ISAIAH19 HIGHWAY Maagan Leadership Family Camp: June 29 – July 1 (20 Years)
ur Annual Jewish & Arab Leadership family camp in Maagan took place with about 50 local families and about 200 people including the children. It was a miracle that we were able to gather right before they restricted the gathering size again due to the spread of Covid-19. We had an anointed time of worship, prayer, hearing the Word of God and powerful testimonies from the younger generation as well. We also celebrated our 20th anniversary of the family camp starting from 2001 after the second intifada broke out in 2000, when we felt to start doing this camp for the Jewish & Arab pastors and their families. God has done great things and many breakthroughs in unity among the local body in these years, especially now among the Joshua generation. We praise God for His faithfulness and pray for more breakthroughs in the coming years!
Joshua Generation BBQ: August 27
e thank the Lord for raising up the Joshua Generation in these last days. We can see how God is doing a major shift once again towards the Joshua Generation. In the last BBQ event, we had 20 key young leaders & pastors from all over the country. It was a very special meeting where everyone shared amazing things that God has done, especially during this time of Covid-19. Holy Spirit is really moving strongly among this generation and it’s like a fire that no one can quench. We hear great testimonies of how God is touching and reaching out to many youth in Israel. Continue to pray for more breakthroughs in the coming year, as once again we are shifting more to this young generation that God is raising up!