A Catalyst is a person or group that ini ates and expedites change Issued June 9th, 2014
From our Outgoing President, Michelle Miller As we wrap up the year, I would like to take a minute to say a very sincere “Thank You!” Thank you for all you have done to make our league so full of accomplishments; so full of talented, capable leadership; and so well‐respected in the community. The Junior League of Richmond is an outstanding organiza on, and I am proud to be a member. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President over the past year. I am overwhelmed by the confidence you have shown in me and amazed by what we have achieved together. The personal growth I have experienced during my journey from New Member to outgoing President will be a stepping stone for many possibili es, and for that I am tremendously thankful. Over the past year, I have o en been asked why I took on this role. When answering, I always highlight three things about the league that are important to me:
We have a thriving membership who shares a passion for the services the League provides and values the legacy of our organiza on in Richmond’s underserved communi es. It was a priority for me to educate our membership on the abundant needs of our local neighborhoods, so that even those serving in placements outside of the Community Council could understand the impact of their work, and how their volunteer service filters through our league to inspire children, provide hope, and enrich lives. I was commi ed to simplifying our strategic plan and aligning the Junior League with the community we serve, so that we could move forward as the most effec ve organiza on possible. I would like to encourage all of you to open yourselves to seizing opportuni es. President of the Junior League is not an opportunity that I ac vely sought out, but it has taught me so much. I have found myself with new friends, new skills, and new pride in my ability to meet a challenge. When others see poten al in you that you may not be aware of yourself, trust their confidence that you can do it and do it well. I dare you all that if given an opportunity– inside or outside of the league– please take a leap of faith! I promise you won’t regret it. I would like to leave you with this quote from Helen Keller that reminds me of all of you and what Junior League members are all about: “Alone we can do so li le; Together we can do so much”
Congratulations Corner Each year, the Junior League of Richmond acknowledges three women for their outstanding service through the Barbara Ransome Andrews, Pinkie W. Smith, and the Outstanding Community Volunteer awards. This year’s recipients embody the spirit of the Junior League and the dedica on to our organiza on and the Richmond community. This year’s winners are: The Barbara Ransome Andrews Award, named for one of our most esteemed and
beloved members, honors a sustainer member’s outstanding community service. This year’s honoree is Jane Helfrich. The Pinkie W. Smith Award was established in 1998 to commemorate the exemplary service and dedica on to
volunteering that was so evident in the life of Pinkie Smith. This year’s honoree is Heidi Vaiksnoras. The Outstanding Community Volunteer Award is given to a member who has contributed significant, outstanding
volunteer me and effort to improve the quality of life in the Richmond community. This year’s honoree is Sara James Shelton. Please take a moment to thank and congratulate these women for their service! Addi onal details on each award recipient will be included in the Annual Report.
Sustainer Spotlight: Spring Cocktail Party
Submi ed By Amber Howard
The annual spring Sustainer Cocktail party was held at the home of Richard and Kay Clary on May 4th. We recently cha ed with Sustainer, Linda Walter, who filled us in on the fabulous details. What inspired Kay and Richard to host this year’s cocktail party? Kay was asked by her friend, Sue Taylor, Sustainer Vice President, and was too gracious to say no. Richard Clary was a love too and helped clean, move furniture, and prepare ‐ not to speak of The Big Cleanup a erwards. How many people a ended? 80 or so Were you pleased with the turnout? The turnout was great. We met several members who were a ending Sustainer events for the first me. What was the overall décor/theme? This year’s theme was Kentucky Derby. Hydrangeas and roses were used to decorate the event space. What delicious cocktails/appe zers were served? The fabulous food was provided by JLR member Whitney Fero of Champagne Taste Catering. We had everything from beef tenderloin to the wonderful spinach and ravioli salad and a full bar! What was the most challenging aspect of hos ng? Weather worries, but for naught, the day was fabulous. We were able to enjoy the garden and pa os. What was the most fun? Seeing old friends and mee ng new such as upcoming new JLR President, Monica Davis. What events/programs are you looking forward to next year? Definitely this one ‐ end of year party is always fun! In fact, we were too busy enjoying ourselves to snap many photos. Make sure to mark your calendars and join us next year!
