REGISTER Today! HELP SAVE THE LIVES OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS WOMEN! 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON RUN is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson Procter. TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities REGISTER Today! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks Benefiting Gift of Life Breast and Ovarian Cancer Programs HELP SAVE THE LIVES OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS WOMEN! 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON RUN is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson Procter. TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities REGISTER Today! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks Benefiting Gift of Life Breast and Ovarian Cancer Programs HELP SAVE THE LIVES OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS WOMEN! 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON RUN is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson Procter. TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities REGISTER Today! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks Benefiting Gift of Life Breast and Ovarian Cancer Programs HELP SAVE THE LIVES OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS WOMEN! 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON RUN is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson Procter. TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities REGISTER Today! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks Benefiting Gift of Life Breast and Ovarian Cancer Programs 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks 5K Trick-or-Treat Route • Wellness Village • Celebration of Hope Kid Zone • Costume Contest • Food Trucks BENEFITING GIFT OF LIFE BREAST AND OVARIAN CANCER PROGRAMS 409.833.3663 • GOLRIBBONRUN.ORG THE JULIE RICHARDSON PROCTER 5K RIBBON RUN is held in loving memory of Julie Richardson Procter. TITLE SPONSORS PRESENTING SPONSORS ROBIN DAUPHIN OPTIMUS STEEL PROVOST UMPHREY LAW FIRM QUALITY MAT COMPANY REGISTER & FORM YOUR TEAM! Call Gift of Life for Sponsorship Opportunities SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT 9:00 AM 5K Trick-Or-Treat Route Costume Contest Kid Zone • Wellness Village Celebration of Hope • Food Trucks SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 DOWNTOWN BEAUMONT • 9:00 AM
JLB has a new logo!
The Junior League of Beaumont wants to add to our currently used red column logo and include this new addition in our brand package. This helps our local and national network identify our commitment to Southeast Texas. This new logo was chosen because it is sleek, modern, bold, and transitional. It represents a group of women that are diverse, strong, classy, and friendly.
The JLB is proud of its affiliation with other Junior Leagues and is even more proud to be part of the Beaumont Community and to advance women’s leadership through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
Dear Junior League of Beaumont Members and Friends,
I am thrilled to welcome you all to the fall edition of Spinnings, our Junior League of Beaumont publication. It is with immense joy and gratitude that I address you as the President of this remarkable organization, and I am honored to share this space with you.
Fall is a season that encapsulates the spirit of transformation and change. Summer temperatures may still linger, but just as vacations and summer days roll into back to school, college football, and family holidays, we too, as members of the Junior League of Beaumont, are in a constant state of growth and renewal. This season invites us to reflect on our past accomplishments, embrace new challenges, and continue our mission of advancing women’s leadership for meaningful community impact.
Our commitment to community service is at the heart of what makes the Junior League of Beaumont so special. For decades, our members have dedicated their time, talents, and resources to uplift the lives of those in need. Through our diverse projects and initiatives, we have made a lasting impact on the people of Beaumont and the surrounding areas. This fall, as we embark on new efforts and breathe life into our ongoing projects, let us remember that the difference we make collectively is profound and meaningful.
The strength of our organization lies in our unity and shared vision for a brighter
tomorrow. Together, we are a force for good, and our impact extends far beyond what we can see. The friendships we forge, the lessons we learn, and the experiences we gain are invaluable, making our journey as Junior League members even more rewarding.
As we step into the 2023-2024 League year, I invite you to join us as a partner in our various community projects, our fundraising efforts, and get to know the women of the Junior League of Beaumont. Our legacy is built on a foundation of service, compassion, and a deep-seated commitment to improving the lives of those we touch.
I encourage you all to explore the pages of this fall edition, where you will find inspiring stories, updates on our projects, and insights into the incredible work being done by our members. I hope these stories will inspire you to engage even more passionately in our mission.
Thank you for being a part of the Junior League of Beaumont family. Your dedication and unwavering support are what make our organization thrive. As we savor the beauty of this autumn season, let us also celebrate the beauty of our collective impact on our community. With warmest regards,
Sara Norman 2023-2024 President Junior League of Beaumont
board of directors
President-Elect .................................................
Communications Council Director ..............
Community Council Director
Membership Counci Director .......................
Planning Council Director
Corresponding Secretary ...............................
Recording Secretary
Sara Norman
Cheri Dickerson
Kate Eckhart
Nadine Daigle
Amanda Heironimus
Mallory Cross
Lauren Thieme
Anna Papa
Amanda Newmann
Kellsey Fairchild
Katie Baker
Letter from the
Sara Norman
Meet the 2023-2024 Board
Check out the bios of the 2023-2024 leadership team
JLB identifies 4 primary reasons why members feel fulfilled in the League Day in the Life
Read about the day in the life of our JLB teachers
DiSC Personality Assessment
Take this personality assessment to better understand yourself and others
Elevating the Arts
Learn about impact of the Beaumont Community Players and their relationship with JLB
40 Under 40 SETXYPO
Congratulations to our JLB members who were selected for this outstanding award
Meet the Spinnings Staff
Get to know this years Spinnings
Editorial staff
JLB and Lagniappe
Check out how the JLB embraces the concept of Lagniappe
Out and About
See what our members have been up to through pictures
In Recognition of Beaumont’s Historical Spindletop Oil Field.
An internal publication of the Junior League of Beaumont, Inc.
Distributed Fall, Winter, Spring, DWTS Special Issue, and Summer
Bethany Longmire
Lauren Reicis
Karley Zummo
Kaylee Allen
Nina Victores
Sonni Shell
Lauren Graham
Member Spotlight
Get to know three of our JLB members
Healthy Behaviors
Check out what the Healthy Behaviors Committee has been up to this year
Period Power Pantry
JLB members assist with supplying feminine hygiene products after hurricane disasters
The Monster Mash
Try out these autumn meal and drink suggestions
Fall Recipes
Don’t let the heat of Texas trick you out of enjoying these autumn treats
SLBI Conference
Nine JLB members attend the SLBI conference in San Antonio, Texas
Make Ends Meet
Read about the O.N.E’s partnership with local organization, Make Ends Meet
Transitioning Youth
The Transitioning Youth committee host a water safety day
Main Street Market
Check out the details for this years Main Street Market event
JLB Volunteers Recognized by Make-A-Wish
Junior League members are recognized for their dedication to the cause
on the cover
The 2023-2024 year is met with a new JLB Board of Directors and a fresh, new logo design! Read about our new logo on page 4 and check out the Board’s bios on page 6.
Lila Stevens
Laura Victores Wyman
Lori Bane
Do you have an idea for a story?
Would you like to be a featured or guest writer?
Send ideas or articles for consideration to the 2023-2024 SPINNINGS Editor, Bethany Longmire, at We welcome your input!
If you or someone you know is interested in receiving a hard copy of our publication, please email the 2023-2024 SPINNINGS Editor, Bethany Longmire, at to be added to the mailing list.
You will also see SPINNINGS all over town. Feel free to pick one up at your favorite boutique, hair salon, or Headquarters!
The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.
JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BEAUMONT Women building better communities 2388 McFaddin | Beaumont, TX 77702 409.832.0873
in each issue Upcoming Events Advertisers Index features 30 30 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 21 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 contents 9 10 22 29
meet the 2023-2024 BOARD
SARA NORMAN, President
Originally from Midland, Texas, Sara moved to Beaumont in 2014. She received her BA in Organizational Communications and Finance, Cum Laude, at Lubbock Christian University and went on to law school at Texas Tech University School of Law, and now proudly calls Southeast Texas her home. She and her husband of fifteen years, Paul, live in Beaumont with their newborn daughter and attend Praise Church.
