Digital Design Portfolio

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Semester 1, 2021

Digital Design

PORTFOLIO Jia Min Cheong

1055131 Nancy Samoyoa | Studio 17



digital design

EDUCATION 2020-present The University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Design WORK EXPERIENCE 2016-present Website Editor VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE 2017-2019 Chin Student Organisation AWARDS / EXHIBITION 2020 Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarship 2020 MSDx Summer: Design Studio Alpha 2020 Dean’s Honours List SKILLS Rhino Grasshopper Enscape Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Premiere Pro Fabrication

REFLECTION What particularly fascinates me is people and how design as a tool can be used to create unique experiences for each and every single individual. I am also interested in the problem-solving nature of design which can be used as a mean to better our environment. Studying architecture has been a journey of learning the design of spaces and ultimately its influence in everyday life. The ability to design human experience and lifestyle has been my primary motivation. Looking back to the three modules in Digital Design, I have gained and developed numerous design techniques. It introduced to me a parametric software - Grasshopper. The design iterations generated using this software helped me to learn to evaluate my own designs critically to ensure they met my design intent. During the process, I used different approaches to explore possibilities and potential. This was shown most evidently in M2, where three distinctively different iterations were produced. The ideas generated during this stage was then carried forward to the final pavlion design. In this subject, I realized my weakness lie in the design process. For instance, I can certainly embrace the iterative process further by rethinking or pushing certain parameters further to refine the design. Lastly, there is definitely room for improvement in terms of visual representation and diagramming. Digital Design has impacted my aspiration as a designer. Generating form through digital process has encouraged more creative and innovative exploration as well as enhancing critical thinking skills in design process.


MODULE 1 Precedent Study


MODULE 2 Generating Design Through Digital Processes


MODULE 3 Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion



This design by Architectural Association student Margaret Dewhurst is inspired by the sensation of wet hair drying over her face. Thus the name - Bad Hair. Though chaotic and disorder upon first viewing, the arrangement of structural members are governed by mathematical principles. With end beams extending outwards, visitors are encouraged to gather and occupy the exterior, rather than the interior space of the pavilion. This inverse in spatial relationship has created interesting circulation and threshold conditions. Isometric

Scale 1:75





M1 Bad Hair

DIAGRAMS Material Threshold Material Threshold

Porous Threshold

Circulation Space

Circulation Space





Porous Threshold

Sedentary Spatial Occupation Sedentary Spatial Occupation

Transitional ThresholdTransitional Threshold

Circulation Diagram

Circulation Path

Circulation Path

Alternative Path

Alternative Path

Lingering Area

Lingering Area

Threshold Diagram

Scale 1:200








M2 Task A


Growth and Aggregation: Iteration 1


Geometry Type Radius: 15




Mirror Geometry

Cluster 1



This iteration explores the use of single geometry as generator to create aggregation. Icosahedron is chosen as basic geometry because the void it forms in boolean operation closely resembles a spherical void while still maintaining its angular features. By using icosahedron, I was aiming to generate a volume with maximum interior space that is framed by a clear material threshold.


Radius: 15


Cluster 2

Cluster 3:

Orient Cluster Around Center Icosahedron

Isometric View of 3



Changing Index of Mirror Geometry





Index: 3

Index: 4

Index: 5

selection criteria: aggregations with clear voids

Index: 1


Scale NU Determining Scaling Axes Scale Factor: 1.5

Index: 2






Scaling Axis: x

Scaling Axis: y

Scaling Axis: z

Scaling Axis: xz

Scaling Axis: xy


selection criteria: intact geometries with clear voids


Scale NU Adjusting Scaling Ratio




Scaling Axis: yz


selection criteria: suffiecient internal volume for functional spaces

iteration generated Ratio: 1.25

Ratio: 1.50

Ratio: 1.75

Ratio: 2.00


M2 Task A


Growth and Aggregation: Iteration 2 MIRROR GEOMETRY in GRID STRUCTURE Mirror Geometry

This iteration aims to combine techniques learned from Workshops 1 and 2 by creating aggregation in a systematic manner. Tetrahedron is chosen as basic geometry as it has smaller volume when compared to cubes with same radius, which makes it suitable to fit in a grid structure while providing opportunities to generate interesting mass versus void relationship.

