Winter 2023 Spinnings Volume 88 Issue 2

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Giving Gratitude Gift of Life is grateful for the community’s support of our critical healthcare initiatives and services that benefit thousands of Southeast Texans each year.

Women’s Health Program More than




women received free

women diagnosed

breast health

with breast cancer

screenings this year.

since inception.

Because of your Support we can make a Lifesaving Difference!

Men’s Health Program More than

More than

men received free prostate

men diagnosed with

cancer and primary care

prostate cancer since

screenings this year.





Letter from

the President Dear Members and Friends of the Junior League of Beaumont,

Sara Norman

JLB has a new logo! The Junior League of Beaumont wants to add to our currently used red column logo and include this new addition in our brand package. This helps our local and national network identify our commitment to Southeast Texas. This new logo was chosen because it is sleek, modern, bold, and transitional. It represents a group of women that are diverse, strong, classy, and friendly. The JLB is proud of its affiliation with other Junior Leagues and is even more proud to be part of the Beaumont Community and to advance women’s leadership through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

With the twinkling lights and festive decorations adorning our beloved city, it is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the holiday edition of Spinnings. As we embrace the joyous spirit of the holiday season, we are reminded of the profound impact of our collective efforts in spreading love and kindness throughout our community. The holiday season is a time for reflection, gratitude, and most importantly, giving. It is during these cherished moments that we come together as a community, extending a helping hand to those in need and making a tangible difference in the lives of our fellow citizens. As members of the Junior League of Beaumont, we understand the importance of this season and the significance of our commitment to serving others. In the Junior League of Beaumont, we believe that we are better together, and this sentiment is especially true as our Community Project Committees are fulfilling their purposes and our holiday fundraising committee, the Main Street Market Committee, is busy planning and executing our December holiday market. It is through fundraisers like Main Street Market that we are able to fund our Community Project Committees, NonProfit partnerships, such as the O.N.E., and disperse funds through our Community Assistant Fund Grants. As we approach the holiday season, I hope that you will consider making a donation to our efforts on our website so that, together, we may continue to make a meaningful impact and bring hope to those who need it most.


board of directors President............................................................ Sara Norman President-Elect.................................................. Cheri Dickerson Treasurer........................................................... Kate Eckhart Treasurer-Elect................................................. Nadine Daigle Communications Council Director............... Amanda Heironimus Community Council Director........................ Mallory Cross Membership Council Director....................... Lauren Thieme Planning Council Director.............................. Anna Papa Corresponding Secretary ................................ Amanda Newmann Recording Secretary......................................... Kellsey Fairchild Past-President................................................... Katie Baker

It is through our collective compassion and dedication to our Junior League Committee work that we embody the true spirit of giving. Our commitment to service goes beyond the material offerings; it is about fostering a sense of belonging, spreading kindness, and nurturing a community where everyone feels valued and supported. This holiday season, let us continue to be beacons of hope and agents of positive change, illuminating the lives of those around us with the gift of compassion and empathy. I invite you to immerse yourself in the pages of this special holiday edition, where you will find heartwarming stories, updates on our ongoing initiatives, and insights into the incredible impact we have made as an organization. May these stories inspire you to continue spreading joy and kindness not only during this festive season but throughout the year. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our mission. Your contributions, big and small, have made a significant difference in the lives of many, and for that, we are truly grateful. As we gather with our loved ones and celebrate the joy of the season, let us remember that our collective efforts can brighten the lives of those in need, making this holiday season truly magical for everyone in our community. Wishing you all a joyous and blessed holiday season! Warmest regards,

Sara Norman President, Junior League of Beaumont


contents 15



in each issue

6 Healthy Behaviors Food Drive


Try out these 4 yummy recipes this holiday season


The One supports non-profit Make Ends Meet at this years Fire Prevention & Safety Festival

8 Member Spotlight

Meet Maegan Collins, JLB member who received the prestigious ‘Dissertation of the Year’ award

9 Why I JLB

Learn about the professional networking opportunities as a member of the JLB

24 Main Street Market

Meet this years Main Street Market Committee and check out the schedule and list of vendors for the event

28 Transitioning Youth

The Transitioning Youth Committee host a college and career informational meeting

10 Member Spotlight

Meet Taylor Herring, JLB member and this years Multinational Miss Pageant winner

12 Abolish Committee

Read about how this year’s committee has gone above and beyond their mission JLB member speaks at this years conference as a role model for other women

Meet three JLB hairstylists and peak into their day to day lifestyle


23 The One

Help Healthy Behaviors collect food for Market to Hope distributions

16 Day in the Life

CO-EDITOR Lauren Reicis

20 Recipes for the Holidays


Thanks to the support of the JLB, 17 year old Carlos of Port Arthur traveled to the Bahamas through the Make-A-Wish program

Distributed Fall, Winter, Spring, DWTS Special Issue, and Summer

Karley Zummo Kaylee Allen Nina Victores Sonni Shell Lauren Graham

34 Upcoming Events 34 Advertisers Index

15 JLB Supports Teens Wish

An internal publication of the Junior League of Beaumont, Inc.

EDITOR Bethany Longmire


14 BBB Women’s Conference

In Recognition of Beaumont’s Historical Spindletop Oil Field.

29 Honoring Allison Nathan Getz

JLB honors the life and legacy of former member, Allison Nathan Getz

30 The Mash

Sleigh in your holiday shopping by supporting local businesses this season

32 Out and About

Check out what JLB members have been up to in the community

33 Dancing with the Stars

Meet this years DWTS teams, Star Reveal, and In-Kind donation sponsors

35 Meeting Arrangements

Learn about the Meeting Arrangements committee and what they do for JLB

19 Provisional Corner

Check out recent events hosted for our Provisional members

on the cover The Main Street Market Committee is spreading holiday vibes in preparation for this year’s fun holiday fundraising event that will take place November 30 - December 1, 2023. Make sure to buy your event tickets online at www.juniorleaguebeaumont. org/msm!


Lori Bane

SUBMISSIONS Do you have an idea for a story?

Would you like to be a or guest writer? Send ideas or articles for consideration to the 2023-2024 SPINNINGS Editor, Bethany Longmire, at We welcome your input! TO SUBSCRIBE If you or someone you know is interested in receiving a hard copy of our publication, please email the 2023-2024 SPINNINGS Editor, Bethany Longmire, at to be added to the mailing list.

You will also see SPINNINGS all over town. Feel free to pick one up at your favorite boutique, hair salon, or Headquarters! MISSION STATEMENT The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BEAUMONT Women building better communities

2388 McFaddin | Beaumont, TX 77702 409.832.0873

Healthy Behaviors


November 7, 2023 - February 17, 2024


If every Provisional, Active Member, and Sustainer donated 3 -16 oz items, we would more than double our goal!

ur Food Drive Celebration will be on February 17, 2024, at the Junior League of Beaumont Headquarters at 2:00 pm. That morning we will take donations from 7:30 am- 1:00 pm.

in their program! Right now they are able to service individuals once a month, and would like to expand it to multiple times in a month, and our goal is just the start to move towards making this happen!

