Frame VS Field

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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD Jiayi Feng

(904598) Raynaldo Ali, studio 3



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) Durer has three rules for perspectival projection. Firstly, all perpendicular or ‘Orthogonals’ meet at a vanishing point that is determined by the perpendiculars from the picture plane and the eye. His second rule is that all parallel lines have the same vanishing points, in whatever direction they lie. In the horizontal plane, the vanishing points lie on horizontal lines through the central vanishing point. What is more, lines on a 45 degree angle with the picture plane, the distance between their vanishing point and the central one are equal to the distance between the eye and picture plane. Lastly, equal dimensions will diminish gradually while they recede in space. So any portion of the picture is calculable from the preceding or following portion.

Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)

The homogenous space is described as a mathematical space. Firstly, we can see with a single and immobile eye. Secondly, that the planar cross section of the visual pyramid can pass for an adequate reproduction of our optical image. The ultimate basis of the homogeneity of geometric space is that all its elements, the ‘points’ which are joined in it, are mere determinations of position and connects to each other.



Cities & Desire 2: Anastasia






Isometric view of the old quad without notations








Isometric view of the old quad with notations



Perspective 1. This view can show the outside of the old quad, which allows me to add some scenes by using different light to express the benign and malignant desire. And the columns divide the space in to separate parts to also allow me to create different kinds of desire in each part.

Perspective 2. The reason why I picked this scene is that it is beside my first perspective. From the perspective 1, it can see some parts of perspective 2 and then it be zoomed in, which can be more easily to contrast the different desires between two different perspective views.


PERSPECTIVE SCENE 1 + 2 Perspective scene 1(positive desires). In Anastasia, people are controlled by desire. So, I depicted two different desires in my two scenes. In this perspective, by using bright light and the scenery in outside to indicate the positive desire in my scene 1. In my perspective 1, I add two girl who are looking at other kids flying a kite in outside of the old quad, which represents the desire of free. What is more, I add a seller who stands beside his Goods to stare at three women in the front of him, which is a kind of desire of earning money. And there is a woman who stands in the positive side but she is looking towards the another evil side, which connects two scenes and means the unpredictable desires in this city. In addition, I add elements like fire and droplight to also insinuate desire. Perspective scene 2 (negative desires). In this perspective scene, I want to show something negative. So the light of scenery and background is darker than scene 1. The story said that when you are in the heart of Anastasia, your desires waken all at once and surround you. As can be seen that in the left( the centre of the city), I placed a woman who just awakens, which insinuates that her desires awakens at the same time when she gets up. What is more, there are some women swimming in pool who wants to invite the stranger man beside them. In addition, the reason why I used the same decoration in my two scenes is that in this city, people are both driven by desires, however, the choices is mastered by people’s own beliefs. Thus, I did not change the decorative style of the whole city, just changing the scenery in outside to reflect the bad and good desires in people’s mind.


WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words) Autographic those arts, like painting and sculpture, that depend for their authenticity upon the direct contact of the author. It is by one’s own hand. The concept of authenticity is different in music, poetry or theater, which is allographic. Allographic arts are those capable of being reproducted at a distance from the author by means of notation. It operates through interpretatiob and on the basis of convention. The use of notation is the defining characteristic of the allographic arts.

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) The architect’s papers are a curious mixture. It is neither clearly allographic or autographic. They need more closely at the interaction of the built and the drawn and simply transparent technical instruments. In traditional architectural representation like drawing, it cannot depict intangible properties,such as light, shadow, reflections. However, for instance, the use of notation can anticipate complexity without dimishing the size and marks a shift from the production of space to the performance of space.


FINAL DRAWINGS Cities & Desire 2: AnAstAsiA

Key Perspective1 Perspective2 Crowd Stare Glance Depressed Happy 0




Movement Centre Goods

Perspective 1

Anastasia is a city, where is full of desires. So I used fire and the light to insinuate this idea. I divided the city into two different parts(malignant and benign). The story mentions that people can easily buy wares. I used circle to represent people around the market. Sellers stare people and feel happy with earning money. Sometimes people may change their mind and gradually desire something bad. So I add a person with depressed mood towards the bad side of the city. What is more, I also used some arrows that represents the direction of some people’s movement. In the bad side of the city, people always feel depressed to desire some unpractical things.

Perspective 2

Final module 4







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