Delux 2015

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This issue is an unusual EYP paper. It’s here to lock your memories and unlock your feelings.


Attention: this issue might cause some serious PED.

04 09 15 EYP explained

Where are you from?

GA Challenges

05 10 16 Have you met Anna?

Committee selfies

Lux Statistics

06 12 18 Why continue with EYP?


Brought to you by

08 14 How to be a good...

Gossip deLux


EYP EXPLAINED PED GA CW Acronym for Post EYP Depression. Commonly suffered by all those present at a session: including organisers, chairs, Media Team Members, editrs but it is the delegates who usually experience it most intensely. “I cannot return to normality after my amazing experience at #Lux15. The PED is so intense right now”

Journalists, Organisers for building a team cannot be underestimated” and Jury Members. “One day I want to be part Acronym for General of the CJOJ team” Assembly. Acronym for Committee “I learned more in one day of GA than I have in Work. “I think it’s fair to say my whole school career” that CW was the highlight of the session, and will continue to inspire me well into the future”



A president, HO and two editresses walk into a bar, what happens? Trick Question: The editresses don’t have time to go out. Why did the chicken cross the road? It was following the orgas… What did the chairperson say to the organiser? Can we have some more water please?


How long is your session? How would you like to see delicacies from my country? It’s not about how big your placard is, it’s about how long you can keep it up. How about a smart, sustainable and inclusive relationship?How would you like to be reimbursed for being



Acronym for Team Building. Chairs “The importance of TB

so pretty? Applications for a private session with me are now open! Wanna play pass the coin? Privately. How about you and I move towards enhanced cooperation? Are you a chair? Because I’d like to sit on you… I’m a Luxembourgian.

The food is too good. EYP Lux has too many sponsors. The ‘hostel’ is too much like a hotel. The orgas are too nice to everyone. The media team is given too many resources. The school is too big. The session is ONLY 4 days. The venues are too fancy. Luxembourgians are too diverse. The wine is too cheap (free).


colour the president!


Anna Borrell Mauri, the President of Luxembourg 2015, tells us something more about the session and her perception of EYP. EYP, development, fun, future. Anna, how would you connect these concepts together? I would say that during EYP sessions I have developed in myself as a citizen as well as on a personal level. In the meantime I managed to have fun, really a lot of

fun. My future, I must admit, is quite unclear now; between my studies and EYP it is difficult to find the time to figure everything out. From a general perspective, everyone involved in EYP contributes to a common future, even by sharing small things among friends, from a coffee chat to the act of voting. What was Anna like as a first time delegate? I was extremely shy, I was not that proficient in English, but I still managed to have so much fun. For the first time I felt I could be myself. Back at my first session in Barcelona in 2009 I had the opportunity to meet new people, who have become really good friends of mine during my years in EYP. What about the same Anna, presiding now? Now I feel much more confident, I would not

hesitate to speak up and I am quite a bit more knowledgeable compared to 6 years ago. I can walk into a room and know what a topic is all about and how things actually work. This also makes me feel more confident. You got some Baltic Power to help you coordinate everything, right? The Baltic Power, well, both my VPs are quite experienced and have both the brains and the looks (*laughs*). They are two cute, blond and very supportive guys so that is basically why I went for them. If you were to be pictured, which colours would you pick? I like to depict myself as quite a colourful person. So I would go with purple, green and blue, which are actually cold tones but at the same time powerful ones.


WHY CONTINUE WITH EYP? I continued with EYP simply because it is an organisation that brings together so many people that are alike. It is nice spending time with people who are like me and with whom I can have really good conversations.




In EYP each individual feels something that no one can explain. Despite being part of a group of people you identify with, you also know that you are special. I continued because of the experiences and memories that you never forget. Every youngster should do EYP! You learn a lot of things that you do not learn in school. You learn how to understand people, to accept other people’s mind-sets, about other cultures and you make unforgettable memories.


Every session shakes you up, changes you, binds you with like-minded people. That is something that I really value in this organization. Also‌ the ability to explore Europe and find a proper husband! You have high chances of finding a partner that is good-looking, smart, socially active and who aims to achieve something in his life.



I was a pretty good delegate during my first session, but then I choked during GA. So I promised myself that I would continue until I was the best. I always try to achieve 120%, but you never get there. You may get 70, or 80. I continued simply because I am stupid‌ Also, there are pretty girls in EYP!

EYP presents me with an opportunity to continuously challenge myself and to grow from the experiences, while at the same time enabling myself to give these experiences back to other people. I see a snowball effect happening: you have a delegate one day, you see him becoming a chair and he will impact other people. And that snowball effect is beautiful to observe. And still I get so much from this organisation. I do not see why I would leave it any time soon! 7

HOW TO BE A GOOD... We asked the officials Jury what is required to be good in their role, read “There are a number below for their invaluable of things you learn at Jury Academy, like how wisdom… to appear scary to the delegates, literally petrify them. You must eat some Vice-President “…*silence ensues*… chocolate and drink some first of all you have to coffee. Sending kisses to know what to say… you my fans.” Haris Kušmić need to be really quick with your answers… and “Be awake. Be terrifying. be really smart” Dan Grinevics Be pretty.” Josh Leyden “Always smile, be sexy and be nice to the President because she can make life Media Team Member pretty difficult.” Paulius Dovidavicius “All the clichés: creativity, team spirit and positivity” Yannick Louwerse



not then make them happy because the first rule was always make people happy and give them what they need” Pitt Sietzen

Editr “You have to have a passion for what you do, believe in your team and most importantly yourself. Trust people, but always have a Plan B. Also, if you ever plan to co-edit a session – pick your coworker wisely! If you do, your work will be a real pleasure, just as it is now in Luxembourg.” Giedrė Kazokaitė

