Fall Spinnings 2022 - Volume 87 Issue 1

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A PUBLICATION OF THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BEAUMONT VOL 87 ISSUE 1 FALL 2022 Advancing the Legacy of Building a Better Beaumont! 2022-2023 JLB Board SPINNINGS

TITLE SPONSORSPRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY Contact the Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities! 409.833.3663 | GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 9:00 AM DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT Gift of Life’s Julie Richardson Procter 5K Ribbon Run honors the legacy of Julie, a beloved Southeast Texas attorney and devoted Gift of Life board member who succumbed to ovarian cancer in 2011 at the age of 51. Julie’s wish was that her brave battle would serve as a meaningful catalyst to educate other women about the risk and symptoms of the disease and help save their lives. IN LOVING MEMORY OF JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER Hocus Pocus Event Chairs Gerry Edwards • Maureen Winchell • Jo Bienvenu • Kathleen Hambright • Carol Hearn FIGHTING BREAST & OVARIAN CANCER IN SOUTHEAST TEXAS REGISTER Today! 5K TRICK OR TREAT ROUTE COSTUME CONTEST


fter an incredible year of celebrating our 75th anniversary, we are more dedicated than ever to our mission as we continue supporting women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. Our nearly 400 members have proactively identified areas of need in our city and surrounding areas, taken action to address those needs, and supported organizations that provide vital services. We are so proud of everything we have achieved over the past 75 years, and we know we are just getting started!

Katie O’Neill Baker

As we continue to reflect on our legacy, I want to highlight our significant community achievements over the decades. These projects include the John J. French Museum, Beaumont Heritage Society, Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Young Audiences, Inc., Leadership Beaumont, Jefferson Theatre Preservation, Creative Play Park, Women’s and Children’s Shelter, Mickey Mehaffy Children’s Advocacy Center, Inc., Food Bank of Southeast Texas, Imagination

Station Park, Southeast Texas Community Health Clinic, Buckner Children & Family Services, Southeast Texas Family Resource Center, and Children’s Museum of Beaumont. We have clearly been building a better Beaumont for decades!

2022-2023 President Junior League of Beaumont

Beaumont native Katie Baker is the 2022-2023 President of the Junior League of Beaumont and has been a JLB member since 2012. A Registered Dietitian with clinical and school food service experience, Katie earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas and her Master of Science degree from Lamar University. Katie and her husband Clarke have one daughter, Mary Grace (5), and one son, Jeb (2).


The theme I have selected for this year is “Advancing the Legacy of Building a Better Beaumont.” You might wonder, how exactly does the Junior League of Beaumont build a better Beaumont? The women in our League volunteer their time and talents by planning and executing numerous community events throughout the year, such as promoting healthy lifestyles through our Healthy Behaviors project, supporting children transitioning into independent living after foster care through our Transitioning Youth project, and assisting victims of human trafficking through our Abolish project. To celebrate our 75th anniversary, we awarded a record breaking 75,000 dollars through our Community Assistance Funds (CAF) grants, and I am pleased to announce that due to the success of our fundraising efforts and local sponsors, we will be able to grant $75,000 to our community this league year as well.

We aren’t just continuing this legacy, we are advancing it. Adopted in 2020, our newest Signature Project “The O.N.E.” (Our Nonprofits Elevated) is a partnership in which we work alongside a local nonprofit for one League year and assist in as many ways as possible, empowering our partnering non-profit by providing any tools the League can to help them take their passion to the next level, including both financial and volunteer support.

I firmly believe that we also advance our legacy by increasing leadership skills of our members. Whether they attend leadership training or conferences, chair a committee, or have a quieter leadership role as a committee member, I consider every single one of our members a community leader. They have gotten off of the proverbial couch to give their time and talents, with the goal of positively impacting their community—and my hope is that the skills they learn and the connections they make from their time in the Junior League of Beaumont will be ones that they carry and share for a lifetime.

Now is the time to start looking forward, and I am truly honored to serve as your President as we kick off our 76th year of service to Beaumont. Thank you for your support and for believing in the mission and members of the Junior League of Beaumont. We are proud to serve where we live, and we are proud to be women “Advancing the Legacy of Building a Better KatieRespectfullyBeaumont”!yours,O’NeillBaker,

Letter from the President

“We are proud to serve where we live, and we are proud to be women ‘Advancing the Legacy of Building a Better Beaumont’”!

CAF Grants

JLB continues to encourage young minds in Southeast Texas by supporting the arts

Provisional Corner

Do you have an idea for a story? Would you like to be a featured or guest writer?

Send ideas or articles for consideration to the 2022-2023 SPINNINGS Editor, Kellsey Fairchild, spinnings@juniorleaguebeaumont.org.atWewelcomeyourinput!

The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

in each issue

JLB educators and the Transitioning Youth committee prepare for the start of the new school year

The Mash

14121026266678 272423222018161 contents 8 14 18 12

Old-Fashioned Blackberry Cobbler Try this fresh and comforting recipe this fall

If you or someone you know is interested in receiving a hard copy of our publication, please email the 2022-2023 SPINNINGS Editor, Kellsey Fairchild, spinnings@juniorleaguebeaumont.orgattobeaddedtothemailinglist.

