Fuels Fix Ezine, Summer 2017

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Training Centers Nationwide The Na�onal Alterna�ve Fuels Training Consor�um (NAFTC) is the only na�onwide alterna�ve fuel and advanced technology vehicle training organiza�on in the U.S.

The NAFTC’s mission is to provide the training infrastructure for implemen�ng the widespread use of alterna�ve fuels, alterna�ve fuel vehicles logy vehicles. (AFVs), and advanced technology Its effort to increase energy security, as well as improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is embodied in its mo�o “Because Clean Air and Energy Independence Ma�er.”

Curriculum Development

Founded in 1992, the NAFTC is a program of West Virginia University and consists of Na�onal and Associate Training Centers located na�onwide from Maine to California. Each center provides Training with Impact through its experienced instructors and realthr world sh shop facili�es. Numerous other members from small businesses, government, and industry also support the NAFTC’s mission. More than 2,000 courses have been conducted by the NAFTC, resul�ng in more than 38,000 technicians, rst responders, students, eet managers, and others trained on AFVs and advanced technology vehicles.

Courses & Workshops

Courses undergo a rigorous examina�on by professional automo�ve instructors and technicians before being released for use by the NAFTC and Na�onal and Associate Training Center members.

Program Management

Outreach & EducaƟon The NAFTC has managed more than $35 million in programs through funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Environmental Protec�on Agency, FEMA, and other government and private sector industry en��es.

Learn the basics or gain indepth knowledge of alterna�ve fuel and advanced technology vehicles by a�ending one of more than 35 courses and workshops offered at the NAFTC headquarters and at training loca�ons na�onwide. The NAFTC a�ends and conducts mul�ple outreach and educa�on events such as Na�onal AFV Day Odyssey. Conducted biennially since 2002, Odyssey has built awareness of alterna�ve fuel and advanced technology vehicles among millions.

Na�onal Alterna�ve Fuels Training Consor�um Ridgeview Business Park • 1100 Frederick Lane Morgantown, WV 26508 • na�c@mail.wvu.edu P: (304) 293-7882 • F: (304) 293-6944 • h�p://na�c.wvu.edu


‘From Sea to Shining Sea’ NGV Rally: AltFuel Solutions, Inc.

San Diego Coalition’s Fleet Reach More than Doubles | p. 13 San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition


Odyssey Day at the University of Rhode Island | p. 7 Ocean State Clean Cities

: Take 2 | p. 17

CARB Certified Propane Engine in Blue Bird Buses to Lowest NOx in the Market | p. 9

National NGV Rally Hits Salisbury, NC | p. 11 Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition

Southeast Louisiana Clean Fleets Set Records in Reducing Petroleum Use & GHG Emissions | p. 15 Southeast Louisiana Clean Fuels Partnership


CONTENTS SAN DIEGO COALITION DOUBLES Efforts at outreach double their fleet presence p. 13

ROUSH CERTIFIED LOW... WAY LOW CARB certifies new ROUSH CleanTech engine to super-low NOx level of 0.05 g/bhp-hr


‘From Sea to Shining Sea’ NGV Rally: Take 2 p. 17

CLEAN CITIES TV The Official Clean Cities YouTube Channel

Twitter: @fuelsfix

ADVERTISERS INDEX Icom North America Lightning Systems NAFTC REG ROUSH CleanTech US Gas Vehicles


EDITOR / WRITER Melissa Goldberg East Tennesee Clean Fuels Coalition melissa@etcleanfuels.org

Fuels Fix is published quarterly by the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition in collaboration with the creative and groovy DOE Clean Cities coalitions across the USA. Email info@etcleanfuels.org for advertising information, or see the website.


Who are these happy people... and why are they so happy?

PUBLISHER / SENIOR EDITOR / WRITER Jonathan G. Overly East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition jonathan@etcleanfuels.org


On Fuels Fix website: > Lightning Systems > NAFTC > ROUSH CleanTech

12, 16 16 3, 16 2 11, 16 16


August 1-2, 2017 Hilton Columbus Downtown

The Midwest Green Fleets Forum & Expo will bring together clean transportation stakeholders from across the Midwest to learn how fleets save money and reduce emissions with alternative fuels and efficiency technologies. Network with leading fleets, government officials, and industry members, while attending breakout sessions on the latest in efficient, smart transportation technologies. Clean Fuels Ohio will recognize fleet leaders for environmental and fuel reduction achievements at the Ohio Green Fleets Awards, as well as distribute the Legislator of the Year Award a public sector champion of the alternative fuels industry.

