2 minute read
The Meaning of "Activate"
Activate – (verb): “To call up, mobilize, start, set in motion, energize or to switch on.”
Kirk Leeds, Chief Executive Offcer, Iowa Soybean Association, can be reached at kleeds@iasoybeans.com or on Twitter @kirkleeds.
Several years ago, the board of directors of the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) eliminated the need to pay dues to become a member of the association. The goal was to increase the number of farmers actively engaging with ISA and its many programs.
Through this engagement, the board is working to increase farmers’ understanding of how soybean checkoff dollars are invested to: Grow domestic and international demand; find new uses for soybeans, improve production efficiencies; enhance soil health and conservation practices; engage consumers in conversations about modern agriculture; and share timely information about these issues and results of ISA’s projects and programs.
With more than 12,000 farmer members, eliminating dues as a requirement for membership has been successful. It has resulted in a spike in membership and increased support for our work. Yet, we know there are still too many soybean farmers that have not yet become members.
This leads to two important questions: Why haven’t more farmers taken advantage of this opportunity, and what does a farmer have to do to become a member?
As to why more farmers haven’t become members, there are several possible reasons. Perhaps they haven’t heard that they can become members without paying dues. Or maybe they just never got around to doing so. Or they don’t understand or perceive value in why they should join.
When ISA proclaims it’s “Driven To Deliver” for the soybean farmer, we walk the walk. Becoming an ISA member gives farmers greater and faster access to important and timely information. Members are plugged into ISA, receiving real-time opportunities to offer feedback and suggestions to the volunteer farmer directors of the ISA board. This is helpful as they make decisions on what gets funded and what becomes or remains a priority for the organization. In these challenging times, having greater access and input is more important than ever.
Being a farmer member of ISA gives you both. Membership also allows soybean farmers to show support for their organization publicly. Doing so encourages additional farmers to join, greatly enhancing the association’s long-term growth, vitality and relevancy.
On the question regarding how to become a member, the answer is an easy one. Since being a soybean farmer in Iowa is the only prerequisite to taking advantage of this opportunity at no additional cost, ISA uses the word “activate” to describe what needs to happen to become a member. Your membership is there for the taking; all you have to do is tell us that you want to activate this benefit. The easiest way to do so is by visiting iasoybeans.com/join. Or by calling our office at 800- 383-1423. All we need to know is your name, address, phone number and email address to activate your membership.
I encourage you to activate your membership today and experience firsthand how ISA is indeed “Driven To Deliver” for you and the industry.