In Recognition of Beaumont’s Historical Spindletop Oil Field. An internal publication of the Junior League of Beaumont, Inc.


You will also see SPINNINGS all over town. Feel free to pick one up at your favorite boutique, hair salon, or Headquarters!


Provisionals have been hard at work volunteering and attending League meetings

JLB partners with the Beaumont Farmers Market through our newest signature project, the ONE

Learn about ways in which you can volunteer in the community with the Service Squad

Member Spotlight

on the cover

JLB supported and awarded $75,000 to non-profits in Southeast Texas

Advertisers Index features

Service Squad

Meet our JLB team for the 2022-2023 year



Back to School

Congratulations to these JLB members who were awarded the Sustainer, Active, and Provisionals of the Year awards

AJLI Conference

The Ongoing Legacy of Junior League of Beaumont

Meetings & Save the Dates

Distributed Fall, MSM Special Issue, Winter, DWTS Special Issue, Spring, and Summer

Kellsey Fairchild CO-EDITOR Margaret Victores

Retirement of the G.O.A.T Tennis legend, Serena Williams, retires after 20 years on the court



2388 McFaddin | Beaumont, TX 77702 409.832.0873

Women building better communities



Meet the Team

2022-2023 JLB Leadership Meet the 2022-2023 Leadership Team

JLB members attend the AJLI conference in Dallas, celebrating 100 years


Lauren Reicis Kaylee

The Beaumont Farmers Market

Meet this year’s JLB Board! Let’s work together to “Advance the Legacy of Building a Better Beaumont!”

Gear up for fall with these warming suggestions from Margaret Victores

A Queen to Remember Remembering Queen Elizabeth and her contributions to supporting women


Victores Wyman SUSTAINING ADVISOR Dr. Marleen Swerdlow AD SALES Laura Victores Wyman DESIGN/LAYOUT Lori Bane

www.833tips.com •

The League awards CAF Grants twice each year to non-profit organizations in the Southeast Texas area, with the intention of assisting the organization’s mission. Last year, the Junior League of Beaumont granted $75,000 to eligible organizations through this program–and we’re going the same this year! To be eligible, applicants must be headquartered in our community (including Jefferson, Hardin, Orange, Chambers, and Liberty counties), have been in operation for two or more years, have a local board of directors, and agree to use the funds within Southeast Texas. The fall application deadline is October 1, 2022 and the spring application deadline is February 1, 2023. Please visit https://www.juniorleaguebeaumont.org/community-assistance-fund/ or email CAF@juniorleaguebeaumont.org for applications and additional information. Last year’s recipients include: Anayat House www.anayathouse.org Champion Oaks Ranch Crime Stoppers Texas, Inc. Family Help Systems The Giving Field Helping on Purpose Everyday (H.O.P.E.) (409) 882-7010 RISE www.risecil.org of the many ways that The Junior League of Beaumont gives back to our community is through Community Assistance Fund Grants (CAF Grants). COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE FUND (CAF) Samaritan Counseling Center The Shorkey Some Other Place Surviving Parents Artists Museum Texas Christian Professional Women Network United Board of Missions www.unitedmissions.org

www.championoaksranch.org •

of Southeast


www.sasbmt.com/giving-field •

www.sccset.org •

www.texasartistsmuseum.org •

www.someotherplacebeaumont.com •

of SETX www.survivingparentsofSETX.com • Texas



www.txcpwn.net •


Center www.shorkey.org •

www.familyhelpsystems.org •

Marissa’s selfless character throughoutshonetheyear and she was instrumental in the success of the Provisional Project. She was always willing to step up and help with anything and everything and went out of her way to get to know active members and really become a part of the community of Junior League. In her free time she enjoys crafting, reading, and spending time with her husband James, her bonus daughter Makenna, and their Yorkie, who they affectionately refer to as “Toby the Terror.” Marissa lives her life always trying to find new ways to serve the community and to better herself. One of the best pieces of advice she received was from an MBA class, “Most people don’t listen to hear, they listen to respond.” She has taken that advice to heart as she continuously works to slow down and really listen to what other people are saying. We can’t wait to see what great things Marissa has in store!

Kaylee Henry, Provisional of the Year

Courtney is embodimentanof Junior League’s mission and values–she has a volunteering spirit, a leader’s poise, and is always including and encouraging others. She has dedicated so much of her time and energy to improving our league and our community, always ensuring that there are plenty of events and opportunities for people to help and to get to know one another. She advances the league daily with her involvement and we are blessed to have her.

Stephanie served as the contestantadvisor,committee’sMainsustainingpresident’sadvisor,StreetMarketsustainingandwasainDancing

with the Stars–and that was all within just the last year! Stephanie’s commitment to Junior League and to the community is extraordinary in every way. She has been, and continues to be, an incredible mentor, partner, cheerleader, and more to countless women in the league. Her ongoing service, support, and advice have helped pave the way to our success as a league.