Visit MidwestGreenFleets.com to register. August 1 - Pre-Conference Workshops 12 pm 4:30 pm

Midwest DRIVES and Smart Columbus Vehicle Showcase

1 pm

Financing Your Fleet: Creative Financing, Grants, Incentives, and Group Purchasing Strategies

2:30 pm

Break/Midwest DRIVES and Smart Columbus Vehicle Showcase

August 2 - Midwest Green Fleets Forum & Expo 8:00 am


8:15 am

Opening Plenary: Clean and Smart Mobility Roundtable

9:30 am 11:15am 12:30pm 2:00pm

Technical Sessions 1) Finding the Best Fit for Fleets 2) Big Data, Big Results Technical Sessions 1) Putting Electric Vehicles to Work 2) Efficiency Solutions for Today & Tomorrow Ohio Green Fleets Awards Luncheon MEMA Technician Awards Networking & Vendor Expo Plenary: Fleet Best Practices, Funding and Future Policy Opportunities


Expo Time; Fleet Working Group Meetings (Private Fleets, Government Fleets)


Conference Reception

Visit MidwestGreenFleets.com to register.


LEARNING IN THE OCEAN STATE: ODYSSEY DAY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND This year, Ocean State Clean Cities hosted the National Alternative Fuel Training Consortium (NAFTC) Odyssey Day event at the University of Rhode Island (URI) as part of the Earth Day celebration on campus. Odyssey Day is a nationwide event dedicated to promoting the use of and educating audiences on alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology. Many local companies and car dealerships participated in the event. We had a lineup of different alternative fuel vehicles including electric, propane, and biodiesel. We were very excited to have the Chevrolet Bolt there!

A presentation on alternative fuels was given by representatives from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, utility National Grid, biodiesel producer Newport Biodiesel, and Ocean State Clean Cities to a class during the event. The event fit in perfectly with the Earth Day theme, as many interested people stopped to look at the cars and learn more about alternative fuels and the role they play with climate change and air quality. We had great success in educating the public about alternative fuels, and changing impressions on the associated vehicles!

Below: Students and staff exploring the Chevrolet Bolt. Facing page - Top: URI class learning about alternative fuels during the presentation; Bottom: Students and staff exploring the Chevrolet Volt from local dealer Paul Masse Chevrolet.


BRIANNA SELTZER | Ocean State Clean Cities | brianna_seltzer@my.uri.edu | 401-874-2792 8



LOWEST NOx IN THE MARKET ROUSH CleanTech has developed the first propane autogas engine available in class 4-7 vehicles and Blue Bird Type C buses certified to the optional low nitrogen oxides (NOx) level of 0.05 g/bhp-hr. These new Environmental Protection Agency—and California Air Resources Board—certified propane engines are 75 percent cleaner than the current emissions standard. “ROUSH CleanTech’s low NOx engine is a great step forward for the propane industry,” said Tucker Perkins, president of the Propane Education & Research Council. “Propane autogas is well established as an economical, clean-burning and domestically produced alternative fuel ideal for fleets. Now propane gets the biggest return on NOx reductions, too.”

Nitrogen oxides are a group of gases known as a primary contributor to ozone formation, acid rain, and smog and are made up of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The EPA states that exposure to NOx can trigger health problems such as asthma and other respiratory issues. CARB has encouraged heavy-duty engine manufacturers to reduce levels below the current mandatory EPA standard of 0.2 grams per brake horsepower per hour (known as g/ bhp-hr, which is an industry standard for units of heavy-duty vehicle emissions). “Equipping the Blue Bird Vision with the lowest NOx propane engine makes the best-selling school bus in the industry even better,” said Phil Horlock, president and CEO of Blue Bird. “That’s great news for

U.S. National NOx Emissions by Source Sector, 2014


The reason why NOx emissions reductions are needed in the transportation sector. The data in the graph at left is from the U.S. EPA and highlights the national summary of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions by source sector. The “mobile” sector encompasses all forms of transportation including all sizes and types of on-road vehicles, as well as nonroad vehicles which includes aircraft, marine vessels and locomotives, and indicates the severity of the NOx problem. If we are to reduce the impact of NOx emissions on human health in our country, we need to focus on reductions in the transportation sector, and replacing older school buses with cleaner burning propane buses is one great option.


