1 minute read
Personal Invitation
The Last Word
Editor’s Notes by Ann Clinton - aclinton@iasoybeans.com
Your membership in the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) is so important to us that we’ve dedicated this entire issue of the Iowa Soybean Review® to the subject.
We know many worthwhile organizations ask for your time and commitment. We know you must see value in your membership if you are going to engage at a more meaningful level. We also know that agriculture is in the midst of challenging times, which is why we need you now more than ever.
ISA is your organization representing your industry, working every day to make your operation more profitable. Not an organization for a chosen few, ISA strives to serve every farmer of every size in every section of the state.
I hope you see your reason for farming represented on these pages. Whether it’s your legacy, commitment to the environment, interest in research data, overall passion for farming … whatever it is that motivates you each day; we are here for it.
Most importantly, we hope this issue piques your curiosity. We hope you begin to see yourself among the faces in this magazine. We hope this issue is the beginning of a conversation that turns into a long-term relationship with ISA.
The association has a deep desire to know who you are and how we can serve you better. Are we valuable to you? Do you know how you can get engaged at any level that interests you?
Are you a member yet? If not, I’m personally inviting you to join ISA. I sincerely hope that in a year’s time you and I can visit about how the organization has impacted your farming business in ways you didn’t even were possible before today.
Visit our iasoybeans.com and check it out. If you want to be a farmer-member at no cost … great. If you feel compelled to invest financially in the noncheckoff initiatives working on your behalf … awesome. We need you to take your organization into the future.
As always, shoot me a note about whatever is on your mind. There’s a lot to talk about … let’s start a discussion.
Be well, my friends.