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Jim Johnson /jamesejohnson@mac.com / 914-309-4522

Work, work, work Included are samples of projects completed during my professional career, work created by my students, and excerpts from my sketch diary. A comprehensive collection can be found at my portfolio website: www.jamesejohnson.com. Professional Work / Pringles

/ Pringles Kids

/ Stonefly Communications

/ Pedialyte

/ Similac

/ Abbott Nutrition Health Institute

/ P&G True Success

Professional portfolio/Pringles

Multi-channel marketing For Pringles, we created advertising that turned it from a local brand into a global brand by tapping into the youth culture across over 30 countries.

The marketing involved interactive, broadcast, and promotion for product launches and events. Co-marketing partners included Disney, Nickelodeon, and Survivor. The campaign was given a Global Business Building Award from Procter & Gamble.

Professional portfolio/Pringles/Stonefly

We worked with animators around the world, including Aardman Animation, to feature the Pringles kid in all of us. The “Funny Boy� commercial is in the permanent collection of MOMA.

Branding an agency I led the branding of a purpose-driven healthcare agency based on patientfocused positioning and promotion.

No one loves this business more than we do. Some of the reasons are obvious...a paying job that is intellectually challenging. A growing and stable environment. An opportunity to express ourselves creatively. Yet, like any business, our lives are filled with memos, meetings, and mind-numbing travel. Years are spent on projects that never see the light of day. And in some circles, pharmaceutical marketing is seen as superficial, profit-driven, and opportunistic. But for us, the true rewards are not the ones that we see on a frequent basis. In fact, what we love about this business is something that we rarely see at all. Our true reward...the thing that gets us up early in the morning and lets us sleep at night...is the knowledge that somewhere, at some point in time, there’s a grandfather, aunt, daughter or loved one who is benefiting from our client’s medicines that we work so hard to promote. Somewhere at the end of all the mountains of paperwork and presentation boards, is a person who is enjoying a birthday, wedding, or anniversary with their loved ones. Someone is leading a healthier and more rewarding life. And that is something we love. Something we can believe in. Stonefly Communications Believe in health

Professional portfolio/Stonefly

Professional portfolio/Stonefly

Professional portfolio/Pedialyte/Similac

Creating a category We repositioned Pedialyte as “Therapeutic Hydration that comes to the rescue” and the only choice for mom’s who need to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting. Consumer media connected the urgency of stomach flu scenarios by showcasing mom providing the remedy for little bellies when they misbehave.

Global medical promotion A pediatricians relationship with it’s clientele is both personal and professional. We profiled the relationship featuring “Science behind the care you give.” The interactive iPad featured in-depth information about infant feeding and the science behind Similac.

Professional portfolio/ANHI

The promotion of nutritional education The mission of promoting education, research, and scientific collaboration was brought to life through a campaign dramatizing “Science illuminated.� The ANHI website was created to became a destination for on-line education courses, resources, and extensive coverage of clinical trials and conferences.


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Professional portfolio/True Success

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jhk[ ikYY[ii Creation of a new product This project for required the positioning, branding, and promotion of a medically supervised weight loss program for the FutureWorks division of Procter & Gamble.

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Student Work The following samples are from students at Columbus College of Art & Design. The first two were part of the CCAD MindMarket initiative that allowed organizations the chance to engage CCAD’s top talent to solve design challenges. The interdisciplinary “agency” integrated Design Thinking methodologies to solve real projects for real clients. The other samples are from the Advanced Branding Concepts course I developed for seniors. The Branding Concepts course begins by identifying core brand equities of a product and its unique properties within the category. Students then explore how the brand could grow and become stronger by focusing on solid branding principles and nontraditional media. Student Work / MindMarket / Building Blocks

Branding Concepts / Human Rights Watch

Branding Concepts / Airstream Pursuit

Branding Concepts / Airstream RoadShow

Branding Concepts / Dirt Devil

Branding Concepts / CMT Roots Mind Market / Smokey Bear

Branding Concepts / L.L. Bean

Branding Concepts / Tumblr

Student Work/MindMarket / Building Blocks

The Building Blocks project entailed the branding of recycled waste material from the deconstruction of abandoned houses in Columbus.