Source Sector




Industrial Processes

Fuel Combustion

Source data page: http://bit.ly/2tmcYy3

Mobile 0



Short Tons 9



the environment, our customers and our children. Blue Bird’s propane school bus is the industry leader for lowest total cost of ownership and hassle-free maintenance, while creating a cleaner and safer environment for us all.” The certification covers ROUSH CleanTech’s newest 6.8L V10 propane engines for school bus and commercial truck engines with no additional upfront cost. ROUSH CleanTech has begun installing the new low NOx engines in its Ford commercial vehicles and Blue Bird Vision propane school buses with the 2017 model year engines. “Developing the lowest NOx propane engine sends a message that this fuel is comparable to other alternative fuels from a standpoint of emissions,” said Todd Mouw, vice president of sales and marketing for ROUSH CleanTech. “With our nation’s ample supply of propane and the fuel’s favorable total cost of ownership, our propane autogas engine is the perfect mix of environmental and economic sustainability.” Over the past year, NOx awareness has increased due to the Volkswagen emissions compliance issue. The Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust was created to fund actions with cleaner technology that reduce excess emissions of NOx. “Our .05g NOx engine certification will help our school bus and public transit customers target funds from the upcoming VW Environmental Mitigation Trust program,” said Mouw. “This is especially beneficial for school districts looking for extra funds to replace aging diesel models.”

Top: The Blue Bird Vision Propane school bus leads the alt-fuel school bus market in sales. Bottom: A view of the new ROUSH CleanTech propane engine that is capable of reaching such low levels of NOx emissions.


NATIONAL NGV RALLY HITS SALISBURY, NC Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition and Agility Fuel Solutions were pleased to welcome members of the NGV Road Rally to their only stop in North Carolina on June 14th. This road rally was designed to celebrate energy freedom, exhibit different kinds of natural gas vehicles, and urge Congress to pass pro-NGV legislation. This event educated guests, including members of corporations seeking to join or expand their commercial fleets to include natural gas. Topics presented included the VW settlement program and how NGVs are the most

cost-effective use of funds for clean transportation projects using that money, dispelling the natural gas ‘range anxiety’ myth, and the benefits of using compressed, liquid or natural gas in transportation. Guests included state and local government officials, the media, NGV supporters, customers and advocates, industry stakeholders, Clean Cities coordinators and the public.

(L to R) Centralina Clean Cities Coordinator Jason Wager and Barry Carr of Westport Fuel Systems, promote alternative fuels by placing decals onto CNG vehicles for their next leg of the road rally.

CARINA SORIANO | Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition | csoriano@centralina.org | 704-688-7035 11

SAVE THE DATE! Empire Clean Vehicle Festival

Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Technologies

Mid-October, 2017 Union Square Park, New York, New York

Join Empire Clean Cities and partners for an opportunity to learn about the latest consumer and fleet vehicles that operate on non-petroleum based fuels. The festival will feature:  Showcase and panel session on alternative fuel vehicles  Gather stakeholders to participate in efforts to increase ZEVs and low NOx projects  highlighting the notion of “Food Miles” and how soybean farmers positively contribute to the alternative fuel industry  + More Save the event and sign up for the Empire Clean Cities newsletter for updates! For more information or participation, please email info@empirecleancities.org

Empire Clean Vehicle Festival Partners:

