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Andres Aquino New York Couture Fashion Week Pg. 10


VOLUME 10.13

spotlightmagazine.ca Cover photo Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

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contents FEATURES

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A Message From Drew Barnes 5 Breast Cancer - What Women Need to Know Dr. Ken Blair 6-7

PHONE (403) 504-7092

Halloween Is For Adults Too Candace Kennedy 8

FAX (403) 504-0041

On The Red Carpet With Gainsboro Spotlight 10-16

EMAIL scott@spotlightmagazine.com

There’s a Story Behind Every Smile Neil Nichols 20

ADDRESS 377 - 4 Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0K4 For a free subscription to Spotlight, forward your email to scott@spotlightmagazine.com Designed and printed by Copy Works Design & Gifts spotlightcopyworks@gmail.com

Disclaimer: No responsibility can be taken by Spotlight Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this magazine is not the responsibility of Spotlight Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Spotlight Magazine. Comments are welcome. Pg. 2

Retirement Thinking - Part 1 Dan Hein 4

What the Children “Want” Scott Stenbeck 22 Become Familiar With Wealth Transfer Strategies Jackson Woodruff 25 Getting Cozy With Fall Leslie Cochrane 26 Considering Culture Wendy Struck 29 The Flood of 2013 30 Crossword Puzzle 32 A Message From Lavar Payne 34 Pg. 3

Rainy-Days & Retirement Preparations When should we think about and plan seriously for retirement? Let’s broaden the question - When should we prepare for a rainy day? Before the rain. Avoid the scramble and cleanup. In this 2-part review we will look at RRSP’s, RIF’s and TSFA’s. Retirement grows in importance every day. Odds are, you will outlive your parents. Your future needs should be measured and calculated, and plans should be enacted. When is the best time to work on that? No matter what stage of life you find yourself, don’t let it slide, determine to take charge of your plan now. How can you turn your retirement dream into reality? Is it even possible? Here are some strategies that you can use to maximize your retirement and prepare for many of life’s unexpected surprises.

Grow Your Savings Introduced in 2009, the TFSA(Tax Free Savings Account) is a multi-purpose tax-efficient savings account that can complement your existing retirement savings plan. Your TFSA contributions grow tax free and can be withdrawn tax free any time and used for any purpose. You can use your TFSA for a new car purchase, renovating your home, starting a small business, helping fund a child’s education or saving for retirement. Any money withdrawn from your tax free can be replaced in future years. TFSAs are the single most important personal savings vehicle since the introduction of the RRSP. For many people, it is more useful & valuable. TFSAs also provide income splitting opportunities. When your TFSA contributions are maximized, excess funds can be given your spouse or partner to make a contribution to their own TFSA. None of the income earned in either TFSA will be attributed back to you. TFSA vs. RRSP The timing of your contribution to an RRSP is important. Calculating the choice between a TFSA and an RRSP will save many of us a whack of Income Tax. If you’re younger or are just starting out in your career, consider delaying your RRSP contributions until you’re in a higher tax bracket. Instead, contribute to a TFSA for tax-free growth. Later, when you are subject to a higher tax bracket, consider withdrawing funds from your TFSA to make an RRSP contribution. This way, you are able to capitalize on the tax deduction. Then use your income tax refund to replenish your TFSA in the new year. When paying high marginal tax rates, maximize your RRSP contributions and then contribute excess funds to your TFSA to build your retirement assets. If you do not have enough funds to make both an RRSP and TFSA contribution, consider maximizing your RRSP contribution each year to take advantage of the income tax savings and then use your tax refund to make a TFSA contribution for continued tax free growth. Be creative and calculating – and be determined. The right plan for you will account for the immediate and future tax impact of your strategy. For more information, contact:

Dan Hein, BRE

Associate Investment Advisor BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. Medicine Hat, AB Tel.: 403-528-6771 Dan.Hein@nbpcd.com www.bmo.com/nesbittburns

The comments included in this article are not intended to be a definitive analysis of tax applicability or trust and estate law. The comments contained herein are general in nature and professional advice regarding an individual’s particular tax position should be obtained in respect of any person’s specific circumstances. ® “BMO (M-bar roundel symbol)” is a registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence. ® “Nesbitt Burns” is a registered trade-mark of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. Opinions are those of the author and may not reflect those of BMO Nesbitt Burns. The information and opinions contained herein have been compiled from sources believed reliable but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to their accuracy or completeness.

