Ddf m4 journal

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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2015 Telescopy skin Jianing Guo (653671) Paul Loh






CONTENT I D E A T I O N -------------------------------------------------------------


D E S I G N ------------------------------------------------------------------


F A B R I C A T I O N ------------------------------------------------------


R E F L E C T I O N ---------------------------------------------------------




• Introduction

• Measured Drawing • System Analysis • Sketch Model • Elementary Design Ideas • Reflection


Introduction -- Simply folded paper fan is an exmaple of prodect of panel and fold material system. In order to further understand the material system and utilise it flexibly, the first step should be get known the simple mechanism inside this product and the assembles. -- Drawing is an good way to explore the outlook. Since the paperfan is quite fragile, photocopying the object may damage it, so taking photos was implemented to remain the complety of the object. -- Since the paperfan contains series of performance due to the opening angle changing, therefore, Not only the final performance, the whole series need to be understanded for further system analysis.

When the paperfan was opened 1/12

When the paperfan was opened 1/4

When the paperfan was fully opened


Measured Drawing

Section (When fully Folded) / Scale 1:1


Section (When half Folded) / Scale 1:2 Plan View / Scale 1:2

-- As Jensen mentinoned in the article, not only the final look of the object should be considered, the small segment should also been considered as well. For example, the Tokyo scissors, the character shown on the blade were been measured drawn as well. So, the opening series of the paperfan should been considered and also the supporting cardboard. (Heath, Heath and Jensen, 2000) Section (When Fully Opened) / Scale 1:2


Rhino Digital Model


Back view of single segment Isometric view of single segment

plan view of single segment


System Analysis -- As a paper fan, the supporting system is mainly done by glue. And two thicker paper cards was used as the handle and the opening handle of the paper fan. -- Furthemore, multiple layer was been sticked by a thin stick which worked as the ‘pivot‘ of this system,

-- In order to let two pieces of paper to make volume, glue was used to stick between each piece of element and there will be volume been formed with the opening process of the paper fan.

Shadedd area stands for glue One segment with volume been formed between two pieces


Two segments by sticking the middle part to form the whole fan surface

-- As the paperfan been opened more, the crosssection of the segment was changing as well. The height of the section is decreasing and the width is decreasing. -- And follow the opening process, more layers should be able to see in the birdview.


Sketch Model -- In order to form volume by using panel and fold material system is hard since panels are always thin. I was inspired by the paper fan, the folded elements was been rotated by two thicker card about one thin sticker which working as a pivot in this system.

-- I used several pieces of cardboard to be as the base of the sketch board, it will support the upper part and be able to rotate about the pin.

-- In order to form volume, I used folding method to folded as several pyramids and duplicate them to make volume.

-- In order to make sure these seperate pyramids easy to manipulate, I used the previous made rotating cardboards to be the base of them.


Final performances of the sketch model (Jeannie Ho, 2015)

Elementary Design Ideas

As for human is hard to predict the situations behind the back, a series of sharp pointy objects especially for the back is able to be defensive and get rid of sudden attack.

A twisted folding panel paeries to limit several of the most important parts of human body. The wearer will be able to restrict the body`s moving regions, othe words, it`s like set boundaries of human`s acting. This is used in order to narrow the body volume and restrict the actions range when necassary.

A folded panel that can help to protect the private inner body. Thew wearer will be able to control the shape in different situations. Even it is big panel, but it doesn`t look offensive since the panel are designed to tight fit the body.


Reflection •

As Sommer mentioned in his article, he called one of the personal performance ‘Spatial invasion‘

We do sometimes act to protect our personal space instinctively, not trying to be defensive, but it is a natural performance of people try to protect themselves.

After understanding the term ‘spatial invasion‘, which refers to some intersting behaviors people behaved when their personal space intersected with the others, and I did some research as well, my three ideas of desogn showed some protection methods and also some defensive approach.

Measured drawing of the Tokyo type scissors (Heath, Heath and Jensen, 2000)

Multiple Methods could been took when doing measuring nowadays.

In ancient times, the measuring and manufacturing methods are limited, workers can only use handcutting.

The scale does matter as well, therefore, it is important to decide appropriate scale for different object.

I used the hand measuring method for my measuring task as well, and because of the fragility of the object i chose, i took phtos first and measure it.

This helps me to understand the object first and then draw it, the measured drawingf helped me a lot for the further design.


Personal Space (Pinstopin, 2015)

• Design development intro • Digitization + Design proposal v.1 • Precedent research • Design proposal v.2 • Prototype v.1 • Testing Effects


(Team with Tsz Ying Ho)


Design Development Intro •

Changeable defensive pyramids with hard cardborad underneath to fit body shape.

