R S C Newsletter Autumn 2011
Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning
Contents 2 E-Safety 3 E-Safety / Mobile security 4 E-Maturity & the E-Progress Review 5 Efficiency in the LRC / Digital literacy 6 Online events 7 Open resources / HE Forum
E-Safety:The key facts E-Safety is crucial for every organisation. Aside from the obvious moral and statutory obligations associated with safeguarding your learners, staff and corporate reputation, you will also want to educate them around responsible internet use for use in, out and after college or education. OFSTED are also looking at e-safety closely so it is important that it is addressed efficiently and urgently. This issue of RSC Newsletter looks at key areas of e-safety, such as formulating your e-safety policy, protecting your online reputation and mobile security. We have a series of e-safety online events coming up that will help those starting to address the issue, as well as those that already
have an e-safety strategy and are exploring wider issues. This academic year sees the full launch of our new online events programme. With your time and money at a premium, our online events will provide an easier way to join in the discussion. Turn to page 6 for more details. We also look at other key current themes for FE and Skills. Find out more about how we can help with e-maturity, digital literacy, and Open Educational Resources. We also focus on efficiency in the LRC with our latest case study. Finally, we held a successful summer conference and received some great feedback. Turn to page 8 for the review.
8 Summer Conference 2011 10 News round-up 12 Ask the expert: Cloud computing