Geometry 1 Basic Radius: 15

2 Mirror Geometry 1st generation

7 Radius Alteration

Factor 1.0



Cluster 1

8 Rotation

Cluster 2

7 .3


Start 15 Step 0

Start 15 Step 1

Start 15 Step 2

Start 15 Step 3




Start 0 Step 5 Count 5

Start 0 Step 10 Count 5

Start 0 Step 15 Count 5





Magnitude: 0.25

Magnitude: 0.50

Magnitude: 0.75

Magnitude: 1.00





Scaling axis: x,y,z

Scaling axis: x,y

Scaling axis: x,z

Scaling axis: y,z

Base Plane Series

selection criteria: variation in angles

Applying Grid Structure 4 Geometry Size From 2 and 3



Pt Attractor Shuffle Grid

Radius: 15 5.2

selection criteria: sufficient voids, intact geometries


selection criteria: sufficient density with clear voids

10 From 2.3

6 Cull Pattern


selection criteria: sufficient void, no over-intersecting geometires


3 Mirror Geometry

5 Mirror Geometry




From 3.1

From 3.2




selection criteria: more voids but geometries are stll within proximity

Pattern: True False


True True False False

Pattern: True False True True

Pattern: True False False True

Scale NU Factor 1.5 selection criteria: sufficient voids, intact geometries

iteration generated


M2 Task A: Iterations 1 + 2


Large opening and carved out area allows light to penetrate through Structure in the midsection establishes threshold within interior spaces, where one side is more porous hence more effective in facilitate interaction

The key concept explored is the agglomeration of geometries through controlled growth, and by manipulating its parameters, further exploring the relationships of mass versus void. My aim is to create a form with sufficient internal void in addition to clear material threshold that could possibly be transformed into functional in between spaces architecturally.

At the opening, edge of structure extruded outwards. It stimulates a change of threshold and may evoke a sense of comfort as people come in to seek shelter Change in volume of interior space: from narrow to more open space as one travels through the midsection.

Large opening can frame view and facilitate interaction. When thinking abouut human scale, this opening could also act as seating area.

The process of creating these iterations was not a linear process. It involved exploring and combining different techniques learned from the subject workshop series and also Archistar tutorials, with the idea of ‘threshold as functional spaces’ as the underpinning concept.

When thinking in human scale, the sloping edge of the opening can act as seating area.

Although the iterations were created using seprate scripts and headed into different directions in their formal compositions, the process of creating each of the iterations inform each other as I explore same concepts using different components and manipulating different sets of parameters. For instance, the iterations were all generated through aggregation in Grasshopper using ‘Growth’ technique, but strategically with different components (i.e. Mirror, Move) and different parameters (i.e. geometry types, sizes, scales, ratio and et cetera).

Carved out area at top allows light to penetrate into the midsection. Large opening with no definite threshold at the entry: blurs the boundary of the structure and encourages exploration around the structure. Layering of form near midsection. When thinking in human scale, this form can act as seating area and may evoke a sense of comfort as its is more sheltered.

Narrow midsection and large openings at both ends: stimulate change of threshold, may evoke a sense of compression and release as one travels through the narrow passage.

Edge extending outwards encourage secondary circulation. When thinking in human scale, the sloping edge can act as seating area.

Scale 1:1 0



This opened up more possibilities during the process and enabled me to observe how different methods could arrive at the common goal, yet each of them still encompasses distinctive qualities on their own. Scale 1:4 0




M2 Task A: Iteration 1 + 2


These two scripts explore the use of ‘Mirror’ component in generating aggregation. Iteration 1 used this component along with ‘Orient’ to create cluster of geometries around a core geometry. Meanwhile, Iteration 2 explores the manipulation of mirrored geometries within a grid structure. ITERATION 1 1) Generate Basic Geometry Geometry: Icosahedron Radius: 15 Using ‘Deconstruct Brep’ and ‘Brep Join’ components as ‘Platonic Icosahedron’ is old lunchbox tool and can only bake with the help of these components.

3) Brep Evaluation Evaluate surface to produce plane.

Mirror Geometry Mirror geometry at the face evaluated.

2) Define Closest Face to Pt Attractor This provides basis to ‘Mirror’ geometry at the later stage. Subsequent geometries will grow towards direction of point attractor.

5) Clusters of ‘Brep Evaluation’ and ‘Mirror Geometry’ groups to produce subsequent geometries.

6) Orient clusters around 7) Scale NU center icosahedron using mathematical expression to produce final geometries

4) Mirror Geometry at the face evaluated.