Being defensive and also increase left and right personal space

Especially useful when wlking in crowdspace and also spread around neck, increase shoulder area as well.

Stand in the view of woman

Try to protect intimate space

Which covers the vulnerable neck space and also spread around neck, increase shoulder area as well.

By generating two ideas, since we both focus on protective and defensive skin especially deisgined for girls , two versions of the design were focused on the vulnerable back area, and the front chest area respectively, which were two parts that were easiest to be attacked.

Inspiration Design Graphs (Jeannies & Ivy, 2015)


Digitization + Design Proposal 1 • Our back is relatively hard to protect and vulnerable since we cannot see what will happen behind, and therefore, a protective personal space is considered as our design.

• This design is formed by a number of pyramids. By sticking the first layer of pyraimds together, the following extending ones are gonna follow the gravity and the whole shape will be able to perform the bendng type.


The distance of our personal space depends on the surrounding and the targets. It increases from family to male friends steadily, but raise dramatically in the situations of facing strengers.

Personal Space changing extent (Jeannies & Ivy, 2015)


Elevation & isometric views of Design (Jeannies & Ivy, 2015)


By considering personal spaces and also stand in the view of a woman, the design which covers personal space should be able to protect the intimate space. And also for some intimate spaces, the distance will also change as the circumstances changes.

• This is relating to our personal space. The length will increase due to facing different people, that include family, friends, female strangers and male strangers. Therefores, our design can pull out the layers one by one when you in different circumstance. And the layers were made by using different materials, In order to prevent view been shadowed.


Materials been used, ivory cqrds, tracing papers and transparent cards (Jeannies & Ivy, 2015)

Precedent Research

• The design is mainly used paper as the material. Such as 250gsm or above should be suggested in the model since light paper might not support the large voulme, and cannot work out the shape stably.

• Our design developments were inspiered by the folding methods of this precedent example. • It inspired us how polygon can form curve line and shape. Beside, it reminds us how folding can create space and voulme. Gloria, Arianna, Ilaria and Adele (GAIA)


Design Developements

Front area: With White light on

Back area: With Red light on

Folding and falling methods


Change shape of back areas

Additional Lighting Effects



Testing Effects


Reflection • In order to explore a design that is especially designed for woman, lots of researches were taken in terms of deifferences between the requirements of personal space of men and women. • •

An interesting survey that Grggorio did in 2009 showed that, women are more sensitive of the effective personal space, therefore, theirs requirements for personal space is higher. (Billikopf, 2015)

Scary Origami Fashion (Chua, 2015)

Survey Results (Billikopf, 2015)

• For creating a design more reliastic which means could really been used in daily lives, we found out it is important to set the intersted body parts of our design to make that more specific. • • • As Chua`s design inspried us, which reflects back in our research as well, the main parts of a woman body need to be protected are the front chest area, and alos the vulnerable back areas. • • • Instead of being functional, because of it is designed for women, we also considered the outlook. Harustic`s ‘math inspired dress‘ inspired us of a defensive and decorative design, as the duality of functionality and fashion.

Math inspired design (Harustic, 2015)



(Group with Tsz Ying Ho)

• Fabrication intro

• Design development & Fabrication of prototype • Final Prototype development + optimisation • Final Digital model • Fabrication sequence • Assembly Drawing • Completed 2nd Skin


Fabrication Intro •

This protective, telescopy design of second skin stands at view of female in order to protect their intimate spaces. The wearer is able to have a control of the distances between different audiences in diverse circumstances.


The scenarios are mainly defined by the relationaship between the wearer and the others. Four scenarios were emphasised in this design, which are families, friends, female strangers and male strangers.

Meaured change of personal space as circumstances change


Design development & Digital Model updating process

Change the interest personal area of body

increase the design coverage

Add in consideration for open shoulder areas


Change of crosssection sizes, become irregular

Focus on the last two circumstances since the first two


Fabrication Optimisation Color testing



Testing of extension methods



color mix

color mix



Black Optix Card

Ivory paper

Transparent •

Chord through the thin tube,two were both fixed

material testing

to the design to make sure it can be draged

Opening Sequences of the back design

Layer reduction •

Since the interested personal space changing stages were reduced to two only, so only two layer were remained.


Final Digital Model

Top view

Left side 30

Front view

Back view

Right side view 31

Fabrication Sequences

Laser cut template

Get folded

Pin them


Finished pinned part


Velcro Finished shoulder design

Arrange them into one piece

Additional Connecting components



Assembly drawing


Back / Front (Paper)



Shoulder (Paper) Right arm ( Paper)



Support ( Plastic tube)



Final 2nd Skin

After dragging back space


Extended Front space

Shoulder connections

Right hand side connections

Reflection •

Except the different kinds of fabrication procedures, production strategies were also mentioned in Kolarevic`s article. Mainly four production strategies were frequently used in nowadays two dimentional designs, these are contouring, unfolding, developable surfaces and triangulation. In order to increase the variabilities of the design, more strategies should be used.