Mayo Carter Open House
Submi ed By Sara Shelton
Betsy Haas, daughter of JLR Board member Cathy Haas, wrote about the Mayo Carter Open House held this December. She never told her mother about it but Cathy found this lovely note in her daughter’s backpack.
“ On Monday, my family went to the Mayo Carter House. It is in our neighborhood. They had all kinds of yummy foods. I ate about 50 of all the meatballs. Oh! They were sooooo good. Then we left after everything else I had.” -Betsy This was the first Open House of its kind and hopefully the start of a wonderful new tradi on. The Open House enables us to share the history of the Mayo Carter House and the spirit of the Junior League of Richmond with our friends and family.
Book and Author Recap
Submi ed by Deidre Cox th
As you’ve probably already heard, the 69 annual JLR Book & Author Event, which was held on Wednesday, April 30, was a huge success! The authors brought stories of hope, humor and inspira on to 950 a endees throughout the day’s luncheon and dinner events. Nearly $50,000 was raised by Book & Author to support the mission of the Junior League of Richmond. The authors also par cipated in the beloved tradi on of speaking to area student. The students’ excitement at Richmond Community High was so contagious that Dan Harris, author of 10% Happier, told the classroom that he would personally send them each a copy of his book. Addi onally, a special “Taste of New Orleans” outreach event featuring cookbook author Lolis Elie was held at Peter Paul Development Center. Over 50 children sampled Lolis’ red beans and brown rice while par cipa ng in a conversa on about tradi onal foods and fresh vegetables. The authors and their featured works this year were:
Corban Addison ‐ The Garden of Burning Sand
Lolis Eric Elie ‐ Treme: Stories and Recipes from the Heart of New Orleans
Dan Harris ‐ 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self‐Help That Actually Works — A True Story
Daniel Jones ‐ Love Illuminated: Exploring Life’s Most Mys fying Subject (With the Help of 50,000 Strangers)
Jen Lancaster ‐ Twisted Sisters
James Swanson ‐ End of Days: The Assassina on of John F. Kennedy
Carol Wall ‐ Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening: How I Learned the Unexpected Joy of a Green Thumb and an Open Heart
Click here to read more about each of these incredible selec ons!
Annual Fund This year was a shining success for our Annual Fund giving! We ended the year at $58,674.28 which is 47% over the goal! We also increased our member par cipa on by 8%! The encouragement for members to tap into corporate matching gi s and workplace giving programs was well received. Approximately 4% of funds raised were generated from corporate matching gi s and/or volunteer grants, while 10% came from workplace giving. A huge thank you to all of our Anchors out there for your support! Addi onally, congratula ons and thank you to Jennifer McNeil for her unwavering leadership in driving this ini a ve! .
Know any amazing women?
Submi ed by Ida Jones
Junior League of Richmond Recrui ng New Members Applica on Deadline Sunday, June 15th The Junior League of Richmond (JLR) is an organiza on of women commi ed to promo ng volunteerism, developing the poten al of women by providing leadership training and improving the community through numerous volunteer projects. The JLR is comprised of diverse women from Central Virginia and we welcome the opportunity for women of all races, religions and na onal origins who are commi ed to volunteerism to become members. Each year, the JLR opens its doors to women of Richmond who want to become involved in an organiza on that makes a difference in the lives of hundreds of local children and individuals, offers training in a variety of educa onal and leadership opportuni es, and provides opportuni es for personal growth, leadership and lifelong friendship. It’s a great way to meet other diverse women in Richmond and get involved in the community. As new members, the League provides several opportuni es for you to gain a working knowledge of how the organiza on operates and impacts the community. During “Super Saturday” our new member orienta on you’ll gain an understanding of your role in the organiza on the countless opportuni es to serve. New members also work together to complete a short‐term community service project. The short‐term projects for new members are designed to help the community, allow members to get acquainted with the JLR, and foster networking between new members. The Junior League of Richmond is now accep ng applica ons. If you know someone interested in joining the league please have them submit an applica on before Sunday, June 15th. Applica ons can be found online at www.jlrichmond.org. For any ques ons about joining the Junior League of Richmond, please email join@jlrichmond.org.