Our Goal: The Healthy Behaviors Committee would like to make the largest donation in Market to Hope History by having a goal of 800 LBS of food! We can do that plus more with our extraordinary JLB ladies by our side! If every Provisional, Active Member, and Sustainer donated 3 -16 oz items, we would more than double our goal!

You can sign up to be a donation drop-off location by messaging Emily Amedee at 409.617.3354 or Ashley Willis (our Market to Hope Liaison) at 409.658.9203.

Our Why: We chose to have a Drive through the holidays into the new year due to the fact that after the holidays donation amounts drop drastically, and we chose Market to Hope because they give away over 30 lbs of food to every person that is



You can contact a Healthy Behaviors committee member to donate monetarily, or with physical food goods at any time, we will even pick it up! Not sure what to buy, or not sure where to find the time? No Problem! Healthy Behavior’s Committee Members will shop for you! You can also sign up for shifts for Market to Hope at any time on Digital Cheetah!

Currently reading:

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence by Anna Lembke, MD

Currently following:

Currently listening to:

@Drmaryclaire – Female Health Tips

She Leads Now Podcast


SPOTLIGHT Maegan Collins

JLB Maegan Collins awarded prestigious ‘Dissertation of the Year’ award


n October 16, Junior League member Maegan Collins was awarded one of the top honors in higher education in the state. Maegan was named the recipient of the Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administration’s Dissertation of the Year award. “To say I’m honored is an understatement. I never in a million years thought I’d receive an award like this,” Collins said. Collins, who has been an active member in the Junior League since 2019, earned her Doctor of Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) from Lamar University in May 2023. She is the first Lamar student to win this high honor. “Winning this award has shown others that Lamar has such a highquality educational leadership program that rates right up there with the larger universities,” Collins said.

Her dissertation, titled “Perceptions of First-Generation College Retention Post-Vertical Transfer: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study,” delved into the realm of firstgeneration college student success, an area close to her heart as both she and her sister are first-generation college graduates.

“To say I’m honored is an understatement. I never in a million years thought I’d receive an award like this,” Collins said.

Her research explored the challenges and opportunities for students transitioning from two-year to fouryear institutions.

because it is definitely one of the biggest highlights of my life. Writing a dissertation can be extremely difficult, and the entire time I was writing I kept praying that it would make an impact on higher education,” Collins explained.

“What I love most about my dissertation is that it can truly positively impact student success,” Collins said. Collins created a comprehensive qualitative study focusing on identifying key factors affecting student persistence and proposing actionable strategies for enhancing retention rates at fouryear institutions.

Reflecting on her journey, Collins knows the invaluable support she received from her mother, Dr. Teresa Simpson, and her dedicated dissertation committee. “My dissertation also wouldn’t have been a success without my dissertation committee - Drs. Kaye Shelton, James Laub, Johnny O’Connor, and Teresa Simpson,” Collins said.

The prestigious TACUSPA Dissertation of the Year award was presented at the annual conference held at the University of Texas at El Paso.

Maegan Collins stands as a beacon of inspiration and dedication. Her unwavering commitment to supporting first-generation college students and her remarkable academic achievements are paving the way for future scholars to achieve.

“I instantly started crying because I was so honored and surprised. It is still hard to put it in words



#WHYIJLB There are many reasons why our members join the Junior League of Beaumont. Last year, our Future Planning Committee sought to identify and put a name to those reasons in an effort to showcase each in turn at our 2023-2024 General Meetings.


ach Education and Training event of the 2023-2024 League year will focus on one of these four areas: 1. Leadership Development 2. Professional Networking 3. Community Impact 4. Social Expansion

The Fall 2023 issue highlighted how the Junior League of Beaumont has provided leadership development and training for members within and beyond the League. In this second piece, we discuss professional networking opportunities that advance our members both within the League and the Southeast Texas community.

Networking within the League The Junior League of Beaumont has always fostered professional networking opportunities for members within the organization. Most members have gained networking opportunities through their yearly placements, as established by the Nominating and Placement Committee. While networking amongst members within a committee has always been an integral aspect of our mission, the League also prides itself on inter-committee collaboration. For instance, Service Squad and Healthy Behaviors: 5210 recently collaborated in order to provide volunteers at The Beaumont Children’s Museum’s Twelfth Annual Touch-ATruck and S.T.E.A.M Fair. In addition, Abolish committee members were interviewed on 12 News regarding their “Bingo Night” that promoted human trafficking awareness amongst the cosmetology profession. This spotlight was a success due to their professional networking with Active member and 12 News Director, Lauren Reicis. November’s General Meeting at the Beaumont Art Museum highlighted our commitment to empowering women through professional networking. Members participated in an activity that was designed to encourage connection and further reflect that everyone has an important role within the League and community. The activity, led by the Meeting Arrangements Committee, was a twist on the famed “Musical Chairs.” During each round, members were paired up by landing at the same chair once the music stopped. The pair then went through a series of networking questions that also allowed them to exchange business cards. This activity was a strong reflection of professional networking.

Networking Beyond the League The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) has consistently provided members with networking opportunities by hosting scheduled town halls and webinars. More specifically, “Connections for Change” has promoted leadership and professional development amongst the 296 leagues around the world. In addition, AJLI has encouraged members to actively participate in affinity groups, which are self-governing organizations created by League members for networking purposes. Specifically, JLB has been an active participant in Small League Big Impacts (SLBI), where leagues across the nation network with the intention of promoting the Junior League’s mission. While most members collaborate with SLBI colleagues via social platforms, nine JLB Actives attended the National Small League, Big Impact Leadership conference in San Antonio, Texas over the summer. This networking opportunity was invaluable for the JLB due to members learning more about community impact, leadership development, and membership strategies. In addition, four JLB members recently attended AJLI’s Organizational Development Institute (ODI) in Washington, D.C. This conference allowed members to attend workshops on topics such as advocacy, professional communication, and retention practices. ODI provided members with opportunities to not only impact their communities, but also allowed them to gain key marketable skills needed within their professional endeavors. The Junior League of Beaumont has also provided professional networking opportunities that extend into the Southeast Texas community. Members have been given professional networking opportunities with nonprofit organizations that have partnered with JLB through Our Non-Profits Elevated (The O.N.E.), the Community Assistance Fund (CAF Grants), and volunteer events. While there are many stories that can be shared, two members found value in JLB networking as Provisionals. Megan Pounders and Brandi Verdine, now Active members, became involved in the Beaumont Farmer’s Market last year after volunteering through the O.N.E. project. Megan now serves as President-Elect of the Farmer’s Market Board of Directors, and Brandi as the Marketing Manager, due to the networking opportunities provided by JLB.

Join JLB in Professional Networking!


rofessional networking and training are crucial to JLB’s community impact and mission. Want to partner with us in advancing our member’s leadership and professionalism? Scan the QR code and designate your gift for “Leadership Training.”

