Asian Architecture Project 2 Case Study Paper

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School of Architecture, Building and Design Asian Architecture ARC [2213/2234] Project 2: Case Study Paper

Facilities designs in increasing user comforts and satisfaction in Sekeping Serendah.

Name: Sim Jia Hui Student ID: 0320386 Tutor: Puan Noryati Ramli Date:

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Facilities designs in increasing user comforts and satisfaction in Sekeping Serendah. Table of contents: 3 Abstract 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Fundamental principles of the facilities design 2.1 Placement of facilities 2.2 Structural design of facilities 3.0 User comforts. 4.0 Tropical architecture features in Sekeping Serendah. 5.0 Analysis of the facilities in Warehouse 1 5.1 Placement of the facilities 5.2 Passive devices 5.3 Materiality 6.0 Issue in the facilities design 6.1 Bedroom 6.2 Outdoor shower 6.3 Open air dining area 6.4 Comparison of the user comfort levels 7.0 Solutions in increasing user comforts 8.0 Findings 9.0 Conclusion 10.0 References

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Abstract: The purpose of doing this case study paper is to identify the potentials in increasing user’s comforts and satisfaction on the facilities design of Sekeping Serendah, which encounter with high density of greeneries and tropical climate. With Sekeping Serendah as case study due to its rich context in site and the design philosophy behind: treat the land gently and touch the land light have driven the Sekeping Serendah chalets to an open concept of design in spaces. In comparing the facilities there from different aspects in relevant topics, generating solutions to them can achieve optimal user comforts in the facilities. To understand the parameters for facilities design and user comforts, cooperating with utilising the features of tropical architecture optimum user satisfactions can be realised. In assisting the validation of research, literature review on the related topic such as tropical architecture, human’s comfort are to understand the relationships among them. In order to have wider validation of research, reviews from the occupants and site visit are important to have objective perceptions. Three facilities in the Warehouse 1: Bedroom, bathroom and dining area have been selected to do the investigation in depth. The placement, passive design devices and the materials used are discussed and later on the issues are identified in the three categories of user comfort to generate the solutions. Open concept of design is a new approach in the postmodern tropical architecture meanwhile the users are not fully accept psychologically. To sum up, the retreats have served at its initial purpose with rooms to improve in human comforts.

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ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

1.0 Introduction Facilities is a space, a workstation involves certain functions that when occupants activate them. A series of activities occurs in order to achieve their functional efficiency. While designing a facility or space, there are several aspects taken into primary considerations, which are user comforts, human need and site context. Malaysia is a tropical country, the hot and humid climate is the main concern whenever an architect or an interior designer doing their works. Sekeping Serendah, a retreat located in the midst of jungle, encounter with the issues with high density of vegetation, heat gaining and dampness. Retreats are meant to be getting oneself relaxed and comfortable. Hence, facilities in the retreats needs to be organised and designed well to achieve optimum user comforts and satisfaction. In the investigation of facilities of sekeping serendah, relevant study on the topic of has been done to have a better understanding in the next steps of research. The study of fundamental principle in facilities design has given the primary consideration for facility and for the study on user comforts has helped in the knowledge of user comforts. Interviews and site visit are the methods that we could get the subjective feedback of the spaces. To further examine the quality of a facility to user comfort in details, Bedroom, bedroom, outdoor shower and open air dining area are chosen into investigation. . The focus will be run on the placement of facilities, application of the materials and devices whether it is appropriate to the tropical climate. Issues in the facilities design are identified and be analysed. In the latter part , suggestions is generate to help Sekeping Serendah achieving better quality of user comforts.

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ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Research Question: •

1. How to design and planning facilities in a building?

2. How does facilities design impacts on user comforts?

3. How does facilities design of Sekeping Serendah achieve better users’ comforts while responding tropical climate?

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Mind Mapping:

Sekeping Serendah

Tropical architecture design features

Facilities design Bedrooms


Dining area


Analysis on:

Identify Issues:

-Placement of facilities

-Visual privacy

-Passive devices

-Insufficient lighting

-Materials Application


1. Primary considerations while doing facilities design 2. Human comforts becomes a guideline in Findings design 3. The integration of site context ,facility planning and user comfort

-Noise from adjacent building Generate Solutions /suggestion: -Installation of artificial light -Install roof to bathroom -Regular Maintenance

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

2.0 Fundamental principles on facilities design. Facilities is something created to serve as certain purposes, an amenity, a space or an equipment. In this study, we are focusing on the functional space. While designing a facility, human needs and comforts come to the primary consideration.