Stephanie Vanskike, Sustainer of the Year

Marissa Baze, Provisional of the Year




Courtney White, Active of the Year

Kaylee spearheaded the Provisional Project and marshaled it to success. Despite a demanding job with Girls Haven, which was originally how she connected with several JLB members, she was engaged throughout and determined to have an amazing project. She enjoys the people of Southeast Texas and all of their creative talents and especially loves how they come together to support the community. Kaylee has always been a go-getter, but many people may not know that she is quite the entrepreneur–she ran a snow cone stand with her sister for many years and was able to use the profits to pay for college. Kaylee is currently getting ready to grow her family by one as she welcomes the birth of her second son, Noah Henry, this fall, and we know that she’ll continue to excel in all of her many roles.

The League wouldn’t be where it is today without the dedicated service of our members. We were able to thank a special few at May Dinner, which marked the end of our 2021-2022 league year, by celebrating the following amazing women and their accomplishments:


Ourhaveteachersbeenhard at work readying their classrooms and welcoming students to another great year of learning, and Junior League of Beaumont has come out to show support! Transitioning Youth hosted a school supply giveaway at the league house and members volunteered at Some Other Place, filling backpacks with needed items to make this year great—even buying additional ranthemselvessupplieswhenstocklow.





Serena is a one-of-a-kind, oncein-a-lifetime tennis legend. From her beaded hair to her catsuit, her incredible swinging volley, backhand, and miraculous tennis comebacks; she showed an edge never seen before in women’s tennis. As a college tennis player myself, I can personally attest to the fact that Serena has always been a huge delight to watch—from the moment she won her first title at the U.S. Open against Martina Hingis in 1999 to her last moment playing singles at the U.S. Open September 2022. She has represented women and strength through it all. She is unpredictable, bold, unique, and fearless. I have had the pleasure of watching her play her first pro circuit

Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) and the Miami Dolphins in the National Football League (NFL); and is a proud parent of her daughter Olympia. She is and has been an inspiration to kids, parents, and coaches alike and proves that you can succeed at the highest level while also living your life.

If winning the Australian Open at the age 35 while almost two months pregnant isn’t a good enough indicator that Serena Williams is the G.O.A.T of women’s tennis, the fact that she has won 23 Grand Slam singles titles should be. Although Serena is one shy of the title record held by Margaret Court, it is strongly believed that Serena is the greatest due to the level of competitors being greater in Serena’s era than Court’s. Serena and her older sister Venus Williams have collectively won 30 singles grand slams, have won 14 doubles Grand Slams as women’s doubles partners, and have won 3 Olympic gold medals for the U.S. together (Serena has won 4 total). Serena has competed against her sister to win 7 major championship finals.

Serena with her daughter Olympia (who is presently 5 years old)

Retirement of the

Serena was at the absolute top of women’s tennis for almost 20 years but also had active interests outside of tennis. She has invested in dozens of businesses, especially supporting companies run by women; is a partowner of Angel City FC in the National

By Melaney Whiting


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- Serena Williams


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match, win her first grand slam, and all the matches in-between leading up to the last match of her tennis career. I have seen her play in person, and for me, it has been bittersweet to know that my days watching the G.O.A.T play singles tennis has come to a delightful end. I doubt there is anyone living who doesn’t know who Serena Williams is, and for us all, it’s been a treasured experience watching the best in the game.

The Beaumont Farmers Market is off with a bang this fall–they are now accepting SNAP and have featured games and activities to keep excitement high, including door prizes and a scavenger hunt for kids! Many vendors now accept debit and credit cards but it’s recommended to bring cash, especially small bills.

Open-air, rain or shine, outdoor market 2022 fall season runs through December 17 Products include: seasonal produce / meat, chicken, pork, eggs / milk, cream / jellies, pickles / salsas, hot sauce / seasonings / honey / coffee / baked goods / bath, body / flowers / pottery / outdoor furniture / & MORE!

The Junior League of Beaumont is proud to partner with the Beaumont Farmers Market through the ONE!

- Stimulates local economies

- Increases access to nutritious foods


Fall Market Info

Benefits of Supporting the Farmers Market

- Supports healthy communities

- Promotes sustainability - Preserves farmland


Every Saturday from 8:00am until 11:00am


Over the past two years the ONE Committee has worked hard to make this concept a reality and is now seeing the fruits of their labor. The financial support given by JLB has helped promote the market and will continue to help meet their immediate goals and needs. In addition, the ONE is committed to increasing the visibility of this great organization, offering opportunities for the Beaumont Farmers Market to speak at League Meetings, sponsoring its membership in the Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center, featuring it in Spinnings Magazine, providing exposure at JLB annual fundraisers, and supporting its efforts with volunteers.