ITERATION 2 1) Generate cube (box) as base geometry

2) Using ‘pt Surface Domain Number’ to generate points on surface

3) ‘Move’ points to generate 3 x 3 layers of grid points

4) Using ‘Cellulate 3D Grids’ to generate boxes between two bounding grids

6) Platonic Tetrahedron Using Series Component to manipulate rotation angle of plane and radius. Using ‘Deconstruct Brep’ and ‘Brep Join’ components to produce platonic solid

Single unit

5) Shuffle Grid using point attractor.

7) Using Cull Pattern to remove elements

8) Mirror Geometry Each tetrahedron in the grid will form a group or mirrorred geometries.

9) Scale NU to scale in non-uniform factor to produce final geometries.


M2 Task A


Growth and Aggregation: Iteration 3 AGGREGATION: MIRROR GEOMETRY + MOVE Mirror Geometry: Choosing Core Geometry 1 Basic Geometry

This iteration is aimed to explore aggregation derived from a combination of two geometries. By using growth techniques, the core geometry is able to generate growth elements which are distinctively different from itself. This feature is further enhanced by varying parameter such as edge length and amplitude of movement.


2 Geometry Size




Radius: 15

Radius: 25

Radius: 35

Growth using Move Component 7 Move

Mirror Geometry: Choosing Surrounding Geometries 3

Basic Geometry





Amplitude = 40

Grow Around Centre Icosahedron


selection criteria: sufficient internal void


Mirror Geometry Around Icosahedron




Amplitude = 20






selection criteria: no fragmented geometries Cube


Geometries Ratio


Tetrahedron 5.2

Icosahedron 5.3


radius of cube = radius of core icosashedron / x

Amplitude = 60

Amplitude = 80

selection criteria: no fragmented geometries x=1

6 Scale







Using Maths Operator length of z = radius of icosahedron * y selection criteria: possibility in producing sufficient internal volume

from 5.3

iteration generated y=1




M2 Task A: Iteration 3

GROWTH AND AGGREGATION Half of the volume of study area cube is carved away. Interior of the structure is left open and visible to the exterior. Angled structure at the top that might provide a sense of shelter underneath while at the same time also aid in framing view.

Flat, large gometries at this end provide sense of enclosure and protection to the interior. When thinking in human scale, it can act as structure for people to lean on. Small opening which might help to frame view. Two angled structures define interior space providing strong material threshold and limiting accessibility to the central region. When thinking in human scale, they could act as seating area and a physical threshold where people have to cross over to reach the interior space. The structure opens up again at the back with large opening at the bottom. This provides a contrast to the front and might evoke a sense of curiosity as people walk around the structure and peeking into the central region from different perspectives.

Scale 1:1 0



Scale 1:4 0

Aggregation 40


The process of creating a 3D Print file made me realize my models require a lot of support which result in long print time. I tried to reduce the amount of support and print time by orienting my models differently so that it is more efficient. Even though at the end I have successfully found the best orientation for my models, the final print time still amount to 17 hours. Particularly for Design Iteration 3, it requires longest amount of print time in because of the angular slanted structure which cannot stand on it own without support. Nevertheless, the parametric process in generating this iteration has been the most interesting and the resulted geometries are the most intricate among the three iterations. The intricacy displayed in the structure inspired me to explore more in generating geometries with similar qualities in the following module. 3D Printing


M2 Task A: Iteration 3


This script reflects Growth techniques using ‘Move’ component from Workshop 2. In this iteration, by using planes generated from faces of icosahedron to generate cubes, the resulting geometries is a sphere-like form. Parameters of these cubes including radius, edge length are then manipulated to form the first generation of aggregation (2a). After that, this generation is then grown around a centre geomertry using ‘Move’ component.

2 a) Generate Surrounding Geometries Base Geometry: Cube Base Plane is plane normal to faces of icosahedron. Edge Lengths are adjusted using mathematical components so that the ratio of edge lengths to radius of icosahedron is constant.

3) Growth using Move Component Growth elements: geometries produced in step 2a Core for growing: geometry from step 1. Amplitude of movement is adjusted to achieve desired result.

1) Generate Core Geometry Icosahedron Using ‘Deconstruct Brep’ and ‘Brep Join’ components as ‘Platonic Icosahedron’ is old lunchbox tool and can only bake with the help of these components.

