Spinnings November 2021 Issue - Volume 86 Issue 2

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Find your holiday gifts at this year’s



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Letter from the President

Brenna Rodriguez


ur last issue of 2021 is hitting your mailbox, but before we reach the new year, we still have many events around the League. We are thankful for our members that continue the mission and work of the League.

Council has been busy planning new volunteer opportunities to allow for participation growth. We have challenged members to reach 75 service hours this year for our 75th celebration. We invite sustainers to join us on this day, and if interested, please call or email the League House.

This year’s Main Street Market Committee has been busy planning We are thankful for the City of a shopping experience that you don’t Beaumont, which will recognize want to miss! Would you consider the Junior League of Beaumont supporting the League by buying and present us with a proclamation an attendance ticket, a purse raffle on November 9, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. ticket, or a luncheon ticket to see the to recognize 75 years of joining keynote speaker, Eliza VanCort? Ms. The Association of Junior Leagues VanCort is the International and our author of the Active Day. Mark your It’s a beautiful time to #1 bestseller, A calendars to celebrate Woman’s Guide slow down and enjoy the with us. To Claiming holiday season together. As we have seen the Space: Stand Tall. Raise Your Voice. changing temperatures I wish you and your Be Heard. fall in the air, we family happy holidays. and are starting to plan See you in 2022. Your continued holiday celebrations support allows and time with family. us to continue It’s my favorite time serving the community and support of year to receive holiday cards or the mission of the League. Be on the see family pictures on social media. lookout for more information on all I love seeing the kids grow and the events planned. families spending time together. It’s a beautiful time to slow down and enjoy Before we get to our Main Street the holiday season together. I wish Market, which will be held from you and your family happy holidays. December 2 to 4, 2021, the League See you in 2022. will participate in an Active Day on November 13, 2021. This event will unite the League as we all go out and serve as one League in one day to impact our community Brenna Rodriguez significantly. The Community 2021-2022 JLB President


board of directors President............................................................ Brenna Rodriguez President-Elect.................................................. Katie Baker Treasurer/Finance Council............................. Valerie Lewis Treasurer-Elect/Ways & Means Chair.......... Rebecca Tatum Communications Council Director............... Lauren Thieme Community Council Director........................ Courtney White Membership Council/Nominating Chair..... Jen Phelan Planning Council/Bylaws Chair..................... Rebecca Hudson Corresponding Secretary ................................ Mandy Street Recording Secretary......................................... Maegan Collins Past President.................................................... Maite Broussard 4



contents 16


In Recognition of Beaumont’s Historical Spindletop Oil Field.


An internal publication of the Junior League of Beaumont, Inc. Distributed October, November, February, April, and May


EDITOR Nadine Ona


CO-EDITOR Kellsey Fairchild

in each issue

22 Volunteers Needed for Homeshool Workshops

28 30 30 30 31

22 Rotary Club

Beaumont Children’s Museum needs volunteers to assist with hands-on activities for homeschooled students.

Member Spotlight Advertisers Index Schedule of Events Volunteer Opportunities Birthday Calendar

JLB President, Brenna Rodriguez, spoke about JLB’s 75th year anniversary and current projects in the community at the Rotary Club meeting.

24 Neighborhood Meetings

The Neighborhood Meetings, held on October 5, 2021, were a success.

features 6 7 8 12

Look at Your Financial Situation Holistically

Cat Griffin, Edward Jones Financial Advisor, provides insight into holistic financial planning.

Day in the Life Meet Katie Baker, Child Nutrition Director for Lumberton ISD.

Read about our newest community project, the O.N.E., and how the program can impact a local non-profit in our community.


Main Street Market

Check out the details for this year’s Main Street Market event taking place December 2-4, 2021.

Brunchin’ in Beaumont

Do you like brunchin’? If so, try out these local restaurants.


Dancing with the Stars 2022


Harvest House Wins $25,000


25 The O.N.E.

Meet our 2022 Stars and save the date for our 6th annual DWTS event. Harvest House is awarded $25,000 in the national State Farm Neighborhood Assist grant contest.

Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup

Try out this time saving dish that will satisfy the entire family.


Day in the Life


Transitioning Youth The Transitioning Youth Committee met with

Community Assistance Fund (CAF)

In honor of the JLB’s 75th anniversary, the CAF will grant $75,000 to local non-profits in need.

Tip: Personal Finance 26 Pro Check out these great tips on how to maximize your savings.

27 Apple Crunch

As the cozy season of fall approaches, try this yummy apple crunch recipe to warm you right up.

29 Provisional Update

This year’s provisionals are working hard in the community and share their upcoming projects.

31 Out & About

See what JLB members are doing in the community.



Congratulations to JLB members on these wonderful accomplishments.

Meet Alicia Horn Daleo, nurse at Beaumont Internal Medicine and Geriatric Associates.

Girls’ Haven & Lamar University to discuss future college plans.


Healthy Behaviors Volunteers

The Healthy Behaviors Committee volunteered at Some Other Place to make lunches for those in need.

on the cover The 18th annual Main Street Market will be taking place on December 2-4, 2021. Help support this wonderful event by volunteering, becoming a vendor or sponsor, or simply spreading the word! For more details, see page 8.


Lauren Reicis Margaret Victores Karley Zummo Kara Timberlake SUSTAINING ADVISOR Kirksey Reynolds AD SALES Melaney Villery-Samuel DESIGN/LAYOUT

Lori Bane

SUBMISSIONS Do you have an idea for a story? Would you like to be a featured or guest writer? Send ideas or articles for consideration to the 2021-2022 SPINNINGS Editor, Nadine Ona, at nadineo@germer.com We welcome your input! TO SUBSCRIBE If you or someone you know is interested in receiving a hard copy of our publication, please email the 2021-2022 SPINNINGS Editor, Nadine Ona, at nadineo@germer.com to be added to the mailing list.

You will also see SPINNINGS all over town. Feel free to pick one up at your favorite boutique, hair salon, or Headquarters! MISSION STATEMENT The Junior League of Beaumont is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BEAUMONT Women building better communities

2388 McFaddin | Beaumont, TX 77702 409.832.0873


Look at Your Financial Situation Holistically


hat’s the biggest financial mistake you can make? Choosing the wrong investments? Waiting too long to save for retirement? Underestimating the costs of retirement? All these are reasonable answers, but the biggest mistake you might make is not looking at your financial picture holistically—that is, not looking at all the elements of your financial situation within the same picture. Let’s consider some of them:


Your views on helping your family

broaden your horizons by traveling around the world? Do you want to give back more to the community by volunteering? Can you spend more time pursuing the hobbies you enjoy? Each of these choices will carry different financial implications for how much you’ll need to accumulate for retirement and how much you will need to take out each year from your retirement accounts, such as your IRA and 401(k).

