unit four

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COMPARATIVES With short adjectives we add -"er" to make the comparative. With longer adjectives we use the word "more" to make the comparative. Look at the following examples of the comparative, using the adjectives: "small", "heavy" and "expensive".

The brown house is smaller than the gray house.

A steamroller is heavier than a feather.

A Cadillac is more expensive than a Volkswagen.

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1. Per gli aggettivi composti da una sola sillaba

(small, old, fast, ecc.) si forma il comparativo relativo aggiungendo il suffisso "er". small old fast


smaller older faster

A pistol is smaller than a rifle. A jet flies higher than a helicopter. A Ferrari is faster than a jeep.

2. Per gli aggettivi composti da due sillabe che finiscono con la lettera "Y" (heavy, easy, lucky, etc.) si forma il comparativo relativo cosi: heavy easy lucky


heavier easier luckier

A tank is heavier than a car. Elementary math is easier than calculus. Jim is luckier than Fred.

3. Per gli aggettivi composti da tre sillabe o pi첫,

(beautiful, expensive, comfortable, ecc.) si forma il comparativo relativo con la parola "more".

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beautiful expensive comfortable


more beautiful more expensive more comfortable

Chinese is more difficult than English. A Cartier watch is more expensive than a Casio. A Rolls-Royce is more comfortable than a Fiat 500.

4. Per gli aggettivi composti da due sillabe ma che non finiscono in "y" (narrow, modern, ecc.) si forma il comparativo relativo usando qualche volta la regola 1, qualche volta la regola 3. narrow modern


narrower more modern

An alley is narrower than a boulevard. Houston, Texas is more modern than Athens, Greece.

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Irregular comparatives

Irregular comparatives

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GOOD e BAD sono aggettivi molto importanti che hanno la forma del comparativo relativo e assoluto irregolare. ADJECTIVE






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Future - Going to

Future - Going to

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Future - Going to There is no specific future tense in English. To make the future in English we add words. One very common way of making the future is with the words "going to".

SUBJECT + TO BE + GOING TO + ... Look at the following pictures and sentences, they show examples of the future with "going to".

Listen, read and repeat

She is going to trip over the dog.

It's going to snow in the northeast.

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Future - Going to

He's going to rob the house.

He is going to go skiing.

They are going to smash their computer.

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Going to

Future - Going to

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Non c'è la forma futura in Inglese! Ovvero, non c'è una coniugazione specifica di un verbo per il futuro. Per fare il futuro si aggiungono parole, uno dei modi più comuni è con la forma: "GOING TO". SUBJECT + TO BE + GOING TO

I You He She It We They

am are is is is are are

going to

eat pizza tonight. drive to work tomorrow. call them in the morning. be here later. rain tomorrow. see them next week. have fun at the party.


"Going to" è un verbo ausiliare ed è sempre seguito dal verbo principale. Le parole in neretto nell' esempio sono i verbi principali. Nota la forma di quei verbi, è sempre l'infinito senza il "TO"..

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Future - Negative

Future - Negative

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Future - Negative We make negative sentences in the future with "going to" in the following way:

SUBJECT + [TO BE + NOT]* + GOING TO + VERB *Very often we contract the verb TO BE with NOT. Look at the following examples.

Listen, read and repeat

He isn't going to finish painting today.

The little fish isn't going to live very long.

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Future - Negative

"You aren't going to have a nice flight."

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Going to - negative

Going to - Negative

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Il futuro negativo con " going to " si forma nel modo seguente. SUBJECT + [TO BE + NOT]* + GOING TO + VERB....

*Molto spesso si contrae il verbo TO BE con NOT.

I'm You He She It We They

not aren't isn't isn't isn't aren't aren't

eat pizza tonight. drive to work tomorrow. call them in the morning. be here later. rain tomorrow. see them next week. have fun at the party.

going to


"Going to" è un verbo ausiliare ed è sempre seguito dal verbo principale. Le parole in neretto nell' esempio sono i verbi principali. Nota la forma di quei verbi, è sempre l'infinito senza il "TO"..

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Future - Questions

Future - Questions

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Future - Questions We make questions in the future with "going to" in the following way:

TO BE + SUBJECT + GOING TO + VERB...? Look at the following examples:

Listen, read and repeat

"Are we going to be late?"

