DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2017 The Handshake Jingqian Gu
800378 Siavash Malek Studio 6
1.0 IDEATION 1.1 Object 1.2 Object + System Analysis 1.3 Volume 1.4 Sketch design proposal #1 1.5 Sketch design proposal #2 1.6 Sketch design proposal #3 1.7 Reflection in M1
2.0 DESIGN 2.1 Design development intro 2.2 Precedent research 2.3 Digitization 2.4 Design proposal 2.5 Prototype + Testing Effects 2.6 Reflection in M2 3.0 FABRICATION 3.1 Fabrication intro 3.2 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v2 3.3 Final Prototype development + optimisation 3.4 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v3 3.5 Final Digital model 3.6 Fabrication sequence 3.7 Assembly Drawing 3.8 Completed 2nd Skin 4.0 REFLECTION 5.0 APPENDIX 5.1 Credit 5.2 Bibliography
The umbrella is a typical skin and bone system. The bone in umbrella can be considered as the frame on it which gives the shape and support, it also can change the volume as it open and close. The skin in umbrella is the surface covered on it. It connects bones together.
1.1 OBJECT 1020mm 170mm
The umbrella is measured directly on the horizontial surface using measuring tape. And the each side of the umbrella is 370mm, because each side is equal so it is easy to find out the angle between the frame.To measure the angle of umbrella surface, the edge is put on the flat surface and measured from top to the surface. Therefore, from top of umbrella to the edge is 170mm. As the umbrella has two slops, to find out the first slop. I fully opened it and measured the radius and the length from top to that point and do the calculation and find out that is 100mm.
1.2 Object + System Analysis
C 90mm
D 100mm
85mm B
These two detail drawings forces on the single bone structure,and comparing the detail of full open umbrella and half open one. It is easy to find out that member A push the whole frame straightly. Therefore, member B, C and D are under compression.
It also shows umbrella as the skin and bone system that bone is the structure member which are mainly doing the compression and skin provides the tension to connect the bone to maintain the shape and volume. In addition, the joints in it are also the main reason for umbrella to change the volume. The joints in it are pin joints which have the flexibility to rotate bones and do the volume change.
1.3 Volume
This sketch model is made by balsa wood stick, pins and cling. It is obviously that the balsa wood stick and pins form as the bone structure which extant the length and increasing the volume as shown from the image from left to right. And using the pin join gives the sticks space to rotate horizontally relative to where the pin vertically pined into the sticks. This model is learned based on using joints to change the bone to make similar effect as umbrella. Also due to the material on the skin the skin can not connect with bones well.
1.4 Sketch design proposal #1
I do this second skin just forced on the top left side of body because our heart is at the left side and most of people are stronger on their right hand side and use it more offen. The front part is not just work as protection but also balance the wing behinde. The wing can also keep others from left side and the back.
1.5 Sketch design proposal #2
This design covers the top front of the body and the head at the same time. And it can be routateed almost 180 degree, the position of the sink can be stopped at the point you want. It is visiable as the front part goes up and fully self controllable.
1.6 Sketch design proposal #3
This design more likes a suit that the person can wear it. The whole skin is the flowing part, from the head to the cover of front then the arm and the back and just going down.The arm part is a huge circle that create a hole and space for arm to move around.
1.7 Reflection in M1
Through M1, I relase the skin and bone system that in the system skin is doing the connection and works as tension, bone is the structure of the system, it creates the shape and volume and doing compresion. M1 also contains the part to learn how to draw plan section and do the 3D rhino model. I feel in M1 my sketch model and drawings are a little bit simple although it have some relation with the system, it is not so obviously. It just has the fuction of change volume does not related to the system to much.
fig 1 umbrella
fig2. handshake
2.1 Design development intro In this step our group put our individual design sketches together and pick more developable one which is more related to the system. Then doing the design based on that sketch drawing priciple and make 3D rhino model. We also did some testing on material and the testing on the system to identify which one works better and doing the reaserch on personal space and precident stuidies. Rely on that we did the further delevopment and Prototype.
2.3 Precedent research Precedent #1 Prince Philip Science Museum, Spain Designed by Santiago Calatrava Name of precedent and designer
fig3. City of Arts and Sciences fig4.