SAN DIEGO’S COALITION’S FLEET REACH MORE THAN DOUBLES EIGHT-MONTH EFFORT YIELDS BIG RESULTS, FOCUS ON FLEET INFRASTRUCTURE San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition recently announced that it has nearly doubled its fleet operations engagements since 2016. The increase follows an eightmonth flurry of activities by the group focusing on new workshops, webinars and fleet services. Formed in 1996, the San Diego Coalition has grown to become the go-to source for expertise on alternative transportation fuels and advanced vehicle technologies. The Coalition is hosted by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), which provides fleet technical assistance and also manages statewide clean vehicle incentive programs in California, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York, which combined have awarded more than $400 million in clean vehicle rebates and vouchers. During the past year, the coalition and CSE staff addressed the needs of fleet stakeholders by providing in-depth technical assistance on electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure projects. As fleets increase the scale and speed of EV deployment, questions regarding how to best utilize and charge vehicles are becoming more immediate and complex. Topics include network choice, electric panel upgrades, siting, future-proofing and costs. Staff are working with fleet operators to provide assistance ranging from remote desktop analyses to fullblown site inspections with electricians. “Scaling up the number of EV charging stations can create some interesting power supply considerations for facilities that were never designed for electric vehicles,” said CSE Transportation Specialist Kevin Wood. “Vehicle grid integration pilot projects in our region will help to test strategies for managing loads at the facility level and grid scale as the number of EVs increases.”

Interest is strong even among fleet operators who do not have any electric vehicles. A recent workshop-webinar hosted by San Diego Clean Cities attracted more than 110 fleet and facility managers. As the number of EVs in fleet use increases, Wood expects the complexity and frequency of fleet charging questions to grow. What is the most important advice for fleet managers to consider? According to CSE staff, the two most important things fleet and facility managers can do is lay conduit whenever paving fleet facilities and begin tracking the domicile and parking locations of vehicles in a fleet information management system to better inform EV infrastructure planning. “Be intentional. Have a plan,” said CSE Fleet Project Manager Michael Terreri. “Measure twice and cut once is a successful M.O. Know what the availability of EVSE is at a depot before ordering vehicles. Know what your ideal charging solution is and pursue that rather than signing contracts with six or more providers. Intentionality is everything.”

San Diego coalition Co-Coordinator Kevin Wood presents during a workshop on electric vehicle charging for fleet and facility managers (March 2017).

MICHAEL TERRERI | San Diego Regional Clean Cities | Michael.Terreri@energycenter.org | 858-633-8579 13

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Maintenance Costs

Total Operating Costs





$ 4.00




$ 4.00

Ford F-53/ PROPANE F-59 6.8L V10


$ $

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$0 Ford F-250/ F-350

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6.2L V8


Ford F-450/ F-550 6.8L V10

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$ 4.00

Blue Bird Vision 6.8L V10

6.8L V10

Micro Bird G5 6.8L V10

$ 4.00



PETROLEUM USE & GHG EMISSIONS On June 13, 2017, the Southeast Louisiana Clean Fuel Partnership (SLCFP) recognized 24 local Clean Fleets that together set two regional records by reducing traditional fuel consumption over 3.5 million gasoline gallons equivalent (GGEs) and preventing 22,382 tons greenhouse gas emissions!

lating the leaders on their accomplishments: “It is these programs and initiatives that serve as excellent examples for other companies and groups to become a part of the ever growing movement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while making alternative fuel projects a priority.”

SLCFP recognized the fleets at the Annual Clean Fleet Leader Awards for contributing to the growth of cleaner transportation for all through alternative fuels, fuel saving programs, and innovative technologies. Over 100 people attended the event as part of the Regional Planning Commission meeting. The audience included elected officials, transportation agencies, developers and the general public. Paul Miller, Technology Assessment Director at Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR), traveled to the event in LDNR’s bi-fuel CNG vehicle and provided opening remarks congratuLeft: Group photo of the fleets recognized at the event, with SLCFP Coordinator Rebecca Otte (second from right) and Intern Courtney Young shown (at right). Above: Louisiana Dept. of Natural Resources’ Paul Miller driving the department’s bi-fuel CNG Chevrolet.


COURTNEY YOUNG | Southeast LA Clean Fuels Partnership | cyoung@norpc.org | 504-483-8519


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Pump SERVICING ARE Evacuation YOU CURRENTLY The ICOM “Prime” Propane Evacuation Pump has an excellent 12 year history of safely removingPROPANE propane from vehicles withoutPOWERED venting or wasting fuel. OEM BUSES? Hundreds are in use in the USA, Europe, Australia and Asia sine 2004.