As been inspired by the tessalating methods and NURBS concept, we decided to make the design more irregular so we chose three sizes of the intersection and use basic triangular grid to form the crosssection area of the whole piece of the design first. It is convenient for further Rhino model make and its good to test the relisticity of this concept.

Use negative spaces

Digital Model (After extruding) Tessalating Review

• As a product of panel and fold system, folding methodology is really important, it depends the quality and usability of the design. And our design is made of hundreds of folded elemnts, therefore, digital design and fabrication methods beneficial us a lot. •

In Lisa`s article about digital fabrication development throught these decades, it is obvious that nowadyas, designers have moch more approaches of quantity production, which is crucial for our design. And as Lisa and Kolarevic both introduced serveral methods of digital fabrications, we found card cutting and laser cutting are suitable for our targets. Therefore, kaser cutting method was used and helped us a lot with the making procedures.




Digital Model Development

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3


Prototype Development

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3 38

Personal Space Development

Stage 1 Family


Female Stranger



Male Stranger



190mm 250mm








240mm 330mm




Stage 2 Family

Friends 100mm


140mm 250mm

Male Stranger 200mm 200mm

140mm 330mm







Stage 3

Female Stranger


280mm 200mm


330mm 380mm


Reflection Through the learning process this semester, I found the design procedures quite attractive and chanlleging, and also from this unforgettable process, several meaningful things and abilities were learnt The ability of using different softwares, such as Rhinoceros, Indesign and Photoshop; the standard usages of different kinds of tools defined by different targets, such as laser cutter and card cutter are used for quantity production of 2-dimensional design, which corresponding to our demands, and also 3D printer and CNC router which were widely used for three dimensional designs (Lisa, 2015). As an engineering student, the original intention of choosing this subject is to know more about digital designing and fabricating for future career, however, from this subject, I found what I`ve learnt are much more than what I`ve expected. Except some basic usages of these software, the whole designing process, which refers to from generating ideas, been inspired, prototype testing to settle the final design, fabricate the whole design to wear it, and take part in the studio of professional photo shootings. I was really surprised by the efforts I made, and I have ever never imagined the joy when me and my team mate finished the final design project and wear it feel the transformation we designed. Especially for the material system that we chose, which is panel and fold, this material system sounds the most interesting but its also the most challengeable system as well. Firstly, We have to turn the two dimensional simple panel or card to volumetric, and associate with the project to begin our design. At that stage, I found the lectures really helpful, especially the lecturer is not concentrate on delivering concepts, but also used a lot of precedent studies and useful videos to create a not stressful lecture environment which I found it was really nice.

“Making is the most powerful way that we solve problems, express ideas and shape our world. “ (Charny, 2015)

During this process, some of my classmates found constructing the digital model was more straightforward to develope their designs, but for me, I found the making and fabricating products procedure is able to inspire me the most. As the first three pages of reflection shown, that`s the whole stages our design, which include digital model element, prototype making and the interested personal space areas changing.These are all the decisions we made through the process of making and fabricating. Therefore, I really appreciate the Charny mentioned in his article, Thinking throught making. This will beneficial for my future careers as well. making procedure



Pinstopin, (2015). Personal Space Invader. [online] Available at: http://www.pinstopin.com/personal-space-invader-pinterst/ [Accessed 4 Jun. 2015]. Sommer, R. (1969). Personal space; the behavioral basis of design. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Heath, A., Heath, D. and Jensen, A. (2000). 300 years of industrial design. New York: Watson-Guptill. Chua, J. (2015). Scary Origami Fashion, Online Designer Swap, Timberland Crystal Gazes. [online] Ecouterre. Available at: http://www.ecouterre.com/scary-origami-onlinedesigne-swap-label-clothes-online-timberland-crystal-gazes/ [Accessed 5 Jun. 2015]. Harustic, A. (2015). Sarajevo Artist Creates Math-Inspired Origami Dresses From Paper, Textiles. [online] Ecouterre.com. Available at: http://www.ecouterre.com/sarajevoartist-creates-math-inspired-origami-dresses-from-paper-textiles/amila-hrustic-platos-collection-2/?extend=1 [Accessed 5 Jun. 2015]. Iwamoto, L. (2009). Digital fabrications. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Kolarevic, B. (2003). Architecture in the digital age. New York, NY: Spon Press.



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Model Fabrication

Model Assembly Photography

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Jianing Guo



Tsz Ying Ho

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Graphic Design x x x x x x x x x x x xx xx xx xx xx xx x x xx xx xx x x x xx xx xx xx x x x x x x x

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