CHERI DICKERSON, President-Elect
Originally from Idaho, Cheri joined the Junior League of Beaumont in 2016 after moving to Southeast Texas. Eager to get involved, Cheri went straight into community projects, serving on both Transitioning Youth, where she was awarded Outstanding Community Project Member, and Healthy Behaviors, serving as co-chair and chair. Other roles include Community Council director, Main Street Market committee (underwriting chair), and Nominating and Placement. She is currently the President-Elect.
Sara has held several leadership positions within JLB, including serving on the Board of Directors six out of her nine active years. She served on the 2019-2020 Project Research and Development Committee that spearheaded the creation and implementation of JLB’s newest signature project, The O.N.E. Sara was honored with JLB’s Outstanding Community Impact Award in 2017 and the Innovator’s Award in 2022.
In addition to JLB, she has served on the Boards of Jefferson County Bar Association, Southeast Texas Estate Planning Council, Shorkey Center, CASA of Southeast Texas, and the Foundation for Southeast Texas. Outside of volunteer work, she loves to travel, attend community events, and host friends and family in her home.
As a registered dietitian, Cheri has worked in dialysis, in-patient care, and mental health. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from University of Arizona in Nutritional Sciences and a Master of Science degree from Texas Tech University. Cheri currently utilizes her degree by coaxing her kids to eat healthy foods and substitute teaching at Hardin-Jefferson schools, including a semester of culinary arts. Cheri and her husband, Jason, have five children: Sam (20) attends the United States Military Academy at West Point,
KATE ECKHART, Treasurer & Finance Council Director
A native Texan, Kate was born and raised in Houston. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in economics from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts and returned to her hometown to obtain her law degree from South Texas College of Law. She currently works
as a staff attorney at the Ninth Court of Appeals. Kate joined the Junior League of Beaumont in 2016 and has held a variety of placements, including; Spinnings editor, Project Research and Development and CAF chair, and Fund Development chair. She is a 2017 graduate of Leadership Beaumont.
and Ava (17), Jake (14), Audrey (11), and Jude (9) all attend Hardin-Jefferson. When she’s not with the JLB, you can find her watching all the Hawk sports cheering for her kids or cheering for everyone else’s kids from the athletic booster club’s concession stand, an active member of the HJABC. In addition to volunteering, Cheri is an avid reader, loves to cook and talk about food, travel, scuba diving, and plants. Her favorite meal is lunch; call if you want to meet up.
Outside of the Junior League of Beaumont, Kate serves on the board of the Jefferson County Young Lawyers Association. In her spare time, Kate enjoys achieving milestones on her Peloton and spending time with her husband and dog.
NADINE DAIGLE, Treasurer Elect / Ways & Means Chair
Nadine Ona Daigle was born and raised in Houston, where she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in International Studies and English from the University of St. Thomas. After graduating from Texas Tech University with her juris doctorate in 2017, she moved to Beaumont and started working at Germer PLLC. As senior trial counsel licensed in Texas and Louisiana, she specializes in personal
injury, insurance defense, and civil litigation.
Nadine joined the Junior League of Beaumont in 2019, and since then has served as Spinnings Co-Chair and Chair, as well as Main Street Market Business Manager. Outside of the Junior League of Beaumont, Nadine also serves on the board of the Texas Young Lawyers Association, previously
AMANDA NEWMANN, Corresponding Secretary
Amanda Newmann is a native of Southeast, Texas and has been a member of Junior League of Beaumont since 2014. She has held a variety of placements within the Junior League including Transitioning Youth, Provisional Mentor, Jr. Junior League
Chair and most recently Community Assistance Funds/Project Research and Development Chair.
Amanda graduated from Lamar University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
KELLSEY FAIRCHILD, Recording Secretary
Kellsey grew up in Colorado, Central America, and California before finding her way to Beaumont by way of Austin. She holds a B.A. in Spanish and Portuguese from the University of Texas and a M.S. in Professional Accounting from Lamar University. She is a licensed CPA and a shareholder at Cook Parker and Associates, a fullservice accounting firm.
Eager to get involved in the community, Kellsey served as the treasurer for the Southeast Texas chapter of Texas Exes before joining the Junior League of Beaumont, where she has held positions as Main Street Market exhibitor chair and Spinnings chair and co-chair. She is also the treasurer of the Beaumont Public Schools Foundation.
HEIRONIMUS, Communications Council Director
Originally from Iota, Louisiana, Amanda moved to Beaumont in the early 2000s and has since called Beaumont her home. Amanda graduated from Lamar University with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and Communication emphasizing in both Advertising and Public Relations. She currently works at GSK as an Anti-Infective and Respiratory Sales Specialist.
After gaining almost a decade in career experience, Amanda joined The
Junior League of Beaumont in an effort to give back to the community that has given so much to her. Throughout her time with the league she has served as Beaumont Children’s Museum Liaison and served as Publicity Chair for both Main Street Market and Dancing With The Stars. Amanda also serves on the school board for St. Anne Catholic School and has served on several advisory boards with pharmaceutical companies focusing mostly on clinical training and diversity and inclusion.
MALLORY CROSS, Community Council Director
Mallory was born and raised in Beumont, Texas. She received her Bachelor’s degree in public relations and her Master’s degree in sports media and communication from Texas Tech University. After graduation, she moved back to her hometown of Beaumont, and started working for the City of Beaumont as the marketing and communication manager for the Beaumont Convention and Visitors
Bureau for five years. Now, she works as the customer service manager for Iron Horse Services.
Mallory joined the Junior League of Beaumont in 2018, and has since served as a committee member on Spinnings, co-chair of Education and Training, co-chair of The ONE, chair of The ONE, and for the 2023-2024 year, Community Council Director.
served on the board of the Jefferson County Young Lawyers Association, and was previously recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 Professional in Southeast Texas by the Southeast Texas Young Professional’s Organization. In her spare time, Nadine enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, and two rescue dogs, cooking, reading romance novels, and singing in a church choir.
Information Systems and is also a certified teacher.
In her spare time Amanda enjoys spending time with her husband Darrick and daughters Harper and Spencer.
Kellsey enjoys playing games and reading. She loves adventure and traveling with her husband and son.
She has volunteered for several different nonprofits in the Southeast Texas, Southwest Louisiana and Houston areas and was a 40 under 40 honoree in 2020. Amanda and her husband, Cody, have 2 children, Lyndon (8) and Quinn (3). In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and kids, traveling and enjoying the simple moments with family and friends.
She served on the Beaumont Farmers Market board as a liaison when working with the BFM in the inaugural year of The O.N.E.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, going to all of the Astros games she can attend, and enjoying an ice cold beer at her favorite local brewery, Buckstin Brewing Co.
LAUREN THIEME, Membership Council Director / Nominating Chair
Lauren has been in Junior League of Beaumont for 10 years and is currently serving on the Board as Membership Council Director. During her League years she has served on CAF grant committee, Spinnings, several community council committees, chaired 2021 Dancing with the Stars, and on the board as Communications Council Director. She also served on the 2019-2020 Project Research & Development committee that started JLB’s newest signature project, The O.N.E. In 2021 she was honored with the JLB Dollars & Sense Award.
Being a Beaumont native helps Lauren navigate her career as a Realtor at RE/MAX One Beaumont. Lauren has been in real estate since 2008 and enjoys seeing her clients find their new chapter in life. She has achieved 100% Club and Executive Club with RE/ MAX. She is a graduate from Lamar University with a BBA in Marketing. Peckem Cards!
Lauren and her husband, David, have been married for over 10 years and have a son, Dax, and a fur-baby, Ellie Mae. She & her family enjoy traveling,
spending time at the beach, and time with friends. Lauren is always willing to host or help with a party. When she isn’t working or spending time with her family, Lauren shares her love of volunteering with other SETX organizations like Neches River Festival, Beaumont Heritage Society, Gift of Life, and several others. She was recognized at SETX 40 under 40 in 2015. Her fondness of SETX shines through every day and she hopes to help others grow in their own backyard too.