2 b) Brep Evaluation Evaluate surface of Icosahedron for geometries to grow on.


M2 Task B


Surface and Waffle

From Task A: Iteration 1 XY Waffles

90 degrees to horizontal

Rotated 30 degrees

Rotated 45 degrees

From Task A: Iteration 2 Radial Waffles

XY Waffles

Single set of Radial Waffles

Two set of Radial Waffles

This iteration from Task A has this uniquely shaped voids, I intended to highlight this feature in waffle structure by orienting the contour at an angle of 45 degrees and using exponential component to create a variation in density so that the waffles produced will have a ‘dense to light’ effect. This captured the original feature of the iteration while giving it an entirely new quality.

This iteration from Task A has two extending arms, I intended to highlight this feature with two radial waffles intersecting in the middle. Due to fabrication constraint, this idea was however not entirely followed through. Meanwhile, the layering of geometries were captured successfully through pieces of radial waffles with differnt height.


M2 Task B


slanted pieces enhance carved out region of original iteration

Capturing voids shaped by icosahedron, which the left side is more enclosed and shelterd

Column-like structures at corner, reinforcing sense of boundary and threshold.

Only one intersecting plane in the middle to avoid modelling failure.

In this task, I am interested in capturing the characteristics of the original iterations at the same time giving them new qualities from sectioning and waffles. As a result, the two waffle structures display distinctively different qualities. The XY waffles display a constrast within the structure, stimulating a sense in change of threshold as one walks from the heavier to lighter region, experiencing a sense of compression and release brought by the material threshold itself. Meanwhile, the radial waffles has a narrow walkway cutting through the middle, with extending pieces that might stimulate circulation around the structure hence creating interesting circulation and threshold conditions. The fabrication process has certain constraints and this led me into adjusting the waffles created to achieve maximum efficiency for laser cutting processes.

One extra ring for this set of waffle to provide extra support. When thinking in human scale, this structural element could be transformed into seating area.

Scale 1:2 0



Waffle piece extending outward, although not accurate, resembling the extending structures of the original iteration.

1055131 Jia Min Cheong

Sheet 01 of 01

Laser Cutting Nesting Template


M2 Task B


Although the scripts used in creating the two waffles are separate scripts, the same logic apply to both. The steps taken in the computation workflow were highly similar except for the arrangement and orientation of contour to create waffles. XY WAFFLES X Waffles

Using Contour Ex to form Waffles with variation in density

Validation Removing small-area-pieces

Establishing Contour Starting Planes

Generate Cutters at intersecting lines to form Notches and Joining Profiles

Cull Pattern Removing small pieces that might be difficult to be fabricated .

Laser Cutting Layout

Set Brep in Rhino

Y Waffles

XY Waffles


Cull Pattern Removing small pieces that might be difficult to be fabricated .

Set Brep in Rhino

Generate Cutters at intersecting lines to form Notches and Joining Profiles

Set Center for Radial Contour As this iteration is aimed to produce two sets of radial waffle, the center is not set at centriod. ‘Bounding Box’and ‘Deconstruct Brep’ components are to find vertices of the model.The midpoint between centriod and vertices are set to be the center for radial contour.

Form Rings and Radial Contour Boundary Surfaces

Set B Waffles

Laser Cutting Layout

Generate Cutters at intersecting lines to form Notches and Joining Profiles

Trim Over-Intersecting Waffles As the two sets of waffles are not perpendicular to each other, majority of the intersecting planes are trimmed using cylinders generated from rings to avoid failure in producing actual laser-cut model. Only one intersecting plane is kept to connect the two sets of waffle.


M2 Tasks A + B


large carved out area that enables high porosity

linear circulation pathway cutting through structure

extended structure that transform into seating area

sheltered voidal space that transform into seating area in addition to framing views

Although the iterations generated in this module display distinctively different qualities, the main interest lies in the idea of material threshold as functional spaces. In other words, the material threshold itself could be transform into seating area. This is one of the main aspects I attempt to explore in Module 3. Additionally, Iteration 2 from Task A has created interesting circulation and threshold conditions. The visitors are encouraged to occupy the extended structure at the exterior, rather than the interior space of the pavilion. This inverse in spatial relationship is a characteristic I attempt to achieve in Module 3 through the design of landscape elements. Besides, the linear circulation pathway through the pavilion which facilitates movement of visitors is another feature I intend to achieve through both the landscape elements and pavilion structure in Module 3. Lastly, the XY Waffles from Task B has formed interesting elements that could frame views in the pavilion. This feature of view framing elements is the last main aspect that I wish to explore in Module 3, primarily through the form generated using Mathematical operator in Grasshopper.



