Davies Book Flyer

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AUGUSTA STATE UNIVERSITY The Murder Book by Kim Davies

Offers a holistic view of homicide: referencing theories from different disciplines (psychology, biology, sociology, and criminology) and findings from different regions around the world; Uses examples from all types of incidents, providing more realistic coverage by including not just the high profile cases shown in the media and in books; Encourages a scholarly understanding of the topic by devoting separate chapters to each type of homicide and including unique chapters on solving homicides and processing homicides in court; Informs readers regarding the different types of homicide, theories about homicide, and homicide law; Discusses how often homicides are solved and the personnel and technology needed to do so; and Includes an overview of defenses to criminal homicide including the insanity defense, as well as detailed information from the trial of a serial killer.

Kimberly Davies is chair of Augusta State University’s Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Social Work. She received her bachelor’s degree in sociology, bachelor’s degree in women’s studies, master’s degree in sociology, and doctorate in sociology from Ohio State University.

Available at Borders, online at Barnes and Noble, and Amazon; it is also for sale at the ASU bookstore. Prentice Hall, http://www.prenticehall.com; ISBN-10: 0131724010; ISBN-13: 978-0131724013. ASU is a unit of the University System of Georgia. Produced by the Office of Public Relations and Publications.

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Davies Book Flyer by jmjenkins - Issuu