“Allowing your camera to “Be prepared. For become an extension of anything. For fights, for your body” Ali Okumuşoğlu tears, for the weirdest questions you’ll ever be asked, for late nights, for early mornings, for long Organiser days, for hours staring at a laptop screen and for “Coffee, red bull, oreos, one of the most rewarding cookies, cake, chocolate challenges you can take on and support I think… in EYP #JustChairThings hugs…a lot of hugs and love” xoxo” “Be creative, sociable Sara Freixo and love what you do. Anna Nichols There is no better feeling “…Mmmmhm I don’t…I “A good orga should than seeing people getting don’t know…you just told always hug people, make emotional because of me I am a really bad chair” them happy, ask if they work you have created.” Tuusa Eriksson are happy and if they are Kristine Fainveica




Can you speak French?

Would you like to YES live on the seaside?







Do you like the YES cold weather?

Do you speak loudly?

Do you have money?




Would you live in a big country?



Do you like mountains and hills?



Do you prefer blondes?








Throughout the session you made each others’ hearts melt. Do not worry though, because unlike the melting icecaps, this is not a problem. The Sun has been above your committee room.

The Sun’s golden glow is a vital life force with strength, energy and a will to succeed.


Your planet is Saturn. You are going to work hard, very hard. You will challenge your abilities and push your limits. Saturn will also make you disciplined and on time. So continue your journey in EYP and you have the potential to be an excellent chair or organiser.



Women in parliament are in the minority. However in this committee it is the men who are outnumbered. The planet that surrounds your committee room is Jupiter. Unlike the other committees you are more silent.

You will explore intellectual and spiritual ideas and have very ethical and moral values.

Ambitious young people not getting the opportunity to work in their field. Ambitious young people trying to solve it. Around your committee This will mean that you will room has been Mars, aka strive to excel academically the planet of war. Jupiter is also known as and have an ambitious the planet of luck, so you EYP career. The Sun is also will grow and flourish in Now you know the embodiment of ego a positive way. However, and makes the individual why you have been luck can result in laziness unique. So be yourself, so make sure that you keep yelling and feeling stay true to who you are pursuing your goals. If you and shine bright! decide to stay in EYP, you a certain anger. will have the chance to get ENVI II any position you like. We consume too much, However this can also causing the volume of work to your advantage, FEMM II waste to rise. You, as a because you will fight for You hit it and you didn’t committee, did certainly the right purposes. Honour miss it (meaning CW, not not waste this experience. and courage will become women or men!). very important. But do not forget to listen to others If you like a comfortable Venus has been and to remain calm. In the life then tough luck, end your confidence and above your because Saturn does not determination will help committee room. make things easy. you to achieve anything you want in EYP.

Throughout CW, Venus, the planet of love and money, made you so happy and satisfied. You can really appreciate the moment and realise how lucky you are to experience such a great event. Every session you attend you will be able to simply enjoy each moment.


You took advantage of our privilege, freedom of speech, and you exchanged your ideas and opinions. Pluto has been interfering. Although it is not a planet, it will have a huge impact on your future plans.

Pluto is all about reinventing yourself, so after this session you will take risks and search for new adventures.

your committee room. This will mean that in the future you will be mysterious and able to trick people’s minds.

As well as your sudden love for poetry and dance, you will always be well dressed.

Giving speeches and talking to crowds will be easy, because you have the ability to express yourself well in order to get your point across. If you continue with EYP you will be extremely successful.


You have proved to be real power transformers. Who would have thought that the youth would be the Power Generation? People will find you Your planet is Uranus. interesting and will feel slightly intimidated, however everyone wants to know you, everyone has to know you. Every session you go to, you will make friends all over Europe.


Despite the real threat of red pants (and basically communism), you managed to rock the committee work. No money or fiscal union can buy the experience you had. Your planet is Mercury. Communication, intellect The old will not seem so and awareness are your exciting anymore, take domain, so are logic and every adventure and chance reasoning. If you were in EYP that you can. wondering why CW went so well you now know AFCO why. Frederica Mogherini would be proud of you, because You will work quickly you reached your borders and went beyond them, and efficiently, whilst keeping Europe always full of energy. united. Neptune has been above

This will mean that you will rebel against authority and go your own way.

If you chose to continue your journey with EYP, you would eventually make an excellent President. Although you do not always listen to others you will be a true leader and extremely creative, which makes you the perfect Editor as well.


GOSSIP DELUX Session love in ITRE? Which guy is going to get the Czech chick or the Greek Goddess?

Alina is single and ready to mingle One of the MTMs has been showing in the entrance hall how flexible he is.

Siebe has a secret affair with his bunny!

I love you Alex - Tomas Lukasz is not a real pianist. He’s lying to impress us!

Last night was a disaster, I will never make out with French


Hey David, you have a lot of female friends. Olcay is secretly Miss Turkey

I love you Alex - Deimante

Dan and Pau Pau were separated at 4 years old - coolest twins ever: Pau Pau has the looks, Dan has the brains Pitt should say yes more often

GA CHALLENGES Take a selfie withthe board Take a picture of a sleeping delegate OR CHAIR PERSON

Write a joke for your committee placards and make the board laugh Kiss a Media Team Member

Hug Mathieu

Use one of the pick up lines on Page 4 on a Jury Member and record their reaction

Get a high five from the VPs 15

200 11 kg



of oranges


of apples

3 kg of sweets

18 kg

made in 30 min



250 flipcharts 300 km < 500< cups car driving by the orgas officials slept in average

4perhours night

except for Josh who admited having slept 24h a day










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