From accountants and attorneys to hairstylists and realtors, we love to count JLB members as friends AND clients. The Junior League of Beaumont has a place for all southeast Texas women and we’d love to get connected. Interested in joining JLB? Are you a boss looking to sponsor an employee to join JLB? Email jlb@juniorleaguebeaumont. org for information or visit our website www.

Need a

New Year's Resolution? Join the Junior League of Beaumont! The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training. Our members consist of provisionals, actives, and sustainers that hold various positions within the league and community. Our provisionals are members-to-be who are currently in a training program for the upcoming League year. Actives are members who are currently fulfilling our community volunteer commitments and managing the organization through governance. Sustainers are members ages 40+ who serve in advisory and support roles to the League and who continue to volunteer on their own in the community.

Reasons to join the Junior League of Beaumont: • Leadership Development • Professional Networking • Community Impact • Social Expansion • Organizational Development • Mentoring • Advocacy • Fund Development • Strategic Planning • Education & Training For more information on how to join the Junior League of Beaumont, visit Join – Junior League of Beaumont (


this or that • Pumpkin Pie or Pecan Pie? • Dressing or Stuffing? • Turkey or Ham? • Wine or Champagne? • Parade or Football? • Black Friday or Cyber Monday? • Sweaters or Flannels? • Watch Movies or Play Games? 9



SPOTLIGHT Taylor Herring


Taylor Herring

takes home title during Inaugural Pageant


n October 22, 2023, at the MCM Elegante Hotel, JLB provisional Taylor Herring walked away with a crown and a new title during the inaugural Multinational Miss Pageant. Herring was crowned Multinational Miss Elite Beaumont. “When I was announced as the winner, the best way I can describe the feeling in me was like a humongous exhale”, Herring said.

System, which was founded this year by director Dr. Cequana Clark-Lee and her daughter, assistant director Starr Lee-Alvarez. “In high school, I participated in pageants solely to rack up scholarship money because I was determined to not take out any student loans (I succeeded!), so after I graduated, I stopped, Herring explained. “Recently my sister-in-law started putting my 2-year-old niece in small local pageants, so my family has made many connections within that community. At a pageant in September, Starr approached me about entering Multinational Miss Beaumont, so I decided to take a chance, Herring explained.

“It was a realization that all the time I had spent preparing had paid off. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.”

The pageant’s motto is, “Beauty comes in all shapes, shades, and sizes,” and the mission is to “build a sisterhood while promoting body positivity and mental health awareness.

This was the very first pageant of the brand-new Multinational Miss

“I want everyone to know that they are a perfect pageant participant



“When I was announced as the winner, the best way I can describe the feeling in me was like a humongous exhale, “ Herring said.

just the way they are. Our youngest competitor was 4 months old and our oldest was 64 years old. We hosted ladies of diverse races, body types, interests, socioeconomic backgrounds, and more,” Herring said. You can follow along with Herring’s journey as the newly crowned Multinational Miss Elite Beaumont on Facebook, Multinational Miss Elite Beaumont 2023 - Taylor Herring. Congratulations to Taylor from the Junior League of Beaumont! We are so proud of you!


A Force for Good in the Fight Against Sex Trafficking


he 2023 - 2024 Abolish Committee has gone above and beyond in their mission to promote awareness, advocacy, and action for victims of human trafficking. Over the summer, they played a vital role in Harvest House's "Make Moments Matter" campaign, collecting summer items to make the season special for the survivors they serve. In September, they helped Harvest House commemorate Catch My Thrift's first anniversary where exclusive sales were held, and local vendors came to celebrate with the community. In early October, they organized a successful BINGO event for hair stylists at Madison’s on Dowlen, featuring a compelling presentation by Rebecca Cary, founder of Hands of Justice, who shared her inspiring story of overcoming domestic sex trafficking, and educated the audience on sex trafficking indicators.



On October 14th, the committee joined the global Walk for Freedom led by A21, distributing flyers, and displaying posters to engage the community and shed light on the harsh realities of sex trafficking and exploitation in our local communities. While their achievements are impressive, the fight is not yet over. In January 2024, on National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, they will collaborate with the Junior League of Lake Charles for “Brainstorm at the Border.” This initiative aims to develop strategies to eradicate human trafficking along the Texas/Louisiana border and beyond. Our proximity to major trafficking hubs and our position on Interstate 10 makes it imperative that we join them in their efforts.




Photo Captions:

1. Abolish Committee Members promoting the upcoming BINGO event on 12News 2. Abolish Committee Members at the BINGO event 3. Abolish Project Chair, Michelle Matheson & Committee Member, Tania Castelan at the Walk for Freedom 4. Abolish Project Chair with Founder of Hands of Justice, Rebecca Cary 5. Abolish Committee Members with Harvest House employees



Other volunteer opportunities: • Community Education: Most opportunities are community awareness activities, held across Southeast Texas, to raise awareness about how people can recognize and prevent trafficking. • Office Support: Harvest House has needs on campus, which include computer work, filing, organizing, taking inventory, general maintenance, and other activities that support the staff as they serve local survivors of child sex trafficking. • Volunteer Advocates: A small number of thoroughly trained volunteers may serve directly with clients as volunteer advocates under the supervision of Harvest House’s advocates, who are full-time social workers.

Harvest House currently serves 6 counties in Southeast Texas. In 2022, they served 61 survivors and provided 273 intervention services such as case management, safety planning, crisis intervention, and reassessment and recoveries. 338 individuals also received personal advocacy and accompaniment. However, the combined efforts of Harvest House and Abolish are not yet enough to combat this issue effectively without the help of the community. You can contribute to this cause by supporting or attending Harvest House's upcoming gala on January 30th, titled "Here & Now". There will be live music, a survivor guest

speaker, auctions, and much more. Together, we can work to create a place where every child is safe, protected, and free from exploitation and abuse in the form of trafficking. To purchase tickets or become an event underwriter, visit harvesthousebmt. com. Your support can make a difference that lasts a lifetime. You can contribute in other ways yearround by directly meeting survivors’ needs through shopping Harvest House’s Amazon Wish List and visiting their learning resources online to stay educated and spread awareness.

• Catch My Thrift: Raising funds through the new thrift store helps sustain the Advocacy Department at Harvest House. The thrift store is fully volunteer led! • Prayer: Harvest House believes the most active way we can fight human trafficking is through prayer. Take time to pray for victims and survivors alike, as well as those working in the field. We, in the Junior League of Beaumont, couldn’t be prouder of the legacy being forged by the Abolish Committee and look forward to offering our continued support. Please join us at the Harvest House Gala! Information is located on the next page. 13


Better Business Bureau


By: Tania Castelan


eing part of the Better Business Bureau Women’s Conference was both an amazing and humbling experience. I was pleasantly surprised when I was asked to speak, and it was a deep honor to serve as a role model for fellow women. During my presentation, I recognized areas where I could improve, and this experience has been invaluable in helping me pinpoint what I can work on to make my next presentation even more impressive. I not only gained substantial knowledge but also fine-tuned my leadership skills, especially in the domain of public speaking. My aspiration is that my involvement made a significant impact, and if the opportunity presents itself again, I will eagerly embrace it. This experience is certainly noteworthy. Additionally, I wish that single moms who see this will feel inspired to move forward and persist in achieving their goals. Balancing the roles of motherhood, life, and managing multiple businesses is undoubtedly challenging, but it is attainable. I am to be a living example that success is within reach, and with unwavering determination, one can find that equilibrium and thrive.