Your decisions about helping your family are clearly going to be a major part of your financial strategy—and this is true at virtually all stages of your life. When your children are young, you’ll need to decide if you’re going to put away money for their college education, and, if so, how much, and in what investment vehicles. When they’re young adults, you may also need to decide how much financial support you’re willing to provide for things such as the down payment on a new home. And when you’re drawing up your estate plans, you’ll need to consider how to distribute assets to your children, grandchildren, or other family members.

Your personal beliefs

As someone with civic, ethical, and moral concerns, you want to positively affect the world around you. And that’s why you may feel compelled to make charitable gifts throughout your life and then make philanthropy part of your legacy. To accomplish these objectives, you’ll want to include gifting techniques in your financial strategy today and your estate plans for tomorrow. Of course, for the estate planning component, you’ll need to work with your tax and legal advisors as well.

Your physical and mental health can play big roles in your financial plans and outlook. On the most basic level, the healthier you are, and the better you take care of yourself, the lower your health care bills will likely be during retirement, which will affect the amount you need to put away for health care. And you also may need to prepare for the costs of longterm care, which can be enormous—in fact, a private room in a nursing home can easily cost $100,000 per year, according to the insurance company Genworth.

It can be challenging to weave all these elements into a single, unified vision, so you may want to get some help from a financial professional. But in any case, be prepared to look at your situation holistically—because when putting together a lifetime’s financial strategy, every part of your life matters.

Your purpose in life when you retire

When you retire, you may be stepping off a career path, but you’re also entering a world of possibilities. How will you define, and live out, your new sense of purpose at this stage of your life? Do you seek to SPINNINGS | NOVEMBER 2021

Your health

Written for use by local Edward Jones Financial Advisor Cat Griffin, Member SIPC.

day in the life of...


y name is Katie Baker. I have lived in Beaumont all of my life, other than my college glory days in Austin (hook ‘em!). I am a Registered Dietitian and currently work as the Child Nutrition Director for Lumberton ISD. I’ve been married to my husband, Clarke, since 2014 and we have two young children, Mary Grace (age 4) and our “pandemic prince” Jeb, born on March 25, 2020. We think Beaumont is a great place to raise a family. After living in two different houses as a married couple, Clarke and I purchased his childhood home during the summer of 2020, and I am convinced we are never moving again! My provisional year with JLB was 2012-2013. I’ve had a variety of placements over the years, including Done In A Day, Main Street Market, Communications Council Director, Membership Development, and I am now currently serving as PresidentElect. My day begins like most busy moms—trying to get myself and my kids ready to tackle the day and out the door. My husband plays a critical role in our morning routine— packing the backpacks, making coffee, and dropping the kids off at school. I check my work email before my kids wake up, and many times communicate with staff members before I make it into the office. A lunch lady’s day starts early, and we are often problem solving starting as early as 5:00 a.m. One thing I really enjoy about my job is that no two days are exactly alike. Most days, I am in my office from about 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., but this varies based on meetings, trainings at Region 5, and other various events going on in the district. I also love getting out into the kitchens where I can connect with my staff, offer a helping hand, and watch students


coming through the serving lines. One of my favorite aspects of my job is planning the breakfast and lunch menus for the five campuses of Lumberton ISD. My less favorite aspects are procurement, purchasing, and payroll. As you have likely seen on the news and in restaurants, the food industry supply chain is completely out of whack, and this has now trickled down to school food service. I am now spending quite a bit of my time I have a staff of about making last minute changes to our forty employees, and menus due to out let me tell you, school of stock food items focus on one and manufacturer district child nutrition and forget the shortages. Our other—when I’m employees are some true region is also starting at work I think to see manufacturer unsung heroes. about what’s going shortages on non on at home, and food items, such when I’m at home as disposable trays I think about what’s going on at work. and cutlery, and we are having to be My daughter has started participating in resourceful and creative. I have a staff a few extracurricular activities, which has of about forty employees, and let me been fun for our family. Family dinner tell you, school district child nutrition is also a top priority. I love to cook and employees are some true unsung heroes. we often eat dinner at home (which is Their jobs are very physically demanding also easier with young children), but we and fast paced, even more so this year rarely miss “Tecate Tuesday” at Elena’s. with increased participation due to most My husband and I divide and conquer public school districts opting in to offer when it comes to bathtime/bedtime, and meals to all students at no cost. Many of both kids are typically in bed by 8:00 us might take school meals for granted, p.m. Then it’s time for me to wind down, but unfortunately for many students, or “wine” down, depending on the day. I these may be the only hot meals they try not to spend too much time scrolling receive. I take pride in the work that my social media in the evenings, but rather, I staff and I do to offer nutritious meals to enjoy reading or playing with designs on students, all while hopefully bringing a Canva. smile to their faces.

After my work day ends, I enjoy spending time with my family. Although I don’t think you can ever completely 7



DECEMBER 2-4, DECEMBER 3-5,2021 2020

Letter from the Chair Dear Fellow League Members, Making memories. That is what comes to my mind when I think of the holidays. By building connections together, whether it is continuing traditions with family, attending holiday parties with friends, or volunteering in the community with fellow League members, we are able to make memories that will last for years to come. As we enter into our 18th Market season, I am in awe of the dedication put forth by past Main Street Market committees and volunteers. In the midst of planning and fundraising, there is a lot of excitement to be had; this is where those memories are made. During my time on this Committee, I have made new friends, reconnected with old friends, and found a love for volunteerism during the holiday season. The only thing better than seeing all of your planning come to fruition is watching your community come out and enjoy this annual event, while making memories of their own. We know the past year has thrown us many hardships, but in the face of a world-wide pandemic, I am glad to see how our members have risen to the challenge; and we will continue to rise while meeting the needs of our community, our families, and the future of Beaumont, as we have always done. It is during these hard times that people truly come together for the greater good; in these times, friendships and connections are formed and memories are made. On behalf of the Main Street Market Committee, we invite you and your families to join us at Market. Shop until you drop or pop in and lend a hand. We would love to have you either way! As Main Street Market continues to grow, please know that partnerships with our sponsors, local businesses, and community members are vital to the success of our annual Market and to the Junior League of Beaumont as a whole. All proceeds from the Market support the League’s continual work throughout the community through projects, community assistance funds, and scholarships. Our success is owed to our gracious sponsors, new and returning shoppers, vendors, and dedicated volunteers. Be on the lookout for upcoming events and announcements for Main Street Market. You can find information on sponsorship packages, tickets, event dates and times, and all things Main Street Market on our website, Facebook, and Instagram. We look forward to making memories with you at Market! Cheers, Katherine Williams Junior League of Beaumont



he holiday season is almost upon us and for many, that means shopping. The Junior League of Beaumont hosts the annual shopping extravaganza, Main Street Market, shortly after Thanksgiving each year to showcase amazing vendors—from local shops to those that have traveled hours to bring you their best. This year’s event will be from Thursday, December 2, 2021 to Saturday, December 4, 2021 at the Beaumont Civic Center. From sweets and treats, such as the cocoa bombs of Lolli B’s, to delicious soups and dips, there is something for every taste bud. Your eyes won’t be disappointed either! Tia’s and Shopaholic Sanctuary, new vendors this year, will be joining some of our favorites, such as Bellhop Boutique, to bring you the latest fashions. Small Town Vinyl will help bring the seasonal touch to your wardrobe. Not to forget the kids, Kracker Jack Kids will keep them cutely dressed and