Is he going to jump?

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Future - Questions

Is he going to get a taxi?

"Are you going to shoot?"

Are they going to fight ?

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Future - Questions

We make "WH" questions in the future with "going to" in the following way:

WH QUESTION WORD + TO BE + SUBJECT + GOING TO + VERB...? Look at the following examples:

When is it going to snow?

Where are they going to go on holiday?

What is he going to do?

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Future - Questions

Why are they going to smash their computer?

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Going to -Yes/No Questions

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Dato che la forma futura con "going to" sempre implica l'uso di "to be", si può formulare la domanda nel modo seguente: TO BE + SUBJECT + GOING TO + VERB...? Guarda l'esempio sotto:

Am Are Is Is Is Are Are

I you he she it we they

going to

eat pizza tonight? drive to work tomorrow? call them in the morning? be here later? rain tomorrow? see them next week? have fun at the party?

Le "WH questions" nella forma futura si formano nel modo seguente: "WH" word + TO BE + SUBJECT + GOING TO + VERB...? Guarda l'esempio sotto:

Where What Who When When Why Where

am are is is is are are

I you he she it we they

going to

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go? do? see ? know? snow? leave? meet?


The Weather

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The weather Listen, read and repeat







14째 C


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Weather Expressions

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sunny. cloudy. raining. snowing. partly cloudy. windy.

's isn't



's isn't

going to

rain snow be sunny be cloudy be windy be stormy

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tomorrow. next week. next month.



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(thirty-five degrees Celsius). It's very hot.


(three degrees below zero, or, minus three degrees). It's very cold.

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Was and Were

Was and Were

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Was and Were The verb To Be is the most irregular verb in English. All other verbs have only one form in the past tense. To Be has 2 forms: Was and Were. Hello, my name is Colonel Denton. I am the force integration officer with the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized). I was born in New York. I was commander of a rifle company in Vietnam from 1967 to 1970. I was commander of a mechanized infantry battalion in the 7th Infantry Division in Germany from 1975 to 1980. I was the head of J1 (Personnel and Administration) at the Joint Chief of Staff in Washington from 1980 to 1988. Below you can read about my friend, Sargeant Jordan. She was with me in Germany.

Hi, I'm Sargeant Jordan. I was born in California. Colonel Denton and I were in Germany together from 1975 to 1980. We were in charge of a mechanized infantry battalion.

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Was and Were

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Past Tense - To Be

Past tense - To Be

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Il verbo "To Be" è il verbo irregolare più importante della lingua Inglese. Abbiamo già visto tre forme di questo verbo per il presente:

am, is, are.

Ci sono due forme per il passato:

was, were.

Tutti gli altri verbi Inglesi hanno una sola forma per il passato.

PRESENT TENSE I am you are he is she is it is we are they are

PAST TENSE I was you were he was she was it was we were they were

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Was and Were


Unit 4 contents


Was and Were Match the verbs with the subject Check

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Simple Past - was


Unit 4 contents


Simple Past - was Matching exercise Match the name on the left with the nationality on the right. Check

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Was and Were - Negative

Was and Were - Negative

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Was and Were - Negative As in all forms of the verb To Be, the negative can be contracted directly with the verb. Look at the examples in the passage below.

I was born in New York. I wasn't born in New Jersey. I wasn't in Vietnam from 1963 to 1966. I was there from 1967 to 1970. Colonel Jordan was with me in Germany. She wasn't with me in Vietnam.

I was born in California. I wasn't born in Germany. Colonel Denton and I weren't in Vietnam together. We were in Germany together.

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Past Tense - To Be

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Past tense - To Be

Si forma il passato negativo nel modo seguente: FULL FORM I was not

you were he was she was it was we were they were

not not not not not not

CONTRACTED FORM I wasn't you weren't he wasn't she wasn't it wasn't we weren't they weren't

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Was and Were - Questions

Was and Were - Questions

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Was and Were - Questions To make Yes/No questions with "was" and "were" we put the verb before the subject of the sentence.