OUR FIRST THE ONE PARTNERSHIP: the Beaumont Farmers Market

Mallory Cross with Becki Stedman, BFM founder, delivering The ONE check

The Junior League of Beaumont’s newest signature project, Our Nonprofits Elevated (the “ONE”), is a partnership with a local non-profit organization for one full year, supporting and promoting the organization within Southeast Texas. The program includes hands-on assistance and resources as well as financial support, with a minimum grant of $5,000. We are accepting applications for next year’s partnering organization, with primary consideration going to organizations that address critical human needs, organizations that would develop or expand a significant service to the community, and organizations that align with the Junior League of Beaumont’s mission and goals. Please share this opportunity with nonprofit organizations within Southeast Texas so that they may be considered. The deadline to apply to be our next community project through The ONE is January 15, 2022. Any applicants not chosen for The ONE will automatically be considered for our spring Community Assistance Fund (CAF) Grants. To apply or to learn more about the program and its offerings please TheThetheONE@juniorleaguebeaumont.orgelevated-o-n-e/https://www.juniorleaguebeaumont.org/our-nonprofits-visitorcontactthecommitteechairatONEChair-MalloryCrossONECo-Chair-MarieMurray


If you are interested in learning more about the ONE project or assisting with spreading the word about the SNAP program and healthy eating at your child’s school, please email Mallory Cross at mallory.cross5@gmail.com.

Theater is a crowning jewel of Beaumont’s downtown, and its glistening marquee serves as a comforting welcome to eras bygone. Perhaps the theater’s most popular offering these days is Classic Movie Nights, featuring a variety of familyfriendly films. Tickets are just $6 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. Check them out this fall as they enter spooky season or check their calendar of events to catch the performance of choice!

The Art Museum of Southeast Texas (previously the Beaumont Art Museum) was incorporated in 1950 and found its permanent home in downtown Beaumont in 1969 through the efforts and assistance of various members and organizations withing the Southeast Texas community, Junior League of Beaumont included. Since 1955, the Junior League of Beaumont has offered extensive support to the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, both financial and physical through the volunteer efforts of our members.

he Junior League of Beaumont has a long and storied history in supporting Southeast Texas and its residents. One of the focuses throughout the years has been on inspiring minds, both young and old. In this sense, a few of the most meaningful projects that the Junior League of Beaumont has had the pleasure of developing and supporting have been Young Audiences, the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, and the Jefferson Theater.

The Jefferson Theater has been regarded as Beaumont’s premier cultural arts venue, and for good reason—it has hosted such stars as The Temptations, George Carlin, the Doobie Brothers, and Lyle Lovett, among others. The theater was initially opened in 1927, and in 1946 it was one of five theaters selected for nationwide premieres of “It’s a Wonderful

the United States,” in the name of the museum and for an in-school America Art History project co-sponsored with the Art Museum; and beginning in 1970, the Junior League of Beaumont funded the salary to hire a Director for the museum. Since then, the League has continued to support the museum with grants, by volunteering at various events, and by hosting our own meetings and events at the museum to help bring in new faces.


Art Museum of Southeast Texas

The Ongoing Legacy of Junior League of Beaumont

In 1973 the Junior League of Beaumont established a Beaumont chapter of Young Audiences, Inc., a nationwide nonprofit that focuses on expanding the arts in education. This chapter, Young Audiences of Southeast Texas, dedicated its resources to helping the arts become an integral part of young people’s lives and educations, assisting students and teachers through programs and workshops that showcased various arts disciplines and integrated the arts into traditional areas of academic study.

Young Audiences


Jefferson Theater

Life,” with the star and director in Inattendance.the1970s, downtown Beaumont fell on hard times and the theater shuttered its doors. However, the Junior League of Beaumont and the Beaumont Junior Forum had other plans. The two organizations joined forces to form the Jefferson Theater Preservation Society and in 1975 they purchased the theater, began raising funds for its restoration, and successfully spearheaded a massive restoration project. This project refurbished its most cherished features, including its original Morton organ, and restored the building to its former glory. The Junior League of Beaumont has continued to support the theater in various ways that time and has used the theater for a variety of Today’sfunctions.Jefferson

During the 1950s and 1960s, JLB members served as docents at the museum and the League purchased the First Award Painting for the museum at its Annual Exhibition; in the late 1960s, the Junior League of Beaumont purchased the Carnegie American Art History Slide Collection, “The Arts of

The Art Museum is now thriving, a landmark of our Museum District— no small feat in a town dubbed the Museum Capital of Texas for our percapita abundance of museums. The museum hosts free family arts days, book club meetings, workshops of various types, and participates in First Thursdays downtown. Their social calendar is also outstanding, featuring the annual AMSET Gala, Monster Mash, Go for the Gold, and various seasonal fundraising events such as Vintage Valentine or Mardi pARTy.