Anna is the owner and executive hairstylist at Tanglz Color Studio, the premier full service hair salon serving southeast Texas since 2011. She is a graduate of Texas State University where she was a member of the Strutters and holds an BBA in Management. In 2022, she obtained her MBA from Lamar University and is so proud to finally be a Cardinal!
Committee, Education and Training Chair and Chairing the 2020 Dancing with the Stars. She is very excited to bring her talents to the board for the first time.
Southeast Texas, a BBB Spark Award Finalist and the 2022 BBB Torch Award for Ethics Winner.
KATIE BAKER, Past President
During her years in Junior League, Anna has served in many roles including Provisional Mentor, CAF Grant Beaumont native Katie Baker has been a JLB member since 2012. Katie has held several leadership positions within JLB, including serving as immediate Past President, Communications Council Director on the Board of Directors, Membership Development Chair, and Main Street Market Chair. In addition to JLB,
In addition to JLB, Anna serves on the Board of Directors for the Better Business Bureau serving Southeast Texas,the Board of The Beaumont Children’s Museum and the Board of Aimed Dance. She has been recognized as the Beaumont Enterprise’s Best Hairstylist in
Although a proud Beaumont native, Anna spent 4 years living in Las Vegas Nevada and brought home a husband, Anthony. Together, they share 8 year old Luca and a very cranky Shih Tzu, Cooper. When not chasing Luca to tennis and baseball, they enjoy traveling anywhere the road may take them.
Katie is a member of the Symphony League of Beaumont and is currently a chairman for the 75th annual Neches River Festival. A Registered Dietitian with clinical and school food service experience, Katie earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas and her Master of Science degree from Lamar University.
A “Jill-of-all-trades”, she launched her custom invitation and paper goods brand, Grace Edward Designs, in 2022. Katie and her husband, Clarke, have one daughter, Mary Grace (6) and one son Jeb (3). Outside of volunteer work and spending time with family, she loves to read, travel, and cook.
ANNA PAPA, Planning Council Director / Bylaws Chair
corner Leadership Currently reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear Currently listening to: The Leadership Podcast by Craig Groeschel Currently following: IG @_kellynolan _for time management tips
There are many reasons why our members join the Junior League of Beaumont. Last year, our Future Planning Committee sought to identify and put a name to those reasons in an effort to showcase each in turn at our 2023-2024 General Meetings.
Through their efforts, JLB identified 4 primary reasons our members feel fulfilled in the League and continue to be involved:
1. Leadership Development
2. Professional Networking
3. Community Impact
4. Social Expansion
As we embark on this four-part series, we dive deep into the heart of the Junior League of Beaumont, exploring the very reasons why members choose to join and remain committed to our organization. In this first installment, we shine a spotlight on leadership development, one of the pivotal pillars that attract and retain our dedicated members.
Nurturing Leadership Development
Leadership is not just a role, it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. Within the Junior League of Beaumont, members embark on this transformative journey, honing their leadership skills, and unlocking their potential. In this first installment of our series on member retention, we delve into the heart of JLB, exploring how leadership development plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining our dedicated members.
The Power of Leadership within JLB
The Junior League of Beaumont has always been a place where women come to not only give back to the community but also to invest in themselves. We firmly believe that strong leadership is at the core of our organization’s success. It’s not just about leading meetings or projects; it’s about developing the skills and confidence to lead in all aspects of life. Any member can tell you stories of leadership growth on the various committees on which she serves in her Junior League career, but this year, we wanted to highlight a collective tool we could all add to our leadership skillset. To that end, we asked members to participate in the DiSC assessment profile in advance of our first General Meeting on September 5. DiSC, which stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness, is a powerful assessment that helps individuals understand their unique behavioral tendencies. Our preliminary findings reflected that our members encompass all four areas of the DiSC assessment. Approximately 46% of members encompassed influence, 27% reflected steadiness, 16% reflected conscientiousness, and 15% embodied dominance. In addition, members agreed learning their DiSC assessment results will assist them in navigating their roles within the League, community, and professional capacities. This knowledge is invaluable for personal growth and leadership development. We can’t wait to see what conversations come from this tool and how it can help our members reach their leadership potential this year!
Leadership Beyond the League
One of the unique aspects of JLB is that our members don't confine their leadership development to League activities alone. Instead, they take the skills they acquire within our organization and apply them to various facets of their lives, becoming leaders in their workplaces, schools, and communities.
By fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, JLB empowers its members to step into leadership roles they might not have considered before. Many of our members have inspiring stories of how their involvement in the League gave them the confidence to lead at their workplaces, advocate for positive change in their communities, and even pursue leadership roles in other organizations.
In the next installment of our series, we'll explore the second key reason why members choose to join and stay involved in JLB—professional networking. Stay tuned for more insights into the multifaceted benefits of being a part of the Junior League of Beaumont. If JLB sounds like an organization you want to be involved in, please check out the “Join” tab on our website to learn more!
Megan Mistric
Freshman English Teacher
West Brook High School
Sheree Bowen
Kindergarten Teacher
Regina Howell Elementary
Carrie Zihlman
Social Studies High School Teacher
Beaumont Early College
What is your day to day Routine?
• My daily routine is quite dynamic. I usually start my day the night before, getting the kids (Forrest, Maverick, and Ann Marie) ready for the next day. My morning starts early, preparing for my teaching job at West Brook High School. Teaching keeps me busy during the day, helping young minds develop their English skills.
- Megan Mistric
• We have a routine that we follow everyday which includes morning meetings, PE, Art, or Gym, Lunch, Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Snack.
- Sheree Bowen
• We are in straight survival mode most days. (We as in my three girls and I.) My husband doesn’t usually get home until the girls are in bed during football season. Since I have to report to work so early, our days start before the sun comes up. When school lets out, it’s straight to the carpool pickup line, dance classes at Marsha Woody, then homework, dinner, bath, and bed!
- Carrie Zihlman
Why did you choose to become a teacher?
• My decision to transition into teaching was driven by a desire to make a difference in the lives of young individuals in Southeast Texas. After working in the senior living industry for 20 years, I felt that my skills and talents could be put to great use in education. I’ve always been up for a challenge and teaching offers a unique opportunity to positively impact the next generation. I also make it a point to let my students know how much I care about them.
Megan Mistric
• The reason I became an educator is the passion and love my teachers had for me whenever I was in school. I love helping my students learn complex concepts and see their growth both in our classroom and socially. My students may change from year to year, but my love for each student will continue throughout the years.
- Sheree Bowen
• I come from a family of educators and have always felt it was something I would eventually do as a profession. I certainly had other career goals in mind growing up, but ultimately decided to become a teacher. Working with youth is a passion of mine, and getting to play a positive role in my student’s lives is rewarding. A lot of students I’ve taught have become like family and I wouldn’t trade that for anything!
- Carrie Zilham
What are you looking forward to this year?
• This year, professionally, I am looking forward to helping my students grow academically and personally. Every day in the classroom presents new challenges and opportunities for growth, and I am excited to be a part of their journey. I also plan on continuing to express my love and support for them. I am also proud to say that I am a 2023 honoree for the 40 under 40 Southeast Texas Young Professionals. It is such a blessing and I am very humbled to have been selected. In the League, I am excited about being the Co-Chair for Dancing with the Stars of Southeast Texas. It’s a fantastic platform for networking and making a positive impact in our community. Being involved with the Junior League of Beaumont has been a rewarding experience.
- Megan Mistric
• This year professionally I’m looking forward to seeing the growth that is to come within my class and our Kindergarten community. In the League, I’m looking forward to seeing how much we accomplish as a whole. It is a true blessing to be a part of something that has a major impact on our community.