Was/Were + subject...? We make "Wh" questions with "was" and "were" in the following way:

"Wh" word + was/were + subject...? Look at the interview below: Captain Hill, I would like to verify your records. Yes, sir. Were you born on August 4, 1968? Yes, sir, I was. Were you born in Philadelphia? Yes, sir, I was. Were you in Bosnia last year? No, sir, I wasn't. Where were you last year? I was in Kosovo, sir. Who was your commander? Colonel Newbury, sir. What were your duties? I was liason officer, sir. When was your tour of duty over? November of last year, sir. Thank you, Captain. Back | Contents | Next

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Past Tense - To Be Questions

Past tense - To Be Questions

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Abbiamo visto come con il verbo "TO BE" possiamo porre domande spostando il verbo davanti al soggetto come nell'esempio sotto: She is from Chicago. Is she from Chicago? Questo è vero anche per la forma passata del verbo "TO BE": She was born in Chicago. Was she born in Chicago? La formula è: WAS/WERE + SUBJECT....? Was Were Was Was Was Were Were

I you he she it we they

there at the time? born in Brussels? stationed in Sarajevo? promoted last week? broken when you bought it? right or wrong? together when it happened?

E' possibile dare risposte brevi alle "YES/NO" domande poste sopra. Guarda gli esempi sotto:

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Past Tense - To Be Questions

Yes, I was. Yes, you were. Yes, he was. Yes, she was. Yes, it was. Yes, we were. Yes, they were.

No, I wasn't. No, you weren't. No, he wasn't. No, she wasn't. No, it wasn't. No, we weren't. No, they weren't.

Possiamo inoltre formulare domande "WH" usando "was" e "were". "WH" WORD + WAS/WERE + SUBJECT...? Who Where When How When Why When

was were was was was were were

I you he she it we they

there with? on Thursday? born? dressed? repaired? so happy? in London?

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Past Simple - regular verbs

Past Simple - regular verbs

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Past Simple - regular verbs Retired Army Major James Pierce was with the Communications Information Systems (CIS) Assets Battalion. Hi, I'm Jim Pierce. I was in the army for twenty years, but now I'm retired. I was stationed in Maastricht, The Netherlands. I liked my work. I often travelled to many different countries. I worked with soldiers from those countries, too. I had many duties, here are some of them: I provided communication equipment for NATO forces in Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania. I installed short-range VHF systems. I replaced old radios and telephones with new ones. I tested new equipment. Sometimes, I organized training exercises.

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Past simple

Past Simple

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In Inglese, non ha nessuna importanza che qualcosa sia successa 5 secondi o 5.000.000 di anni fa, si usa il passato semplice in entrambi i casi. Dinosaurs walked on the Earth millions of years ago. We walked to work this morning. Inoltre, non c'è coniugazione per il verbo al passato, rimane lo stesso per tutti i soggetti. Guarda gli esempi sotto:

I You He She It We They


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to work this morning.

Simple past - regular verbs

Simple past - regular verbs

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Se un verbo è regolare, si forma il passato aggiungendo il suffisso " ed ". end respond want play


ended responded wanted played

Se il verbo regolare termina con le lettera "e", aggiungiamo semplicemente " d " al verbo. Guarda l'esempio sotto: receive pause breathe believe


received paused breathed believed

Se il verbo regolare termina con una consonante + "y" (per esempio: study, worry), si rimuove la "y" e si aggiunge " ied " al verbo. Guarda questi esempi: study worry carry bury


studied worried carried buried

Se il verbo regolare è corto e termina con una vocale + una consonante, si raddoppia la consonante finale e si aggiunge " ed " al verbo. Guarda questi esempi. stop plan


stopped planned

N.B. In Inglese Americano, il passato semplice di "travel" è "traveled". In Inglese Britannico è "travelled". Altri esempi:

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Simple past - regular verbs

patrol cancel

U.S. patroled canceled Back | Contents | Next

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British patrolled cancelled

Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs

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REGULAR / IRREGULAR VERBS Regular verbs, by definition, are verbs which take an "-ed" ending to make both the past tense and the past participle of the verb. Here are some examples of... REGULAR VERBS. PRESENT TENSE


want look work arrive start land move

wanted looked worked arrived started landed moved

Irregular verbs, by definition, are verbs which don't take an "-ed" ending to make the past tense and the past participle of the verb. Here are a few examples of... IRREGULAR VERBS. PRESENT TENSE


go went buy bought do did see saw make made say said run ran CLICK, FOR A MORE COMPLETE LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS

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Irregular verbs

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Past Simple - Negative

Past simple - negative

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Past Simple - Negative When making negative sentences in the past we need to use the past tense form of the verb "TO DO" -- DID. We usually contract DID and NOT to make "DIDN'T". SUBJECT + DIDN'T + VERB.... Look at the examples below.