Kaydee’s can provide the necessities for personalized organization that busy moms need when Christmas productions and recital time rolls around. If one-of-a-kind is what you are looking for, you can usually find April Fox knitting away scarves, hats, and other accessories right in front of you to keep you warm on those chilly winter days. Right next door to her is the Houston Candle Company, owned by Derek Young, who hand pours candles (ranging from fresh fragrances to warm, heady aromas) into unique vessels, such as vintage sugar molds, wooden bowls, as well as your traditional glass jars. To adorn your walls, you should check out The Pressed Posy for beautiful pressedflower art in one-of-a-kind designs. Keeping in touch with the ways in which this event helps support our community, we invite members of the community to not just shop with us, but also offer their talents to help entertain guests. For example, we love


listening to our local school choirs grace us with some of our favorite Christmas carols on Saturday. To help all members of our community feel welcome to shop with us, some changes to this year include a seating area rest stop to pause and enjoy the sights and sounds that help make this much more than just a regular trip to the mall. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Merry Market Money for sale at the Junior League of Beaumont’s booth by the stage, where you can get half-priced gift certificates in increments of $25 for $12.50, which can be used at the amazing vendors’ booths—but get them quickly, as there are limited quantities for each vendor! In addition to all of this fabulous shopping, there will also be pictures and breakfast with Santa. We welcome you to step inside our life-sized snow globe for a memorable photo-op!

JLBMSMEXHIBITOR@GMAIL.COM or visit www.juniorleaguebeaumont.org/msm for a vendor application!



ear Friend and Fellow Community Leader,

The Junior League of Beaumont is delighted to announce our 18th annual 2021 Main Street Market, December 2nd through 4th. Join us for a three-day, one-stop holiday shopping extravaganza, where over 4,500 guests come to enjoy live entertainment, raffles, activities for the whole family, and more. Our annual Main Street Market luncheon will be held on December 3rd at The Laurels. We are thrilled to host best-selling author and TEDx Talk presenter, Eliza VanCort, as this year’s speaker. Our vendors and guests from across the state are excited to join us for a joyful

holiday event. The success of Main Street Market plays a vital role in furthering the Junior League of Beaumont’s work within the community. Each year, Main Street Market allows the League to provide monetary support to local nonprofits through our grant program. The funds raised help generate the financial maintenance necessary to continue our mission of promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving our community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Enclosed is a list of our 2021 sponsorship opportunities. All sponsors will be recognized on signage throughout the Market, on our social

media accounts and websites, and in our monthly Spinnings Magazine. We are grateful for the generous support of local businesses, community leaders, and organizations from years past. It is through these partnerships that we, the Junior League of Beaumont, are able to address unmet needs within our community and create sustainable programming for significant impact and growth in our area. Sincerely, Katherine Williams Main Street Market Chair Casie Harris

Main Street Market Co-Chair

PLATINUM: $5,000 • • • • • • • • •

20 Main Street Market Admission Tickets (Individual Ticket value $10) 1 Table of 10 for Luncheon (Individual Table value $1,500) 4 Designer Purse Raffle Tickets (Each Ticket includes 10 entries, totaling 40 entries. Individual ticket value $25) $200 in Merry Market Money Recognition in JLB Spinnings Magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website, and Facebook page Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market Acknowledgement in promotional media appearances Recognition during Luncheon Recognition on all printed and digital signage, if submitted by Friday, November 12, 2021

GOLD: $2,500 • • • • • •

8 Main Street Market Admission Tickets (Individual Ticket value $10) 4 Luncheon Tickets (Individual Ticket value $150) $50 in Merry Market Money (1 voucher = $10 of Merry Market Money) 2 Designer Purse Raffle Tickets (Each Ticket includes 10 entries, totaling 20 entries. Individual Ticket value $25) Recognition in JLB Spinnings Magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website, and Facebook page Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market

SILVER: $1,500 • • • •

5 Main Street Market Admission Tickets (Individual Ticket value $10) 2 Luncheon Tickets (Individual Ticket value $150) Recognition in JLB Spinnings Magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website, and Facebook page Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market

BRONZE: $500 • 3 Main Street Market Admission Tickets (Individual Ticket value $10) • Recognition in JLB Spinnings Magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website, and Facebook page • Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market

FRIENDS OF JLB: $250 • Recognition in JLB Spinnings Magazine (Valued up to $300 per advertisement per monthly print), on JLB/MSM website, and Facebook page • Inclusion on signage throughout Main Street Market

For inquiries, please contact Katherine Williams, Main Street Market Chair, at (409) 893-7546, or Casie Harris, Main Street Market Co-Chair, at (409) 504-4503, or by email at msm@juniorleaguebeaumont.org 10


GUEST SPEAKER Empowerment Speaker | Best-selling Author Professor | Emotional Intelligence Expert communication was originally commissioned by MIT’s Office of Minority Education.



liza is the author of the #1 bestseller A WOMAN’S GUIDE TO CLAIMING SPACE: Stand Tall. Raise Your Voice. Be Heard, which was published by Berrett Koehler in May 2021. A student of the arts and political science, Eliza is a Cook House Fellow at Cornell University, a member of Govern For America’s League of Innovators, and a Diversity Crew partner. Creator of highly regarded talks and workshops, she educates about universal/women’s empowerment and DEI. Eliza’s talk on anti-racist

Eliza gives back to her community with extensive volunteer work and by offering New York Cityquality acting training locally. The acting studio she founded twenty years ago, The Actor’s Workshop of Ithaca (AWI), offers Central New York’s preeminent Meisner Technique training. AWI has a special focus on communication, emotional intelligence, and personal empowerment through arts education. Eliza has led a life that any Hollywood studio would immediately dismiss as being toohard-to-believe. This incredible journey inspired Eliza to dedicate her life to helping people of all races, genders, and backgrounds

empower themselves to claim space. She has joined the chorus of women fiercely proclaiming #MeToo. In 2018, Eliza gave a TEDx talk on Women, Power, and Revolutionizing Speech, in which she shared her harrowing, yet uplifting, personal story while offering actionable, transformative tools for meaningful personal and social change. Eliza is the parent of four incredible humans, a classically trained singer, unrepentant sci-fi and musical theater nerd, and still hopes one day she’ll move things with The Force. She never turns down dark chocolate.