- Sheree Bowen
• This year is all about growth. I’ve definitely found my comfort zone and mostly stayed in it, but this year I’d like to take more risks and put myself out there through all avenues in my life. This is my second year in the League, so I am still a newbie and learning. It has been fun to get more involved with the community and I look forward to continuing to be involved and grow!
- Carrie Zihlman
DiSC Personality Assessment, understanding yourself and others
The next Junior League meeting, get a good look at someone’s name tag. Do you see a green dot? Maybe a red dot or a blue dot? What do those dots mean?
Prior to the League’s September meeting, League Members were asked to take a DiSC personality assessment. The dot sticker you might see on name tags throughout the year corresponds with the results of that assessment.
DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles: (D)ominance (green dot), (i)nfluence (red dot), (S) teadiness (blue dot) and (C)onscientiousness (yellow dot). A DiSC assessment helps to identify workstyle preferences, determines how someone would interact with others, and provides insight on work habits.
Personality Profiles at a Glance:
Dominance: An individual who scores primarily in the “D” category is results-focused. They tend to be outspoken, confident and are motivated by success. This personality type values action and personal freedom and dislikes being taken advantage of.
Influence: If you score high for influence, you have a knack for influencing other people with your enthusiasm and energy. You probably enjoy coaching or mentoring others and dislike disapproval or rejection.
Steadiness: If your results show steadiness, you probably have a calm and dependable disposition. Nicknamed “The Peacekeeper,” this individual is motivated by cooperation and dislikes change or a lack of stability.
Conscientiousness: Finally, individuals in this quadrant emphasize accuracy and expertise. These individuals enjoy gaining knowledge, producing high-quality work, and dislike criticism.
#ICYMI: You can still take a free DiSC assessment here:
Please self-report your results to:
A Century of Theater Excellence
For nearly a century, the Beaumont Community Players (BCP) have been a cornerstone of the vibrant arts and culture scene in Beaumont, Texas. This remarkable journey, filled with artistic diversity and community engagement, has been made possible through the dedication of passionate individuals and organizations. Founded in 1925, with a commitment to producing high-quality plays and musicals that range from Broadway spectaculars to intimate dramas, BCP has enriched the cultural tapestry of Southeast Texas. Interrupted only by a brief hiatus during World War II, Southeast Texas has seen them perform in
various venues, from Tyrrell Park Elementary School to the historic Jefferson Theatre downtown, and finally, to their current home at The Betty Greenberg Center for Performing Arts.
Collaboration and Community Engagement
BCP's commitment to the arts extends beyond the stage, as they actively engage in collaborative performances with other local cultural organizations, including the Symphony of Southeast Texas, The Beaumont Civic Ballet, and Lamar University. These collaborations have solidified BCP's position as a vital anchor for arts and culture in Southeast Texas, creating rich artistic experiences for
the local community. One of BCP's most remarkable achievements is its dedication to making the arts accessible to a broad audience. With an annual subscription season and an extensive children's summer program, BCP is the only nonprofit community-based performance organization in the region offering year-round programming and educational services. Each year, they serve nearly 15,000 patrons, with over 5,000 attending their annual subscription season and 180 children participating in KIDmunity productions during the Summer.
Inclusivity and Mentorship
Beaumont Community Players prides itself on fostering a positive, inclusive, and mentorship-oriented environment, aiming to be "The biggest tent in Texas." They practice colorblind casting and prioritize gender equality in their directing and management roles. This commitment has created a safe, welcoming space for everyone, whether on stage, behind the scenes, or in the audience, making it a "family affair." Parents, children, and grandparents not only star in BCP's productions but also contribute to every aspect of the shows, from stage management to costuming, set construction, and technical roles like lighting and sound. This hands-on experience nurtures self-expression, creativity, self-esteem, and valuable employment skills.
A Beacon of InvolvementCommunity
One shining example of community involvement within BCP is Krystal Sanchez, a member of the Junior League of Beaumont. Krystal currently plays the role of Violet in the upcoming show, "9 to 5." Her involvement in both organizations exemplifies the powerful impact individuals can have on their community. Krystal's dedication
extends beyond the stage, as Chair of "Transitioning Youth" in the Junior League of Beaumont, she played a pivotal role in organizing a transformative experience for local teenagers currently residing in foster care. These teens were treated to a private tour of the theater, followed by a heartwarming dinner. This special occasion allowed them to watch the play "Elf," for many of them, a firsttime experience of live theater.
The ongoing legacy of the Beaumont Community Players is a testament to the power of community engagement, inclusivity, and mentorship. For nearly a century, BCP has enriched the cultural life of Southeast Texas, reaching thousands of patrons each year. Their collaboration with organizations like the Junior League of Beaumont underscores the impact that dedicated individuals and community organizations can have on the arts and the broader community.
The Junior League of Beaumont, as an active participant in this journey, has made significant contributions to BCP's mission. Through grants like the Community Assistance Fund, they have helped enhance accessibility for patrons, ensuring that the magic of BCP's performances can be enjoyed by a wider audience. As BCP continues to shine on stage and off, their legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative power of the arts and community involvement. Together, we are all contributing to the cultural vibrancy of Beaumont, ensuring that the arts remain accessible and enriching for generations to come. The Junior League of Beaumont stands as a beacon of community support, helping to illuminate the path toward a brighter and more inclusive future for the arts in our city.
“9 to 5” will be showing from September 15th until September 30th. To purchase tickets, visit
40 Under 40 SETXYPO
Congratulations to Arquelle Gilder, Michelle Matheson, Megan Mistric, and Krystal Sanchez for being selected as 2023 Southeast Texas Young Professionals Organization Forty Under Forty!
Bethany Longmire, Editor
Bethany has been an Active Member of JLB since 2020. She works as a Controller for a construction company in Sour Lake. In her free time, Bethany enjoys brunching, attending concerts, and spending time with her husband, Bryan, and two daughters, Evie and Mila.
Lauren Reicis, Co-Editor
Lauren has been an Active Member of JLB since 2020. Lauren moved to Beaumont 5-years ago to work as an anchor/investigative reporter for 12News. For the past 3 years she’s been serving as the station’s Assistant News Director. Lauren is married to Davis Reicis. They have a 2-year-old son named Aleks, a French bulldog named Gaston and a very fluffy cat named Eevee.
Karley Zummo, Staff Writer
Karley is in her third active year of the JLB. She is from Southwest Louisiana and moved to Beaumont after marrying her husband, Taylor Zummo. Karley is a graduate of Louisiana State University and is currently an English teacher at Hamshire-Fannett Middle School. She enjoys cooking, organizing, kayaking, listening to a wide variety of music, traveling, cheering on the LSU Tigers, and spending time with family and friends.
Kaylee Allen, Staff Writer
Kaylee is currently in her second Active year of JLB. She has lived in the Golden Triangle area since 2019 after moving with her husband from Lake Charles, LA. She is currently a part-time MHP working in jails while also being a SAHM to the most handsome 1 year old son. She enjoys being outdoors, attending local events, and traveling with her family and friends.
Nina Victores, Staff Writer
Nina is a Beaumont native and first year Active member of JLB. Nina is a dentist and owner of Victores Dentistry, PLLC in Beaumont, Texas. In her free time, Nina enjoys playing tennis, running, cooking, reading, spending time with her friends, and playing with her German Shepard, Chacha.
Sonni Shell, Staff Writer
Sonni has been an Active Member of JLB since 2021. She is originally from Chevy Chase, Maryland and moved to Beaumont after marrying her husband, Jason Shell. She is the Director of Strategic Operations for Script Care, Ltd. Sonni is a mother to giggly 16 month old son, Major. In her free time, Sonni enjoys spending time with family and friends, trying out new restaurants, traveling to new places, and walking her Cavalier King Charles puppy, Archie.
