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Rooted in Membership, Sustained Through Connections

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Membership Matters

Membership Matters

Andrew Lauver distinctly remembers learning about the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) at the dinner table with his family. His father Kevin worked as an ISA membership recruiter then and shared stories of the work ISA was doing to help farmers be productive and profitable.

Through his own membership, Lauver has learned that ISA’s mission and focus on farmers haven’t changed.

“I’m proud to be associated with ISA and the great work they do on more fronts than profitability,” says Lauver, an ISA farmer member near Rockwell City.

"I am Driven To Deliver an opportunity for our next generation." – Andrew

He got involved with ISA in 2012 as part of the District Advisory Council (DAC). Since then, he’s formed strong, deeper relationships with fellow farmers and ISA staff.

Connections with other farmers in his area and across the state provide opportunities for greater understanding and camaraderie. He thinks of ISA

District 4 Director Jeff Frank of Auburn as a leader not only in the community, but as a mentor to him within the ag community. There’s also Sam Showalter, who Lauver met in college and continues to maintain contact with through ISA. In fact, Lauver and Showalter have both received the ISA New Leader Award for their involvement and commitment to promoting the soybean industry and agriculture.

Opportunities to connect with other farmers either through research forums, policy advocacy discussions or through the various programs like Communications Squad and ISA Experience Class cultivate valuable relationships.

“There are several opportunities to rub elbows with other knowledgeable producers and ISA members,” says Reed Burres, an ISA farmer member from Humboldt and member of the ISA District Advisory Council.

"I am Driven To Deliver new opportunities to increase the likelihood of being profitable." - Reed

These interactions have helped me become a better farmer, he adds.

“Farmers who are more involved are also more involved with farm management practices,” Burres says. “Because of that, I’ve picked up on more tools to add to my existing crop management toolbox.”

Burres also received the New Leader Award from ISA.

Being an ISA member means having the news and information to help growers make informed farming decisions. It’s also access to the experts who perform on-farm research trials and analyze the results in a way that’s usable to farmers like Lauver and Burres.

Validating and activating your ISA membership unlocks the door to deeper relationships and partnerships beyond the farm gate.

“ISA membership covers a much larger footprint than one would think,” says Bre Wagner, a producer services coordinator for ISA.

Joining ISA means you also have a front row seat to the programs and organizations within the association, giving Iowa soybean farmers a voice in the association’s activities.

ISA membership pays off in the form of trusted partnerships and support from ISA staff focused on making your farm profitable and productive.

“Compared to a lot of other ag organizations, the people make it so much more of a family environment,” Burres says. “The atmosphere is second to none. That’s what keeps me coming back.”

ISA membership includes many opportunities for engagement — from reading news and information to help you make informed business decisions to participating in policy advocacy at the local, state and federal levels.

“No matter the interest, there’s a place for you here at ISA,” Wagner says.


Soy Transportation Coalition

Established in 2007, the Soy Transportation Coalition is comprised of 13 state soybean boards, the American Soybean Association and the United Soybean Board. The goal of the organization is to position the soybean industry to benefit from a transportation system that delivers cost effective, reliable and competitive service.

Iowa Biodiesel Board

With a production capacity of about 400 million gallons per year, Iowa is the nation's leading state in biodiesel production. The Iowa Biodiesel Board (IBB) represents the biodiesel industry in Iowa, from production through distribution to end users. The IBB promotes the commercial success of biodiesel in Iowa.

Iowa Ag Water Alliance

Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance (IAWA) drives collaboration between farmers and partners to drive the adoption of conservation practices and other innovations that improve water quality.

Iowa Food & Family Project

The Iowa Food & Family Project celebrates the continuous improvement of Iowa’s farm families and their dedication to providing wholesome food for everyone. The project encourages Iowans to become better acquainted with the dedicated farmers who grow and raise their food through various activities throughout the year. The goal of this outreach is to help consumers become more knowledgeable and trusting in agriculture processes.


When consumers understand that real families are raising their food and that they share common values and expectations, they have more trust in farming. The goal is to put a face to farm families by training women who are leaders in agriculture to effectively communicate to fellow women who are purchasing the food for their own families.

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