The ICOM “Prime” Propane Evacuation Pump Portable unit Total evacuation of propane from the tank Air operated Easy accessibility for on-site tank evacuation evacuates approximately 20 gallons per hour at 120 psi air pressure





‘FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA’ NGV ROAD RALLY: TAKE 2 The 2nd annual ‘From Sea to Shining-Sea’ NGV Road Rally across America came to a successful conclusion in Washington, DC on Friday, June 16th. This year’s 18-stop, 4,825-mile cross-country rally encompassed an entire west coast-to-east coast run plus several additional routes throughout the U.S. that all tied into the final event destination. The 2017 road rally was built upon last year’s triumphant 13-media stop event orchestrated by then APGA NGV Committee Chairman, Pat Riley – General Manager from Gibson County Utility District in Tennessee. While serving as Chair on the TGA NGV Committee, Pat had been doing outreach in various marketing development venues, such as CNG expos, when he came to the conclusion that he needed a new medium to communicate the industry’s projob, pro-America and pro-Nat Gas messaging to reach a greater audience while still providing state legislators—who were well versed on the benefits of natural gas—an innovative opportunity to meet stakeholders and the general public to discuss important energy issues and concerns. After adding a well-received 5-stop statewide ‘CNG across Tennessee’ road rally to his resume, Pat—with the approval and support of the APGA and his employer—rolled out a successful national CNG road rally. This year, Pat Riley passed the baton to me. Being asked to quarterback this event seemed logical. In addition to APGA, the other Presenting Sponsors were the AGA and NGVAmerica. I had served for 6 years in market development for NGVAmerica and during this time organized several large, ‘lots of moving parts’ member-type events. I am wellversed in NGVs and infrastructure, know NGVA/AGA membership well and have assisted the associa17

tion with their messaging and market development efforts. Prior to working with NGV technology, I spent 2 years in hydrogen (with a 20% H2 - 80% CH4 transportation fuel known as “Hythane”) and also started a technology company that made the Inc. 500, being highlighted as one of the fastest growing, privately-held companies in the US for 3 consecutive years. With respect to each media stop, Pat Riley had created a proven template to ensure that the host sites accomplished several goals: • Create a celebratory atmosphere • Provide a venue to present awards to state officials and stakeholders who champion NGV issues • Serve to educate attendees on NGVs’ value proposition • Prove that NGV range anxiety is a myth • Garner positive media attention In the spirit of “if it ain’t broken, why fix it?”, the same formula was applied. There were, however, a few tweaks. This year, the $2.9 billion VW Environmental Mitigation Trust Fund was a prominent talking point since NGVs are the most cost-effective use of funds for clean transportation projects and play a critical role in solving our country’s worse emission challenges. We took this opportunity to get the word out that NGVs can be cleaner than EVs in many instances. In addition to CNG-fueled technology, vehicles and infrastructure, this year’s rally exposed attendees to 2 LCNG fueling stations. Also 2 RNG (Renewable Natural Gas) host sites

Photos from the various stops across the U.S. are on this page and the next two pages. The photos include ones that show the batons being passed off from one traveler to another (like below), and shots from the events and the vehicles that were included in the rally. Bottom: the national route (and various spurs that developed) for the entire rally.



NGV ROAD RALLY: TAKE 2 (cont’d) were showcased: In Fair Oaks, IN, ampCNG highlighted their RDF (Renewable Dairy Fuel) by using cow manure to power the transportation vehicles delivering milk; and in Atlanta, GA, DeKalb County Department of Sanitation spent time educating attendees and the media on the benefits of taking methane (leakage) from their landfill, cleaning it up and removing water, then injecting it into the NG pipeline. They also operate CNG infrastructure to fuel their fleet. All road rally stops offered educational opportunities that highlighted NGVs’ exemplary value proposition, displayed countless NGVs and had attendees that included state and local government officials and policymakers, the media, NGV customers and advocates, industry stakeholders and DOE Clean Cities coordinators as well as the public. Several national broadcasting affiliates covered these events on television in local markets, the press published many stories of individual events in addition to national media coverage in leading trade & industry e-Zines and social media efforts were successful in LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook (over 400 followers).

no NGVs criss-crossing the country during the road rally experienced fueling issues, otherwise known as ‘range anxiety’. There were over 30 NGVs and drivers to travel the designated routes provided by: SoCalGas; Southwest Gas; Small Arrow Engineering; CenterPoint Energy; Strata-G; Virginia Natural Gas; NGV Solutions; Greater Houston Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance; Atlanta Gas Light; York County Natural Gas Authority; Vectren; NiSource Gas Distribution; Clean Energy Fuels; Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp; Gibson County Utility District; Middle Tennessee Natural Gas; Washington Gas; CNG 4 America; Piedmont Natural Gas; Greer Commission of Public Works; and Barry Carr from Westport Fuel Systems. At the beginning of the road rally, several HD (heavy-duty) and LD (light-duty) NGVs departed from CA and drove to AZ. From there, many LD NGVs made their way across the country. The conclusion was quite dramatic as DC attendees witnessed an armada of HD & LD NGVs rolling into Freedom Plaza, three blocks from the White House, in downtown Washington with the Capitol serving as a stunning backdrop.