Lauren Graham, Staff Writer
Lauren is a proud Beaumont native, a distinguished graduate of Lamar University, and a second-year active member of the Junior League of Beaumont. Professionally, she excels as a Licensed Transaction Coordinator, serving as a vital asset on the Dana Johnson Team at RE/MAX ONE. In her free time, she enjoys reading, volunteering, and cherishing precious moments with her dogs, Cheeseburger and Peaches.
Laura Victores Wyman, Ads Coordinator
Laura is a second-year Active JLB member. After moving back to Beaumont in 2020, she joined the JLB as a way to reconnect with old friends and to meet new people in the community. When she is not working her day job as business manager for her husband’s CPA firm and chauffeur to her four children, she enjoys reading, cooking, and relaxing with family.
Lila Stevens, Sustaining Advisor
Lila has been a Sustainer since 2021. A few of her favorite placements were Cookbook and Membership Development Chair. She joined the JLB to connect with women that had a drive and passion to volunteer in Southeast Texas. She loves the Junior League of Beaumont and is always happy to help whenever they call. In her free time she loves reading, being in the sun, going to the beach, and spending time with her family and friends.
The Junior League of Beaumont and Lagniappe:
TheJunior League of Beaumont, like many other organizations and communities in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, embraced the concept of lagniappe as a way to foster a sense of community and generosity. They recognized the value of going above and beyond in service to their community.
Over the years, the Junior League of Beaumont has incorporated the spirit of lagniappe into their various initiatives and events, such as fundraisers, social gatherings, and charitable projects. The essence of lagniappe, which centers on giving a little extra and spreading goodwill, aligns perfectly with the organization's mission of improving the community and the lives of its residents.
Lagniappe in Community Service:
Within the context of community service, the Junior League of Beaumont may have used the concept of lagniappe to symbolize their commitment to going beyond the expected, offering not just what's required but something extra that brings joy and support to those they serve.
Lagniappe in Fundraising and Events:
In fundraisers and events organized by the Junior League of Beaumont, lagniappe may have taken the form of unexpected surprises, bonus offerings, or additional value provided to participants and attendees. This not only enhances the experience but also exemplifies the organization's dedication to its community.
The history of lagniappe with the Junior League of Beaumont reflects the enduring tradition of generosity and hospitality that has been passed down through generations in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. It signifies a commitment to going the extra mile and making a positive impact on the community. By embracing lagniappe, the Junior League of Beaumont continues to uphold the values of goodwill, community service, and giving a little something extra to make a difference in the lives of those they serve.
Twice a year the Junior League of Beaumont offers a CAF Grant for non- profits in the community. The purpose of the CAF Grant is to respond to the shortterm needs of non- profit agencies headquartered in Southeast Texas. It is one of the many ways in which the Junior League of Beaumont gives back to the community. The fall application deadline is October 11, 2023 and the spring application deadline is February 9, 2024.
Please visit Community Assistance Fund – Junior League of Beaumont ( or email for applications and additional information.
Lagniappe Luncheon!
Date: Friday, November 3, 2023
Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Lunch served at 12:00 PM)
Location: Event Centre Beaumont
The Beaumont Main Street Market invites you to a delightful event that will add a touch of Southern charm to your day—the Lagniappe Luncheon! Mark your calendars for November 3rd, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, as we gather to celebrate the spirit of giving a little something extra.
We're delighted to announce a new format for the MSM luncheon with some exciting additions. Get ready for an exclusive 4-course family-style meal, complete with recipe cards and live demonstrations to make your holiday entertaining truly special.
Recipe Cards and Demonstrations:
At each place setting, you'll find recipe cards for the dishes served during the meal. These cards will guide you through recreating the culinary magic of our 4-course Southern feast in the comfort of your own home.
Specialty Cocktails:
To complement your meal, we will have a paired specialty cocktail served with each course. Whether you prefer a handshaken cocktail or a batched creation for sharing with friends, our mixologists will be on hand to demonstrate how to craft the perfect libation to accompany your dining experience.
Shopping Bazaar: Before and after lunch, explore our bustling shopping bazaar. With the holiday season just around the corner, this is the perfect opportunity to find unique gifts for your loved ones. Discover a wide array of holiday treasures and must-haves for all your Christmas needs.
Ticket Information:
Tickets for the Lagniappe Luncheon can be purchased in advance at https://members.juniorleaguebeaumont. org/?nd=ticket_list&fundraiser_id=11
ouT about and JLB Meeting Cajun Date Night Know Your Court House Make Ends Meet SLBI Conference Farmers Market Make Ends Meet Market to Hope Lamar University Leadership Beaumont Abolish SLBI Conference Chair Training SLBI Conference JLB Meeting Lamar University Farmers Market Know Your Court House JLB Meeting Community Council JLB Meeting JLB Meeting Chair Training Transitioning Youth JLB Meeting Make Ends Meet JLB Meeting Make Ends Meet
Hometown Silsbee, Texas
Megan Pounders
Family Wife, Amy Pounders
Children, Fisher and Bayler Pounders
What are you hoping to get out of your League experience this year?
I am looking forward to building deeper connections with the members at JLB along with growing my knowledge of nonprofit organizations in Southeast Texas that could benefit from our help.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? “Don’t ever compete with another person. The only competition you need in life is you against yesterday you. Continue to compete with who you were yesterday and you will only take steps forward.”
How do you like to relax after a long day? A hot bath and then snuggles on the couch for a movie night.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? A Natura Cave Spa at Grotto Bay Beach Resort in Bermuda. A magical 5- star spa inside the Prosperos Cave. Truly, a once in a lifetime experience.
Dog, Zoey & Cat, Rex
Owner & Certified Instructor at Infant Swimming
Beaumont (ISR)
What are some of your favorite restaurants in town? Carmellas, Koi, Katherine & Company and Carrabbas.
What is your favorite holiday, and how do you celebrate it? Since becoming a boy mom to two, we have found ourselves celebrating Halloween the most the last few years. From decorating the house, a graveyard front lawn, to coffin chaucertie boards, to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party it has become a family tradition for the last 5 years.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life? After returning from a wedding cruise for my best friend, Amy (now wife) arranged for a secret meeting location so she could pick me up from the large party and whisk me away to Punta Cana for a second, extended vacation. (I’m rotten, I know!)
Who would you want to play you in a movie? Margot Robbie, because she can play both extreme sides of my personality perfectly.
Travel, Antiquing, Cooking & Baking, Exercising
Natura Cave Spa
Punta Cana
2022-2023 Brenna Rodriguez
Hometown Kirbyville, TX
Education BBA in Marketing
Family Husband, James and 2 Boys, Anthony and Brett
Pets Dog, Phil
Occupation Harbor Hospice - VP of Operations (Have worked there 17 years)
What has been your favorite placement throughout your time in JLB? President, leading the extraordinary ladies in Southeast Texas was the most rewarding and memorable opportunity.
What is your favorite thing about living in SETX? I love the small-town feel but having all the things to do!
What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? A day off is with the family and most likely at a sporting event for our boys.
What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on? Gatlinburg, Tennessee, is one of my favorite areas; there are many activities and beautiful views.
What is a unique fun fact about you that some may not know? I walked 39 miles and camped in a tent all in 2 days to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer. I participated in this event for five years.
What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? A hug from one of the boys can make the day better!
What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? I always think of who I would give money to! I think church, charities, and family, but I rarely play, so the odds of winning are low.
What would you tell someone who is interested in joining the league? Junior League of Beaumont will open new opportunities to learn about your community, make new friends, and give back by volunteering. Joining will be a great way to enhance your personal and professional life.
What was your favorite placement while serving in the JLB?
