E-Learning Conference 2012 Guidebook

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THE LEARNING AND TEACHING OLYMPICS #LTO12 Wednesday 13th June 2012 Rose Bowl, Leeds www.jiscrsc.ac.uk


Welcome to our E-Learning Conference 2012: The Learning & Teaching Olympics!


Need motivation to ‘go for gold’ in education in a challenging economic and social landscape?

09:30 - 10:00

Registration & refreshments

10:00 - 10:10

Welcome & introduction

This event is about learners and teachers rising to a challenge, overcoming hurdles and, through the innovative and creative use of technology, enhancing the learning experience.

10:10 - 10:40


Andy Gibson: “The only

way we can fail is if we learn nothing”

10:40 - 11:25

Workshop Session 1

11:25 - 11:45

Refreshments & exhibition

11:45 - 12:45

Workshop Session 2

12:45 - 13:45

Lunch, exhibition

& lunchtime sessions

13:45 - 14:30

Workshop Session 3

14:30 - 14:50

Refreshments & exhibition

14:50 - 15:40

Workshop Session 4

15:40 - 16:30


Do good teachers need technology?

16:30 - 16:40

Evaluation & close

Once again, we’re proud to showcase innovative and effective practice from across the region. Many thanks to all those that have contributed to the conference. We’re also pleased to welcome our exhibitors and would encourage you to view their offerings and take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. We hope that, with a full programme and almost 30 workshops to choose from, you get the most from the day. Let us know how it goes. Feel free to tweet, blog, comment, podcast, share images and video and anything else using the tag #LTO12. Have a great day! The JISC RSC YH Team

Keynote Andy Gibson

Lecture Theatre A “The only way we can fail is if we learn nothing” In 2006, Andy Gibson and his cofounders at Schoolofeverything. com set out to reorganise education or get rich trying. Although they didn’t quite manage either, Andy

Exhibition & Lunchtime Sessions

will be sharing what they learnt about education, technology, and how the web can - and can’t - change the world. Andy is an entrepreneur and consultant specialising in the social applications of new technologies. He helps businesses and the Government adapt to a more digitally connected age through his consultancy, Sociability, and also develops his own projects, most recently as Founder of the “5-a-day for your mind” campaign, Mindapples, and previously as Co-founder of the award-winning education startup, School of Everything. He is also an experienced speaker, and his written works include Social by Social, a practical guide to social media for social good, and Local by Social, an influential guide to digital innovation in local authorities. After studying History, Andy joined the digital revolution as a web

Find him on LinkedIn: www. linkedin.com/in/gandrew 13:30 - 13:45

Using cohesive technology to secure Grade 1 success

The Tripleplay Showcase: ‘Going for Gold’ with video based learning technology

For Skills Ltd

Room 210


Room 225

e-Portfolios – What is new and what is next? We’re delighted to welcome all our exhibitors and would encourage you to visit the Exhibition Area at various points during the day. Some exhibitors are providing lunchtime sessions to give you the opportunity to explore their services in more detail. There is no need to sign up - simply go to the session that interests you.

Follow Andy on Twitter (@gandy)

13:15 - 13:30

Introducing JISC MediaHub

Main reception area

producer, running the website for the national teacher recruitment campaign Those Who Can, Teach, and later winning a Web Marketing Association Award for his work at Skillset, including five acclaimed storyboard guides to the media industries. Alongside his current business interests, he is also an Associate at Futuregov, a fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs, an ambassador for the Courvoisier Future 500 and a Fellowship Councillor at the RSA, as well as being an early advisor to Social Innovation Camp. In 2010, Wired Magazine named him the 78th most influential person in UK technology. He’s gradually realising that studying the history of periods of rapid social and technological change has been the ideal preparation for navigating the swirling waters of the information age.


Room 229


Room 210

How colleges can use ClickView to store, organise and deliver video in college and at home ClickView

Room 225

ESCuk – IT support for Education from within Education Education Support Centre UK Room 229

Create, Save and Share your own collections of Scran material

TechDis Transformers: Tools for changing lives


JISC TechDis

Room 231

Room 231

Workshop Session 1

1A - Interactive Zone

Why not come and have a go for yourself in our interactive zone? Dedicated advisors will be on hand to guide you through a range of gadgets and gizmos that allow you to explore the best of what new and emerging technologies have to offer. Whether you want to promote social interaction amongst your learners, devise active learning sessions or simply want to bring fun to the learning experience, the interactive zone has something for everyone.

Main reception area

1B - Think Before You Click: Steps on the Road to Independent Learning Anthony Beal JISC RSC NW

The aim of this session is to facilitate learners to understand the need to evaluate information found during internet searches. By means of discussions and group activities, learners will discover for themselves the need for critical evaluation of sources found on the internet. Delegates will have an opportunity to develop and take away materials that can be used with their own students to encourage independent learning.