Art should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.“

Jefferson Theater

Art Museum of Southeast Texas


- Keith Haring



Photo captions from left to right: Windsor Castle, where the Queen spent weekends and holidays. Its been a royal home and fortress for over 900

Queen Elizabeth Serving to the end as she swears in Prime Minister Liz Truss, just 48 hours before her death (The last photo taken of the queen before her death)

On her Platinum Jubilee, the Queen delighted crowds by appearing on the balcony with three generations of her


Her Majesty was known to stand in support of women in the face of tradition, as noted on various occasions:

- The Queen, in agreement with the leaders of 16 of the Commonwealth countries, oversaw a major adjustment to succession laws through the Succession to the Crown Act (2013), resulting in succession to the Crown to not be dependent upon gender. With this change, both sons and daughters of future British monarchs would inherit equal rights to the throne.

- The only woman in England allowed to drive without a license, in 2003 she famously took the then-Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia on a drive in her Land Rover, perhaps his first chauffeur by a woman, where he begged through his interpreter for her to “slow down and concentrate on the road.”

- Upon marrying Prince Philip, Elizabeth confirmed the use of her family’s surname, Windsor, as the Royal Family name as opposed to using her husband’s Mountbatten.

Live The Queen! – a phrase everyone can associate with Queen Elizabeth II, who served her Queendom well until age ninetysix. Elizabeth became Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms at the young age of 25 and served for over 70 years, earning the title of the UK’s longestreigning monarch. Lovingly remembered for her bright wardrobe (“If I wore beige, nobody would know who I am,” she quipped), her beloved corgi companions, and for making Prince Harry crack a smile while standing at attention in military uniform, she was known to have a quick wit and a strong sense of humor. She was particularly well-known for her resolute character, her moral support to the British people during World War II, and for her efforts to modernize the monarchy.

Elizabeth at her Coronation on June 2nd 1953


3. Remove the tea bag from the mug and pour the rich almond milk mixture over the top. Garnish with a sprinkle of your favorite warm spice.

1 bag rooibos tea hot water

TO GARNISH: Warm spice of your choosing (ground cloves, cinnamon, cardamon, allspice, and nutmeg will all work)

¾ cup almond milk


Fall is finally here! After a seemingly endless summer of heat and rain I’m excited to share all things fall… from the cutest baby items, to my new go-to warming drink, to the most exquisitely scented candle, read below for all my favorites this season!

by Margaret Victores THE

2. While the tea steeps, warm the almond milk in a saucepan over low heat. Transfer the warm almond milk to a blender and add the almond butter and coconut sugar. Blitz until smooth and frothy.

1 teaspoon coconut sugar

During my pregnancy I cut out coffee and almost all teas out of an abundance of caution but found myself really missing my warm lattes each morning. My research led me to Roiboos tea – a sweet and earthy African red tea that has a distinctly chai-like flavor but is completely caffeine free and brimming with vital minerals. Steep the tea longer than usual and blend with almond butter (or your nut butter of choice) and almond milk (or your milk of choice) for the most comforting cup to start each morning or unwind each evening. As a bonus, the nut butter gives you an extra boost of protein. Don’t forget to sprinkle some cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom for depth of flavor.


1 tablespoon almond butter


1. Add the rooibos tea bag to a large mug. Fill it about halfway with hot water and let steep for 5 to 8 minutes or just as long as it takes to prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Roiboos ALmond L AttE

FALL 2022 Edition

This body wash is the reason I look forward to my showers lately. Two pumps is all you need for a frothy lather and for your entire shower to fill up with the simultaneously intoxicating and refreshing scent of floral bergamot and lemon. It’s vegan, paraben-free, and extremely hydrating – what’s more to love?

7Am EnFAnt bAby tE

This candle is a splurge, but it’s oh so decadent. Cire Trudon manufactures in Normandy, France and has long been known for its high-quality scents and materials. This specific fragrance reminds me of warm cozy evenings cuddled up by a roaring fire – perhaps in a chic French ski chalet. It has notes of leather, cashmere wood, and candied chestnuts. These candles will go a long way, as I find one burn to

I love this mask for both physical exfoliation and chemical resurfacing and the pumpkin smell adds a treat for the senses! Who doesn’t want smooth and radiant skin for fall?

CiRE tRudon GAbRiEL CAndLE

PEtER thomAs Roth PumPkin EnzymE mAsk

AJuAn GinGER FLowER body wAsh

This teddy jumpsuit combines cuteness and warmth all in one. I’ve been really impressed with this brand in past seasons. They carry everything from diaper bags, to stroller hand warmers, to these fabulous winter temperaturesonewintersenoughfuzzyforgeteverythingjumpsuits–andissochicyou’llit’sbabywear.ThisteddyversionislightforsoutheastTexasandI’llbegettingformybabyassoonasstartfalling.



• Blackberries – 2 cups

• Salt – ½ teaspoon

• Milk – ¾ cup

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F and select your favorite cobbler or casserole dish, or use a 13” x 9” baking dish. In a medium bowl, mix your blackberries with 1/3 cup of sugar and set aside. Melt ½ cup of butter—you can do this in your cobbler dish or in a separate bowl. Using your mixer or a large bowl, add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder, ½ teaspoon salt and stir to combine. Then add the ¾ cup milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla and mix to form a batter. If you melted the butter in your dish, add batter to dish; if you melted the butter in a bowl, add it to the batter and mix it in and then pour the batter into the dish. Pour your blackberries directly onto the batter, careful to not place too many against the outer edges of the dish where they may Bakeburn.for40-45


• Flour – 1 cup

It doesn’t get much more simple or comforting than this recipe. Sub out the blackberries for your favorite fruit or use a medley. Take it to the next level by using the freshest of fresh fruit from the Beaumont Farmers Market!

