Infographics - Luxembourg 2015

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INFOGRAPHICS Luxembourg 2015

04 14

Industry, Research and Energy

Human Rights

06 16

Economic and Monetary Affairs

Constitutional Affairs

08 18 Employment and Social Affairs

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety I

10 10

Women’s Rights Environment, and Gender Public Health Equality I and Food Safety II


Women’s Rights and Gender Equality II

Infographics can improve cognition by utilising graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.

– J. Heer, M. Bostock, & V. Ogievetskey

Ă‚li Okumusoglu

With European power consumption continuing to rise excessively, how can Member States move away from a dependency on fossil fuels, while respecting the issues and concerns associated with alternative forms of energy production?


Aino Rรถyskรถ

The clash between austerity and welfare: In light of the mounting dissatisfaction of citizens towards increased austerity measures in countries in recession, how should the EU find the balance between economic recuperation and the principles of the welfare state?


Lindi Lila

Whilst the rate of youth unemployment across the EU-28 stands on average at 22%, many Member States, despite having many job vacancies, experience a skills mismatch within their internal labor market. What steps can the EU take to facilitate a more efficient alignment of skills held by young people, to the jobs that are available in contemporary economies?


Stefan Hadzovic

Whilst the female population of Europe is estimated at 51.8%, the amount of women holding an elected national political position in Member States is far lower, standing at just approximately 27%. How can the EU best seek to generate equal political representation throughout the Union whilst respecting the need for open access to political office?


Naomi Foale

According to the United Nations (UN) Population Fund, one-third of women worldwide have experienced physical and/ or sexual violence. At the same time, men are increasingly the silent victims of domestic abuse. How can the EU support Member States in strengthening their criminal justice systems to prevent and respond to Gender Based Violence?


Pascal Haller

The recent attacks on Charlie Hebdo highlighted the existing conflict between ensuring the right to the freedom of speech, all the while respecting the cultural sensitivities prevalent in European societies. What steps can the EU take to afford sufficient protection to minority groups, without compromising the freedom of the press?


Nicolas Hoffmann

Acknowledging the recent security concerns on the borders of the European Union, how should the Common European Foreign and Security Policy be developed further in order to uphold coherency in the stance and action of the EU regarding its foreign affairs while respecting the sovereignty and differing priorities of the Member States?


Stefan Hadzovic

With the inevitable melting of Arctic ice exposing unprecedented economic opportunities on the borders of the European Union, how should the EU best position itself in order to take advantage of these opportunities, whilst remaining environmentally responsible? and maintaining political stability in the region?


Lily Voge

Shaping a European waste policy and the challenge of growing waste volumes: how can Member States take advantage of their high consumption rates and move towards a more efficient recycling process?


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