2.1 Placement of facilities In order to satisfy the requirement in user’s needs, user comforts and the functional efficiency, location of facility is important. Apart from the function itself, the interaction of activities among other facilities in the building are also in the consideration. By placing it at the proper location, ensuring the flow of activities for each facility is smooth and no contradictory, maximizing the functional efficiency.

Figure 2.1 Layout plan of Ware house 1

In the layout planning of Warehouse 1, the bedrooms have been located at the first floor level to separate from the living area. Ground floor of warehouse 1 is in open floor plan design, thus it merging the spaces into flexible allowing big family having their activities but not being so restricted in a cubic area.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

2.2 Structural design of facilities Structural design can be discussed in the selection of materials and finishes. To integrate with the site context and cooperate with the existing physical boundary, appropriate application of materials is helpful to enhance the functions of the spaces or facilities. In a hot and humid climate country, dampness and the heat gaining issue are often to be mentioned.

Figure 1.2.1 Chart of the types of materials and embodied energy. Image source:

From the chart above, we can see that materials such as steel, masonry and concrete is high in energy embodiment meanwhile timber and glass are obviously lower than others. Thus, in the tropical climate country, light weight frame of structure is preference which avoiding the heat gaining. While in some specific area, which require large capacity of heat storage and prevent it from heat radioactive conduction, large quantities of masonry is applied.

Figure 2.2.2 Timber shed

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Figure 2.2.3 Glass shed. Source:

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Figure 2.2 Glass shed

Figure 2.3 Mud shed

Figure 2.4 Warehouse 1

In the design of Sekeping Serendah chalets, steel light frame structure, timber structure and masonry structure are used and specify in different functions of spaces.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

3.0 User comforts. User comfort is important to the working performance, user’s satisfaction in physical and psychological way. While doing design for a facility or a space, general and integrated perspectives seeks to achieve optimum comforts in visual, acoustic and thermal are to ensure the comfort level of the environment. To discuss user comforts in a space, three main category is divided which are visual comfort, acoustic comfort and thermal comfort.

Visual comfort It related to the amount of the light provided which reached its level when we can see clearly in the spaces without tiredness. It does has some physical parameters to depend which are luminance and brightness, colours and risk of glare. Besides, there are also psychological and physiological factors to impact the visual comfort quality. Depends of the activities involved in the facilities, different level of luminance and brightness is required. It can be controlled by positioning the doorway, openings and partitions.

Acoustic comfort Normally acoustic comfort are given little attention in doing planning and design of space. It is related to the control of noise within the space or among the spaces. Different activities involved spaces has its range of the acceptance level in noise. Hence, the planning of facilities or spaces could take this as a references.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Thermal comfort Thermal comfort is a situation of mind that showing satisfaction to the thermal environment. It is accessed by the ASHARE STANDARD 55 to ensure the user comforts. It is related to temperature and air velocity in spaces and conveying the system of ventilation or fenestration in design of facilities.Factors of thermal comfort(figure 3.1) including the dry bulb temperature ,sunlight ,air flow and humidity etc. By manipulating those elements well in the optimal range (figure 3.3,3.4), the space will be achieving in great user comfort eventually enhance the working performance.