Queen Victoria Garden Pavilion


‘CLEFS’ are made up of a pair of intertwining curvilinear structures, which its form creates shelter, shade and seating area in the pavilion. When viewed from afar, the undulating form appears to be morphing to the ground. Therefore, the aesthetics language developed in the pavilion is extended into the landscape by laying curvilinear pattern of red panels on ground to indicate seating area. A wide walkway is created following this pattern, which the circulation through the pavilion is facilitated to direct viewing of pavilion at multiple angles. Additionally, plants are used deliberately to define threshold in addition to softening the hardness and coldness in the materiality of the pavilion. The use of these elements thus define space for lunchtime seminar and evening quartet performance.


M3 Clefs

Pipes: acting as structural elements that support panels on base of the pavilion, at the same time acting as illuminating device that lights up at night.

ISOMETRIC Form of Pavilion: form curving upwards provide shade and shelter the intersection area form interesting view framing elements form in the middle curving downwards and transform into seating area

Cladding (Panels) acting as cladding elements that cover the base of the pavilion, providing a smooth surface for visitor to lean against or sit on. The reflective surface of the panels reflect light and catch attention of passerby.

form in the end curving downwards, creating illustion that the pavilion is morphing to the ground when viewed from afar

Walkway: walkway that follows the curvilinear forms of pavilion and panels on ground. The wide walkway is aimed to channel movement around the pavilion so that visitors could be directed to view the pavilion at different angles. Additionally, the vast space enables it to act as a mini plaza that could be used for social activities. Base Structure: the geometries generated using Pufferfish and Weaverbird plugins provide intricate details to the pavilion. The angular and crisp edges of the tubings provide slight contrast against the overall curvilinear form. Topography (Grass): the terrain has gentle slope towards the walkway to create smooth transition between softscape and hardscape.

Panels on Ground: Laid in assymetrical pattern at both sides of pavilion using same materials as cladding of pavilion. The pattern of these panels follow the curvilinear form of pavilion. This is aimed to extend the aesthetics language developed in the pavilion through using the panels to indicate seating area on ground.

Gentle mound in area bounded by pavilion structure to create differentiation between interior and exterior, in addition to softening the overall hardness and coldness in materiality of the pavilion.

Plants: Flowers are planted to indicate ‘non-seating area’ on ground, which are the blind spots where the view of audiences towards the center of pavilion will be obstructed if sitting on these areas. This is also to soften the hardness and coldness in materiality of the pavilion. Scale 1:180 0




M3 Clefs


PHYSICAL THRESHOLD accessibility into the pavilion

MATERIAL THRESHOLD landscape elements

softscape (grass)

Circulation Diagram

circulation path

hardscape (path)

alternative path

panels on gorund

sedentary spatial occupation

space bounded by pavilion

Threshold Diagram

Scale 1:250





M3 Clefs


tubular structures with lack of angular detail

the geometries is quite fluid and displays lack of constrast to the form

Based on lessons from M2, I attempted to obtain the geometries through a more parametric and iterative process. After determining the base form, Pufferfish and Weaverbird plug-ins were used to generate these iterations.

final iteration complex geometries with angular details that contrast with the curve base form


M3 Clefs


PUFFERFISH & WEAVERBIRD 4) Use ‘Divide Domain 2’ and ‘Isotrim’ to extract surfaces for Twisted Box operation.

5) Use ‘Twisted Box through Surfaces’ to create layered array of twisted box.

6) Reference to Mesh in Rhino

7) ‘Box Morph’ to morph geometries and ‘Weaverbird’ components to create quad meshes.

GENERATE BASE FORM 1) Using mathematical operator to form base curve

2) Form base surface from pairs of curves by using ‘divide curve’ and ‘loft’.

3) Form another surface by moving and scaling base surface


Pipe & Top Panels 8) Use ‘Divide Domain 2’ and ‘Isotrim’ to extract surfaces to form geometries.






M3 Clefs


0 sec

6 sec

8 sec

12 sec

16 sec

18 sec

22 sec

25 sec

30 sec


Digital Design Semester 1, 2021


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