MARKET INFORMATION! General Admission is $10 a ticket and tickets are good for all 3 days of market. Designer Purse Raffle The Saint Laurent Lou Lou Medium in Matelasse "Y" leather, valued at $2,350 The Louis Vuitton Graceful MM, valued at $1,560 Wine/Whiskey Pull $10 wine ticket $20 whiskey ticket Luncheon Info: The Laurels. Friday, Dec. 3rd, 11am-2pm. Lunch by Bandos.


Thursday: • Ladies’ night: 4-9pm; for every $25 you spend at Market, you’ll be entered to win the finest jewelry donated by your favorite local jewelry stores • Wine/beer tastings • JLB General Meeting


• Luncheon at The Laurels with keynote speaker, Eliza VanCort, from 11am-2pm • Wine/beer tastings


• Breakfast with Santa (9am-12pm) • Photos with Santa (time slots available for purchase soon) • Dance studio performances • School choir performances • Designer purse raffle drawing

B runchin’ in Beaumont By: Kara Timberlake

Ahh, brunch—the delicious sign you've made it to the weekend. No matter your appetite—savory or sweet or maybe #justhereforthemimosas—SETX has you covered (and probably smothered in gravy). Wear your loosest pants and grab a friend or two because this area does brunch right.

Lacuna Tequila Bar 4210 Calder Avenue, Suite A Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The only tequila cocktail bar in SETX boasts a delicious brunch menu with cocktails and noms to start your morning off right. Boasting a delicious brunch menu with items like the Concha French Toast and an array of beverages including mimosa towers, Lacuna is a poppin’ place. Try the Tres Leches Belgium Waffle—these fresh-made pink (yes, pink) Belgian waffles are topped with tequila-spiked house-made whipped cream. For the savory munchers, try the Breakfast Torta or Chilaquiles. Mimosa flavors include strawberry, peach, mango, piña colada, and guava. Other cocktails include Jalisco Mule, Bloody Maria, Spicy Margarita, and Milk Punch.

Bruno’s Grill

6025 Phelan Boulevard, Suite C Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Bruno’s Grill, a family-owned local restaurant, consists of a variety of American and international fare with brunch offerings Friday through Sunday. Enjoy one of the classics, such as the Quiche Lorraine, homemade biscuits, or traditional French toast with fresh strawberries and warmed maple syrup. Grab a house mimosa by the glass or by the carafe and plan to stay a while.

J. Wilson’s

4190 Gladys Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. This beloved local neighborhood hangout does brunch right. With shareables such as House Fried Pickles or Man Candy—slow smoked pork belly tossed in habanero jelly—J. Wilson’s also offers a variety of brunch items that will have you wishing you could order them all. Select the Shrimp & Grits, Pecan Waffle, or Brunch Bird Biscuit—Southern deep-fried boneless chicken served in two house-made biscuits with jalapeño honey butter and a fried egg. Either way, you can’t go wrong.

Amelia Farm & Market 8600 Dishman Road Beaumont, Texas 77713 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Amelia Farm & Market is back with brunch and they’re bringing out the big guns with their fluffy pancakes, carnitas breakfast burrito, and breakfast bowl. All of Amelia’s meats are pasture-raised, with their pigs and cattle allowed to graze on the nearby grasses and pecans. Feel the sun on your face while simultaneously stuffing your face.

The Logon Cafe & Pub 3805 Calder Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Known for their live music, karaoke, trivia, and brunch, The Logon’s madefrom-scratch menu dazzles the taste buds. A top favorite is the Big Booty Biscuits & Skillet Sausage Gravy—a big booty biscuit topped with home-made skillet sausage gravy. Another favorite is the Chili Cheese Omelet—homemade black bean brisket chili wrapped up in eggs, topped with cheese, and served with sour cream and onions.

Pour09 Bar & Rooftop

6165 Muela Creek Dr., Suite A Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Luke’s Bar and Grill

2325 Calder Avenue Beaumont, Texas 77702 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. With indoor and outdoor seating, Luke’s is a great place to bring the family or hang with your best pals. $10 brunch entrées include the French Toastie (scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiched between hand-battered Texas French Toast, with a side of potato hash) and the Big Ol’ Burrito (a 12” flour burrito layered with scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage, and shredded cheese over a bed of black beans, smothered with house queso, and topped with sour cream). Wash it all down with a mimosa or Bloody Mary, or go for a mimosa bucket for $14.

JW’s Patio 6420 Phelan Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Weekends are for escaping from the reality of life and transplanting yourself to that island feeling. With tasty brunch fare and refreshing spirits offered every weekend as well as acoustic tunes on the patio, JW’s Patio is the place to be for brunch. Try a different rendition of French Toast with the Kahlua French Toast—classic French Toast spiked with Kahlua and served with maple syrup and whipped cream. Or go with the Fried Chicken Benedict—crispy fried chicken breast, andouille sausage biscuit gravy, egg, and a toasted English muffin.

Madison’s On Dowlen 4020 Dowlen Road Beaumont, Texas 77706 Brunch: Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. When you venture to Madison’s for brunch, you’d better bring your appetite. The varied brunch menu includes items such as Fruity Pebble Waffles, Hangover Fries (fried egg, chorizo, and queso served over fries and rosemary potatoes), and the Smoked Salmon Bagel (smoked salmon, mascarpone, thinly sliced purple onion, lemon, and capers, and served with seasonal fruit). Did someone say mimosa tower? Ninety ounces of mimosas await you. Sit on the pet-friendly patio and listen to live music while chowing down.

Just when you thought Pour09 couldn’t get better, they started serving brunch. While enjoying the luxury of their rooftop, sip from their mimosa bar with multiple flavors of mimosas and sangrias available by glass, carafe, pitcher, and 100 oz. tap. A variety of brunch dishes are available, from breakfast tacos and sandwiches to avocado toast and breakfast pizzas.