Balancing the roles of motherhood, life, and managing multiple businesses is undoubtedly challenging, but it is attainable.

JLB Supports

Port Arthur Teen’s Wish Thanks to the support of the Junior League of Beaumont 17-year-old Carlos of Port Arthur got to travel to the Bahamas through the Make-A-Wish program.

“I can never thank you enough for everything you do for our kids,” Carlos’ mom wanted to share with the Junior League. League members Brenna Rodriguez and Amber Villarreal got to meet with Carlos and his family at their home in Port Arthur. “[Carlos] loves church and fishing, playing basketball,” said Rodriguez. Carlos Rodriguez was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma on February 14, 2022, at age 16. He has been bravely battling the disease. A team of doctors worked really hard to help Carlos become strong enough to travel. “He wanted to go somewhere he had never been. He was in between treatments….this was a big trip to get completed in between his treatments when he was feeling the best,” Rodriguez said. Through Make-A-Wish, Carlos and his family traveled to the Bahamas in September.

“He went swimming with pigs, his biggest wish was to see the pink sand beaches and went fishing,” Rodriguez said. “It was wonderful! Carlos and our family had the best time. Everyone we encountered was awesome and very kind. Thank you all so much for everything,” Carlos’ mom said. If you want to follow along with Carlos’ journey the family has a Facebook page to share updates: Carlos’ Courageous Fight against Lymphoma.

If you want to learn more about Make-A-Wish,

Service Squad will be hosting a volunteer event on January 20, 2024 at the Junior League House from 1:00-3:00 p.m. 15


day in the life of...


Crystal McElroy

Hometown Beaumont, Texas

School Central SR. High Family Proud mother of 3 handsome sons

What made you want to go into the profession? The reason I became a stylist was I guess it was second nature to me. I was always cutting, coloring, and creating new styles on my hair and friends in high school.

Occupation Hairstylist/Technical Skills Specialist. I have been doing hair for 20 years and love it.

With the holidays coming up, are there any styles or trends that you are most excited to see? I only cut men’s hair now and the latest trends I see are the mullet and a low taper fade and texture at the top with scissors. And beards are still the most popular right now.

Time with JLB I have been a member of the League since 2021

What is your best-kept secret from behind the chair? Could be anything. Best way to keep a curl, the best way to beat humidity, etc. For men, the best-kept secret to keep up a style is always a good pomade and/or shaping cream.

Hobbies I love spending time with my family, sporting events and doing community service. I also referee volleyball and basketball games. 16

What does your day-to-day look like? My daily routine is pretty basic. I get up early and drop off my baby boy (Craig Jr.) to middle school. Then head off to work in Mt. Belvieu at Sports Clips.


What are you most looking forward to this year? Professionally, personally, and in the league. This year is all about positivity, growth, and living life to the fullest. It’s about evaluating and being a better person, mother, friend and JLB member.

LaSan Hunter-Gilder

What does your day-to-day look like? A day in my life, depending on the day, I wake up early to drop my babies off at school. I arrive at the salon about an hour early to have some alone time, freshen up the salon, and set the atmosphere with motivational wording or inspirational, spiritual music playing in the background before the arrival of clients. Then my day starts with my clients whether I’m at the salon or at the studio, I’m in work mode. During the holiday season, you will find me in Ella’s or Hobby Lobby Shopping with clients who are shopping for their Christmas decorations. I am able to decorate their home to look like Winter Wonderland, Christmas Candyland, or Polar Express to name a few themes. I will be climbing ladders, leaning over balconies, and decorating Christmas trees for my clients. Spreading the love of Jesus and the Joy of the season everywhere I can.

Hometown Kirbyville, Texas

What made you want to go into the profession? I have always found so much joy in serving others. Since I was a teenager I would notice how just a simple hairstyle transformed a woman’s attitude, I would notice how their personality would change from the time they first walked in to the time they would leave. As I got older and became more developed in my craft and skilled in my profession my eyes opened up to so much more. It’s more than just styling hair. We are building relationships and confidence, we motivate, encourage, and uplift.

Occupation I am the Co-Owner of De’Lux Cheveux Salon, I am the owner of Looks Couture Boutique and Looks Enterprises, LLC. “Creating opportunities to leave legacies.” If you or someone you know have a dream that you can’t shake of wanting to start your own business, but fear is paralyzing you from stepping out on faith. Contact me so we can talk to see if the studio will be a good fit for you.

With the holidays coming up, are there any styles or trends that you are most excited to see? There are not any special styles or trends that I am excited about, any style that puts a smile on my clients' face and joy in their hearts are the styles and trends that I look forward to in season and out of season.

Family I have been married for 19 years on November 27th to my husband Thaddeaus Sr. We have 2 incredible babies, 11-year-old Thaddeaus Jr. and 15-year-old Trinity, who I’m sure that a few of you have met or have seen trailing behind me so many times at the league meetings.

What is your best-kept secret from behind the chair? Could be anything. Best way to keep a curl, the best way to beat humidity, etc. I would say one of the best-kept secrets from behind the chair is to let your curls cool down before styling for longer-lasting curls. One of the best products to use since we live in SETX and the humidity does not love our hair, I recommend Moroccan Smoothing Lotion and Color Wow Extra Strength Dream Coat. What are you most looking forward to this year? Professionally, personally, and in the league. Professionally I am looking forward to helping more women who desire to become entrepreneurs to assist them with stepping out on faith and getting started. I’m also looking forward to increasing my clientele in the salon and boutique. Personally, I am working on me, as I continue developing a deeper relationship with Christ. I am looking forward to seeing how the league evolves and grows throughout the year. 17


Anna Papa

Hometown Beaumont, Texas School I am a graduate of both Texas State University (BBA Management) and Lamar (MBA)! Occupation I am the owner and executive hairstylist at Tanglz Color Studio in Beaumont Texas. We are the premier full service hair salon serving all of the greater golden triangle.