Hi, I'm Lieutenant Graves of the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery. I didn't have an easy day. Last night I didn't set my alarm clock, so this morning I didn't get up in time. I went to the mess hall for breakfast, but they didn't have any coffee left. I looked for the other soldiers in my company, but I didn't find them. They were on a special assignment. I hope tomorrow is better!

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Past simple - negative

Past simple - negative

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Quando componiamo una frase affermativa al passato, non abbiamo bisogno del verbo ausiliare ma, quando la frase è negativa, si. Questo verbo ausiliare è " didn't " (did not). Guarda gli esempi sotto: I You He She It We They


like the food. tell me it was closed. want to see it. buy a new car. have an airport. know the answer. get up until 11 o'clock.

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Past Simple - Questions

Past simple - questions

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Past Simple - Questions and Short Answers When we make questions in the past tense with most English verbs we must use the auxiliary "DID". We put "DID" before the subject.

DID + SUBJECT + VERB...? Look at the examples of questions and short answers below: Lieutenant Graves, did you lose your mess kit? Yes, I did, sir. Did you look in the barracks? Yes, I did, sir. Did you check the mess hall? Yes, I did, sir. Did you ask your friends? No, I didn't, sir. Why not? Because I can't find them, sir.

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Past simple - questions

Past simple - questions

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Quando formuliamo una frase affermativa al passato, non abbiamo bisogno del verbo ausiliare ma, se poniamo una domanda, si. Questo verbo ausiliare è: " did ". Guarda gli esempi sotto:


come back in time ? give it to him ? have enough time ? go with them ? need a new part ? forget something ? remember to do it ?

I you he she it we they

Quando rispondiamo a delle "yes/no" domande, non è sempre necessario dare lunghe e complete risposte, si possono dare risposte brevi usando il verbo ausiliare "did". Per esempio: "Did she attend the briefing?" Non necessita della risposta: "Yes, she attended the briefing." o "No, she didn't attend the briefing." Possiamo semplicemente dire: "Yes, she did." o "No, she didn't." Guarda questi altri esempi: Did you serve in Bosnia last year? Did it work properly? Did General Wallis give those orders? Did they use the new weapon?

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Yes, I did. No, I didn't. Yes, it did. No, it didn't. Yes, he did. No, he didn't. Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

Past Simple "Wh" Questions

Past Simple - "Wh" Questions

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Past Simple - "Wh" Questions When we make "WH" questions in the past tense with most English verbs we must use the auxiliary "DID". We form the question in the following way:

"WH" word + DID + SUBJECT + VERB...? Look at the examples below: Lieutenant Fred Hill is stationed in Mitrovica.

Lieutenant Hill, what did you do yesterday? I went on patrol. Where did you go on patrol? I went along the IEBL. Who did you see? I saw no one. When did you finish your patrol? I returned to the barracks at 1300 hours. Back | Contents | Next

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Past simple - questions

Past simple - questions

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Poniamo una domanda " WH " al passato cosĂŹ: What When Where Why Who What How


I you he she it we they Back | Contents | Next

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need ? go to Bosnia ? begin ? follow them ? belong to ? use ? get out ?