Dancing with the Stars 2022

We are so excited for Dancing with the Stars 2022 and had the pleasure of announcing our Stars at the Star Reveal on October 7, 2021! ur 2022 Stars are: Chelsea Brandimarte & Will O Leonard, Ava Graves & Aaron Drawhorn, Jessica Hill & John Nickum, Latesha Hunter & Marc

McDonald, Allie Kelley & Dr. Peter Hoang, Tiffany Neale & Bryan Gaspard, Kelly Roebuck & Ethan Welch, and Stephanie Vanskike & Nicholas Phillips. Save the date for March 4, 2022. We expect this event to sell out, so purchase your tables soon! You won’t want to miss out on the fun! Check out the link to purchase tables or vote for your favorite Star couples! https://one.bidpal.net/dwtstx2022/welcome Please let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you all there!

Our 2022 Stars! - Chelsea Brandimarte - Aaron Drawhorn - Bryan Gaspard - Ava Graves - Jessica Hill - Dr. Peter Hoang - Latesha Hunter - Allie Kelley

- Will Leonard - Marc McDonald - Tiffany Neale - John Nickum - Nicholas Phillips - Kelly Roebuck - Stephanie Vanskike - Ethan Welch

Harvest House Wins $25,000 in National State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant Contest


outheast Texas voted and it was enough for a local nonprofit to win big! Harvest House, a nonprofit on a mission to end child sex trafficking, was one of forty nonprofits selected to win $25,000 to further its mission.

State Farm Insurance Company asked nonprofits nationwide to participate in the company’s Neighborhood Assist program. Twothousand nonprofits and foundations signed up, hoping to win the prize money, but only forty winners were selected. It was up to the public to vote in order to determine which nonprofits and foundations would be awarded the money. According to Brittnee Barnes, Beaumont State Farm Agent and longtime supporter of Harvest House: “Harvest House is a very special organization that serves as a lifeline for survivors of child sex trafficking in greater SETX. We owe it to our children and community to support their vision and stand behind every effort.” The Harvest House project that has received funding is to renovate their future Child-Trafficking-Survivor Home. “I am thrilled at the opportunity that we have as a community to come together to make a tangible and lasting difference in our continued fight against child sex trafficking,” says Janina Irving, Harvest House Executive Director.

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Family recipe from Karley Zummo

It’s nice to come home after a long day and put together a onepot-wonder meal for the family that is both quick and filling.


f there is one thing about the fall and winter season that everyone can agree on, it’s the fact that this is quite possibly everyone’s busiest time of the year! School and work schedules, football games, extracurriculars, and holiday festivities keep us all on-the-go. It’s nice to come home after a long day and put together a one-pot-wonder meal for the family that is both quick and filling. A total time-saving dish, this creamy chicken tortilla soup recipe is one that won’t take up too much of your time and will satisfy your whole family.

Ingredients: For the soup: • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil • 1 cup diced yellow onion • 2 cloves minced garlic • ½ cup corn flour • 3 cups chicken stock • 1 rotisserie chicken (deboned, shredded) • 10 oz. can red enchilada sauce • 1 can black beans (rinsed, drained) • 1 can diced tomatoes • 4 oz. can chopped green chiles • ½ tsp. ground cumin • Salt & pepper to taste • 8 oz. sharp cheddar cheese (shredded) To top the soup: • Pico de gallo • Avocado • Cheddar cheese • Sour cream • Tortilla strips • Cilantro • Limes

Instructions: In a large pot, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Sauté the onions and garlic until tender, then add in the corn flour until consistent. Pour in half of the chicken stock and stir until consistent, then add in the remaining chicken stock and stir consistently. Add in the shredded chicken, enchilada sauce, black beans, diced tomatoes, green chiles, cumin, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a simmer and slowly add in the cheddar cheese. Stir until the soup thickens and is mixed thoroughly. Serve topped with your choice of pico de gallo, avocado, cheese, sour cream, tortilla strips, cilantro, and a squeeze of fresh lime. ENJOY!



day in the life of...



t has been a privilege to live and work in the Beaumont area for the past forty years. I was born in Owensboro, Kentucky and spent much of my childhood in Atlanta, Georgia before moving to Dallas, Texas for high school. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1982 and subsequently moved to Southeast Texas, where I began my career as a young nurse. I worked at Christus St. Elizabeth and St. Mary Hospitals, Baptist Hospital, and BISD as a school nurse. I later matriculated at the University of Texas Medical Branch and graduated as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2001. I currently serve my patients at Beaumont Internal Medicine and Geriatric Associates. I joined the Junior League of Beaumont in 1988 and worked in many placements over the years. I was honored to be chosen Active of the Year during my final year. I have remained a sustainer for the past twenty years and enjoyed participating in the fundraisers and watching the placements evolve and positively impact our community.



I t has been a privilege to live and work in the Beaumont area for the past forty years.

Being a nurse practitioner has allowed me the opportunity to serve and help many patients in Southeast Texas. Every day, I wake up early to enjoy some quiet time with a cup of coffee and often chat with my children on the phone. I arrive to work at 7:00 a.m. and read labs, manage refills, and return calls before my first patient appointment. I see clinic patients from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily. Over the last twenty years, I have enjoyed working with many wonderful medical professionals. Most of all, I have treasured the opportunity to care for the patients in our community. My husband, Charles Daleo, owns Daleo Compounding Pharmacy. We recently spent many evenings working to make hand sanitizer and

other needed supplies during the pandemic. At home we enjoy biking, reading, ballroom dancing, and our dog Gizmo. We dedicate most of our weekends to my parents and our adult children and their families (Megan and Matt Freeman of San Antonio, Jeremy and Adrienne Horn of Victoria, Jonathan Horn of League City, Grady Horn of Austin, and Hannah and Holden Carr of Sour Lake). We love spending time with our seven (soon to be eight) grandchildren (Charlie, Sam, Nate, and Ben Freeman, Daniel Horn, Gracelyn, Madelyn, and soon Fischer Carr). We also participate in our church family at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church, where I serve as a Eucharistic Minister.


ransitioning Youth kicked off its first event with a bang. Lamar University, Girls’ Haven, and the Transitioning Youth Committee came together to eat, get to know one another, and get more information on furthering their education in college. Future Transitioning Youth meetings will be scheduled on the third Thursday of each month, except for the March meeting. All meetings will be held at the League House beginning at 6:00 p.m. See below for a list of upcoming meeting dates. • • • • • • •

November 18, 2021 December 16, 2021 January 20, 2022 February 17, 2022 March 24, 2022 April 21, 2022 May 19, 2022


Healthy Behaviors

Volunteers at Some Other Place


en volunteers from Junior League visited Some Other Place on September 26, 2021. The group made lunches for folks in need. Some Other Place was founded in 1968 by the local religious community to meet unfulfilled emergency needs of the poor. “Volunteering at Some Other Place was important to me because it gave me an opportunity to show my daughter that helping others can be fun and it’s good to receive—but it’s better to give to those that are in need,” Danielle Spencer says. Some Other Place is always looking for volunteers. Ms. Spencer asked that Junior League members consider giving back to this worthy nonprofit. “The highlight of the day was to see the smiles of those receiving the sack lunches! And the joy on the faces of those who volunteered to help as they passed out the lunches,” Ms. Spencer says.