What does your day-to-day look like? A day for me behind the chair usually starts bright and early around 7:45! I see clients until I have to rush to run my eight year old Luca to all of his extracurricular activities. I specialize in color and extensions, predominantly blondes. I see anywhere from 2-10 clients everyday I do hair. Throughout the day, I also coach and mentor members of my team and do hands-on training as well. On non hair days, I work on the business side of things which includes consulting and speaking engagements. What made you want to go into the profession? My route to hair was a bit unconventional. After college and the corporate world, I took a detour to cosmetology school hoping to fulfill both sides of my brain, the business and the creative. With the holiday season coming up, what trends/styles are you excited to see? This time of year is always exciting in our industry, because as seasons change, so do our looks. I love transitioning my blonde clients to softer more subtle “bronde” looks and my brunettes are more inclined to embrace warmer rich reds and golds as well. What is your best-kept secret from behind the chair? Could be anything. Best way to keep a curl, the best way to beat humidity, etc. My best kept secret is not really a secret at all actually! It’s really easy, DON’T WASH YOUR HAIR EVERYDAY!! I scream it from the rooftops every chance I get. Using quality professional products, shampooing twice each time and emulsifying the shampoo in your hand first is key! What are you most looking forward to this year? Professionally, personally, and in the league. This year has started off with so much excitement. Personally, it’s been my family’s best travel date to year with trips to Italy, Disney and NYC. Professionally, I have launched my speaking business and I’m excited to branch out into a different arena inside my industry and engage with a different sector of people. And finally, this year has been an exciting year for me in JLB as it’s my first time to serve on the Board. I am absolutely loving the experience and working with so many women who I haven’t had the opportunity previously!




October Provisional Event Date: October 17, 2023

September Provisional Event

Location: League Headquarters

Date: September 19, 2023

Theme: Provisionals for the WIN!

Location: League Headquarters

Hosted by: Ashlee Garrett, Christi Klingman, Ally Barron, Taylor Herring, Joi Perry, and Parker Raycroft

Theme: “Fall in Love with JLB” Hosted by: Carly Shelander, Colette Beetz, Brooke Carroll, Kayla Green, and Amanda Reed Topic: Organizational Chart Overview of Event: Provisionals engaged in a game of “Who am I?” where they completed the JLB Organizational Chart and learned about the various positions in the league and their roles!

Topic: Community Projects Overview of Event: A representative from each of the League’s community projects came and participated in round table discussions with the provisionals. The provisionals had the opportunity to learn about the mission and impact each project has on our community. We were thrilled to have them as guests and really appreciated them joining us! Speakers Were: Mallory Cross, Nicki Messina, Meredith Youngson, Michelle Matheson, Emily Amedee, Marie Murray, Sheena Fowler, Alá Abbott, and Brandi Verdine.

Check out the Provisionals upcoming events on page 29!

Holidays) RECIPES for the (

By Nina Victores

Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

These cookies were easy to make and a hit with my family.

Ingre dient s: (for the cookies) • 1/2 cup butter, softened • 2/3 cup sugar • 1 large egg, separated, room temperature • 2 tablespoons 2% milk • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 1/3 cup baking cocoa • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1 cup finely chopped walnuts (for the filling) • 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar • 1 tablespoon butter, softened • 2 teaspoons 2% milk • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract • 24 milk chocolate kisses

Direc tions :

1. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Beat in the egg yolk, milk and vanilla. Combine the flour, cocoa and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well. Cover and refrigerate until easy to handle, about 1 hour. 2. Preheat oven to 350°. In a small bowl, whisk egg white until foamy. Shape dough into 1-in. balls; dip in egg white, then roll in nuts. Place on greased baking sheets. Using a wooden spoon handle , make an indentation in center of each cookie. Bake until center is set, 10-12 minutes. 3. For filling, combine the confectioners’ sugar, butter, milk and vanilla; stir until smooth. Spoon or pipe 1/4 teaspoon into each warm cookie; gently press a chocolate kiss in the center. Carefully remove from pans to wire racks to cool completely.


Brie Bites Appetizer

make and delicious, these brie In addition to being extremely simple to easily use what you have on d coul bites are totally customizable. You onal taste preferences (maple pers your to rding acco hand or make them instead of pecans, etc…). uts waln use syrup instead of jam, add bacon,

Ingred ients: • Puff pastry, semi-thawed • 1 (8 oz) wheel of brie • Apricot or Raspberry Jam • Pecans (sliced or halves)

Direct ions:

spray. 1. Preheat oven to 375°. Lightly grease a mini muffin tin with cooking . 2. Pinch together seams of the puff pastry. Cut into equal 24 squares holes. tin muffin into squares Place 3. Cut brie into 24 small pieces and place inside the dough cups. 4. Add pecans and jam on top. 5. 5. Bake until puff pastry is golden (about 10-15 minutes). Source: https://www.halfb Source:

Potato Latkes:

History of Hanukkah & the Potato Latkes

Ingr edie nts:

The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah) is an eight day “festival of lights” celebration that starts, according to the Jewish calendar, on the eve of Kislev 25 and continues for eight days. This year, Hanukkah will start on December 7, 2023.

Potato latkes are typically eaten with sour cream or applesauce. • 2 medium baking potatoes (1 pound), peeled • 1 small onion • 1 large egg, lightly beaten • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder • 1/2 cup vegetable oil • black pepper, kosher salt

Dire ctio ns:

. r, coarsely shred the potatoes and the onion 1. In a food processor or on a box grate dry. squeeze Transfer to a large, clean kitchen towel and and onion with the egg, flour, oes potat ded shred the mix , bowl um medi 2. In a oon of black pepper. teasp 1/4 and baking powder, 1 teaspoon of salt vegetable oil until the heat le, gridd a on or t 3. In a large nonstick skille o mixture into the skillet and flatten shimmering. Drop 2 tablespoons of the potat . Make about 5 more pancakes round h with the back of a spoon to make a 3-inc on the bottom, about 4 minutes. n golde until heat and cook over moderately high about 2 minutes longer. Transfer to Flip the pancakes and cook until golden, ining potato mixture; you should have paper towels to drain Repeat with the rema 12 pancakes.

In the second century BCE, the Holy Land was ruled by Seleucids (SyrianGreeks) who tried to force the people of Israel to accept Greek culture and beliefs. Against all odds, a small band of Jews, led by Judah the Maccabee, defeated the Greeks and reclaimed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. When they sought to light the Temple’s Menorah, they found only a single jar of oil that had escaped contamination by the Greeks. Miraculously, they lit the menorah and the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days. Since the Hanukkah miracle involved oil, it is customary to eat foods fried in oil. The two classic foods eaten are the potato latke garnished with applesauce or sour cream and the Israeli jelly-filled sufganya (doughnut).



Source: dill-cream

Jelly Doughnuts or Sufganiyot:

These jelly doughnuts are eaten duri ng Hanukkah. Some tips for making these: Filling the doughnuts: I would recommend just cutting them in half and then addi ng the jelly (or whatever filling you desire) like a sand wich, before coating with confectio ners sugar. The temperature of the oil is important. I recommend using a candy thermom eter to measure the correct temperature. I would recomm end serving these right after making them.

