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The Advocate Equation

By Michael Dolch, Director of Public Afairs, Iowa Soybean Association, can be reached at MDolch@iasoybeans.com.

No equation is more famous than E = mc2, and few are simpler. Indeed, the equation’s fame rests largely on its simplicity: the energy (E) of a system is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2).

The key message is that the mass of a system measures its energy content. According to scientific folklore, the great physicist Albert Einstein formulated this equation in 1905 and, in a single bow, explained how energy can be released in stars and nuclear explosions.

Now that you’re in the right frame of mind, consider this equation: Advocate = (ACT)Do2.

Much like Einstein’s Theory of Space Relativity, this selfproclaimed “Theory of Member Advocacy and Engagement” pairs a constant (Do) with a variable (ACT) to yield a movement of support (Advocate). An organization’s ability to advocate is equal to its member actions combined with its underlying day-to-day “doings.” With that in mind, let’s apply the equation to the Iowa Soybean Association’s (ISA) policy outreach and advocate membership.

We must first acknowledge that you, as an ISA farmer member, are the heart and soul of our organization. You’re essential to everything we do on a daily basis. Every single interaction that delivers a positive result in the policy or regulatory arena starts with you. That’s why we’re aggressively tapping into advocate members and elevating their voices on the important issues impacting the soybean industry.

In today’s world, it’s easy to get bogged down in the politics of an issue. As a nonpartisan organization, that’s not the case at ISA. By remaining neutral and focusing on facts, we have a unique advantage that yields unfettered access to policymakers at all levels of government. This has paid off time and time again as we’ve acted to ensure legislative and regulatory actions have considered soybean farmers’ perspectives.

Staring down some of the biggest and most complex issues many of us will ever see, we haven’t shied away. Drawing on the collective voice and actions of advocate membership, ISA has been out front leading the offense.

In recent weeks, while planting season rolled on, ISA engaged state and federal officials to ensure farmers were designated “essential,” protect the supply chain and access to seasonal inputs, and to press Congress and the administration for immediate financial relief.

Powered by your investment and actions, ISA will continue to show up every day for you, to get things done in Des Moines and Washington, D.C. We’re doubly determined to bring common-sense solutions to every conversation, especially as we battle unfair trade practices, defend key domestic markets like the Renewable Fuels Standard and support our number one customer – the livestock industry.

As you turn the pages of this month’s Iowa Soybean Review®, you’ll quickly learn the value of an ISA membership. We’re not about gimmicks, gets or petty politics. Instead, we’re about doing, getting things done, and delivering results for you – the soybean farmer.

I call on you to join us, your friends, neighbors and likeminded farmers on the front lines of policy advocacy. Act now, do what’s necessary, and submit your advocate membership today. After all, you can’t “Advocate” without “Do” and “Act.”

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