It is with regret that the League sends its sympathies to the following JLB members and their families: • To sustainer Kay Timaeus on the loss of her father, Harry Williams. • To sustainer Melissa Cornwall on the loss of her mother. • To the family of sustainer Carolyn Benton Henderson, who passed away. • To Emily Trevino on the loss of her grandmother, Neva Barlow.

Annual Fund Donations Collected Spring 2021 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Melissa Byrd Brooke Morrow Barbara Broussard Lauren Cavett Karen Collins Rebekah Cooper Judy Dishman Rebecca Holland Allison Hughes Carole Jones Paula Lovoi Mary Matthews Cindy Partin Hillary Shanning

• • • • • •

Diane Shaver Denise Smith Christine Stetson Mary Sue Stout-Carrington Betty Wells Kristie Young

Donors for Community Projects: • Becky Mason • Nancy McGrade • Jennifer Shaw • Stephanie Vanskike


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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Homeschool Workshops!


eaumont Children’s Museum (BCM) Homeschool Workshops are back in full swing. According to BCM’s website, the program focuses on S.T.E.A.M.: science, technology, engineering, art, and math curriculum. “Volunteers will help BCM staff while the staff present, and then they will help kids with a hands-on activity,” Kristen Ritter, Beaumont Children’s Museum liaison, explains. The workshops are tailored for kindergarten through second grade and third grade through fifth grade. The goal is to foster children’s curiosity and discovery. “The workshops are a way that members of the SETX community can supplement their homeschool S.T.E.A.M. curriculum,” Ms. Ritter says. Workshops include: Maritime for Kids, Art with Ines, Waterworks, and more. Workshops run on Wednesdays, start at 1:00 p.m., and end around 2:00 p.m.

Rotary CLUB O

ur wonderful President, Brenna Rodriguez, was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Beaumont, Texas on October 6, 2021! She was able to talk about the 75 years of the Junior League of Beaumont, including our past and what we are currently doing in our community. Go Brenna! She also had some great cheerleaders in the audience— actives and sustainers, including past presidents!



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NEIGHBORHOOD m e e t i n g s E

veryone had a blast at the Neighborhood Meetings, which took place on October 5, 2021. Thank you to all of our Sustainer Hosts for graciously welcoming us into their homes for the evening—Ronda Harkey, Anya Parsons, Darla Smith, Debbie Bando, Caralee Thompson, and Christina Crawford!



the O.N.E. By: Kate Broussard Thorne


he Junior League of Beaumont has a long history of volunteer work and partnerships with fellow non-profit organizations across Beaumont and Southeast Texas. I am proud to introduce our newest community project, Our Nonprofits Elevated (the O.N.E.). This project was proposed by the Project Research and Development Committee in 2019 and approved by the JLB membership in 2020. After being researched this past year, it is finally time to share the O.N.E. with our community. This project will allow the League to select a non-profit organization to partner with from August to May each year. After an organization is selected, the JLB will work alongside the local non-profit and will provide the following program offerings:

• Budgeted grant funding (minimum of $5,000) • Special presentations and professional networking with

JLB Members and Friends of the League, as well as access to JLB resources and volunteers • Monthly access to JLB League Headquarters for meeting space • Opportunity to speak at JLB General Meeting • Invitation to Get on Board Training by the SETX Nonprofit Development Center and the JLB, with potential for JLB Board Liaison • Paid year of membership to Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center • Paid tuition for up to two staff, board members, or officers to the Southeast Texas Nonprofit Development Center’s Texas Nonprofit Summit • Feature in one publication of the JLB magazine Spinnings, with recurring coverage of partnership • Booth at JLB’s Main Street Market • Exposure during JLB’s Dancing with the Stars of Southeast Texas • Future JLB volunteer support through JLB Service Squad

Community Assistance Fund (CAF) A primary goal of the Junior League of Beaumont is to enrich the quality of life in Beaumont and surrounding communities by targeting and resolving critical needs in our community. The purpose of the Community Assistance Fund (CAF) is to respond to the short-term needs of non-profit agencies headquartered in Beaumont, Texas. Last year, we granted over $50,000 to eligible organizations. This year, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Junior League of Beaumont, we will be granting $75,000 total through the Community Assistance Fund Fall and Spring application process. The deadline to be considered for the Fall awards was October 1, 2021. We received: • 43 CAF applications—twice the normal amount received each grant session • $207,477 in total requests • 26 new organizations who have not applied in the past 12 months • 11 different SETX communities represented in these applications • 17 organizations from outer SETX communities The deadline to be considered for our Spring awards is February 4, 2022. For more information, please contact Amanda Yarbrough at (512) 965-1001 or CAF@juniorleaguebeaumont.org.

The O.N.E.’s goal is to empower our partnering non-profit by providing any tools the JLB can to help take their passion to the next level. More information regarding the O.N.E., as well as the application, can be found online at www. JuniorLeagueBeaumont.org under the Community Projects tab.

The O.N.E. application must be completed and postmarked by January 15, 2022 to be considered. Please take the time to share this project with non-profit organizations that are close to your heart and encourage them to apply. All applicants that are not selected for the O.N.E. will automatically be considered for the Spring CAF Award. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact me by phone at (409) 658-0946 or by email at theONE@juniorleaguebeaumont.org.

Pictured: The stack of applications for Fall awards; the CAF Grant In-League Meeting, held on October 6, 2021 at Headquarters. 25



Finance Pro Tips:

• Max out employer matches on

retirement accounts—it's free money! Even if you don't max your retirement deductions to IRS limits, you should always max out any employer matching that's available. If you don't, you're leaving money on the table.

• Start investing, and early. Time in the market beats timing the market, so if you haven't already begun investing, then now is the best time to!

• Pay yourself first. Set a recurring

transfer to your savings account or split your paycheck into checking or savings. This way the money is out of sight, out of mind.

• Have a mix of pre- and post-tax

retirement accounts. Depending on your current financial situation, your finances at retirement, and tax law changes throughout the years, you may be in a higher or lower tax bracket at retirement than you are now. Having a mix of retirement account setups helps to ensure that you're diversified from a tax standpoint so that you have withdrawal and funding options when the time comes. Give yourself options!