Ing red ien ts:

• 1 cup warm water, heated to abou t 110°F • 1 tablespoon instant/rapid-rise or active dry yeast (note that this is more than 1 packet) • 3 cups all-purpose flour, spooned into measuring cup and leveled-off • ¼ cup confectioners’ sugar, plus more for coating • ¾ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg • 2 large egg yolks • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, plus about 2 quarts more for frying • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • About 1 cup jam or jelly (or Nutella, pumpkin butter, dulce de leche, etc.) Source: https://www.onceuponachef.c om/r

Dir ect ion s:

1. Combine the water and yeast in a small bowl and let sit until foamy, about 5 minutes. 2. In a large bowl, combine the flour , confectioners’ sugar, salt, and nutm eg. Whisk to combine and set aside. 3. Add the egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of oil, and vanilla to the water/yeast mixture and whisk with a fork until combined. 4. Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and stir with rubber spatula until the dough comes together. It should be a bit sticky. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough rise on the countertop until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours. 5. Line a baking sheet with a few layers of paper towels. Line another baking sheet with parchment pape and dust heavily with flour. Generous r ly dust a clean countertop and your hands with flour. Scrape the dough out of the bowl onto the coun ter and dust the dough with flour. Pat the dough into ¼-in-thick rectangle (it should be about 10 x 12-in ches in size), making sure the botto m doesn’t stick and adding more flour to the counter and your hands as needed. Using a pizza whee l or very sharp knife, cut the dough into 24 two-inch squares and transfer to the floured baking shee t, leaving a little space between the squares. Sprinkle the squares light ly with flour. 6. Add enough of oil to a heavy pot to measure about 2 inches deep and heat over medium heat to 350°F. Place 6 dough pieces in the oil and fry until golden brown, about 3 minu tes, flipping halfway through frying. Transfer the donuts to the pape r towel-lined baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining donuts. 7. * I would recommend just cutti ng the doughnuts in half and adding the filling of choice, but this is another way to do it: When the donu ts are cool enough to handle, use a paring knife to puncture the side of each to form a pocket in the center. Place the tip of a squeeze bottl e or piping bag into the pocket and squeeze 1 to 2 teaspoon s of jelly inside. 8. Using a fine sieve, dust the donu ts generously with confectioners’ suga r. Serve warm.



It’s ABOUT TIME you check out our newly renovated Middle School!

Come see what’s happening at ALL SAINTS! Call to schedule a tour today! 409.892.1755

Chair: Marie Murray | Co-Chair: Courtney Hooker

Overall, Make Ends Meet’s participation in the Fire Prevention and Safety Festival was seamless in that it created the perfect opportunity to promote and spread its mission and purpose to the SETX community.


his League Year, The Our Nonprofits Elevated (“O.N.E.”) Committee has supported the non-profit Make-Ends Meet of SETX. On October 7, 2023, Make Ends Meet attended the Fire Prevention and Safety Festival, which provided an opportunity for them to promote their organization’s purpose within the community. The event was wildly successful and packed with parents and children who came out to enjoy the festivities by enjoying a chili dog and other snacks, taking photos in front of the world’s largest working fire hydrant (a prized landmark in Beaumont), and riding in the ambulance and fire truck.

Make Ends Meet Board

Many booths were set up and all were aimed at catering to families and children. Make Ends Meet’s booth was set up to be fun and interactive for children and parents alike with a bean bag tossing station and a winning prize of candy and slap bracelets. Overall, Make Ends Meet’s participation in the Fire Prevention and Safety Festival was seamless in that it created the perfect opportunity to promote and spread its mission and purpose to the SETX community. Make Ends Meet’s history can be traced back to 2021 because that is when they began serving single-parent families and focusing on providing programming, activities, and networking for parents, guardians, and caretakers who have found themselves taking on parenthood without additional support. Make Ends Meet has a beautiful mission, and JLB was proud to support them at this event. Make Ends Meet will also participate in the Trunk or Treat event on Saturday October 28th as well as the Christmas Movie night at Jefferson Theater this holiday season. 23


meet the



Chair: Christina Lokey Active Member Since: 2021 Looking Forward To: Seeing so many

Atmosphere Chair: Rene Ford Active Member Since: 2022 Looking Forward To: Streamlining

Co-Chair: Danielle Spencer Active Member Since: 2021 Looking Forward To: Winning all three

Atmosphere Co-Chair: Kaci Drummond Active Member Since: 2022 Looking Forward To: Spending the week of

Exhibitor Chair: Karlee Ogden Active Member Since: 2020 Looking Forward To: Growing MSM and

Special Events Chair: Kristen Ritter Active Member Since: 2019 Looking Forward To: Breakfast with Santa!

people in the community enjoy this event! I’ve met groups of ladies who get together every year for the market and it’s so exciting for me to be a part of it.

purses, shopping, and mingling with everyone at the market!

being a part of all the great new things happening this year!

Exhibitor Co-Chair: Amber Villarreal Active Member Since: 2021 Looking Forward To: Meeting new vendors


Business Manager: Kate Thorne Active Member Since: 2018 Looking Forward To: Raising money for

our League and the community!

Publicity Chair: Kelsey Borza Active Member Since: 2023 Looking Forward To: I’m most looking

forward to seeing the community in the holiday spirit supporting local businesses!

preparation of the site in order to focus on customers and vendors. I'm also looking forward to the new tradition of the luncheon!

the market with our wonderful team! We have all worked hard for this week and to see it all come to light will be amazing.

We are holding the event in the BCM this year. This new setup will allow for a smoother schedule of photos and breakfast and will give participants access to the museum after they eat. Kids can get their wiggles out before the whole family heads into the market! Drawing Chair: Lana Richards Active Member Since: 2021 Looking Forward To: Getting my shopping

done EARLY and supporting local small businesses. I’m also really excited about my new Christmas purse I’m going to win!!! Underwriting Chair: Tea Do Active Member Since: 2014 Looking Forward To: Meeting all the people

that come through the market and listening to all the exciting gifts they purchase for loved ones! Committee Member: Ashton Smith Active Member Since: 2023 Looking Forward To: Taking my niece to

meet Santa at Santa’s Workshop! Publicity Co-Chair: Farren Morris Active Member Since: 2021 Looking Forward To: Winning one of those

purses, seeing our hard work in action, and dressing up so the holiday cheer can become contagious!

Sustaining Advisor: Debbie Bando-Duit Sustainer Since: 1994 Looking Forward To: Getting my Christmas

shopping done and seeing old friends! 24


about this year’s



he Main Street Market of Beaumont is a three-day, onestop holiday shopping extravaganza featuring unique merchandise from more than 100 carefully selected vendors from Texas and across the country. Shop for clothing, gourmet foods, children’s items, jewelry and more during the market. Listen to live entertainment while you shop! Main Street Market is the Junior League of Beaumont’s annual fundraiser. All proceeds support the League’s continual work throughout the community through projects, community assistance funds and scholarships.

Market Hours: Thursday, November 30th, 4:00PM - 9:00PM • $25 VIP Shopping Hour @ 3:00PM • Ladies Night • Speciality Cocktails • Jewelry Giveaway Friday, December 1st, 10:00AM - 9:00PM • Free Admission 5:00PM - 9:00PM • Free Beer Garden 6:00PM - 9:00PM • Specialty Cocktails • Prizes & Giveaways Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00AM - 5:00PM • Breakfast with Santa at the Beaumont Children’s Museum • Designer Purse Raffle Drawing at 4:45PM • High School Choir • Studio Dancers

Location: Beaumont Civic Center Complex 701 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701

Like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to get the latest news about Main Street Market!