• Sugar – 1/3 cup for the berries, 1 cup for the batter

• Butter – ½ cup

• Baking Powder – 1 ½ teaspoons

• Vanilla – 1 teaspoon, optional


minutes. Remove and serve warm, with ice cream, whipped cream, cool whip, or by itself.

On the last day of the conference, Brenna represented JLB as the voting delegate. The Association voted to adopt a revised Mission Statement. Through a collaborative process between the AJLI Board of Directors and League Presidents, we have clarified our focus. The updated Mission reads: “The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.”





While what we do has not changed, how we convey that message is now more accessible, inviting, and collaborative. It has revived the vision and heart of Junior League founder Mary Harriman’s intention, while setting us up for the next 100 years.

with AJLI President Bett Williams

&BrennaNorman,Rodriguez,KatieBakerKatie&Brenna 22 SPINNINGS | FALL 2022

In May, JLB President Brenna Rodriguez, President-Elect Katie Baker, and PresidentElect-Elect Sara Norman attended the Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) Annual Conference in Dallas. They celebrated the 100th anniversary of AJLI, where they attended sessions on the state of the association, important league priorities like membership retention and engagement, initiating publicity for the league, and heard from the Small Leagues Big Impact affinity group on how to network with other leagues our size. Not only did they learn, but they taught—Brenna was selected as a presenter, advising Leagues on how the Junior League of Beaumont has created a successful Dancing with the Stars fundraiser, which has not only been profitable and allowed us to put money back into our community, but which also raises awareness of and involvement in the league and its activities.

back to the league and to our members in order to advance our impact on SETX.

The conference was an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge, network, and bring information

Carrie paintingZihlmanthefenceattheFrenchMuseum

Amber Hicks volunteeringat SETX Food Bank

Painting the MuseumFrenchfence

We are so excited to share with you the provisional class of 2022-2023!


Shout out to Aryel Collins, who volunteered at Spice of the Season’s Saturday Night Live event hosted by the Chamber of Commerce and won the Spice of the Season award. Not only that, she has already completed her 8 community-hours and other goodobligations.provisionalKeepupthework,Aryel!

Aryel at Spice of the Season

Amber Hicks at theSETX Food Bank

They have already been hard at work checking off their obligations by volunteering at various events and organizations around our community and attending meetings to learn more about the league. We can’t wait to see what wonderful things their class does.



DWTS Star Liason

Melaney Villery-Samuel

DWTS Public Relations Chair Amanda Heironimus

MSM Atmosphere Chair Farren Morris


2022-202 3 PLACEMENTS 24 SPINNINGS | FALL 2022

Education & Training Chair Anna Papa Education & Training In-League Allie Kelley Education & Training In-League Brenna Rodriguez Education & Training In-League Crystal McElroy Education & Training In-League Emily Amedee Education & Training In-League Kelsie Mitchell Education & Training In-League McKenna Baker Education & Training In-League Neely Cooling Education & Training In-League Rebecca Tatum Education & Training In-League Shelby Kelly Education & Training In-League Valerie Lewis


Spinnings Staff Writer Kaylee Allen


Marketing Chair Sarah Wells Marketing In-League Brooke Morrow



DWTS Committee Member Kristen Davidson



DWTS Chair Allison Wright


Website Chair Shelby Ibarra Digital Cheetah Development Chair Jennifer Phelan

Abby Keen


Treasurer/Finance Council Rebecca Tatum Treasurer-Elect/Ways & Means Chair Kate Eckhart Communications Council Director Sarah Wells Community Council Director Ashley Willis Membership Council/Nominating Chair Ashlee Garrett Planning Council/Bylaws Chair Kate Thorne Corresponding Secretary Amanda Yarbrough Recording Secretary Lindsey Brake Past-President Brenna Rodriguez

DWTS Committee Member Kaitlyn Koch

Memberhsip Development Co-Chair Mattie Beaver



Provisional Mentor Kelsie Mitchell Provisional Mentor Ashley Misko

MSM Exhibitor Co-Chair Karlee Ogden

MSM Co-Chair/Underwriting Christina Lokey


MSM Business Manager Nadine Ona Daigle



MSM Chair Casie Harris

Yearbook Chair

Spinnings Staff Writer Sonni Shell Spinnings Staff Writer Karley Zummo Spinnings Staff Writer Laura Wyman