Room 223

1C - The Classroom of the Future is Virtual! Nathan Cobb East Riding College

This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to have a hands on experience of trying out the virtual classroom solution piloted at East Riding College, which is fully integrated as a plugin in Moodle. Act as learners within the virtual classroom, try out the various tools available and see how the teacher can control different elements of the session. There will also be an opportunity to discuss the specific limitations of this particular solution and the potential and limitations of virtual classrooms in general.

Room 224 1D - Polished Performance: Managing Your Social Media Presence Kevin Campbell-Wright JISC RSC YH

Room 210

Imagine a potential employer looked for you online‌what would they find? Increasingly, employers are searching out applicants, not only in the selection but also in the recruitment processes. Sometimes they are put off by negative content – but, increasingly, employers are also put off by a LACK of accessible content. As we enter a world where social media is an integral part, how do we ensure that we keep our head above the parapet while hiding the information we really need to keep private. More to the point, how can we guide learners in doing this?

1E - Technology in Action: Mobile Devices in ACL & WBL Theresa Beattie JISC RSC YH

Room 225 1F - Quality, Collaboration, Interaction and the VLE Rob Hutton Barnsley College

This workshop will share the findings of the Technology in Action project. Launched at the beginning of 2012, the Technology in Action project was set up for Work Based Learning and Adult & Community Learning providers to explore and experience the use of mobile technologies for learning, teaching, training and assessing. Providers taking part include National Day Nurseries Association, Independent Training Services, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, In Touch Care and Union Learn. JISC RSC YH loaned tablets and other mobile technologies to providers for a 10 week period in return for an evaluation of their use with WBL and ACL learners. Barnsley College have been developing their VLE with the aim to replace the office-developed content and develop more interactive content and collaborative content for the learners and staff to use. They have developed a VLE audit of the Moodle courses on the following: Content, Interactive, Collaborative, Media Assessment, Extension and revision. They grade the courses with a star system and provide awards for courses meeting the criteria.

Room 229 1G - Gamification: The Future of Active Learning? Ross Anderson Hull College

Room 231

Gamification is a new theory that aims to inspire, motivate and engage learners by introducing game mechanics and game dynamics and applying it to teaching. Â These principles of game design are emerging from the world of business and consumerism and giving educators an alternative approach by applying new teaching methods and integrating technology. The workshop will introduce Gamification and its future in education with some practical tips of how to integrate it into teaching and learning.

Workshop Session 2

2A - Interactive Zone

Why not come and have a go for yourself in our interactive zone? Dedicated advisors will be on hand to guide you through a range of gadgets and gizmos that allow you to explore the best of what new and emerging technologies have to offer. Whether you want to promote social interaction amongst your learners, devise active learning sessions or simply want to bring fun to the learning experience, the interactive zone has something for everyone.

Main reception area

2B - “Our Stars Must Glister With New Fire or Be Today Extinct� Cheryl Reynolds University of Huddersfield

Room 223

2C - A Stitch in Time vs. Utopia Daniella Morrison Xaverian College

Room 224

2D - Mobile Learning in WorkBased Clinical Practice Nancy Davies University of Leeds School of Medicine

Room 210

The story of the development of a new blended learning BA in Education and Professional Development at the University of Huddersfield: Radical change in the curriculum, initiated by new funding constraints and economic imperatives is being grasped as an opportunity to build something new and exciting, that has a sincerely held set of pedagogical values at its heart. The aim is to promote collaborative, student centred learning that exploits the affordances of technology but also values the magic of people’s presence. This session would be an opportunity to share experiences of creating this new model. The arc of development from writing modules, to devising the scheme of work, to selecting and devising resources and choosing and developing the platform could be covered if time allows or a focus on parts of the process that are of most use or interest could be taken if more appropriate. Teachers often shy away from the use of social media in teaching and learning. Using the VLE in an interactive and engaging way often eludes all but most proficient innovative teachers meaning that the VLE just ends up as a resource repository. What if we could put the tools that the students use in their everyday lives and the VLE together? Think about it. Differentiation, resources for all levels of student in the same environment, student engagement through social media, blogs, FaceBook all accessed through the VLE, students using the tools that they want to engage in learning, pre-lesson work available before the class starts, parental access to assessment and progress. Utopia? Find out how it has been done. Medical undergraduates are supported in work-based placements through the innovative use of mobile technology. Students have been loaned iPhones with access to significant learning resources and specially created assessment apps which interface directly with their online portfolio to increase feedback opportunities and evidence their skills. Allowing students to selfmanage their learning helps them to maximise their placement learning experience. This programme will be presented as a case study of how the whole learning cycle was used by students, teachers and clinical staff and the benefits and improvements achieved to the way in which students learn in clinical practice. Delegates will have the opportunity to try the technology for themselves and discuss the implications for implementating mobile learning.