Figure 3.1 Factors of user comfort Source: atjenese

Figure 3.2 Comfortable Temperature chart. Source: isover_airtightness, Figure 3.3 Air velocity chart。Sourceisover_airtightness,(2016) (2016)

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

4.0 Tropical Architecture Features in Sekeping Serendah Tropical architecture is an approach to respond the climatic condition or other significant site context in a tropical country. In the general view of tropical architecture, they can be identified in some significant feature due to the climatic conditions and issue in common. They use the same architectural language to tackle with the heat gain issue and maybe extreme humidity level. In performing better user quality in a building, an expression of vernacular architecture in modern way is applied to the Sekeping Serendah retreats. With the use of modern materials, but not causing in negative environmental impacts. To support comfort participate in the tropical climate , sun shading devices and the manipulating in fenestration are applied in the design wise. Example for the use of sun screen and louvers in Sekeping Serendah:

Figure 4.1 Sun screen used in Warehouse 1 SourceďźšSim, (2016)

Figure 4.2 Timber louvers used in Timber shed 1 SourceďźšSim, (2016)

From figure 4.1 and figure 4.2 , sun screening and timber louvers window are applied In the chalets both different in the appearance but still serve at the same purpose to prevent from the exposure of sun to lower the heat gain and increase the user comforts. The combination of modern wide glass fenestration and conventional louvers window (figure 3.2) create special scenery in aesthetic value. Glass window and timber louvers has mitigated daylight and allows air circulation in the space to achieve thermal comfort requirement for user. Page | 12

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Figure 4.3Louvers for ventilation in Glass shed 1 Source:Sim, (2016)

Figure 4.4 Big over hang roof and Clerestory in Glass Shed 1. Source:Sim, (2016)

Figure 4.5 Sky light in Warehouse 1

Figure 4.6 Diagram of sun shading and air movement in vernacular Malay house Source:

Source:Sim, (2016)

From figure 3.3 to figure 3.5 shows the conversion of tropical architectural elements. Clerestory at the roof for day lighting and the louvers allows wind come into the spaces for better visual comfort and thermal comfort. The diagram shows how the traditional Malay houses tackle on the issue of ventilation and day lighting. The vegetation on the site has filtering the sunlight to the building. The mitigation of the natural light and wind have increased the user comfort in the design of facilities.

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ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

5.0Analysis of the facilities in Warehouse 1 Among the chalets on Sekeping Serendah, Warehouse 1 has been selected as the research target. It is bigger than other chalets in the Sekeping Serendah, which allow to accommodate 8 to 11 people .Besides, its design is based on old timeindustrial style so that we can see the use of zinc board and steel structure furniture. Bedrooms, outdoor bathroom and dining area are chosen to the analysis based on three aspects: placement of structure, tropical device design features and the material application to the particular facility.

5.1 Placement of facilities Bedroom

Figure 5.1.1 Image of bedroom in warehouse Source:Aimi, (2015)

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Figure 5.1.2 Layout plan showing location of bedroom at first floor level

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

In warehouse 1, bedroom is placed separately from other spaces. There is only one stairs ascending to each bedroom. The spatial planning in this way has ensured the privacy

for the user in terms of visual and acoustic comfort. The scale of the bedroom is smaller and compact compared to other spaces. This has determine the function for the area and Figure 5.1.4 Layout plan showing location of bathroom

controlling the amount of people to stay at the bedroom, maintain interaction distance at intimate level. Outdoor Bathroom

Figure 3.1.3 Image of bathroom in Warehouse 1. SourceďźšSim, (2016)

The bathroom in Warehouse 1 is situated at the back of the chalet. Its location has protected the users from the direct view in the living area. Besides, it also prevent other

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

spaces in extreme humidity which might lead to the growth of gross affected user’s health condition.

Dining Area Dining area in Warehouse in located adjacent to kitchen at the ground floor. Its function has been linked to the most relevant spaces : kitchen to achieve ideal workflow in

Figure 5.1.5 Image of dining area Source:Sim, (2016)

Figure 5.1.6Layout plan showing location of dining area

the facilities .It is slightly level up by the steps so that children would not be easily access to the kitchen and dining area to avoid happens of incidents even there is no walls or partition to determine the area.