I transferred in to JLB from St Louis and served on the Main Street Market committee the first year it was at Christmastime. I’ve met so many life long friends at Main Street Market, either on the committee or at a volunteer shift. But my FAVORITE placement wasn’t really a placement at all. I had the privilege of working on the very first Dancing with the Stars committee. There were only a few of us and we weren’t sure about much, but everyone in that group was absolutely sure that we had something special and we were right! Our passion for the project carried us to success that year and I’m so proud of where that fundraiser has grown.
What has been the best vacation you took and why? My most recent vacation is always my favorite. We took Wellborn on his senior trip to Australia this summer. We scuba-ed the Great Barrier Reef, climbed the Sydney Bridge, and had a close encounter with a koala. It was magical!
What is one fashion trend that you wish would come back in style? Everyone is going to come at me here, but I love a low rise pant and I wish those would make a come back. Bonus points if they return with a flair leg.
How do you enjoy spending your free time? This year I’ve had very little free time because my son is in his freshman year at college. We’ve been spending weekends in Waco, watching him play rugby and getting sunburned at the football games.
What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? I feel so blessed to be able to say that there isn’t anything I want that I don’t have. I’m not sure that my life would change much with a lottery win, but I would LOVE to be able to hand over some big checks to organizations that are important to us!
What is your favorite thing about living in SETX? The people here are something special! We moved to SETX in 2003 and immediately felt like we were home. We have met the kindest people who have become our family. We treasure the wonderful friends who enrich our lives in so many ways!
What is your favorite family tradition? Every year, our friends get together for a Friendsgiving, complete with matching shirts and soooo much food. This party just keeps getting bigger and bigger and it’s a great way to see everyone before the holidays really get rolling. This year will be extra special because it will be the first time that our kids have seen each other since they’ve gone away to college. I can’t wait to hear about all their adventures!
What would you tell someone who is interested in joining the League? You will think that the JLB will give you a chance to give back to your community. You will feel like you’re plugged in to SETX, doing the good work by serving others. You will love how you can make a difference in other people’s lives. What you won’t expect is how those things will impact you. As you progress in your career in the JLB, you’ll develop friendships that will make your life better. You’ll meet people who will inspire you to be more. The JLB has changed the trajectory of my whole life and I’m so grateful for the chance to grow as a result of my time in the JLB. I thought I was improving my community. It turns out that the JLB improved me.
What is your favorite memory from your time in the League? How can I pick just one? I’m going to lump a few good ones together! Winning Dancing with the Stars... Watching Sarah Wells shoot a confetti gun with so much purpose... Seeing Beth Rogers nail “the lift”... Cheering on the shining Stephanie Vanskike... Laughing with Corey Gilfoil and Heather LeBlanc and Heather Shoemaker and all the special women who cared enough about the JLB to take a chance on a new fundraiser. What a journey it has been!
Kathryn Fuller
Hometown Lake Jackson, TX Education BS and MS from Baylor University Family Husband, Jason and son, Wellborn, who is a freshman at Baylor
Pets Joy the pyredoodle
Occupation Financial Advisor at Edward Jones
Hobbies I love to travel!
HEALTHY behaviors
Healthy Behaviors Round-Up:
Healthy Behaviors started the 2023/2024 Junior League year with a very fun back to school event on August 12. The group passed out fresh fruit and along with a ‘5210’ healthy habits handout. After the event, the 91 pounds of leftover fruit was donated to Market to Hope.
Upcoming/Ongoing Events:
• The O.N.E. passed the baton to Healthy Behaviors to continue supporting the Beaumont Farmers Market. Volunteers to help out! For information on Volunteering, reach out to Emily Amedee (Chair) at 409-617-3354
Touch a Truck: Beaumont Children's Museum, 10am-4pm.
• We will be passing out fresh fruit, a 5210 coloring page and colors, and we will have an interactive game!
Be on the lookout for:
• Soon we will be collaborating with Market to Hope where we will have shifts on Thursdays and Fridays. We will be tending to shoppers and helping keep the market in order! Dates for shifts to start are to be determined.
• Speaking of Market to Hope- we will be putting on a Food Drive to help contribute to Market to Hope for the Thanksgiving/Christmas season! Look for more information coming in November.
Withhurricane season at its peak and school starting back up, one organization in our community is stepping up to make sure women are prepared and ready to enjoy their life and not stress about their feminine hygiene.
Period Power Pantry was started by Meg Baertl Brown in 2019 after her personal experience of lack of feminine hygiene products after a major hurricane. According to their website, “I found that period poverty is a public health issue in the United States”. Meg has surely shown a heart for changing this concern in our area.
Currently, Period Power Pantry is servicing schools, women’s shelters, and prisons in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana. “We also supply work locations with menstrual baskets for their employees and provide First Period Kits for girls who will be starting their period. FPKs include menstrual pads, fuzzy warm socks, ChapStick and other fun/comforting gifts such as period trackers and journals.”
Donations for Period Power Pantry include; tampons, incontinence pads, menstrual pads, and other hygiene products along with monetary donations to purchase supplies for the period packs, First Period Kits, and menstrual baskets that are supplied to certain work locations for employees.
Period Power Pantry has opportunities to volunteer every other month to assemble packs. “We are also offering women in the community to host their own period packing party. Where the host can invite her friends and family to assemble packs. The host is able to choose where she would like the packs to go”.
If you would like to support Meg Brown and the Period Power Pantry, please follow their Facebook Page 'The Period Power Pantry’ where she posts volunteer opportunities to pack the packs. If you would like more details please check out their website at
by Lauren Graham
M ash
FALL 2023 Edition
While the heat in Southeast Texas might spook you this Fall, don’t let it trick you out of enjoying the treats of Autumn!
A FAntAstic FALL chArcutEriE BoArd
Fall is the perfect time to indulge in the art of charcuterie, and the possibilities are as colorful as the season itself. Assemble an Autumn-inspired charcuterie board with a delightful array of cheeses, cured meats, and seasonal delights. Think creamy Brie, aged cheddar, and pungent blue cheese alongside slices of prosciutto and spicy chorizo. Add a touch of sweetness with juicy pears, crisp apples, and clusters of red grapes. Don’t forget the crunchy texture of nuts, the rich drizzle of honey, and warm baguette slices to complete this edible masterpiece. Pair it with your favorite fall wine at your next event and you’ll be the belle of the Fall ball!
ELLA + scott’s “FALLing For You” sEt
For those looking to embrace the Fall fashion spirit, Ella + Scott has you covered with their “Falling for You” set. This ensemble includes a long-sleeved ribbed sweater knit top paired with a matching flare skirt, creating a cozy and stylish outfit that’s the perfect balance for those warmish Autumn days. It’s the ideal choice for staying fashionable as you take in the beauty of the changing seasons.
crAF ting AutuMn’s cozY AroMA
Even in Southeast Texas, where Fall often means warm weather, you can create the ambiance of the season with a simmer pot. Combine sliced oranges, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary in a pot of simmering water. Let the fragrant blend fill your home with the comforting scent, proving that you can capture the essence of the season regardless of the temperature outside.
Indulge your sweet tooth this Fall with a visit to Sachi’s Cakes and Desserts Lab. Treat yourself to their mouthwatering pumpkin spice cheesecake, a delectable seasonal delight that perfectly encapsulates the flavors of Autumn. It’s a dessert experience you can’t afford to miss, offering a comforting blend of spice and sweetness.
Bring the beauty of Fall indoors with stunning arrangements featuring dried flowers. Local popup flower shops like Carly Beth’s Floral offers exquisite options. Consider incorporating baby’s breath for its delicate charm, dried palms for a touch of the tropics, pampas grass for its feathery elegance, and dried lavender for its calming fragrance. These arrangements not only capture the essence of Fall but also add a timeless touch to your décor. Top it off with a classic pumpkin-shaped vase and your guests will fall in love!