In the early stages of planning, while creating a west coast-to-east coast path leading to D.C., something interesting happened. I started getting host participation inquiries from other parts of the country like MN, CO, NE, OR, WI and NJ. The challenge here was to harness this enthusiasm by connecting their potential media site to a viable driving route. Wonderful ‘spurs’ developed whereby MI & IN fed into OH then on to PA and DC. We came very close to FL jumping into a GA to SC ‘spur’ which connected into the main route in NC. Also, a LA to TX ‘spur’ that fed into the main route in AR was also developed.

The following organizations were sponsors of this year’s event: Agility Fuel Solutions, ampCNG, ANGI Energy Systems, Arkansas Clean Cities Coalition, Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp, Atlanta Gas Light, Blue Bird Corporation, Blue Energy Fuels, Carolinas Public

With U.S. fueling infrastructure quickly approaching 2,000 stations—56% of them open to the public— 19

Gas Association, CenterPoint Energy, City of Richmond - Dept. of Public Utilities, City of Tulsa CNG, Clean Energy Fuels Corp, Clean Fuels Michigan, Clean N’ Green Fuel, CNG Cylinders International, Cummins Westport Inc, DeKalb County, Georgia (Metro Atlanta area), DTE Energy, East Tennessee Clean Fuels, EVO CNG, Gibson County Utility District, Greater Dickson Gas Authority, Greater Houston Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance, Greater Indiana Clean Cities Coalition, Greater Washington Clean Cities Coalition, Houston Distributing Company, Knoxville Utilities Board, Middle-West TN Clean Fuels, Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia, National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA), Norwich Clean Cities, Okaloosa Gas District, Oklahoma One-Call, One Gas, Ozinga Energy, Palmetto State Clean Fuels Coalition, Piedmont Natural Gas, Precision Fitting and Gauge/Precision CNG, Sevier County Utility District, Sheehy Mail Contractors, Inc, South Jersey Gas Company, Southern California Gas Company - a Sempra Company, Southwest Gas Corporation, Staubli Corp, TECO Energy, Tennessee Gas Association, Trillium CNG, TruStar Energy, Tulsa Area Clean Cities, Tulsa Gas Technologies, Inc, UGI Utilities, Inc, U.S. Venture/GAIN Clean Fuel, Virginia Clean Cities, Virginia Natural Gas - a Southern Company, WEH Technologies Inc, and Worthington Cylinders.


CLEAN CITIES TV Almost 500 videos are on the CleanCitiesTV channel covering alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology stories from all over the United States.

Electric Buses Hit the Streets in Kentucky

Central Texas Fleet Managers See Propane Mowers in Action

Clean Cities TV is the educational video channel of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities program, which advances the nation’s economic, environmental and energy security by supporting local actions to reduce petroleum consumption in transportation.


Indiana Beverage Company Invests in Alternative Fuels

EV Battery Recycling and Repurposing

Natural Gas Fuels School Buses and Refuse Trucks in Tulsa, OK


At the Dickson, TN stop along the 2017 NGV Rally, we snapped this photo of the Middle-West TN Clean Fuels Coalition Coordinator Alexa Voytek alongside some of our stalwart CNG partners in TN. In the middle in the white shirt is Tennessee’s de facto CNG leader Pat Riley of Gibson County Utility District, refueling his CNG truck that has not once but twice driven coast-to-coast in these rallies. The remaining folks are (from L to R) Steve Cordell, James Sager and Mark O’Neal of the Greater Dickson Gas Authority who were managing this Rally stop. It is partnerships like the ones held by these entities that is advancing alternative fuels in the USA. Between the NGVs, people and smiles, CNG station and blue sky, I’d say this is American Beauty.

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