6 Irregular verbs


Unit 4 contents


6 Irregular verbs Match the past forms of these irregular verbs with the present Check

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6 more Irregular verbs


Unit 4 contents


6 more Irregular verbs Match the past forms of these irregular verbs with the present Check

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Another 6 Irregular verbs


Unit 4 contents


Another 6 Irregular verbs Match the past forms of these irregular verbs with the present Check

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Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs

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IRREGULAR VERBS Alphabetical List




be become begin break bring build buy

was/were became began broke brought built bought

essere divenire iniziare rompere portare costruire comprare

can catch choose come cost cut do

could caught chose came cost cut did

potere prendere scegliere venire costare tagliare fare

drink drive eat fall feel fight find

drank drove ate fell felt fought found

bere guidare mangiare cadere sentire combattare trovare

fly forget get* give go grow have

flew forgot got gave went grew had

volare dimenticare ottenere* dare andare crescere avere

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Irregular verbs

hear hit keep know learn leave lose

heard hit kept knew learnt** left lost

sentire colpire tenere sapere imparare uscire / lasciare perdere

make meet pay put read ride run

made met paid put read rode ran

fare incontrare pagare mettere leggere cavalcare correre

say see sell send shut sing sit

said saw sold sent shut sang sat

dire vedere vendere spedire /mandare chiudere cantare sedere

sleep speak spend stand steal swim take

slept spoke spent stood stole swam took

dormire parlare spendere stare in piedi rubare nuotare prendere

tell think understand wake wear win write

told thought understood woke wore won wrote

dire pensare capire svegliare/svegliarsi indossare vincere scivere

*"Get" possiede numerosissimi significati; abbiamo riportato solo il pi첫 comune. * "Learn" is a regular verb in American English. ** "Read", although it has the same spelling, has a different pronunciation in the past tense.

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Irregular verbs

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There are many useful words that can be made by combining SOME*, ANY*, EVERY and NO. Look at some of the possibilities below.

something* = qualcosa somewhere = di qualque parte somebody = qualcuno someone = qualcuno anything* = qualcosa anywhere = di qualque parte anybody = qualcuno anyone = qualcuno everything = ogni cosa everywhere = ovunque everybody = tutti everyone = tutti nothing = niente nowhere = di nessun parte nobody = nessuno no one** = nessuno * Remember that both SOME and ANY mean "alcuni" in Italian, but we use SOME for affirmative sentences and ANY for negative sentences and questions.

** No one is the only word combination that remains two separate words. Back | Contents | Next

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Captain Stanford called his company for a briefing on Wednesday morning. Everyone came to the briefing. Nobody missed it. They knew that anyone who missed the briefing would be in trouble. The captain told his men they would be shipping out in two days. Someone asked, "Where to?" The captain said, "Somewhere in South Asia. I can't tell you exactly where, it's a secret. No one knows about it." Then somebody said, "But, Captain, everywhere we go, people are going to ask us about it. What do we say?" "Say nothing ! Does anybody have any more questions?" "Yes, there's something I want to know. Are we going to work with anyone else on this mission? "I don't know yet", said the captain, "but I'll tell you everything as soon as I can." Captain Stanford then dismissed his men. Back | Contents | Next

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The face

The Face

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Listen, read and repeat

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Descriptions Look at the people below and read the descriptions. What does he look like? He has blond hair. He has a beard. He has a mustache.

What does he look like? He has brown hair. He has a mustache. He has green eyes. He's wearing a red tie.

What does she look like? She has long, blond hair. She has green eyes. She's wearing red lipstick.

What does he look like? He's bald. He has a gray mustache. He has a big nose. He has a big chin. He has big ears.

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Must MUST is a modal verb that expresses obligation. Look at the example below.

Hi, I'm Lieutenant Jackson. I'm with the 92nd Airborne. As soldiers, we have many obligations. For example: We must salute officers. We must keep our bunks tidy. We must follow orders. We must get up early in the morning. And we must train hard every day. Some of these rules I like and some I don't like. But it's all part of army life.

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MUST = "Dovere" in Italiano. MUST non è mai coniugato. Questo significa che non si aggiunge la 'S' alla terza persona singolare. MUST è un verbo modale simile al verbo CAN che abbiamo già studiato.


MUST è un verbo ausiliare.

E' sempre seguito dal verbo principale. I verbi in neretto nell' esempio riportato sono i verbi principali. Nota la forma del verbo principale, è sempre l'infinito senza il "TO"

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I You He She It You We They


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study English everyday. go to Bosnia next week. get a haircut. finish her training. be true. stop at the roadblock. get up early. wear special uniforms.

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