PuMPkin sPicE And EvErYthing nicE
Fall Recipes
By Nina Victores
Holiday Brisket
This recipe is perfect for large gatherings in the upcoming holiday season or for a cozy fall dinner at home. I adapted the original recipe from Ina Garten’s Recipe: Brisket with Carrots and Onions from her Barefoot Contesa Parties! Book. This recipe serves 10.
- 7 pounds beef brisket
- 2 tablespoons kosher salt
- 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
- 1 tablespoon minced garlic
- 2 teaspoons dried oregano
- 1 pound carrots
- 8 stalks celery
- 6 yellow onions
- 1.5 pounds baby potatoes
- 6 bay leaves
- 1 46 ounce can tomato juice
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Prepare the carrots and celery by cutting them into 2-inch chunks. Peel and slice the onions. Set them aside.
3. Cut the baby potatoes in halves and set them aside separately from the other vegetables.
4. Place the brisket in a large oven safe roasting pan. Combine the salt, garlic, pepper, oregano. Rub the mixture on the brisket.
5. Pour the carrots, celery, and onions on top of the brisket. Place the bay leaves on top.
6. Pour the tomato soup on top.
7. Cover the top of the pan with a piece of parchment paper and then aluminum foil.
8. Bake for 2 hours before removing from oven. Then, add the potatoes.
9. Bake for another 1.5 hours.
10. Remove from oven. Cut brisket to serve.
Pumpkin Whiskey Smash
I came across this recipe on Pinterest and decided to make it for a party. It was a big hit and easy to make! I used Whiskey, but you could substitute Bourbon instead. Recipe is from Half Baked Harvest.
Pumpkin Syrup:
- 1/2 Cup Maple Syrup
- 1/3 Cup Water
- 1/3 Cup Pumpkin Purée
- 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Other Ingredients:
- Whiskey
- Orange Juice
- Orange Bitters
- Ginger Beer
1. Combine all Pumpkin Syrup ingredients in a sauce pot and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool.
2. In a cocktail shaker, combine 3 Tablespoons Pumpkin Syrup, 1/4 Cup Whiskey, 1 Tablespoon Orange Juice, Couple drops orange bitters. Strain into glass. Top with ice and ginger beer.
Source: Source:
By Cheri Dickerson
In August, nine Junior League of Beaumont members (ranging from first to twelfth year actives and all members of the Future Planning Committee) attended the National Small League, Big Impact Leadership conference held in San Antonio, Texas. There were 205 Junior Leaguers in attendance from 70 leagues across the nation. The SLBI theme was “Leading the Way to Change” and included two days of leadership development, connecting, and idea sharing.
The conference provided four “tracks” to follow: fund development- new, creative ways to increase capital fundraising, marketing and brand strategy - how we are communicating our vision within the league and the community, membership- recruitment and retention, mentoring and so much more, and community impact- where there was an emphasis on collaboration and how all the facets of the league must work together in order to make community impact work.
If you are interested in more SLBI content, check out their facebook page: Junior League: Small Leagues Big Impact. The meeting presentations are now posted, and it’s a great way to increase your league knowledge. Another way? Come to JLB’s Future Planning Roundtables. The Future Planning Committee, an in-league committee, will be going deeper into each of these topics and how they pertain to our league specifically-- stay tuned on Digital Cheetah for meeting dates and times.
Walk for Freedom - Beaumont
Saturday October 14, 2023
@Westgate Memorial Baptist Church
6220 Westgate Drive, Beaumont, TX 77706
Register for the event via the below website:
Chair: Michelle Matheson
Co-Chair: Crystal McElroy
The Junior League of Beaumont is proud to partner with MAKE ENDS MEET through the O.N.E. for the 2023 -2024 year.
The O.N.E. Chair: Marie Murray
The O.N.E. Co-Chair: Courtney Hooker
Make Ends Meet of Southeast Texas is a non-profit organization created to support single-parent families. Their goal is to provide networking opportunities for parents and activities for children to learn, grow, and have fun. They have been serving single-parent families since 2021.
Make Ends Meet Contact Information:
Address: 3415 Laurel Avenue, Beaumont, TX 77707
Phone: 409-234-3777
Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Back to School Backpack Drive
On July 29, 2023, Make Ends Meet partnered with BISD, who donated backpacks for a Back- to- School Backpack and Supply Drive. The event was hosted in conjunction with BISD Registration Day.
A total of 330 backpacks with supplies were given out to kids ranging from Pre-K - 12th Grade!
What we can look forward to with the O.N.E. project this year:
• October 7th: Fire Museum Festival
• TBD: Beaumont Police Department Trunk or Treat
• November 30th: December 2nd: Main Street Market Booth
• TBD: March - Easter Eggstravaganza
Thanksgiving 360 - November 20th & 21st
- Emergency Response Lesson
- Inflatables in the Gym
- Thanksgiving themed Activities
- Library Time
- Games in the Gym
- Morning Rally & Closing Rally
- All families must send their camper with a lunch
- PK Campers will have an afternoon nap time
Christmas 360 - December 18th & 19th
- Picture with Santa
- Gaming Truck
- Christmas themed activities
- Library Time
- Games in the Gym
- Morning & Closing Rally
- All Families must send their camper with a lunch
- PK Campers will have an afternoon nap time
AllSaints EpiscopalS
Location: The Club Building
Hours: 7:30am-5:30pm
Registration link:
Registration opens on September 27th
All Saints Episcopal School is a community dedicated to academic excellence in a secure and supportive Christian environment.
Come see what’s happening at ALL SAINTS!
to schedule a tour today! 409.892.1755
Transitioning Youth Leaders:
What made you proud about this event?
Details of August’s Transitioning Youth Event:
Date: Tuesday, Aug 23, 2023
Time: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Sabine Pass Battleground State Park, Sabine Pass, TX
Despite the hot August Texas weather, the Transitioning Youth Committee and a number of young people in the CPS system gathered at Sabine Pass State Park for a fishing and water safety day. Mabel's and Taco Rey food trucks were on site providing delicious desserts and lunch for everyone; the Kappa Alpha Psi men’s fraternity of Port Arthur donated over 30 new fishing poles for the children to use and the children heard valuable tips on water safety from two state game wardens. They learned how to bait a hook and cast a line, how to release a fish unharmed, the importance of wearing a life jacket when swimming, and the dangers of rip currents.
This event was a great opportunity for the children to learn about fishing and water safety. It was also a chance for them to socialize with other children in the CPS system and make new friends. I'm glad that so many people came together to make this event possible. I'm sure that the children who attended this event learned a lot and had a lot of fun. I'm grateful to all of the organizations and individuals who made this event possible and proud that the JLB gives us opportunities like this to give back to kids in foster care.
What can we expect from Transitioning Youth this year?
Our main goal in Transitioning Youth is to work with the Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (CASA) staff and Child Protective Services (CPS) staff for the best interest of abused and neglected children in the foster care system. Each month the league sponsors a life skills program for youth in the system and our committee provides support to help ease the transition out of foster care and prepare the youth for life in the world once they age out of the system. Our chair, Nikki Messina, has some amazing ideas for the upcoming year and is incredibly passionate about her work with Transitioning Youth and for the league. She has done an amazing job making our committee members feel valued and driven in our mission.
“It didn’t take the 100° weather to feel the warmth and the love shared! The one-onone time we were able to enjoy with the kids was invaluable. The kids shared about their struggles, things that brought them joy, dreams about their future, and some shared their extreme dislike for touching slimy, wiggly worms!”
“I was not sure what to expect as a first-year active when joining Transitioning Youth. Our first event fishing with the foster kids really opened my eyes to the foster care system and the fact that these kids may not have opportunities to enjoy experiences those who aren't in foster care enjoy. Once I said I knew how to bait a fishing hook, that was it, I was elbow-deep in worms for the rest of the afternoon! Who knew growing up in a family of fishermen in East Texas would come in so handy during my time in the Jr. League!”