Valencia, Spain. Santiago CalatravaScience Museum
The architecture of this science museum in Spain explores a bone structure in which each verti- cal, parallel element is connected to a horizontal perpendicular structure which links the whole building together. This interesting form can be manipulated to fit around the human body, in which one connection to the body links the rest of the system to it. And it shows that for the bone structure cannot be strights form, it can be curved and form the outside shape. The internal space is created by the skin. This example shows the system can be not only skin covers bone which can be the idea epand for design.
Precedent #2 Winde Rientra’s 11:11 Collection Name of precedent and designer
These fashion designs explore the skin and bone system and how it fits on the human body. By using timber frames and thin thread, they have developed a very stable and well balanced structure which accomodates to arm movements. Also the strings in the system now seems to be fixed as it on the model. But it gives the possibility to make the bone change the volume as the string decrease its length. Just like the picture,when it is off it can be fold and the volume will be changed as well.
Precedent #3 The Domino Effect Name of precedent and designer
The Domino effect, which originated from the ‘domino theory’ in US politics in 1954, can be metaphorically or physically understood as the chain reaction of events that occur after the movement of an initial controller. The term is best known as a mechanical effect, and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. As each domino falls, it overlaps the following piece, causing a strong pattern which is initiated by a singular piece to which a force is applied.
Domino Theology
Because what we what is changing the volume of the whole system just like umbrella. However, the joints like umbrella is based on mulitple joins to create the final apperance.Although it can also be considered as domio effect, but it is hard to achieve without accurate test and calulation what we want is simple to achieve but simple regulare movement.
Personal Space
The Handshake
According to Sommer’s Personal Space (1969), the space that surrounds a person can be understood through two distinct characteris- tics - physical and emotional. Using these principals, personal space is explored in the following design proposals through those certain characteristics applied to a handshake. The handshake is understood to have originated as a gesture of peace by demonstrating that the hand holds no weapon. Shaking with our right hands is not simply because most of the population is right-hand dominent, but partly because shaking with the right hand was initially a signal to foes that we are not armed. The purpose of the handshake is to convey balance, respect and equality. Through the physical gesture of a handshake, a person is welcoming another into their personal space, sharing positive emotional feelings such as friend- ship, trust and solidarity.
fig9. persona l space
2.2 Digitization V1
This design proposal is coming up from a sketch design which uses the string as skin and works as the tension force. Instead of avoiding strangers and maintaining personal space, we try to open part of our personal space to show friendliness. And in many cultures, shaking hands is the most common way to be nice to strangers. As most people in the world use their right hand, sthe focus for this design is on the right. The physical model is for testing the idea of changing volume as the arm moves. When the arm is down, the frame is standing and creating the volume, but as you shak- ing hands the arm goes up and the string exherts a tension force and pulls the frame down. ISOMETRIC ARM UP
2.2 Digitization V2
This design proposal was inspired by the mother hen gathering chicks, that the mother opens her wings to indicate to the chicks that they are welcome into her safety, in addition also like the peacock opening out to attract a mate, the idea from this was that an ex- tended skin would created that form of a extra edge and space of security to welcome attract people into the arms of the person, into their personal space.
2.4 Design proposal V1
This version is developed based on Pro- posal 1 which turns off the bones struc- tures when the person is shaking with someone else. The bones on the body part is designed for tieing with the skin. So as show in the model, the string pulls the frame down when arm goes up that means it works in tension.
The frames around the body worksas the balance of the whole structure and makes it easier for people to wear it. The idea of the frame and skin comes from precedent 2 - Winde Rientra’s 11:11 Collection. The string ties the bones together. In relation to personal space, does not simply change when you shake someone’s hand. It also keeps the person at a certain distance to make the wearer feel comfortable and that is the mini- mum personal space 46cm of most people. The frame at the heart area works as the protection of the most important part of our body and make it easier to tie with the frame at bottom.
2.4 Design proposal V2
This version is developed based on Proposal 2 which opposite comparing with the version #1, when the arm is opening the bone structure is open and gives the strangers the signal to come. This version remains the part of bone structure at the same place and it works the same aspect as it does in Version #1. It also keeps the minium distance from strangers to your personal space.
This design used all of our prec- edent studies. The bones around person’s neck are mainly for wear- ing consideration and easy to connect different parts together. Comparing this one with Version #1 , it has more structural members at the back of the person, which remains more obvious personal space. Also, the back structure can also create a moire effect to keep larger personal space.
2.5 Prototype + Testing Effects
The plywood is glues and connected using elasticstrings.
