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5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 1 Plan: Face-to-face in School Computer Lab Standard (s) and Benchmarks for EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 Understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will  Follow instructions  Learn independently trough tutorials (videos) –  The students will practice the methodology they will be using with the tutorials: 1- to watch and listen the video, 2- stop the video and do some step, 3- put the video back to listen again to better understand, 4- do assignments step by step.  Work on EXCEL (make charts, do graphs, make some calculations, write formulas…)  Navigate and use the FRONTER Computer pages (School webpage)  Integrate Math concepts with technology programs Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


Module Assessment(s) Every week you have to do the part that is explained in each tutorial, with the data or other specifications the teacher will give you.  This module will be saved in your Personal Folder in the Computer lab (in school). (10 points. Formative)

APK (A Prior Knowledge) Essential Questions:  What is a spreadsheet?  What spreadsheet have you used?  What can you do in Excel?

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities What students have to do: 1- Click in the link below to see and to listen the tutorial. TUTORIAL #1. Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Overview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8L1OVkw2ZQ8 2- Follow the instructions in the tutorial to do a chart in EXCEL, using the following data: School Assistance MONDAY 17 15




FRIDAY 16 21









3- Do all the formats the tutorial explains:  Write data that have some continuity (as Monday, Tuesday….) using the drag and drop feature. Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher


5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


 Write the other labels and data.  Auto sum the data (the rows and the columns)  Merge and center the tittle. Bold, underline and put color to the cell  Grid all chart.  Bold and put color to totals cells, and another color to total of totals  Center the data in the chart 4- Select the data, NOT the totals, to do a column graph 5- Do NOT change the data to currency. (as the tutorial do) 6- Save you file in your PERSONAL FOLDER (Elementary/Your grade/your name) with the name: (your initials)-Tutorial#1

Formative Evaluation & Feedback *The teacher will teach students how to follow instructions using a video tutorial. The teacher will pause the video to practice something, or move back the video to understand something better, and then do it. *The teacher will let students follow instructions using a video tutorial at their own pace. They could stop the video to practice something, or move back in the video to understand something better, and then do it. Teacher just watch how everyone in going on. *The teacher will be walking around checking what they are doing, explaining some parts as needed, giving support to students with learning difficulties, giving feedback

Generalization or closing for the module The teacher will ask: Tell me what you did today in Excel? The teacher will make a list in the board (make a chart, write the data, use drag and drop to write faster, write the formula to add the rows and columns, merge and center some cells; bold, underline and put colors to some cells, grid the chart, make a column graph with the data, learn how to change the data into currency format)

Physical Learning Materials -Computer -Headphones

Digital Learning Objects  

Internet service. Microsoft EXCEL in their computer.

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  Access to Youtube - Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners - Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #1 – Overview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI_7oc-E3h0 (Users learn how to create a simple spreadsheet in Excel 2010, complete with formatting, calculations and a chart.)

Plans for Differentiation -additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties -stimulating additional materials for gifted students -stimulating gifted students to help students with learning difficulties (as big brothers-partners)

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 2 Plan: To do wherever the student wants at their own pace but with deadline for some activities Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered:

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will:  Follow instructions given through e-mail  Learn independently trough tutorials (videos) –  The students will practice the methodology they will be using with the tutorials:  Work on EXCEL (make charts, do graphs, make some calculations, write formulas…)  Navigate and use the FRONTER Computer pages (School webpage)

Module Assessment(s) After the Week #2, students will write a comment in the blog: Ms. Losada Computer Class; answering the following questions: Was it difficult for you to follow the tutorial instructions? (5 points. Formative)

APK (A Prior Knowledge) The teacher will send a letter through e-mail to both, students and parents, explaining what the students (parents could help but not do it for them) will be doing during the next 4 weeks, how they will be receiving the instructions and tutorials, what they need to do while watching the videos, and when and how they need to do to have the work done and obtain points for this project (Formative, Work Habits and Summative points) NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities 1- Open and follow the instructions send by e-mail 2- Open and follow the instructions in the tutorial: Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #2 - Enter & Edit Text and Numbers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPSwbK4_GdY 3- Do a chart using the following data: The title will be: (Your name)’s (Video- Books- DVDs)  In the label for title you can put movies (others than the tutorial has), or books, or Music DVDs; at least 7. Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class 

St. Michael’s School


In the other labels (rental price, rentals, income); you may put other numbers as you want (be logical, please!!).

