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Jennifer Li

Arch 131 / Fall 2014 California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo Angela Bracco

intro photo First generation Taiwanese-American Pyrodance enthusiast

00: Operation Totem 01: Game Space 02: Walking the Line 03: Interpolated Void 04: UFO 05: Pier 06: Sketches

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Project Operation Totem


00 The act of making is essential in realizing and understanding both the concept and structure of projects, as well as being used as a design process in itself. I understand the totem project as a means of acquiring the knowledge of using shop equipment - with care, maturity, and initiative. More importantly, though, I learned of safety and have built a great respect for the literal makers in design.


Project Game Space



We began this program overcoming one of the main obstacles in the early period of design education. Finding a means of discussion about the topic at hand, we talked about what a good space is. However, we first must figure out how in which to talk about space. The ultimate goals with this first project of the quarter was to present movement as well as eliminate planes altogether. Game Space has affected me in that I now come to not only recognize what is a space, but also understand space as a means of movement and function.


Project Walking the Line


02 During this path project, we engage in the design process where the consideration of immediate site and local context is a critical component. Using a more observational and qualitative approach to site analysis, we created a map in which the path and all its subtlety was designated by a single line. Over the course of this project, I have come to learn the importance of site analysis. You must have an acute understanding of not only what you are creating on top of, but also what you are creating around. Furthermore, I have come to learn the significance of detail. The presentation of line weight is another imperative factor learned throughout this project. And I learned how to sew.


Project Interpolated Void



The idea of context and how it is addressed will pervade thinking in each project throughout our architectural career. Regardless of scale, an object located within the world has an immediate surrounding that demands consideration. Through the reactions and creations of this project, I have learned more in depth as to the principle of intention. Intention meaning, I do not place a thing in a particular space simply because I wish to or if it is aesthetically pleasing. Every initiation must have a purpose otherwise it is of no application.


Project UFO


04 This next project embodies a step crucial and complex to the design process: taking forms and concepts and translating them into three dimensions. As a means to greater understand space, we were asked to develop our composition with the added elements of line and place, however, not so much mass. Manipulating space in a way that created a form of beneficial symbiosis between form and function, the deliberation and intention of the designer and architect becomes evident.


Project Pier


05 The last project of the quarter covers an immense variety of growth in ability as well as proficiency in which to apply all that we have learned throughout the quarter. Field visits, program design and development in character or the program, creating relationships, as well as working individually, collaboratively, and collegially were a few requirements to meet the quota. I have learned that the pier is a connection between land and sea. The start of the pier having more of a relationship with the land; the end of the pier having more of a relationship with the sea. Because our studio’s section was located towards the end of the pier, our goal was to create a deeply perceptive experience between the pier and the sea. We mean to create harmony between what is natural and what is manmade. Being a peaceful spot to stop at between the titans of the end of the pier, I believe our section reminds the viewer that the idea of the pier is a link between nature and artificiality meant to enhance that creation.




131 I came into this program with the full knowledge that our idea of design would be stripped and made anew. I did not, however, know that we would be working completely on design rather than structures and I find that completely acceptable not only acceptable but entirely necessary and beneficial to our growth. I have and am still ecstatic in learning design as not only a foundation, but also a respect in the coming quarters of our first year in the architecture program of Cal Poly, SLO. I am also forever grateful to be taught by such successful and influential faculty who truly care for their pupils and aid us in creating vision. Ultimately, to become a conscientious architect I understand that we must be aware of our surroundings and in what ways we may enhance experience without harm. I wish to succeed in making those experiences as harmonious as possible.

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