Student Work/MindMarket / Building Blocks

Student Work/Branding Concepts / Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch is activated through a brilliant campaign by Francisco Marquez. In order to protect the witnesses of human tragedy, HRW provides a Snapchat app that allows the posting and tracking of violations and while keeping the source anonymous.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / Human Rights Watch

The Human Rights Watch site features a streaming feed of violations and a tabulated record of the most common offenses. Scarves and hoodies are printed with QR codes that allow viewers to track protests using mobile readers. Civil rights activists are profiled in their monthly magazine.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / Airstream Pursuit

This team took on the challenge of promoting the new live/work Airstream trailer by getting right to the heart of the matter. The Airstream Pursuit trailer allows you to pursue your life’s dreams. And if you want to pursue it, what better way than using the Airstream IT LIST. A repository of all the places you want to visit and the thing you want to do. The concept was beautifully integrated into the existing “Live Riveted” campaign and there are indications you might see a version of it being produced in the upcoming year.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / Airstream Pursuit

The IT LIST is supported by ambient and social media. You can also follow Pursuit owners as they chronicle their adventures on Twitter using #Twitstop.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / CCAD RoadShow

When the assignment called for an Airstream roadshow, this team took it literally. Introducing the CCAD/ Airstream Roadshow Show. The idea not only made use of the mobile trailer, but the narrative of the trip. Schools and students could follow the adventures of CCAD students as they not only create the trailer, but take it on the road.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / CCAD RoadShow

The CCAD/Airstream RoadShow road show features Students who participated in the Airstream project. The will go on the road in the trailer to visit high schools and promote creative careers as well as CCAD. Videos will be posted on a regular basis to document their interactions with future art students and the adventures they find on the road.

Student Work/Branding Concepts / Dirt Devil

This team did a terrific job of re-branding by making the elimination of dirt...personal. Dyson made vacuuming intelligent. Why can’t Dirt Devil make cleaning more personal? More sexy? Everyone has dirt that they want to forget. Dirt Devil knows your naughty, dirty, secrets...and where they hide. I love how they expanded the branding to product design and brand buzz. A beautifully differentiated brand in the generic wash of Hoover, Bissell, and Oreck.

The Dirt Devil banner ad lures you into a trap to by inviting you to download the latest salacious video. If you click...Dirt Devil is there to remind you that your naughty deeds can go undetected.

Dirt is personal and everyone has some they want to get rid of. The Dirt Devil app cleans your phone of any potential dirt that may have found its way into your email, texts, browser history , or call history.

Student Work/Branding Concepts/CMT Roots

There’s a disconnect from the word “country music” and the Taylor Swift sound you find on today’s Country Music Channel. Perhaps there’s room for a version of CMT that celebrates the traditions that country music was built on. Introducing CMT Roots.

Student Work/MindMarket/Smokey Bear

The MindMarket was approached by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to develop an educational video about fire prevention starring Smokey Bear. The students collaborated with an animation company for research, storyline, and character development.

Student Work/MindMarket/Smokey Bear

Student Work/Branding Concepts/L.L.Bean

Dig into the history of L.L.Bean and you will find the founder, Leon Leonwood Bean. His values and sensibilities were the bedrock upon which the famous outfitter was built. Values and sensibilities that have not tarnished with age. Natalie Krick Nicole Londeree Brittany Zuerlein

Student Work/Branding Concepts/Tumblr

Personal Work In college, my major was in Fine Arts, Painting. While seemingly not a practical field of study, it teaches you to observe the world around you and to put those impressions onto a blank canvas. Later, I transferred those skills into a career in advertising and design. Teaching draws upon the same discipline of seeing what is occuring and communicating what needs to be done. The following are samples from a sketch diary I kept while attending commercial productions.

Personal Work / Video Village

Video Village When shooting television commercials, you spend most of your time observing monitors in a tented area called “Video Village.� No matter how exotic the location, everything is strangely familiar in Video Village; finding the same equipment, chairs, and monitors. You travel for hours and miles to spend your days watching TV.

Personal Work / Video Village

Jim Johnson / Thank you / jamesejohnson@mac.com / 914-309-4522

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