Ticket Sales: Purchase event tickets online: • Go to:





Get a sneak peek at some of the vendors that will be at this years event! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


5 Under Golf Center A HOLISTIC SOLUTION All of Us ALTER’S GEM JEWELRY Anna & Arlie Handcrafted Originals As You Wysh Designs Axis Avenue Bando’s Beach Bags by Betty Beaumont Convention & Visitors Bureau Belle A VIE BELLHOP Boutique CJ Custom Crafts Coral + Cove Boutique | Salon Cutco Cutlery Discovery Toys Evie Marie’s Fatima Design Find It Girl LLC Freedom Firearms and Defense G Kaufman Jewelry Glamberry, LLC Hide and Chic Shop Hippie Chix Boutique Holiday Farms Candy House of Barvity Houston Kerr Kaydee’s Keyz’ Kitchen Khala Jades Boutique KP CUSTOMS M&M Gift Shop Kracker Jack Kids Lil Mommy’s Boutique Linked Sisters & BRK Jewelry Lolli B’s Custom Cookies LSF Boutique Lucky Pepper Co. Luxe & Lavender Boutique Lynell’s Design Studio Mardi Gras Southeast Texas Mended Tx. Permanent|Custom Jewelry Mike’s Seasonings NameFrames


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Neches River Soaps Nothing Else Matters (NEM) Jewelry PaperPie (formerly Usborne Books & More) RGO & Forever Sticky Sarah’s Tease Sassy Trendz Sassy Vines Boutique Scentsy Shader Productions Shopaholic Sanctuary Skylight Designs Small Town Vinyl So Adorable Too Southern Sass Sure-Shot Game Calls Susan McBrides Embroidery Texas Girl Glassworks The Honey Comb Trendy by Cindy Twinkle Custom Jewelry Wildlife Outfitters Woodland Sunrise Zandy Zoos


Single Booth 10 x 10 - $700 Double Booth 10 x 20 - $1,000 Triple Booth 10 x 30 - $1,300 Quad Booth 10 x 40 - $1,500 Corner Booth - Additional $200 Trailer - Additional $150

Booth Fees Include: 1- 8 ft table, 2 chairs, 1 electrical outlet, pie and drape around booth, vendor identification signage, and business listing on Junior Leage of Beaumont website. For more information, please contact: Christina Lokey, MSM Chair 409.673.2094





September Event @ the League House Career/College Information for Pal/Foster Care Children

Chair: Nicki Messina Co-Chair: Mandi Bauer


ransitioning Youth had a great turnout for their September event hosted at the League house! We hosted area PAL/Foster kids for a career and college information night with dinner and some amazing speakers! JLB provided everyone with dinner and the chance to hear from a wide variety of speakers on topics ranging from college admissions, military recruitment, and Union employment. Those who attended were highly engaged throughout the event and were asking thoughtful questions to each of our speakers. We felt it was important to not only have college admission information for the participants but also host those from other areas to ensure a well-rounded evening of information for the kids.

about sex trafficking, how to recognize the signs, and how to get help if they need it. Christi Grudier (Active JLB member, college admissions consultant, and owner of Southeast Texas College Counseling): Christi provided the kids pamphlets to take home from colleges and universities and also shared information about college entrance and the financial aid process. We look forward to asking Christi back in the new year to speak to the kids again, as they were very interested in her vast array of knowledge on college admissions.

Speakers were:

Military Recruiters: United States Marine Corps & also Army Reserves. The recruiters shared information about their particular jobs in the service, how to enlist, and how the military offers free education.

ABOLISH: The meeting began with the ABOLISH team sharing some important information with the girls

Union Worker: A local union worker in the area also shared about his job, what his day-to-day employment is



like, and the paid training the union offers him. We are grateful to all of the individuals who made this event possible. Our committee really came together to make this happen, from finding speakers, setting up, serving dinner, and cleaning up. What can we expect from Transitioning Youth this year? Our main goal in Transitioning Youth is to work with the Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (CASA) staff and Child Protective Services (CPS) staff for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. Each month the league sponsors a life skills program for youth in the system and our committee provides support to help ease the transition out of foster care and prepare the youth for life in the world once they age out of the foster care system.


Allison Nathan Getz


t is so difficult to sum up the legacy of Allison Getz. Allison left her mark all over Southeast Texas. Everywhere you look, there’s a piece of Allison. Allison was a dedicated public servant, who was elected in 2014 to serve as the Jefferson County Tax Assessor-Collector. She served the community in many ways in her position, but she was also involved in numerous community organizations, like the Junior League of Beaumont.

Year in 1999 and Sustainer of the Year 2014. This is a rare and incredible accomplishment. “Allison always did the ‘hard’ right thing and made everyone around her feel special. Allison always spoke highly of others. She was a devoted Daughter, Mother, Wife, and Grammy,” sustainer Cathy Spidle said.

“As an organization of women leaders, we will miss the innumerable contributions of Allison, a The Junior League of wonderful leader, mentor, and friend,” said Norman. Beaumont would like

“The Junior League of Beaumont would like to express to express our deepest our deepest Outside of the league, condolences on the loss condolences on Allison was very involved of Allison Nathan Getz. the loss of Allison in several non-profit Allison has been a member organizations including Nathan Getz. Allison has been the Symphony of Southeast of JLB since 1984... a member of JLB Texas, Southeast Texas since 1984,” Junior Tennis Association, Fire League President Sara Norman said. Museum of Texas, the Jefferson County Texas Exes and the Beaumont “From the beginning, she embodied Children’s Museum. what we all aspire to in Junior League. Members of her JLB provisional class Allison was elected President of the have shared how kind and thoughtful Beaumont Children’s Museum in 2012. she was, especially to those who were When she first took office, the BCM new to Beaumont,” Norman continued. was struggling financially and did not have a brick-and-mortar home. During Allison served on the board three Allison’s tenure, the organization times. She was awarded Active of the secured its current location at the

Beaumont Civic Center and through a series of fundraisers, became financially stable. “As one of our founding board members and constant supporters, Allison Getz blessed the Beaumont Children’s Museum with the encouragement needed to expand our mission in Beaumont and the surrounding communities,” said Amanda Yarbrough, of the Beaumont Children’s Museum. “She had a loving fire in her heart for her community and believed in what Beaumont can achieve. Our community aches for this loss and she will be dearly missed at the museum,” Yarbrough said. Memorial contributions to honor Allison may be made to Some Other Place, P.O. Box 0843, Beaumont, Texas 77704; Gift of Life, 2390 Dowlen Road, Beaumont, Texas 77706; or Symphony of Southeast Texas, P.O. Box 12576, Beaumont, Texas 77726.

UPCOMING provisional event November 4, 2023 Super Saturday @ Cattail Marsh



Mash the

By Lauren Graham and Kaylee Allen

WINTER 2023 Edition

Sleigh your holiday shopping by supporting local businesses this season. Here’s a few of our favorite Main Street Market vendors and locally owned businesses who can help make this Christmas merry and bright!