• When comparing jobs, look at the whole compensation package. Just because one has a higher salary doesn't mean it's the better financial fit. Benefit packages raise the value of a base salary, so things like insurance copays, retirement contributions, HSA availability, etc. should all be factored in. Consider all the options offered to you when comparing!

• Market dips mean stocks are on

sale. Don't get scared by the swings in the market, especially if you have a long investment horizon, and especially if you're diversified.

• Diversify! Use a personalized

strategy built off of your risk tolerance, goals, and time frame.

• Personal finance is personal. Make the best choice for you.

If you have questions, ask your professional! They’re there for you!

Investing mistakes to avoid: • Waiting. We don’t get time back. Time is on your side, sister!

• Investing with emotions. You’re

far less likely to overreact to extreme market conditions when you work

with a financial advisor that has a strategy personalized to your risk tolerance, time frame, and goals.

• Impatience. Stay the course, babe! • Investing in something you don’t understand because a random person told you to. Not every investment is a good fit for you personally.

• Not knowing your risk

tolerance. Knowing how you’ll react to market highs and lows is one of the most important ways to pick suitable investments.

• Starting but not following

through with contributions. Consistency is key!

Apple Crunch

Family recipe from Karley Zummo


t’s finally here. COZY SEASON! By this time of the year, you’re probably spending more and more time cozied up next to a fire and craving a warm and wintery sweet snack. As we approach the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, it’s not uncommon to find yourself in need of a crowd pleasing dessert for your holiday gatherings or just a general sweet tooth fix. This apple crunch recipe is a delicious combination of the softest cinnamon apples and a surprising crunch in each bite. It’s perfect for any holiday event or even just dessert for two at home by the fire. Ingredients For the apple mixture: 5 large Granny Smith or Honey Crisp apples (peeled, cored, thinly sliced) ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg ¼ cup brown sugar 1½ tbsp. corn starch For the crunch mixture: ½ cup all purpose flour ½ cup brown sugar ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg 1 pinch of salt ¼ cup butter (softened, not melted)

Instructions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly butter a medium-to-large round or square baking pan. In a large bowl, add the apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, and cornstarch. Gently toss to combine until all of the apple slices are evenly coated. In a smaller bowl, whisk together the flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Add the softened butter and mix to form large crumbs. In the buttered baking pan, add the apple mixture first, then evenly top with the crunch mixture. If the pan looks too full, don’t worry. As the apples bake, the mixture will drop. Bake for 45 to 60 minutes, until the apples are soft and the cinnamon mixture is bubbly. Let it cool for approximately 15 minutes, then serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of caramel sauce. ENJOY!



What are you looking forward to this year in the League? I am most looking forward to working on making the League a place where all types of members feel welcome and where all members feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. What is one thing you cannot live without? Coffee. What did you aspire to be as a child? A figure skater, a concert pianist, and United States President (all at once).



What is your dream vacation? I would travel the world permanently. I would rent an apartment in the French countryside, then in the Swiss Alps, then in Manhattan, then in Banff, then at Lake Louise, then in Tulum, then in Singapore . . . the list goes on. What is your favorite dessert? Ice cream and donuts (not at the same time).

Hometown: Beaumont, Texas Education: I’ve been in school all over. I attended All Saints and West Brook in Beaumont, Rice University in Houston, Institut Catholique de Paris, and Tulane University Law School in New Orleans. I also started my Master’s in Education while teaching in California, before ultimately deciding teaching was not for me. I have never been very good at sitting still. Family: I have four siblings, my saint of a husband, Zach DeLuna, and a very large extended family.

If you could sit down with anyone, fictional or historical, who would it be, and why? Buster Bluth of Arrested Development (so I can get down to the bottom of the loose seal matter), Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (so we can discuss how to keep women’s rights moving forward and not backward), and my dad (because he is the best!).


Shannon Copeland Figueroa

Pets: None. Occupation: Attorney at Germer PLLC. Hobbies: I have so many, but at the top of the list are reading, tracking Bachelor Nation, wine, champagne sabers, jigsaw puzzles, brunch, reality television, and Peloton.

Hometown: Nederland, Texas (I currently live in Port Arthur, Texas)

Favorite thing about SETX: Practicing law with the people in the Jefferson County Bar Association.

Education: Nederland High School Class of 1998, Lamar University – B.A. in Psychology in 2002, B.B.A. in General Business in 2003, M.B.A. in 2007.

What are you currently watching/reading/listening to? Currently reading: The books that inspired Netflix’s Bridgerton.

Family: My husband, Arturo, and I have an adorable two-year-old little boy named Nicolás Michael.

Currently watching: Bachelor in Paradise.

Pets: I don’t have any pets of my own, but my sister with paws, a chihuahua named Mystique, visits us on the weekends.

Currently listening to: Every sound clip in any TikTok ever.

Occupation: I am currently the Director of Alumni Affairs and Advancement Services at Lamar University. I’ve worked at LU since 2004! I am also the advisor to the Lamar University Student Ambassadors. 28


Hobbies: I love spending time with my family and playing with my little boy, volunteering, traveling, and reading. Favorite thing about SETX: My absolute favorite part of SETX is the people. The people of SETX are resilient; they step up to help each other in times of need and have pride in their communities. Favorite book or movie: My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My favorite movie is Sweet Home Alabama, because who doesn’t love a cute chick flick? What other volunteer or community organizations are you involved in and why? I am currently the sustaining advisor for the Service Squad in JLB and the chair of the Leadership Beaumont Alumni Steering Committee. I volunteer at my church, First Baptist Church of Nederland, teaching children’s church once a month. I am also the secretary of the Beaumont Alumnae Panhellenic Association, and a member of the Beaumont Alumnae Association of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. When I can, I enjoy volunteering at Some Other Place, Southeast Texas Food Bank, Beaumont Children’s Museum, American Cancer Society, Nutrition and Services for Seniors, and the Humane Society of Southeast Texas. I love to give back to the community where I can, I hate cancer, and I enjoy working with Leadership Beaumont to provide professional development events and networking events to local leaders and young professionals. What is your favorite League memory? I have so many—it is hard to just pick one! My favorite placement was definitely being Chair of Done in A Day, getting to volunteer at many places throughout the community. I loved every mini meeting I have ever attended—those were so much fun and I learned a lot. I loved getting to be a part of helping to start the Beaumont Children’s Museum by being among the first to volunteer with Stuffee, the museum’s first traveling exhibit. And my provisional year, we had a blast driving around in the dark putting smiley face yard signs in some of our League members’ yards to let them know their efforts in the Beaumont community were appreciated.