Students will learn to:  Construct a chart in EXCEL  Adapt size width of cells to what they write on them  Save their work 4- Open and follow the instructions in the tutorial: Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #3 - Calculation Basics & Formulas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgvdCHjOKYg Students will learn to:  Move fast around the cells  Write the correct symbol to do calculations in Excel ( /division, *multiplication, +addition, -subtraction )  Practice some calculations using simple formulas in EXCEL (multiplication, addition…) Practice this part in another Excel page  Quickly write the formula in many cells  Save your work repeatedly, as you will continue using it during the next weeks

Formative Evaluation & Feedback Write a comment in the blog: Ms. Losada Computer Class; answering the following questions: Was it difficult for you to follow the tutorial instructions? Why? (5 points. Formative)

Generalization or closing for the module After you listen and follow the tutorials, write a comment in the blog: Ms. Losada Computer Class; answering the following questions: Was it difficult for you to follow the tutorial instructions?

Physical Learning Materials -Computer -Headphones or speakers

Digital Learning Objects   

Internet service. Microsoft EXCEL in their computer. Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept.

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


to ask for access)  E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  Access to Youtube - Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #2 - Enter & Edit Text and Numbers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPSwbK4_GdY Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #3 - Calculation Basics & Formulas. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgvdCHjOKYg *OPTIONAL: EXCEL para Mac. Capítulo 1. (There are 14 chapters videos available) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWxoQDEsqzk

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 3 Plan: To do wherever the student wants at their own pace but with deadline for some activities Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets.

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will: 1- Open and follow the instructions in the tutorials #4- #5- #6 2- Using the chart they did last class, they will make some formats to numbers. 3- They will make some calculations and write formulas 4- Change numbers in their chart from General to Currency (they may use $ (dollars) instead of £ (pounds))

Module Assessment(s) After the Week #3, students will complete the Quiz EXCEL #1 (http://quizstar.4teachers.org) (5 points. Formative) APK (A Prior Knowledge) There are some concept you already learned in your Math class. Let’s remember them!! Mean is the "average" (Average refers to the sum of numbers divided by the amount of numbers). To find it, you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers. Median is the middle value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers have to be listed in numerical order, so you may have to rewrite your list first. Mode is the value that occurs most often. If no number is repeated, then there is no mode for the list. Range is just the difference between the largest and smallest values (the max. and the min

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities 1- Open and listen Tutorials #4- #5 and #6, and follow the instructions 2- Using the chart you did in the last module, you will make different calculations. (sum, average, max, min, and count) 3- In addition to what the tutorial teaches (sum, average or mean, max., min., and count); you need to calculate the median, mode, and range of each column data 4- Make some formats to numbers.

Formative Evaluation & Feedback Teacher will send an e-mail related with his/her performance in the quiz

Physical Learning Materials Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


-Computer -Headphones or speakers

Digital Learning Objects   

Internet service. Microsoft EXCEL in their computer. Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  Access to Youtube - Microsoft Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #4 - AutoSum Function. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqlXj_NFcMc . Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #5 - Functions AVERAGE MAX MIN COUNT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUoz9v2CHjo Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #6 – Number Formats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHSXMPbCdEM

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students stimulating gifted students to help students with learning difficulties (as big brothers-partners)

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 4 Plan: To do wherever the student wants at their own pace but with deadline for some activities Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel.

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will: 1- Make some formatting in the chart 2- Change colors, size and font style. 3- Grid the chart 4- Make and clear some Conditional Formatting in the chart

Module Assessment(s) After the Week #2, students will write a post in the blog: Ms. Losada Computer Class; answering the following questions: what did you learn to do in EXCEL? (5 points. Formative)

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities 1234-

Make some formatting in the chart (They can use the colors each want) Change colors, size and font style. Grid the chart Make and clear some Conditional Formatting in the chart

Physical Learning Materials -Computer

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


-Headphones or speakers

Digital Learning Objects   

Internet service. Microsoft EXCEL in their computer. Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  Access to Youtube - Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #7 - Formatting Worksheets. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVUiAx0ZAXk Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #8 - Conditional Formatting Pt.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi38NELdfwA Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #9 - Conditional Formatting Pt.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cco1nOe1nko

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students stimulating gifted students to help students with learning difficulties (as big brothers-partners)

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 5 Plan: To do wherever the student wants at their own pace but with deadline for some activities Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will:  Learn to make graphics using the data in the chart  Learn format their work to print it