5.2 Passive design devices Bedroom Page | 16

ARC 2213/2234 Asian Architecture Figure 5.2.1 Skylight from the roof. Source:Aimi, (2015)

Figure 5.2.2 Sun Screen at sides. Source:Aimi, (2015)

Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Where the bedrooms located actually is close enough to the big roof with exposure structure. The big overhang roof has shaded the spaces but the translucent corrugated PVC roof panel has allowed the penetration of natural light to light up the spaces below. Due to the activities in bedroom are ongoing during night so it has oriented the users going down to the communal areas. Besides, part of the sides of the bedrooms are covered with sun screen but not structural wall due to its concept. The sunscreen is still available to let the wind go through the spaces to bring away the heat, like wise timber louvers used in traditional Malay houses.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Figure 5.2.5 5.2.4 Lifted Bathroom with partially louvers Figure roof structure Source :Sim,roofing. (2016) Source:Sim, (2016)

Outdoor bathroom Outdoor bathrooms in Warehouse one is partially exposed to outdoor. The heavy brick walls has worked as heat insulator to prevent the heat gaining to a space we exposed our body. Roof is elevated so that the air movement is allowed. Dining area

Figure 5.2.6 Free openning for dining area Source :Aimi, (2015)

Figure 5.2.7 Sun screen i the kitchen and dining area. Source:Sim, (2016)

Sunscreen is also applied in the dining area to avoid direct sunlight and also the intrusion of animals. The open floor plan design at ground floor has enhance the air movement to cool down the spaces. Lush greeneries surrounding has provide natural shading and cooling device.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

5.3 Materials application In Warehouse 1, basically there are only few types of materials applied which are bricks, steel and some are made of timber. Not only correspond to the concept of old time industrial style but also to help the spaces serve at their own purposes.

Bricks is characterized by it strength, durability and good heat insulator so it is mostly used as the supporting components. In the chalets, it is applied in the toilets and bathrooms which encounter extreme humidity in long duration. Figure 5.3.1 Materials- Bricks SourceďźšSim, (2016)

Steel in Warehouse 1 is used in the structure for the building. It

is strong enough to support the building but now heavy and rigid

to spoil the nature beauty designer wants to conserve. But due

to the long term in exposed to the weather, it become rusty and dust Figure 4 Materials -Steel SourceďźšSim, (2016)

retaining that harmful to health.

In a nutshell, the materials used in the spaces are considerate and well respond to the climatic conditions. Improving the spatial experience and as well as human comforts. Although the facilities design in Warehouse has tried to give the optimal level of hhuman comforts, there are still some underlying issues that the users discover. For the next chapter, few issues are identified and elaborated.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

6.0 Issues in the facilities design In this chapter, few issues are identified in each design of facility based on the interview results from the occupants. These issues have led to an unpleased environment to the user and causing in dissatisfactions. Facilities


Outdoor Bathroom

Open dining area



Visual privacy

Risk of animal intrusion Health concern to the rustic metal

Lighting Figure 6.1 Table showing the identified issues

6.1 Bedroom Natural lighting penetrates directly above the bed has brighten up the areas but not really uncomfortable as the activities during the day focus on the ground floor. The ambience of the bedrooms, surrounded by the lush greeneries, sleep and rest next to the mother nature has improve the sleeping quality. Issue of dampness- Occupants have reported that the pillows and blanket are wet during their staying there. This is unhygienic and harmful to health. The factor resulted this scenario probably is the linkage of the corrugated roof above.

6.2 Outdoor bathroom The design of the outdoor bathroom has overturned the cognition of people to bathrooms. The open air bathing is a new experience to the users, whether they are convinced to adapt to the spaces or reluctant to challenge with the familiarity to spaces.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

Issue of visual privacy: The open air design has trouble the users in the feeling of insecure and unprotected in the intimate personal distance. There is a risk that somebody else might peep from outside at night in the dark.

Figure 6.1.1 Lighting in bathroom.

Figure 5.1.2 No roofing part at Bathroom

Source:Sim, (2016)

\ Source:Sim, (2016)

Issue of insufficient lighting: There is only little bulb in the bathroom which is not sufficient to brighten up the area. User’s visually cannot fully perceiving the space caused in the discomfort in vision.