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Pg. 4


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Retirement Thinking – Part 1


Property rights are the most important fundamental rights anyone possesses in a democratic society. These rights must come complete with all the protections from unreasonable search and seizure afforded it under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or you actually have no property rights. Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides everyone in Canada with protection against unreasonable search and seizure. This right provides Canadians with their primary source of constitutionally enforced privacy rights against unreasonable intrusion from the state. On Thursday, September 5 in a high school gymnasium, approximately 350 residents of High River gathered to make some sense of what took place immediately following the June flood that devastated their town. They wanted to know why their property rights had been removed arbitrarily and who ordered this to be done. The questions being asked by the residents were very simple and clear. Who gave the order to violate their homes and seize their property? Who will be paying for the damage done to their property and when will those funds be paid? RCMP Staff Sergeant Ian Shardlow, who only assumed command of the High River detachment in mid July, bravely faced the crowd and gave what little information he could to the residents in attendance but they were unsatisfactory to the crowd. Other invitees to the event hosted by the Wildrose Official Opposition Leader Danielle Smith included the Premier and the Municipal Affairs Minister, who chose not to attend. One resident explained that his “steel door was bent, creased and beat to blazes, It came off the hinges and broke my wall as well, causing over $1,600 dollars damage to the home and it’s still not fixed”. The resident also pointed out in a letter handed out at the meeting from the RCMP to Lee Cutforth, Alberta’s Property Rights advocate, the RCMP claimed this was done to protect property the irony was not lost on the crowd. With the passing of Bills 19, 24, 36, and 50 in 2009 property rights in Alberta have been on shaky ground. Bill 36 goes so far as to removing your right to seek legal action if land is confiscated under the Bill. Now it appears the Alberta government has found a new way to violate this basic right that all Albertans should have entrenched and out of the reach of government. At some point in the near future the people of High River may get the answers they’re looking for but we can’t be satisfied with that. By passing the Alberta Property Rights Preservation Act, it will entrench basic property rights in the Alberta Bill of Rights and spearhead a national initiative to add property rights to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As a member of the Wildrose caucus, I will strive to have your property rights protected. Pg. 5

Breast Cancer


By Dr. Ken Blair

reast cancer is a malignant tumor or a collection of cancer cells arising from the cells of the breast. Most of these arise from the cells that line the milk ducts or the glands that produce the milk. Other less common types arise from the tissues that support the breast tissue. Metastases, or tumors that spread to the breast from elsewhere in the body can also occur in the breast. Breast cancer can also occur in men and accounts for about 1% of breast cancer cases. The following discussion pertains largely to breast cancer in women.

Other than skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and accounts for 1 of every 3 cancers diagnosed. Astonishingly, the chance of a women developing breast cancer during her life is 1 in 8 and it is one of the leading causes of cancer related death in women. According to the American Cancer Society, over 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer are diagnosed each year and nearly 40,000 women die of breast cancer each year. The risk factors for developing breast cancer are: increasing age, previous breast cancer, a parent, sister, brother or child with breast cancer, radiation therapy to the chest between the ages of 10 and 30 years, with other weaker risks including dense breast tissue, obesity, use of oral contraceptives, smoking , and excessive use of alcohol. There are 2 genes that have been identified that are associated with a high risk of breast cancer and genetic testing can be considered for a woman with a strong family history. The signs and symptoms of breast cancer include most commonly a new lump but also abnormal nipple discharge or redness, pain, swelling or skin dimpling. Mammography is the preferred exam for breast cancer detection, especially in women over 40 years, the age group with the highest risk. Early cancers can be detected with mammography before any symptoms develop. Ultrasound and MRI are also useful Pg. 6

