Early Childhood Courses flyer

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Early Childhood Development Courses

at Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project

Earn your Child Development Associate (CDA) while working toward a college degree! Community Action Planning Council and Jefferson Community College are partnering to bring JCC Early Childhood Development Courses to YOU, right here at CAPC! Course 1: Introduction to Early Development and Learning (ECD 101) Description: This course is an introduction to early and primary education. It provides an overview of the profession and related careers. Developmentally effective approaches are explored through a variety of educational settings. Topics include child development, learning theories, educational philosophy, parent involvement and diversity. Field observations are utilized. Class meets: Tuesdays from 6:00-9:00pm, August 27 - December 3 Course 2: Child Health and Safety (ECD181) Description: This course will examine how to promote wellness, nutrition and safety for the young child. Regulatory, licensing and the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC’s) Accreditation standards will be examined for the various roles governing the well being of the whole child. Students will study child abuse and neglect indicators and reporting requirements for mandated reporters. An understanding of how the laws and processes for obtaining evaluation and treatment for young children with special needs will be examined. Students will learn about effective techniques and community resources when working with and supporting young children and their families. Class meets: Thursdays from 6:00-9:00pm, August 29 - December 5 Course 3: Lesson Planning, Environments and Resources (EDC 202) Description: This course will examine methods, materials, environments and resources used in developmentally appropriate planning for infants and toddlers (birth through 36 months). Students will implement a comprehensive developmentally-appropriate curriculum. This curriculum will include goals and objectives for children’s learning in all areas of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language. Students will learn how to effectively partner with families, emphasizing their appreciation of culture and individual differences. Class meets: Jan 2014, Dates/Times TBD Course 4: Fieldwork in Early Childhood Education (ECD 280) Description: This course is designed to give the students experience in implementing developmentally appropriate practice in an early care and learning environment. It can be completed within the participant’s program or workplace. Participants will receive support and guidance from the instructor both in class and in program or workplace. Class meets: Jan 2014, Dates/Times TBD

For more information Contact Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project at 782.4900 ext 237 Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project, a program of Community Action Planning Council 518 Davidson St. Watertown





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