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TEXT: free version by Jacqueline Losada ILLUSTRATIONS: Jacqueline Losada, using PAINT

These are the pilgrims

These are the pilgrim children

These are the Indians

Many years ago, over 100 (pilgrims)

from England, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, on a called the Mayflower. (boat)

They wanted to find a new homeland where they could have their freedom.


was very crowded‌ (Mayflower)

Sometimes the

played, hiding on a (pilgrim children)


on the upper deck. (boat)


But, most of the journey was no fun at all.

Stormy weather brought rough‌ (waves)


got sick ‌ (pilgrims)

‌ and some of them died.

Two month later, in early November, the

reached Cape Cod Bay. (Mayflower)


A captain named, Miles Standish, and some other (pilgrims)

went ashore in a small fishing (boat)

They searched for a place to settle. One day, they found the perfect spotit has rich soil, fresh

and many (water)

. (trees)


settle into this new homeland, (pilgrims)

which they called the Plymouth Plantation.


weren’t prepared for the (pilgrims)

long, cold winter.

There was a lot of sickness and death.

Only some families made it through the winter!

When spring came, an

from the Wampanoag tribe, (indian)

came to Plymouth. His name was Samoset.


were afraid of (pilgrims)

until he said: “Welcome,



He said that in English!


only knew a few words of English, (Samoset)

he brought back an

named Squanto, (Indian)

who knew English well. also brought Chief Massasoit, the leader (Samoset)

of his tribe, and other

too. (Indians)


Chief Massaroit and Governor Bradford had a meeting,


translated everything (Squanto)

they said.

They decided that ‌ the

and the (pilgrims)


would be friends.

decide to stay with the (Squanto)

He taught them how to plant

. (pilgrims)


by putting

in the soil (fishes)

to make the

grow taller. (corn)

also taught them to fish and hunt. (Squanto)

The fall harvest was so good,

that the

planned to have a feast (pilgrims)

to thank their

friends. (Indians)


went hunting and





picked (pilgrims women)


and (acorns)

, (grapes)

and baked (pumpkins)


That day near a hundred

came to (Indians)

the plantation and brought

, fishes, and . (deers)

They cooked all them in the fire.


All them sat down under the

, (trees)

some in

, others in the (benches)

. (grass)

There were a lot of food and everything was delicious!

After the party the

danced and (Indians)

teach the

how to use the (pilgrims)

(bow and arrow)


marched in a parade. (pilgrims)


and the (pilgrim children)

(indian children)

played together.

It was so fun and the

stayed there (Indians)

for three days!!

The land to which the pilgrims arrived is actually the United States of America.

This is the reason because every American

family celebrate Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday of November every year, to give thanks to God for all the good things in their life and to remember the brave pilgrims and the friendship Indians.

We too have many things for which we may need to give thanks to God!!!

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