in selected cases and are especially helpful in younger women whose breast tissue tends to be dense and is harder to evaluate. Ultrasound and MRI are not considered as screening tools for breast cancer detection and should be used in conjunction with mammography. Thermography, a test that supposedly detects tumors as “hot spots” on a scan due to increased blood flow has not proven effective and has been discounted by the Federal Drug Administration of the United States. A mammogram is an x-ray test that produces images of the breast. Today’s digital equipment uses a very low dose of radiation, about the same amount as the atmospheric radiation received while flying coast to coast across Canada. Typically 2 images done in different positions are taken of each breast but extra images are sometimes required to clarify areas that might be suspicious. Any clinic in Alberta such as Blair, Gripp, Stubbs and Associates Radiology in Medicine Hat must be accredited to perform mammography. The accreditation process is very vigorous and includes equipment performance parameters verified by a medical physicist as well as independent assessment of selected images by the Canadian Association of Radiologists. All technologists performing the examinations and radiologists interpreting the images must also be accredited. Quality control procedures are routinely performed weekly between the formal accreditations.

and the tumor is very small. Ultrasound can also be performed in certain cases, for example, to determine if a lump is solid and requires further follow up or intervention or a cyst and can be left alone. Sometimes very early tumors manifest themselves as small abnormal appearing calcifications that may require biopsy for determination. Most breast calcifications are, however, benign. What if your mammogram is abnormal? Do not panic. The vast majority of abnormal mammograms are due to benign conditions. However a biopsy may be required for final diagnosis. This can be done under ultrasound guidance using a biopsy needle to remove a small tissue sample or may require surgery to remove a larger area. In Alberta screening mammography typically begins at age 40 years and continues yearly until age 70 years after which exams are performed every 2 years. Mammograms can begin at an earlier age in high risk cases after consultation with your doctor. In Alberta women 50 years or older may “self refer” for a screening mammogram. If you have read this far and are in the age or risk group described above, you should consider having a mammogram done.

A mammogram can detect cancers at an early stage, hopefully when they are still “curable.” Screening mammography overall has helped reduce breast cancer deaths by up to 30%. Mammography can also detect other non-cancerous lumps, normal and abnormal calcifications, or cysts. However, up to 15% of breast cancers cannot be detected by mammography, especially if the tissue is dense Pg. 7

Is For Adults Too!! By Candace Kennedy Intimate Secrets

Financing for whatever moves you.

The air is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter and the second biggest holiday of the year is almost upon us. Halloween is a great holiday for children and adults! We all have a wonderful time celebrating the fun holiday! From cars to trucks and motorcycles to RVs, let State Farm Finance Corporation® finance or refinance all your vehicles. Call me for more information on our competitive rates. Get to a better state™. Call me today.

As an adult, Halloween has a much deeper meaning. Celebrating Halloween as an adult could be fun. It will help you return to your childhood and it will be yet another reason to spend time with the people you love and to socialize with intriguing individuals. Whether it’s your dark side or your flirtation sexy side screaming to be let loose, Halloween is the perfect opportunity to express the things we are normally not allowed to express. This one special day a year we can release what we normally keep under wraps. Halloween grants us the freedom and courage to “act out” and experiment with the fantasies we normally keep oppressed. Even better we can unleash these fantasies incognito. Any other day of the year, a French Maid is just a maid, Batman – Just Batman. But on Halloween wearing that same French Maid costume will help any lady feel sexy flaunting her inner vixen. Most men cling to fantasies about being an all-powerful superhero, this is the one day a year those fantasies can be reality. With endless choices between Halloween parties, with the perfect costume even us as adults can have an unforgettable time this Halloween.