6.3 Dining area Dining area is designed wisely. Open floor plan has extended the living area to accommodate more people and allowing bigger scale of activities ongoing. Risk of animal intrusion- The free opening increases the risk of animals intrude to the building as there is no structural elements to block it. Health concern to the rustic metal- The materials used for the furniture in dining area is steel. Due to the long duration exposed to the weather, it is rusty thus is easily in dust retaining which is harmful to health especially the area serve at dining purposes.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

6.4 Comparison of the user comfort level

User satisafactions to facilities in Warehouse 1 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0


Outdoor bathroom

Open di ni ng a rea


Among three facilities done with the investigation, the outdoor bathroom has received most of the negative reviews from the users. In the three categories of user comfort, it has not reached the satisfied level especially in terms of visual comfort.

In the next chapter, solutions and suggestions to amend on the issued discussed will be introduce.

Figure 6 Chart showing the satisfaction level of users

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

7.0 Solutions in increasing user comforts 1. Issue of dampness: In the hot and climate country like Malaysia, high percentage of humidity is always the main issue and concern. In order to amend the issue in the bedroom, more regular maintenance of roof and the renewal for the mattress and blanket should carry on. 2. Visual privacy: Understand the design approach of the designer to stay as much as close to the nature. But one’s recognition to a space that we repeatedly use in the everyday life is rooted. Thus, the unfamiliarity to space decrease the satisfaction. To tackle with the issue but not taking away from the design intention, horizontal louvers can be added as the screen protector. It remain the contact to the nature in wind and vision but provided a more protected area to the user. 3. Insufficient lighting: Install more artificial light to brighten up the enclosed area. Although the natural light in the day is ample to lit up the spaces but when the sun gone then the activities involved are influenced on the functional efficiency. 4. Health concern and life risk: In the concept of openness, a retreats built in the midst of tropical jungle confront with the higher risk of the creature intrude to their territory. Thus, in order to increase the confidence of users, some hardscape like fencing or gates need to be install .In terms of health concern to the rusty materials used, regular cleaning need to be done and checking schedule should be more often.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

8.0 Findings 1. The primary considerations while doing facilities design are the placement and the user’s need to the particular function. Besides, the linkage to the other working area need to make sure their flow is efficient.

2. Human comforts is a guideline for the designer and architect respond to user’s need in the designing of spaces. Different function of spaces require different types of designs and design also different depends on the site context. Facilities design need to conform to the user’s comfort as well. For example, outdoor bathroom in the Warehouse 1 is well designed based on the concept but failed to achieve the functional efficiency. Thus, both are need to be balanced while doing planning and design.

3. In overall, Sekeping Serendah has reached the satisfied level to respond to the tropical climate in the designing of spaces. If those minor issue occurs in different facilities design be well treated, Sekeping Serendah will achieve another optimum level of human comforts and becoming the role in postmodern architecture Malaysia.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

9.0 Conclusion To sum up, Sekeping Serendah have become a new approach in the tropical architecture in Malaysia and created a new life style, getting retreat in the midst of the jungle. Its design intentions are simple but yet not everyone really take good care of the site context. The planning of the facilities is still consider acceptable by the majority of occupants there has proven its success in confronting the rich site context. Aesthetic also been taking care so the nature and architecture they are not losing the beauty of themselves but also manifesting the unique colours to each other.

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

10.0 References Alphonsus, A. (2011, September 26). An architect who wants to keep design simple. Retrieved June 18, 2016, from Cauwarts, C. (n.d.). Parameters of visual comfort. Retrieved June 16, 2016, from

C H A P T E R 1 Fundamental principles of facilities planning and design - D. (n.d.). Retrieved June 27, 2016, from

Diaz, A. G., & Smith, J. M. (n.d.). Facilities Planning and design. Retrieved June 15, 2016, from

Thermal Comfort. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2016, from

What Is A Tropical Architecture? (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2016, from Acoustic Comfort. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2016, from

Conversation with yvonne yoong from the new straits times (april 2012) on the sekeping projects | SEKSAN DESIGN - Landscape Architecture and Planning. (n.d.). Retrieved June 18, 2016, from

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Facilities design in increasing user comfort and satisfactions in Sekeping Serendah.

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