Jung Hao Ching Portfolio Issue NO.4- Teaser

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issue NO.4 2 010 - 2 018


04 - 13

14 - 25

26 - 41

設 計 挑 戰

企 業 識 別 系 統

商 業 品 牌 設 計

Passion Project

Corporate Identity System

Retail Branding


商標應用 , 文書 ​ ​應 用

A design project that took a year

網站視覺 / 瀏覽操作

商標應用 , 色彩應用

to complete.

Wordmark Application,

Wordmark Application,

Stationary, Website.

Stationary, Menu, Signage.

16. SL+A 飯店 • SL+A HOTELS

28. ぎょそん 餐廳 • GYOSÓN

06. 2017 設計挑戰 •

2017 Design Challenge

18 posters, Glass feature, Design Exhibition

Logo, Color Application, Stationary, Website - Visual and Navigation.

20. SL+A 綠建築設計 • Sustainable Design Division Logo, Color Application, Fact Sheets, Website Visual and Navigation.

24. SL+A 集團名片規範 •

SL+A Group Name Card Guideline Regional name card guideline, Color Application, Paper SPEC.


菜單 , 招牌指標

Logo, Pattern, Menu, Signage.

32. 台北 101 日本料理 • 35 階 Logo, Signage.

34. 一人咖啡 • One Man Cafe Logo, Pattern, Menu, Signage.

38. 啤酒屋 • K HOUSE Logo, Business Card, Menu.

40. 上海藝術學校 • ANNA Logo, Color Application.

41. 童裝 • 2 Kids in Wonderland Logo, Color Application.

42 - 67

92 - 127

空 間 視 覺 與 設 計

印 刷 製 品

Environmental Graphic Design

Print Matters

招牌設計 , 造型牆面 , 玻璃圖騰

邀請卡設計 , 賀卡設計 , 紅包

Signage, Wall/Glass Graphic, Directory,

Invitation, Greeting Card, Red


Envelope, Package.

索引指標 , 方位指標

44. Google 辦公室 • Google Taipei


72. 全球人壽總部 • TransGlobe

94. Coke × Adobe × You

Logo Sculpture, Reception Desk,

Floor Theme, Lift Lobby Signage,

Tokyo 2020 Olympic

Meeting Room Feature Walls,

Grpahic Wallpaper, Feature Wall.

Conceptual Invitation.

Interactive Light Fixture.

50. 理律辦公大樓 • Lee & Li Floor Motif, Wayfinding and Signage System.

56. 泰科易通科技 • Tek Experts Signage Guideline.

58. 智選假日飯店 • Holiday Inn Express Taichung Map Wallpaper Design.

60. 台 北 101 觀景台 • Taipei 101 Directory icon, Way-finding Signage, Taiwan Illustrations.

66. 台灣碩網 • So-net Spread-paint feature wall, Timeline feature wall.

70. 東方匯理 • Credit Agricole Directory Signage.

78. 匯豐南港總部 • HSBC Graphic Wallpaper, LEED Signage Wall.

84. 戴爾展示間 • Dell Showroom Feature Wall, Shelf Graphic, Typography Signage.

86. 花旗銀行休憩區 • CitiBank Feature Wall,TV Graphic Wall, Typography Signage.

88. 愛丁頓台北總部 • Edrington Theme Pattern, Board Room Glass Graphic, Partition Glass Graphic.

90. 遠雄住宅 • FarGlory Marble Floor Pattern, Metal Screen Pattern.

98. 2016 節日卡 • Greeting Card SL+A hard copy and digital card.

102. 45 週年賀卡 • Greeting Card SL+A hard copy and digital card.

106. 2018 節日卡 • Greeting Card

Digital card and concept animation.

110. 集團文宣 • Pamphlet SL+A Group Pamhplet.

112. 邀請函 • Invitation

SL+A 40th Anniversary.

114. 紅包 / 賀卡 • Red Envelope and Greeting Card

2014, 2017-2019.

124. 節目表 • Program

Blackout Film Festival.