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Costume ideas for women:

• Be a cuddly yet sexy teddy bear for Halloween that everyone will want to squeeze. • With the dark angel costume you can decide just how angelic you want to be. • A sexy military costume will always grab the troops attention. • You’ll rope in fun at any party being a sexy cowgirl.

Costume ideas for men:

• Play hero for every lovely damsel in distress in the Noble Knight costume. • You’ll be charming ladies left and right with tales of your most recent fire fight when you wear the handsome firefighter’s suit. • Show them all that you’re the one that can always get the job done and drive the ladies crazy in the Swat Commander Costume. This Halloween take the children trick or treating, put them to bed, get dressed up and let loose.

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in attendance, all create the ambiance that is “Couture.” It is rare to find a stylist capable of the artistic vision and abilities to create the hair designs that are the signature of Ellie Esper and his crew. Ellie handled well over 60 models in 20 plus shows. Each sculpture unique and perfectly suited to the fashion it was augmenting. So many salons are diversifying into interests other than their skill, relying on expensive jewelry, shoes and other gimmicks to boost their business. Experiencing a stylist dedicated to purely mastering their craft is very refreshing. It was great to discuss the possibility of master classes in Medicine Hat with Elie. Fashion super star Luis Machicao’s collection was spell binding. His work has been seen in major motion pictures. His new fragrance will be sold in every major airport in the world by the New Year.

Jo Lance of America’s Next Top Model with Peggy Dodson CEO of Urban Broadcasting Company.

On the Red Carpet GAINSBORO SPOTLIGHT All photo’s by Joan Bateman of Gainsboro Studio

This month’s cover showcases New York Couture Fashion Week. In particular Spotlight wishes to recognize Mr. Andres Aquino, the producer and renowned fashion designer. Beside him on the cover in blue is model, stylist, and production assistant, Kelsie McKenna. This year’s collections were stunning. Written adjectives are impotent to describe the creative wonders of these worldwide representations of living art gracing the stage of the New Yorker Hotel’s grand ballroom.

Andres Aquino and Kelsie McKenna renowned designer and producer of Couture Fashion Week.

I caught up with Andres the day before the show, coordinating the event dressed in jeans. He was making sure that miracles would be revealed flawless. As all successful people, he is hands on and available to everyone from celebrities needing VIP seating to lighting technicians with problems. Just as easy, you might locate him at the United Nations negotiating with diplomats. Unlike competing shows, Couture Fashion hosts designers from around the world. Emerging designer’s names are not immediately recognizable, but their work takes your breath away. Between each show patrons enjoy a full line-up of guest artists others pay to see on Broadway. Premium front row chairs hold the influential and celebrity alike. Hundreds of pictures by media photographers record each model as they walk the runway. Even though these young women who glide across the stage are beautiful, the creations they’re wearing are the focal point of the eye. The music, the lights, the media

A big surprise this year was an emerging power house in make-up artistry. A small company from Louisiana, AimeeZing Faces stepped into the spotlight. Aimee Carr the director and head make-up artist for the last three years used her own Voodoo cosmetics that amazed the show, and each model with her unique formulas, and products. Welcome Aimee to the world stage. As always when visiting New York, I look for the best eateries. Sorry to repeat myself, but I have to reiterate a previously written about favorite; Carnegie Deli. They serve a pastrami sandwich that resembles a small cake. They deliver it to you with pickles, sides of coleslaw, and potato pancakes with apple sauce. If that isn’t enough the cheese cake revolves in a glass case to be seen by all (if there is possibly space left after the mountain of meat and bread). Pictures of every celebrity you can mention, decorate the walls. If you’re lucky, you may actually get to say hi to one in attendance. If you have a taste for the best pistachio milkshake on the planet, or plain good food, you have to visit Star Dust Diner off Time Square. All the wait staff sing, each hoping to make it on Broadway. They take turns performing the favorites while you enjoy your food. It’s the cheapest show in New York and one of the best. I stayed too long after eating just to enjoy the entertainment. Plus all the artists are great servers! This trips greatest find was the Juvenx Spa on 32th between 5th and Broadway. You’re ushered into a fantastic 5th floor emporium. It features a jade igloo dry sauna that must be experienced. Then moving to the steam sauna and finally to a bath salted with lemons and jasmine spices, incredible. But the best was the full body scrub by a Korean lady wearing exfoliating mitts. It resembles a feeling somewhere between an SOS pad and a wire brush going to work on your extremities. She covers every inch of you while periodically pouring hot water over your body. Just when you think she’s done, she puts a cucumber mask on your face and starts over. By the time 45 minutes lapses, you’re cleaner than the day you were born, and you skin feels the same. I was cautious at first but was impressed with their professionalism, and will return every trip to the Big Apple.