PROVISIONAL update By: Nga Tea Do


e are currently at forty provisionals, and they have chosen to help Girls’ Haven renovate their patio, which was destroyed, for their Provisional Project. Kaylee Henry will spearhead the project. Other project ideas were proposed before the provisionals ultimately voted on Girls’ Haven. Because there were so many other great ideas, the provisionals will continue discussing how to help with the other projects that weren’t chosen—although the main focus will be the Girls’ Haven project. At the last Provisional Meeting, active Mandy Street spoke about her role as Corresponding Secretary, what made her join JLB, and what JLB meant to her. Active Courtney White went over volunteer opportunities. Active Casie Harris spoke about Main Street Market. The next Provisional Meeting is SUPER SATURDAY on November 6, 2021. The provisionals are all so pumped about Main Street Market, and will have a provisional booth. They are currently brainstorming about what to do with their booth. In the meantime, they have all been out in the community helping various organizations.




Who has influenced your life the most? I would have to say my mom and my sister, Mandy. They are always my biggest cheerleaders, always there for me, and will do anything to help me reach my goals. What are you passionate about? I really enjoy doing my part at Lamar University, which helps students get closer to living their dreams and reaching their full potential. What is your idea of de-stressing? I enjoy spending time with my son watching him play (his smile is infectious and his little laugh melts my heart), exercising (particularly watching something on Netflix while I walk on my treadmill to distract me from the time), listening to music, or relaxing on a beach somewhere. If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you want to be and why? Definitely an inside dog because they live the good life. Their human companions are always happy to see them, they help their families improve their quality of life, and they do whatever they want all day in the air conditioning.




Photo captions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Elyse Broussard, Porsche Perez, Susan Ramour, and Ariana Bates volunteering with actives at Some Other Place to package lunches. Tyy Tran volunteering and having her daughter participate at the Mexican Heritage Annual Fiesta. Christy Brown volunteering to collect donations for victims of Hurricane Nicholas. Shelby Strickland dropping off donations at Cat Griffin’s office for Healthy Behaviors to donate to the SETX Food Bank. Rene Ford and Kristen Tate distributing food boxes during the SETX Food Bank Distribution Day. Alix Landry and Stephanie Cassels bonding at our first General Meeting.





upcoming events Board Meeting Monday, November 1 at 6pm Finance Council Meeting Tuesday, November 2 at 5:30pm Community Council Meeting Tuesday, November 9 at 5:30pm



Membership Council Meeting Tuesday, November 9 at 5:30pm General Meeting Tuesday, November 9 at 6pm Provisional Meeting Tuesday, November 30 at 6pm General Meeting at Main Street Market Thursday, December 2 at 6pm Finance Council Meeting Tuesday, December 7 at 5:30pm Board Meeting Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 6pm



Finance Council Meeting Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 5:30pm Provisional Meeting Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 6pm

volunteer opportunities & save the date Book Club - Week 3 Monday, November 1 at 6pm JLB Tennis Lessons Wednesday, November 3 at 11:30am BCM Homeschool Workshop 5 Wednesday, November 3 at 12:30pm Dia De Los Muertos Shifts 1-3 Saturday, November 6 starting at 8am Provisional Super Saturday Saturday, November 6 at 8am Beaumont Mayor Robin Mouton will give the JLB a Proclamation from the City in honor of our 75th Anniversary and the JLB Active Day Tuesday, November 9 at 1:30 p.m. at Beaumont City Hall—wear the color red. BCM Homeschool Workshop 6 Wednesday, November 10 at 12:30pm Fall Active Day Saturday, November 13 at 8am BCM Homeschool Workshop 7 Wednesday, November 17 at 12:30pm Transitioning Youth Event Thursday, November 18 at 6pm Transitioning Youth Event Thursday, December 16 at 6pm



advertisers INDEX Bill Clark...........................................................25 Christus of Southeast Texas.......................02 City of Beaumont...........................................19 Coburn’s Kitchen & Bath Showroom.........23 Gift of Life........................................................03 JLA Realty.......................................................32 Reaud Guest House......................................15 St. Anne’s........................................................20



advertise WITH US If you are interested in advertising in any upcoming JLB magazines, please contact Resource Development at 409.832.0873 or JLB@ juniorleaguebeaumont.org!

out about From Allie Shay Kelley: This Giving Box couldn’t “bee” more perfect for me! I’ve been enjoying my dessert and drinking it too! Thank you, Courtney White! Just dropped off my Box to a fellow JLB member whom I hope to get to know better this year! #WhyIJLB #newfriendships

JLB members volunteering at Fiesta 53. JLB members volunteering at Harvest House.

Melissa Gann Cornwell in Nashville filming Country Music Wives, Lives, and Loves. Spinnings’ October 2021 spotlighted active, Aily Powell, discussing flu season with 12NewsNow.

birthdays 3................. Kelley Kays 4................. Julie Barclay ................... Mandy Mazzola 5................. Linda Robinson 6................. Tea Do 7................. Debbie Bishop ................... Julia Matheny 8................. Morgan Birdwell 10............... Margaret Benckenstein ................... Connie Berry 11............... Torie Fournier 12............... Patricia Bullard 15............... Janci Kimball ................... Anne Winslow 16............... Melody Parsons 18............... Cindy Busch 19............... Ashley Willis Brands 21............... Cornelia Heartfield 22............... Allie Kelley 23............... Nicole MacCallum 24............... Diana Dixon ................... Susan Reese 25............... Gina Crenshaw ................... Dale Laughlin 26............... Krista Hunter ................... Z Reid 27............... Jeannine Faires 28............... Kennetha Alvarez 29............... Heather Shoemaker


Congratulations to the following JLB members: • Sustainer Barbara Barron – Named Lawyer of the Year and Best Lawyer in America, 2022 Edition

Congratulations to Valerie Lewis, Amber Hawk, Ashlee Ross Garrett, and Jennifer Carona Phelan, who were honored at the 40 Under 40 Media Day on October 8, 2021. The Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce will hold the 2021 Southeast Texas 40 Under 40 Celebration on November 11, 2021 at the MCM Elegante, where the JLB members will be honored for their academic achievements, professional success, and community involvement.

• Sustainers Sandra Clark and Michele Smith – Named Best Lawyers in America, 2022 Edition • Actives Sara Norman and Kate Broussard Thorne – Named 2022 Lawyers to Watch

Congratulations to sustainer Christine Stetson for being selected as the new U.S. Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District of Texas! We are so proud of her. Judge Stetson is a great lawyer and we are certain she will serve as Magistrate Judge with honor and distinction.

Congratulations to active Margaret Victores and her husband, Andrew, on the birth of their child, Roman Alexander Victores.

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