126. 月餅包裝盒 • Package 2017 Moon Festival.


耗時一年設計挑戰 A design project that took a year to complete.


設 計 挑 戰

Passion Project


設 計 挑 戰 • Passion Project

2017 設計挑戰 • 2017 Design Challenge

設計範圍 18 幅海報設計 , 玻璃裝置設計 , 設計展覽

Designs Include 18 posters, Glass Centerpiece, Design Exhibition

概念 / 緣由

Concept / Reason

這個耗時一年的作品靈感來自於一篇文章 關於一個平面設計師挑戰自己一年內在 dribble 每天上傳一個和工作不相關的設計 ( 一年共 365 個作品 ),這個設計挑戰現在 好像也在設計界頗有名氣。

This is a year long project inspired by an article I read about a graphic designer who challenged himself to post a non-work related design post on dribble every day for an entire year. In fact I think this design challenge then becomes quite popular among the design industry.

我知道以我的工作時數我不可能每天都設計 一個和工作不相關的作品,所以我決定於 2017 年挑戰每週設計一張海報。

I knew with my work schedule I would never be able to come up with one design a day; so I decided to challenge myself to design a poster a week for the year of 2017.

但是不幸的這個挑戰我徹底失敗了,不只是 因為有時候工作實在太忙,也因為有幾週我 會瘋狂的迷戀上我正在做的設計進而讓這週 的設計需要花上數週 ( 月 ) 來完成。 一年 365 天若我一週完成一個作品我總共應 該要完成 52 張海報,但是我只完成了 18 個 設計。一些設計我甚至還小小的作弊,我會 使用我工作上完成的一些元素或是一些工作 上沒使用到的概念在這些海報上。 但是透過這 18 個作品我卻碰巧的紀錄了我 設計生涯中很重要的一年 : 2017。

However regrettably I am here to tell you that I have failed miserably. Not only because work got in the way but also because I would become obsessed with certain week’s design and then it would evolve into a complex design that would take me month(s) to complete. For a year (365 days) I should have 52 designs if I finish a design once a week. Sadly I only completed 18 designs. And I even cheated on some of them, since some of them are elements I worked on at work or concepts I recycled from work projects. But with these 18 posters I have somehow documented one of the most important years in my design career, the year of 2017.


18 Posters

Glass Centerpiece Entrance


Stills From The Posters


設 計 挑 戰 • Passion Project



Exhibition Design

之後我決定創造一個展覽來展現這個設計挑 戰的所有作品,我在 3D 軟體中創建了這個 展覽空間並在展覽的中心設計了一個玻璃裝 置作為整個空間的第一印象及焦點。

Then I decided to create an exhibition to showcase the product of this design challenge. I built the exhibition in 3D with a glass centerpiece to anchor the room.


設 計 挑 戰 • Passion Project



Glass Centerpiece

位於展覽中心的玻璃裝置是觀賞者走進展覽 的第一印象,玻璃裝置利用透視的技法讓數 字 2O17 從正面看時貌似處於同一個水平面 上,就像海報中的數字一般。

The glass centerpiece is the first thing the viewer sees when he walks into the exhibition. The installation plays with perspective and when one sees it straight-on the numbers 2O17 appears to be parallel to each other, like the numbers in the posters. But as the viewer start to walk around the room he would discover that the numbers are actually in glass boxes with different placement and slightly different in sizes so from the front they would appear to be parallel. This way the glass centerpiece becomes a 360 degree experience, it would look different from every angle.

但當參觀者走進展場開始環繞時他會發現裝 置中的這四個數字其實位於不同位置及不同 大小的玻璃箱中,藉此玻璃裝置成為了一個 環繞全景的體驗,從每一個角度看裝置都會 有不同的視覺效果。


設 計 挑 戰 • Passion Project


最後 18 幅海報成品

Final 18 Posters


商 標 應 用 , 文 ​書 應 ​ 用

網站視覺 / 瀏覽操作 Wordmark Application,

Stationary, Website.


企 業 識 別 系 統

Corporate Identity System


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