2E - Using Technology to Enhance the Quality of the Student Experience Neil Morris University of Leeds

Room 225 2F - Passionate About Teaching Will Stewart University of Bradford

Technology is taking an increasingly important role in Higher Education and can enhance student learning opportunities dramatically. However, it also provides many challenges for institutions, teachers and students, particularly in the areas of IT competence, rapid pace of change, pedagogic advantage and time investment. This seminar will explore some technologies which are proven to enhance students’ learning opportunities and which are easy to deploy and scale up to an institutional level, with evidence of their effectiveness. The session will also explore which current and future technologies are likely to offer long-term, realistic and sustainable improvements in student learning.

This is an ‘un-workshop’. Eight teachers from across the sectors will speak one-to-one with a facilitator for 3 minutes each about why they are passionate about teaching. The audience is encouraged to tweet and blog throughout the sessions but will not be allowed to interrupt the speakers. However, there will be time to contribute, question, debate and comment on what you have heard at the end of this session. If you are passionate about teaching, this is the session for you.

Room 229

2G - Transforming Teacher Education: Using Social Media to Explore Teaching for a Social Purpose Louise Mycroft Northern College

Room 231 2H - Teaching Resources in 3D Pravin Jethwa Amazing Interactives Ltd

Lecture Theatre A

The workshop will explore how social media have been employed to engage, challenge and inspire trainee educators to figure out their own theories of learning. It became clear that social media could be used to significantly enhance students’ engagement with course literature, underpinning their practice and help them bridge deficiencies in confidence when engaging with public theories. This complex community of practice is supported by more established technologies to provide points of entry for students and graduates of the programme, and their colleagues. The project is relatively new; this workshop provides a snapshot of the achievement, excitement and challenge of the work. In turn, it is hoped that workshop discussions will feed and inform future developments. The “REACH OUT” 3D interactive system is a unique way of viewing interactive educational content, giving the illusion of objects flying out of the screen and “hovering” above your head. The system comes with fully developed software in all subjects. New developments include the diplomas / vocational courses, functional Skills and SEN / Sensory software. The HD 3D camera system lets you video in 3D, edit and then play back through the 3D system. It is proven to increase knowledge retention and improve grades. It fits perfectly with VAK learning (visual, auditory, kinathsetic). Interactivity allows enhancing brain based learning/ thinking skills. Complex objects can be visualised and understood easily. Interaction can be tailored or controlled using any input device.

Workshop Session 3

3A - Interactive Zone

Why not come and have a go for yourself in our interactive zone? Dedicated advisors will be on hand to guide you through a range of gadgets and gizmos that allow you to explore the best of what new and emerging technologies have to offer. Whether you want to promote social interaction amongst your learners, devise active learning sessions or simply want to bring fun to the learning experience, the interactive zone has something for everyone.

Main reception area

3B - Publish and be Damned Kathy Boyer JISC RSC YH

Ever wondered how to make your handouts interactive, publish an e-book, make an online student magazine? This will be a hands on session where delegates will be able to explore some of the online software available to publish material online such as Issuu and Lulu, amongst others. Come along to this workshop to try your hand at publishing.

Room 223

3C - Online Course Delivery: Putting it into Practice Ken Scott JISC RSC YH

Room 224 3D - Plant the Seed and Let It Grow... Daniel Scott

JISC RSC YH has run a series of online events every month. This workshop will take this a stage further by enabling delegates to put together a short teaching session and deliver it online. The workshop will run in two parts - preparation and delivery. The first session will introduce the technology and allow delegates time to upload their materials they have prepared in advance, and explore some of the tools available. The second session will allow delegates to run a short online course to the other delegates (located in another room) - so all delegates can experience being teacher and student in the new medium. Full support will be available by JISC RSC YH staff. We will have available online rooms in Blackboard Collaborate, and WIzIQ. The aim of the session is to post a series of discussions online prior to the event, discuss these topics online prior to the event, formulate the discussions and outcomes, evaluate and discuss the impact. Delegates will be contacted two weeks prior to the Conference via Google Docs. They will be asked what they would like from an informal discussion in respect of the theme of the Conference.