How can the League get involved to support Transitioning Youth? There will be many opportunities for league members to help out with our events each month! Digital Cheetah and the JLB Member Network group are the best ways to keep up to date on information about our upcoming events and how you can help out. Watch for announcements from our committee on ways to give back including earning hours by helping at our monthly events or donating items we may need for the kids in foster care.
- Brandi Verdine:
Nicki Messina - Chair
Mandi Bauer - Co-Chair
- Mandi Bauer:
TheJunior League of Beaumont is delighted to announce our 20th annual Main Street Market, November 30th through December 2nd, 2023. Join us for a three‐day, one‐stop holiday shopping extravaganza, where over 4,500 guests come to enjoy live entertainment, raffles, activities for the whole family and more. Our vendors and guests from across the state are excited to join us for a joyful, holiday event. Also, our annual Main Street Market Luncheon will be held on November 3rd, 2023 at The Beaumont Event Center. We are thrilled to offer a new and exciting luncheon filled with surprises that will leave you Bright and Merry!
The success of Main Street Market plays a vital role in furthering the Junior League of Beaumont’s work within the community. Each year, Main Street Market allows the League to provide monetary support to local non‐profits through our grant program and to support the League’s many community projects. The funds raised help generate the finance necessary to continue our mission of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving our community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
To the right is a list of our 2023 sponsorship opportunities. All sponsors will be recognized on signage throughout the market, on our social media accounts, websites and in our Spinnings Magazine. We are grateful for the generous support of local businesses, community leaders and organizations from years past. It is through these partnerships that we, the Junior League of Beaumont, can address unmet needs within our community and create sustainable programming for significant impact and growth in our area.
Tea Do, Main Street Market Underwriter
Christina Lokey, Main Street Market Chair
Danielle Spencer, Main Street Market Co-Chair
Thursday, Nov 30 - Saturday Dec 2, 2023
Thursday, November 30th, 4:00PM - 9:00PM
Friday, December 1st, 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00AM - 9:00PM
PLATINUM: $5,000
• 20 Main Street Market Admission Tickets(Individual Ticket value $10)
• 1 Table of 10 for Luncheon
• 10 Designer Purse Raffle Tickets(Each ticket includes 10 entries, totaling 100 entries. Individual ticket value $25)
• $200 in Holiday Market Money
• Recognition in JLB Spinnings magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website and Facebook page
• Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market
• Acknowledgment in promotional media appearances
• Recognition during Luncheon
• Recognition on all printed and digital signage, if submitted by Friday, November 10, 2023
GOLD: $2,500
• 15 Main Street Market Admission Tickets (Individual Ticket value $10)
• 4 Luncheon Tickets
• 4 Designer Purse Raffle Tickets(Each Ticket includes 10 entries, totaling 40 entries. Individual Ticket value $25)
• $50 in Holiday Market Money
• Recognition in JLB Spinnings magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website and Facebook page
• Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market
SILVER: $1,500
• 10 Main Street Market Admission Tickets(Individual Ticket value $10)
• 2 Luncheon Tickets
• 2 Designer Purse Raffle Tickets(Each Ticket includes 10 entries, totaling 20 entries. Individual Ticket value $25)
• Recognition in JLB Spinnings magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website and Facebook page
• Inclusion on signage throughout Main Market Street
BRONZE: $500
• 5 Main Street Market Admission Tickets(Individual Ticket value $10)
• Recognition in JLB Spinnings magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website and Facebook page
• Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market
• Recognition in JLB Spinnings magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website and Facebook page
• Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market
For inquiries and/or to obtain a sponsorship form, please contact Tea Do, Main Street Market Underwriter (409) 351‐6872 or by email at and
JLB Volunteers Recognized by Make-A-Wish
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Make-A-Wish is starting out the 2023/2024 year with some big Kudos coming from the Make-AWish foundation. On August 18, Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana recognized Junior League members for their dedication to the cause. The non-profit posted on facebook, “Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana is excited to highlight three of our superstar volunteers, Brenna Rodriguez, Maegan Collins, and Amber Villarreal.”
“In our August Volunteer Spotlight! These three friends share a passion for serving their community and are also very involved in the Junior League of Beaumont (a longtime supporter of Make-A-Wish!).”
“You can find them most often accompanying wish kids on shopping spree wishes. These ladies love to shop! Together, they have granted numerous wishes over the past several years, and we could not be more grateful for their commitment.”
Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana has granted 575 wishes from Sept. 2022 - Aug. 2023, a new record for the organization!
Let’s keep supporting those wishes!
Timely registration in Digital Cheetah is required for all meetings.
Board Meetings
6:00PM @ JLB Headquarters
General Meetings
5:30PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting
03 02 07
Tuesday, August 22nd
Tuesday, October 3rd
Monday, October 30th
Tuesday, January 9th
Tuesday, February 6th
Tuesday, March 19th
Tuesday, April 2nd
Tuesday, April 30th
Provisional Meetings
6:00PM Social; 6:30PM Meeting
Tuesday, August 29th
Tuesday, September 19th
Tuesday, October 17th
Saturday, November 4th @ 9:00 AM Super Saturday
Tuesday, January 9th
Tuesday, February 13th
Tuesday, March 5th
upcoming 30 NOV30 SPINNINGS | FALL 2023
Save the Dates
MSM “Lagniappe” Luncheon
Friday, November 3, 2023
Main Street Market
November 30 - December 2, 2023
Dancing with the Stars of Southeast Texas
Friday, March 1, 2024
JLB Annual May Dinner
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tuesday, September 5th @ Beaumont Botanical Gardens, 6088 Babe Zaharias Drive
Tuesday, October 10th Placement Advisor Meeting
Tuesday, November 7th
Thursday, November 30th @ MSM; 6:00 PM
Tuesday, January 16th
Tuesday, February 27th Bring a Friend
Tuesday, March 26th Placement
advertisers INDEX All Saints Episcopal School .............. 26 Beaumont Children’s Museum 16 City of Beaumont Event Services ..... 25 Gift of Life 03 Hope Women’s Resource Clinic ....... 02
Tuesday, April 9th MAY
Tuesday, April 16th Mini Meetings
Active Rachel Cuevas and her husband welcomed their son Roman Luke Cuevas on July 17
Member Kelsey Borza and her husband welcomed their son Keith Michael
sympathies JLB
It is with sincere regret that the League offers condolences to the following families & JLB members:
• To the family of Betty Jean Wilder Rogas
• For the passing of Biguita Hernandez-Smith’s mother, Shirley Hernandez Hazel
August Mentor Meet & Greets
Membership Development Committee was so excited to kick off the league year with our new provisionals! We started a new event where the provisionals and mentors had a little meet and greet with their groups! It was a great opportunity for the provisionals to not only get to know their mentor, but also other ladies in their provisional class! Our goal was for them to be able to come to the first meeting feeling comfortable and at ease. A great time was had by all!
Ciao Bella, Welcome to the JLB Family! August Provisional Meeting
The JLB headquarters was transformed into an “Italian Bistro” to welcome new provisionals into our big JLB family at the first official provisional meeting! From the pasta bar to the biscotti baskets, nobody left hungry. We had a special guest, our very own “Cheetah Girl,” Amanda Newmann! She gave us an important lesson on Digital Cheetah and the provisionals were able to explore the app and learn all of the DC necessities. We are hitting the ground running and the provisionals of 2023-2024 are going to take the Junior League of Beaumont by storm!!!
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 22 Beaumont, Texas JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BEAUMONT Women building better communities 2388 McFaddin Beaumont, Texas 77702 THIS SPINNINGS MAGAZINE IS RECYCLABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL RECYCLING PROGRAM!