Module Assessment(s) After the Week #5, students will complete the Quiz EXCEL #2 (http://quizstar.4teachers.org) (5 points. Formative)

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities 123456-

Using the chart they did in the last class, they will make a column graph. Use the RENTALS column data They may use the pictures and colors they want to formatting the graphic (appropriated with the chart) Do a pie chart, change the colors, and write data on it Move the graphics, resize the graphic Print the work

Physical Learning Materials -Computer -Headphones or speakers -Printer

Digital Learning Objects 

Internet service. Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


 

Microsoft EXCEL in their computer. Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access)  Access to Youtube - Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #10 - Charts Pt.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2Dvhi8wcF0 Excel 2010 Tutorial For Beginners #11 - Charts Pt.2 Pie Chart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kyU3Nh7u38 Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #12 – Printing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU3ylTnvcog

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students stimulating gifted students to help students with learning difficulties (as big brothers-partners)

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 6 Plan: Face-to-face in School Computer Lab Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency.

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School

8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will:  Bring their work printed  Bring their work in a USB to save it in their Personal Folder at Scholl Computer  Solve doubts related with the project

Module Assessment(s)  

Printed work (10 points. FORMATIVE and 10 points. WORK HABITS) Work saved in Personal Folder (10 points. FORMATIVE and 10 points. WORK HABITS)

APK (A Prior Knowledge) What was the most difficult part to do? What was the easiest part? What you don’t understand well yet?

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities Students will: 1- Hand in their printed work 2- Save their work from the USB to their Personal Folder 3- Ask questions if they need 4- Check the rubric to make a self-evaluation 5- Check, using the rubric, other student work 6- Compare the self-evaluation with the peer evaluation 7- Talk with partner and discuss if there is something different in both rubrics

Formative Evaluation & Feedback Self-evaluation and Peer evaluation (10 points. FORMATIVE)

Generalization or closing for the module Let’s make a list about what you learned in the tutorials.

Physical Learning Materials -Computer -Headphones Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher


5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School


Digital Learning Objects     

Internet service. Microsoft EXCEL in their computer. Access through FRONTER (School Webpage) to the 4th- 5th- 6th Computer class page (if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access) E-mail account (all students have an e-mail account through the FRONTER page, if needed go the School Technology Dept. to ask for access) Access to Youtube - Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners (Videos from #1 to #12) -

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students stimulating gifted students to help students with learning difficulties (as big brothers-partners)

Project EXCEL for 5th grade - Module 7 Plan: Face-to-face in School Computer Lab Standard (s) and Benchmarks for the EXCEL Project Computer Benchmarks to be covered: 2.2 Knows basic distinctions among computer software programs such as word processors, special purpose programs and games. 2.3 Uses menu options and commands 2.4 Knows how to select and edit text in EXCEL 2.5 Knows how to format characters. (e.g. font, size color, alignment, line spacing, page set-up) in EXCEL 2.6 Knows how to insert cells, columns and rows in Excel. 2.7 Knows how to processor to copy, paste, move, find and replace text in Excel 2.8 Knows how to create graphics in Excel 2.13 Identifies each part of Excel windows 2.19 Understands a Spreadsheet is a tool to create worksheets, charts and database. 5.1 Applies and reinforces other subject skills 5th grade Math Benchmarks to be covered: 8.1 Compute the range, mean, median, and mode of data sets. 8.2 Understand how additional data added to data sets may affect these computations of measures of central tendency. 8.3 understand how the inclusion or exclusion of outliers affects measures of central tendency. Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher

5th grade Computer class

St. Michael’s School

GOALS Module Objective(s) Students will:  Do a new exercise, similar to the one they did following the tutorials, with different data and calculations  Save his/her work in the EXCELProjectFinal Folder to be evaluate by the teacher

Module Assessment(s) Exercise to be evaluating using a Rubric (20 points. SUMMATIVE)

NI (New Information) Description of Learning Activities The students will: 1- Follow the written instructions to do a chart using the data provide by the teacher 2- Save the work, in the EXCELProjectFinal Folder to be evaluate by the teacher

Formative Evaluation & Feedback This is a Summative module; the teacher will evaluate the exercise using a rubric.

Physical Learning Materials -Computer -Written instructions - Data

Digital Learning Objects 

Microsoft EXCEL in their computer.

Plans for Differentiation additional instructor communication with children with learning difficulties stimulating additional materials for gifted students

Jacqueline Losada

Elementary Computer Teacher


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