Room 210

3E - Blogs and Podcasting in Action Mick Mullane Yorkshire Coast College

Room 225

3F - Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Colin Fallows Scarborough Sixth Form College

Yorkshire Coast College has been using reflective blogs with Sports Science students and producing video analysis. Also, regional activities centre learners of different abilities contribute to blogs through fictitious characters called Ranger Jane and Ranger Bob, who work at the centre and reflect on wildlife, etc., and create podcasts through which the College links with local schools. This workshop will outline how students have responded to reflective learning through blogs and podcasts and stimulate debate about how you can use this approach with your learners.

FaceBook: what’s it all about? Surely FaceBook has no place in education? Why would we, as learning providers, encourage the use of social media in an educational context? Scarborough Sixth Form College have done just that, encouraging each curriculum area to have a FaceBook page.

Room 229

3G - Students to Help Improve the Student Experience Chris Smith Barnsley College

Room 231

Are you confident in taking University Students into your ILT Team? This workshop will look at the benefits of having University Students in your ILT teams and how this can enhance your department’s output and service quality. There will be a quick overview on the route taken to this position (Pathways/Routes). Questions that will be answered are: How does having placement students benefit me and my college? Does it really improve Teaching? What are the other benefits associated with having placement students join the team? What sort of projects the team has been able to do because of the students? The session will close with debate and discussion.

Workshop Session 4

4A - Interactive Zone

Why not come and have a go for yourself in our interactive zone? Dedicated advisors will be on hand to guide you through a range of gadgets and gizmos that allow you to explore the best of what new and emerging technologies have to offer. Whether you want to promote social interaction amongst your learners, devise active learning sessions or simply want to bring fun to the learning experience, the interactive zone has something for everyone.

Main reception area

4B - An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Tablet Devices in Business and Management Education Nicolas Forsans Leeds University Business School Room 223

4C - Social Bookmarking: Focussing Your Students Deborah Judah JISC RSC YH

This presentation follows a pilot project run at Leeds University Business School investigating ways in which tablets could enhance the learning experience of students. The focus of the pilot revolves around: impact of alternative operating systems (android and iPads) in students engagement - impact of alternative screen sizes (7 and 10 inches) on student engagement - apps that enhance student productivity, before, during and after lectures and seminars - the barriers to widespread adoption of tablet devices and potential move to a paper-less environment.

Ever wanted to share your favourites? Ever wished you could put together an online list of resources for your students? How can you make your course reading list more interactive? This workshop will demonstrate Diigo, an online social bookmarking tool, and explore some of the tools that are available to create groups and curriculum lists of online resources. There will be an opportunity to try this out for yourself. Delegates will also discuss the implications and issues of making social bookmarking available to your students.

Room 224 4D - Applying Educational Apps to Learning Chris Barber JISC RSC YH

Room 210

The rise of learner-owned devices and educational apps has the potential to transform the traditional ‘chalk and talk’ nature of education as learners can learn at any time and at any place. Smart phones and tablets provide a broad range of educational content via apps and iTunes U that can facilitate learning, promote inclusivity and engage learners with rich digital media content. This workshop will not only introduce you to what’s currently available, but will also provide you with a handson opportunity to apply educational apps to your own subject area.

4E - Managing Your Digital Footprint (Or, Not Putting Your Foot in It) Scott Hibberson JISC RSC YH

The days when our home and office life were clearly divided ended when we started leaving digital footprints all over the internet. Now many of us, managing multiple social media accounts, are struggling to draw the boundaries and protect our privacy. This workshop looks at how staff and learners can manage their digital identities responsibly and safely, in order to make the most of what social media has to offer.

Room 225 4F - Technology in Action: Mobile Devices in ACL and WBL Theresa Beattie JISC RSC YH

Room 229 4G - Reflective Practice for Vocational Students: Using Video on Mobile Devices Emily Armstrong Hull College

Room 231

This workshop will share the findings of the Technology in Action project. Launched at the beginning of 2012, the Technology in Action project was set up for Work Based Learning and Adult & Community Learning providers to explore and experience the use of mobile technologies for learning, teaching, training and assessing. Providers taking part include National Day Nurseries Association, Independent Training Services, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, In Touch Care and Union Learn. JISC RSC YH loaned tablets and other mobile technologies to providers for a 10 week period in return for an evaluation of their use with WBL and ACL learners. This workshop will outline a LSIS project using video and mobile devices to improve students’ practical skills by allowing them to watch a task before completing it. This project has had a motivational effect on learners, promoted use of the VLE and seen savings made on materials costs. Hull College is now looking to extend the benefits of studentproduced video to other areas and looking at promoting and developing other resources for mobile devices and would like to share views and experiences with other providers through a workshop dicussion.

JISC Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire & Humber

JISC Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire & Humber 0113 343 1000 support@rsc-yh.ac.uk www.jiscrsc.ac.uk @JISC_RSC_YH


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