Prototype in its “rest� position
Elastic strings are attached, connecting to the different bone panel creating a joint system.
The prototype was formed using Design development 1’s design concept, the aim of the prototype was to make feasible the movement of the panel using the fab lab and understanding how the different material can work together to follow the intended system of a skin and bone. The bone is made out of polypropylene and plywood giving the structure flexibily and rigidity at different points.
The effect we wanted to acheive was the moire effect, using stocking we were able to the get very intriguing pattern that would seeming created a welcoming effect to the person curiousity. Using a back light we were also able to enhance the visual aesthetic of the 3 moving panels
Ivory card was laser cut and joined at particular corners to test the effects of tension in the bone structure on the skin.
This experimentation using ivory card and elastic bands explored how a model can fit onto the body. Using the bent ivory card and elastic band to join the two ends, a bracelet was created which can be conve- niently worn around the wrist. This experiment eliminated the use of elastic bands as they were proven to be too stiff.
Using plastic from disposable food con- tainers and hairties, the initial idea was explored and it was found that these ma- terials allowed more elasticity.
Polypropelene was laser cut and joined at each end using thread to create a parachute-like struc- ture. The various threads were all connected in the centre to al- low a singular force to move the entire structure. Through this experiment, the use of thread was eliminated as it was not elastic and too thin.
2.6 Reflection in M2
In M2 we did the most part of design including sketch of ideas, 3D model, physical model making and testing. In M2 we are also required to learn some precedent studies, which I think is quite useful. It provides the ideas of how the system replay on the actual things. And some of them can be provide the ideas, some can be for how does the system works. But for the 3D model part is my job, I feel it is easy to get confused with the bone and skin as doing it and during that process I already used different colour and layers to distinguish. For this system I learned more about it the relation between force and the members. And as we did the prototype we feel there is still difference between it and 3D model. For actual model, what we need is more test on physical one.
3.1 Fabrication intro
These images of the M2 model show our system in rest (left and middle) and action (right). Through this design, the idea of skin and bone has been clearly un- derstood as a system with tension and compression has been created. There are two main issues which need to be resolved through the process of M3: 1. creating a flexible system that allows the elbow and shoulder joint to bend and move around 2. Finding a position for the tensile force which opens up model, which is independent of a string being attached to another part of the body (such as tied to waist belt) Furthermore, throughout the M3 development process, the design should be developed to represent a welcoming model, alligning with the concept of invit- ing a third person into your personal space when shaking their hand.
3.2 Design development & Fabrication of prototype V2
This sketch has been drawn to explore whether a balance can be created for the model through extending it onto the torso. By doing so however, it does not comply with our personal space concept which focuses on the hand-shake and welcoming a third person into your personal space when you extend your arm out.
This sketch explores the potential curved shape of the panels to create a more inviting design, in com- parison to the solid, rigid nature of the plywood used in M2.
This prototype was created to test a self-mechanised open and clo opens according to the upwards movement of the arm. The design p which simulteneously open as the arm moves up to shake a person’s it does not allow for flexible elbow movement. Furthermore, the large which can be impractical to model using polypropylene and lazer c broken up with too many pin joints. Also to do this need heavy front ar
ose function for the base. It can be slipped onto the arm and panels can be slipped on into the slots created on each ladder s hand. However, the issue with this design is the rigidity of it as e number of individual elements adds complexity to the design cutting. The potantial problem of this model is that it might be rm ring to do the push this thing work.
This design was too rigid and did not provide enough flexibility which would allow for movement through tensile forces by the arm. Hence, it is not further developed as the base structure. However through this, it has been understood that there needs to be a strong base which controls the mechanism.
3.3 Final Prototype development + optimisation
This prototype was created to experiment with how the panels will be attached to the base. Using a sketch paper model, small slits were cut into the base, through which folds from the panels can be inserted. Due to the malleable nature of paper, the crease created at the fold works well to move the panels up and down according to the tension forces. But this prototype gives the idea of rotation and tried the new shape of panles that make the model looks more human. The previous ones are mainly more sharpe geometric shape and looks mor aganist people insteade of welcoming others to shake your hands.
A base was created using a single piece of polypropelene, in which a slit pathway was tested for the panels. When working with polypropelene, a slightly stiffer material to paper, the creases created in the panels resulted in the movement of panel positioning each time they were forced into ten- sion, and hence the system failed. So instead, the base concept of wrapping around the arm using elastic will still be used, but with a different mecha- nism for the panel movements.