MSM Exhibitor Chair Kennetha Alverez




Provisional Mentor Stephanie Cassels

Provisional Mentor Maegan Collins


Fund Development Chair Lindsey Sorrell Fund Development In-League Shelby Kelly

DWTS Star Reveal Chair Hannah Stark

Meeting Arrangements Co-Chair Ashley Case Meeting Arrangements Co-Chair Mandy Street Meeting Arrangements Co-Chair Esmeralda Kiner Meeting Arrangements In-League Danielle Spencer Meeting Arrangements In-League ........ Krystal Sanchez Meeting Arrangements In-League ........ Shelby Kelly

MSM Atmosphere Co-Chair Rene Ford

DWTS Committee Member/Table Sales Rebekah Cooper





President Katie Baker


DWTS Stage Manager Marissa Baze


MSM Underwriting Chair Cheri Dickerson


Headquarters Chair Rebecca Hudson Headquarters In-League Allie Kelley Headquarters In-League Brooke Morrow Headquarters In-League Emily Amedee Headquarters In-League Farren Morris Headquarters In-League Kate Thorne Headquarters In-League Sara Norman Headquarters In-League Shelby Kelly

MSM Special Events Chair Danielle Spencer

MSM Committee Member Kristen Ritter

Nominating & Placement Chair ................ Ashlee Garrett Nominating & Placement Co-Chair ........... Lauren Thieme Nom. & Place. Committee Member ........... Katherine Williams Nom. & Place. Committee Member Samantha Hemmenway Nom. & Place. Committee Member Valerie Lewis Nom. & Place. Committee Member Courtney White Nom. & Place. Committee Member Brooke Morrow


DWTS Co-Chair Erin Godina

President-Elect Sara Norman

MSM Publicity Chair Courtnie Mercer


DWTS Business Manager Megan Mistric


DWTS Atmosphere Chair Shelby Kelly

Spinnings Chair Kellsey Fairchild Spinnings Co-Chair Margaret Victores Spinnings Staff Writer Lauren Reicis

MSM Drawing Chair Kaci Drummond

Membership Development Chair LaSan Gilder

Ways & Means In-League Rebecca Tatum

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Alix Landry

HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Porsche Perez

Healthy Behaviors/Project 5210 Co-Chair Emily Amedee HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Christi Grudier HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Brieann Edwards

Future Planning In-League Rene Ford

Abolish Project Chair (Comm. Council) Bethany Longmire

HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Ariana Bates

The ONE Committee Member Lauren Williams




Abolish Committee Member Tiffany Silva

PR&D/CAF Grant Chair Amanda Newman PR&D/CAF Grant Co-Chair Sheena Fowler PR&D/CAF In-League Allie Kelley

The ONE Co-Chair Marie Murray


Ways & Means Chair Kate Eckhart

PR&D/CAF In-League Sara Norman PR&D/CAF In-League Shelby Kelly PR&D/CAF In-League Valerie Lewis

MSM Buisness Manager Nadine Ona Daigle


The ONE Committee Member Allie Kelley

The ONE Committee Member Carly Shelander

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Brittney Ferguson

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Nicki Pomonis

PR&D/CAF In-League Amber Villareal PR&D/CAF In-League Brenna Rodriguez PR&D/CAF In-League Brooke Morrow PR&D/CAF In-League Carly Shelander PR&D/CAF In-League Crystal McElroy

Healthy Behaviors/Project 5210 Chair Amy Pinnt

Abolish Committee Member Elyse Broussard Abolish Committee Member Thao Tran Abolish Committee Member Michelle Coon


Transitioning Youth Chair Krystal Sanchez

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Brenna Johnson

Finance Committee In-League Ashlee Garrett

Finance Co-Chair Kate Eckhart


Finance Committee In-League Neely Cooling


Past Treasurer Valerie Lewis



Abolish Committee Member Amanda Gardner

Abolish Committee Member Lauren Graham Abolish Committee Member Susan Ramour


Abolish Committee Member Lana Richards



Abolish Committee Member Crystal McElroy

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Catherine Griffin

Ways & Means In-League Lindsey Sorrell


DWTS Business Manager Megan Mistric

The ONE Committee Member Emily Wilson

Future Planning Chair Sara Norman

The ONE Committee Member Heather Wise

Abolish Project Co-Chair Tania Castelan

Transitioning Youth Committee Member Kristin Hampton

PR&D/CAF In-League Kate Thorne PR&D/CAF In-League Kelsie Mitchell PR&D/CAF In-League Marie Murray PR&D/CAF In-League Megan Mistric PR&D/CAF In-League Rene Ford