Tōst and Co: Locally and Junior League of Beaumont Sustainer owned, Tōst and Co. designs creative party solutions that can be used year-round. Their Block Party Base, made from wood or acrylic, can hold up to 46 taper candles in a variety of colors and custom combinations. It can also accommodate petite glass vases for floral decor, making it a versatile piece for any occasion. Each block is made to order, and you can special order candle combinations to match your home decor or any event.

Doodles & Dots: For unique and personalized Christmas gifts, look no further than Doodles & Dots, a small local business that specializes in stationery, art, personalized cards, and more! Whether you’re looking for a gift for a friend, family member, or colleague, Doodles and Dots has something for everyone. And because all of their products are handmade, you can be sure that your gift will be truly unique.



Luxe + Lavender: Luxe + Lavender, locally owned by Junior League of Beaumont member Christie Cooper, is a boutique with all the festive essentials you need for the holidays. If you haven’t visited this repeat vendor at Main Street Market, be sure to check out her online store! Unwrap the gift of the Pink Tinsel Tree Sweater for a Pink Christmas you won’t soon forget! Featuring a nontraditional pink sweater adorned with a sparkly tinsel tree, you’ll be feeling soft and festive in no time! Get yourself wrapped up in the moment! Pair it with The Drip Rhinestone Booties for Christmas in the year of Barbie’s comeback.

The Honey Comb: Specializing in custom French macaroons made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, Amy Jerry, a Junior League of Beaumont member, owns and operates this local business. Amy’s macaroons are a favorite among Main Street Market vendors and Southeast Texas residents alike. She not only provides the sweetest holiday treats, but she also creates custom orders for any occasion.

Centerstage Dancewear: Also locally owned, Centerstage Dancewear is your one-stop shop for all things dance, including holiday gifts and accessories for the young dancers or dance moms in your family!

Zandy Zoos Clothes & Shoes: Looking for fun and festive clothes and accessories for your children and babies this Christmas? Look no further than Zandy Zoos Clothes & Shoes! They have a wide selection of adorable and affordable outfits and accessories to choose from, including the perfect Christmas gift for mothers and daughters: the Noel Aprons matching set. This locally owned children’s boutique has everything you need!

Susan McBride’s Embroidery: With just under two years of experience, Susan McBride’s Embroidery has soared to new heights. Following a triumphant presence at Main Street Market last year, she returned with an expanded selection of handcrafted items. For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure of exploring her booth, rest assured that Susan also accepts custom orders to cater to your unique preferences.



Abolish Committee on 12 News


Service Squad

ARC Halloween Dance


Dancing with the Stars



Provisional Meeting

Healthy Behaviors Touch a Truck ARC Volunteers

ouT about and

Leadership Beaumont


Advisor Meeting Advisor Meeting

JLB Touch a Truck Healthy Behaviors Touch a Truck

Dancing with the Stars

Transitioning Youth

Advisor Meeting

SETX BBB Mardi Gras

Touch a Truck Clays for Cure

Dancing with the Stars

Advisor Meeting

Dancing with the Stars Advisor Meeting

MAR 01




Couple #1: Miles Haynes and Ginger Gummelt


Lamar University

Couple #2: Austin Williams and Lindsay Wortham Exygon

Couple #3: Paul Trevino and Jane Leger Mariposa School of Dance

Couple #4: Zach Stiles and Brooke Morrow BISD

Couple #5: Brent Coon and Michelle Coon-Matheson iRule

Couple #6: Lee Potter and Shawn Webb-Locke Strutz

Couple #7: Landon Malcolm and Erika Harris Ashlands Affirming Arts

Couple #8: Dr. Russell Perry and Lacey Lemoine Encore Dance Arts

Buy tickets online now!

THANK YOU TO OUR IN-KIND DONORS Giglio Distributing Valentino’s Floral and Events


HAPPENINGS Timely registration in Digital Cheetah is required for all meetings.

Board Meetings

Save the Dates

Tuesday, January 9th

Main Street Market November 30 - December 2, 2023

6:00PM @ JLB Headquarters


30 02

Tuesday, February 6th Tuesday, March 19th Tuesday, April 2nd Tuesday, April 30th

Provisional Meetings

Dancing with the Stars of Southeast Texas Friday, March 1, 2024 JLB Annual May Dinner Tuesday, May 7, 2024

6:00PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting Tuesday, January 9th Tuesday, February 13th Tuesday, March 5th Tuesday, April 9th



General Meetings 5:30PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting Thursday, November 30th @ MSM; 6:00 PM Tuesday, January 16th Tuesday, February 27th Bring a Friend Tuesday, March 26th Placement Tuesday, April 16th Mini Meetings



Pick up a copy of Spinnings, now located at: • • • • • • •

Alter’s Gem Jewelry BISD Centerstage Fitness Exygon Health & Fitness Club Lamar University Mariposa School of Dance STRUTZ Fitness

advertisers INDEX All Saints Episcopal School............... 22 Beaumont Children’s Museum.......... 19 City of Beaumont Event Services...... 27 Dharma Retreat Center...................... 02 Gift of Life.......................................... 03 Hope Women’s Resource Clinic........ 11



member NEWS

MEETING Arrangements Congratulations to Tea Do for being named Woman of the Month June 2023 by the Black Business Professionals of SETX

Congratulations to provisional Taylor Herring for winning Multinational Miss Elite Beaumont

Chair: Shelby Kelly Co-Chair: Katherine Williams Meeting Arrangements provide meals and all arrangements for all general meetings. Under the direction of the President, they pick the themes, meals, and beverages for each meeting and coordinate the decorations with the meeting location. In addition to the general meetings, they coordinate May Dinner and the Advisor meetings. Meeting Arrangements have taken their mission a step further this year. Their goal is to create value-added, thoughtful gatherings that facilitate an environment to do the work of the Junior League of Beaumont and motivate members to continue the mission. The Chair serves on the Membership Council. The first General meeting “Welcome Back Par-Tee” was held at The Garden Center, Beaumont Botanical Gardens and catered by Katherine & Co. At this meeting items on the agenda were discussed and the outcome of the DiSC assessment that was taken by the members of the League. The Advisor “Neighborhood” meetings are facilitated by Nominating & Placement. These meetings take place at the courtesy of Sustainers in their homes and are smaller in size. This way you get to have more one-on-one conversations with other members and especially with your Placement Advisor to discuss your future with the League. This year’s Chair for Nominating and Placement, Lauren Thieme, dropped off all of the new logo JLB T-shirts and Carlito’s Mexican Restaurant catered the meetings. Thank you Sustainers for hosting these meetings!

JLB sympathies

Be on the lookout for pictures in the Spring Edition from the November general meetings.

It is with sincere regret that the League offers condolences to the following families & JLB members:

November 7, 2023 Everyone Brings Something to the Canvas, located at The Art Museum and catered by Two Magnolia’s.

To the family of Mary Matthews

To Sonni Shell for the passing of her mother

November 30, 2023 The Main Street Market meeting located at the Beaumont Civic Center.

check it OUT! Lauren Thieme shows off our new JLB t-shirt!




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