believe more than a year has gone by since the first Lightweight and Advanced Technology Demo Truck was showcased at The Work Truck Show® 2016. This truck is currently in opera on at Habitat for Humanity in Anderson, Indiana — helping the organiza on save construc on materials and household goods from ending up in landfills. The Lightweight Technology Council, a working group within NTEA’s Green Truck Associa on (GTA) affiliate division, facilitated the design and build of the lightweight technology demonstra on truck featured at the Show. To further expand the boundaries of efficiency, NTEA and GTA member companies partnered with several innova ve industry businesses to provide equipment for the Isuzu-based transfer body lightweight vehicle. The Isuzu NRR diesel Class 5 truck with an empty weight of 6,848 pounds and payload allowance of 12,652 pounds includes the following. • Alcoa’s one-piece, lightweight forged aluminum wheels with corrosion-resistant DuraBright® finish • Switch-N-Go™ Detachable Body Hoist System • Voth aluminum frame with Copan’s ultralight construc on truck body Na onal Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) engineers provided expert analysis of the vehicle’s value in terms of fuel and CO2 reduc ons. In addi on to lightweighting the body and wheels, other technologies such as Isuzu’s chassis data system were factored into the


calcula ons on fuel and emissions savings over a 10year opera ng period. Real-World Use Today, the truck is u lized to collect donated material for resale and use in area home renova ons and new construc on. This helps Habitat for Humanity focus on its core mission, instead of a new truck purchase, and offers addi onal savings in fuel economy. GTA also provided the organiza on with a vehicle data logger supported by FleetCarma. The data logger gives an online snapshot of how the truck is being used and where it is going (see chart). Such reports help fleet managers be er understand usage and opportuni es for opera onal improvement. The engineers and visionaries behind this project had more in mind than simply crea ng an all-around efficient vehicle — they chose to donate the one-of-kind byproduct of fueling innova on to Habitat for Humanity. The one-year, no-cost lease was made possible by Isuzu Commercial Truck of America Inc. Dona on of equipment and upfits were made by par cipa ng NTEA and GTA member companies. Local support was provided by Mid-State Truck Equipment. The Habitat for Humanity truck is a solid example of a highly efficient applica on of lightweigh ng technology. NREL’s research and analysis of the vehicle shows fuel use reduc on and improved gas mileage as compared to tradi onally made trucks. With their combined contribu ons, Alcoa Wheels, Isuzu Commercial Truck of America Inc., Voth Truck Bodies, Greater Indiana Clean Ci es, Copan Co., Mid-

State Truck Equipment and Switch-N-Go, helped demonstrate the eec veness of lightweigh ng technology. Most importantly, though, these companies showed a dedica on to be ering our communi es by giving their work to Habitat for Humanity — a notable example of what can be achieved when innova on and philanthropy come together. To learn more about GTA, visit www.greentruckassocia on.com.

KELLIE WALSH | Greater Indiana Clean Fuels Coali on | kellie@greaterindiana.com | 317-834-3754 24

This beautiful photo seems apropos for the winter edition and is of Wequiock Falls that is about one mile from Green Bay (the body of water) and roughly 15 miles northeast of the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Did you know that you can see the Niagara Escarpment from the small state park that this falls resides in? That escarpment runs almost 1,000 miles from the eastern side of Wisconsin through the Great Lakes to the Rochester, NY area, and dates back to the Paelozoic Era and the Silurian Period.

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