Future Planning In-League Valerie Lewis

Transitioning Youth Co-Chair Sharita Gardner

Service Squad Chair Amber Villarreal Service Squad Co-Chair Meredith Youngston Service Squad- BCM Liason Kaylee Henry Service Squad - Make-a-Wish Liason Jessica Cook Service Squad Committee Member Tea Do Service Squad Committee Member Ashley Billot Service Squad Committee Member Morgan Birdwell Service Squad Committee Member Elizabeth Broussard Service Squad Committee Member Sierra Fisher Service Squad Committee Member Torie Fournier Service Squad Committee Member Ashley Willis Brands Service Squad Committee Member Biguita Hernandez-Smith Service Squad Committee Member Krista Hunter Service Squad Committee Member Natasha McGallion Service Squad Committee Member Samantha Leifeste Service Squad Committee Member Cristina Lawson Service Squad Committee Member ........... Whitney Stiles Service Squad Committee Member ........... Arquelle Gilder Service Squad Committee Member ........... McKenna Baker Service Squad Committee Member ........... Clara Powers Service Squad Committee Member ........... Misty Kaman Service Squad Committee Member ........... Annette Bell-Walston Service Squad Committee Member Lynde Freeze Service Squad Committee Member Kacy Goodwin Service Squad Committee Member Sarah Landis Service Squad Committee Member Victoria Rocha Service Squad Committee Member Tiffany Lewis Service Squad Committee Member Nicole Williams Service Squad Committee Member Gina Taylor Service Squad Committee Member Neely Cooling Service Squad Committee Member Cristina Sifuentes-Ayala Service Squad Committee Member Christi Grudier Service Squad Committee Member Rachel Donalson Service Squad Committee Member Christie Cooper

Future Planning In-League Shelby Kelly

The ONE Committee Member Courtney Hooker


Transitioning Youth Committee Member Megan Kingrey Transitioning Youth Committee Member Tanee Coleman



DWTS Chair Allison Wright

Finance Committee In-League Katie Thorne

Future Planning In-League Brooke Morrow

Future Planning In-League Ashlee Garrett


The ONE Chair Mallory Cross

HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Amy Jerry HB/Project 5210 Committee Member Sarah Fox

Abolish Committee Member Kristen Tate

Future Planning In-League Emily Amedee

MSM Chair Casie Harris



PR&D/CAF In-League Emily Amedee


Finance Chair Rebeccat Tatum

6:00PM @ JLB Headquarters August MayAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryNovemberSeptember23rd27th1st10th7th21st11th2nd

JLB meetings

Bill Clark 23

Tuesday, March 7th Tuesday, April 4th

Monday, August 22nd Tuesday, September 13th Tuesday, October 11th November 5th

Christus of Southeast Texas 02 Coburn’s 11

Monday, January 9th Monday, February 6th

Dancing with the Stars of Southeast Texas March 3, 2023


Provisional Meetings


Gift of Life 03


Main Street Market December 1-3, 2022

JLB Annual May Dinner Tuesday, May 9, 2023

6:00PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting

@ 9:00 am Super Saturday Tuesday, November 29th

advertisers INDEX

@ El Viejo Tony, 4545 Dowlen Road

General Meetings

newest additions

It is with regret that the League offers condolences to LaSan Gilder on the passing of her father.


Tuesday, January 17th

Christina Lokey welcomed Vivien Marie


Thursday, December 1st

6:00PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting

JLA Realty 28


@ MSM; 6:00 PM Meeting

@ Beaumont Civic Center

Nadine Ona Daigle welcomed Eleanor

Tuesday, December 13th Christmas Dinner

Tuesday, August 30th

Tuesday, November 8th

Matte Beaver welcomed Mary Ellen “Nellie”

Tuesday, February 21st “Bring a Friend” Tuesday, March 28th Tuesday,PlacementApril 18th Mini Meetings

Save the Dates

Board Meetings

Tuesday, October 4th Placement Advisor Meeting

The Squad volunteers at the Art Museum of Southeast Texas’ (“AMSET”) Family Arts Days, which are free and open to the public. They combine exploration of the exhibits, hands-on activities and

The Court Appointed Special Advocates of Southeast Texas, Inc. is a non-profit service organization that recruits, trains, and supervises a diverse group of community volunteers, appointed by the Courts, to advocate for abused and neglected children in the pursuit of safe, permanent homes. The Squad assists CASA by volunteering at their annual Kids Carnival, where children and their families served by CASA and volunteers come together to enjoy themselves in a day of Summer Fun. The Squad typically manages a game booth, such as the Balloon Dart Booth, and hand out treats and prizes to children.


Nominating and Placement

Chair Training

Some Other Place is an ecumenical mission in urban ministry, where people of all faiths come together to provide services of all types to people who find themselves in emergency situations. The Some Other Place Soup Kitchen provides meals for the homeless and The Squad assists with preparing sack lunches on Saturdays. Volunteer hours are usually on the 1st, 4th and 5th Saturdays of the month from 8:00 am to 11:00 am.

service SQUAD

The League’s Service Squad stays busy making a difference in the community by assisting with projects that only last 1-2 days, such as Art Museum of Southeast Texas’ Family Art Days, Beaumont Children’s Museum’s presentation with Stuffee, CASA’s Annual Kids Carnival, and Some Other Place’s Soup Kitchen.


Please join us in making a difference!

Tea Do earns the Spirit of United Way

the Beaumont Children’s Museum with Stuffee. In presentations with Stuffee they explain to children the importance of a healthy diet and exercise and teach them about the parts of the body (heart, lungs and stomach). The Committee also assists BCM by informing parents and children about the status of the museum and opportunities for them to become involved with the museum.


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