This prototype was a tester for the base of the overall system. Using polypropylin and lazer cutting, a flexible model was created which can be worn on the wrist and also wrap around the arm, where it can control the panels which will be attached within the base system. This concept is successful as it solves the issue of allowing a bend at the elbow, which has been achieved as the arm wrap around elements are not dependent upon each other and can be manipulate on either the forearm or bicep.
Based on the compression of the poly- propelene, which acts as the bone, the elastic, which is the skin, creats a tensile force when the finger stretches out to shake the third person’s hand. Fishing wire is used as the primary mechanism which wraps around the finger and will be triggered with the hands movement. The elastic wire facilitates the move- ment and maintains the bone’s structure around the arm
Through work wit effect to string to could b panels h to make making
h overlaying various cut outs and draw- ings, we decided to th two curved sur- face shapes to add a more 3-dimensional o the open panels. And the prototype is trying to use one o pull the panel and make it changes in the volume. But it be the reason of the string is fishing lines which makes the hard to pull. Also the panel did not form the shape we want e each pieces sepreate. While, it still shows the possilbility of flat panel 3D effect.
The final model in week 10 does not meet our expeted, although it creates the volume by standing up the panels by when they are down it is to flat not 3D. It could be the size of the panels are too large and its shape and put sequence is from small to large. One string system can only provide enough force at front arm. This might be changed by adding more string to form the shape and volume change.
3.4 Design development & Fabrication of prototype v3
In the new model the problems are solve. In this mo 10 model that is using the string to pull the panel decised to use pyrimd shape to create the volume gives some volume at top arm part, so even it is fro also see the effect. We still considered the rotation with the aixs of base. In this model, it creates the ro of these pyrimds are still liner, but it creates the ef that side length to achieve this.
odel it remain the the general ideas we have for week ls up to create the volume. However for this one, we e even when the arm is down. Also this shape already om sall to large and do not have so much tension can n is good idea. The reason for last fair is it cannot rotate otation effects trough visual rotation. The center points ffect by anothey side of pyrimds rotate and increase
3.5 Final Digital model
3.6 Fabrication sequence
3.7 Assembly Drawing
3.8 Completed 2nd Skin
4.0 REFLECTION Through these module I learned a lot from it. The most basic one is I release the system of skin and bone, the bone is doing the compression, creates the volume and support the skin. While skin is doing the opposite thing, it works as tension connect the bones together and instead of bones trigger the system to pull things up and make volume change. DDF also provides me the chance to access later cut and better skill on rhino model making. What I learned from this process is design something does not have to be perfect at first step. It is a process of protracting. In M1 we learned the system and based on it doing the sketch design including drawing and model making. In M2 is more focus on the development. Knowing the material used, the possible examples for developing ideas. In this step, I know that rhino model cannot work perfect in the actual one. It can be effected by the material used or other actual forces. The model in rhino represent the ideal shape on the design. But It also makes us easier when we do the laser cut and can show the possibility when the physical one has not been done. In M3, although it is the step for fabrication, it still the step for keep developing. Based on M2 we release the possibility of design can be more 3D. But because on the time limits and much time on testing, we do not achieve what we what in week 10. Therefore, in the rest of time we tried new one . And Finally achieved what we got here. Also in these module I mainly doing the rhino model and making the ideas testing model. Then based on the information given by my other group members do the further work. So, I think in this subject team work is also important.
5.1 Credit Jingqian Gu
Ira Malhotra
Timothy Tan
5.1 Bibliography
fig1. N.A. n.d. Umbrella. fig2.KEENE, D. 2011. NO ONE MAKES A DEAL ON A HANDSHAKE THESE DAYS fig3. WIKIPEDIA n.d. City of Arts and Sciences. Wikipedia: Wikipedia. fig4. PINTEREST n.d. Valencia, Spain. Santiago CalatravaScience Museum. Pinterest: Pinterest. fig5.KAWASAKI, S. n.d. Pinterest: Pinterest. fig6.LANCIA n.d. WINDE RIENSTRA'S "11:11" COLLECTION. fig7.LANCIA n.d. WINDE RIENSTRA'S "11:11" COLLECTION. fig8.VERACITY 2014. Domino Theology fig9.LONERWOLF n.d. Personal Space. SOMMER, R. n.d. Personal Space. The Behavioral Basis of Design. [Online]. Available: https://eric.