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Medicine Hat’s Serena Bateman with designer Luis Machicao.

Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio Pg. 11

Pg. 12 Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

Pg. 13 Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

Pg. 14 Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

Pg. 15 Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

Join cjcymorninghosts john&steve in paradise!

Pg. 16 Photos by Joan Bateman / Gainsboro Studio

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There’s a Story Behind Every Smile!

Insure your life. Assure your legacy.

By Neil Nichols, D.M.D. Crestwood Dental Clinic I’m Dr. Neil Nichols. I have been a dentist at Crestwood Dental in Medicine Hat since 2004. I perform all aspects of dentistry including pediatrics, endodontics (root canals) and crown & bridge but particularly enjoy doing oral surgery and implants. I have attended many lectures and training courses to keep my skills up to date in my practice. I take great pride in trying to provide quality dentistry and excellent service to all my patients.

Crystal Metz Ins Agcy Ltd Crystal Metz, Agent 2-1335 Trans Canada Way SE Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1 Bus: 403-526-1345

Originally from Yorkton Saskatchewan, I lived in Saskatoon for eight years where I completed all my post-secondary education and received a Biology degree prior to entering dental school. More importantly, I met my future wife Lisa and we both graduated in 2004 from the University of Saskatchewan in dentistry and pharmacy respectively. Lisa and I made the decision to move to Medicine Hat and have never looked back. Since moving to Medicine Hat, Lisa and I have added two very energetic girls to the family, Kate and Anna, and have recently celebrated our tenth anniversary. If you see us around town, it is usually chasing kids around and enjoying various activities like swimming, playing at the park, dance class, etc. Some of my most enjoyable moments in life have been on road trips with the family to places like Whitefish, Yellowstone, Fairmont and Banff. Thank goodness for DVD players and tablets, I’m not sure how my parents survived road trips.

But that’s just the start. I’ll show you how life insurance can also help you reach other financial goals, like retirement. GET TO A BETTER STATE™. CALL ME TODAY.

State Farm International Life Insurance Company, Aurora, Ontario 1203073CN.1

Lisa and I are very lucky and have had the chance to travel to some beautiful places by ourselves. Our most memorable trips include going to Maui, Italy and New York. All awesome places, but my opinion, it’s difficult to beat the beauty and relaxing feel of Maui. In my own spare time (which there is not that much of anymore), I am an avid golfer and a relentless sports fan. I have had the opportunity to see all of my favorite teams play live with the exception of seeing the Dallas Cowboys in their new stadium which is a dream of mine. In the last five years, I have taken a keen interest in the culinary world and will never pass up a chance to try something new or cook something for the first time. My personal specialty is spinach and goat cheese risotto. So, if it’s time for a check up, whether its been one year or twenty since your last visit, if you have thirty-two teeth or two, why don’t you come down to Crestwood Dental and I would be happy to meet you and go over all your options in a friendly and comfortable environment.

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Scott Stenbeck - Local Divorce Litigation Lawyer

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What the Children “Want”

A question I get from time to time is “at what age can the children decide where they want to live?”. I usually get this question when I am being consulted about a fairly high-conflict divorce case. A similar one is “at what age can the children decide whether they want to see one parent over the other?”. There is no simple answer, nor is there any actual numerical age where a child gets to “decide” where they live or how much access is to be granted. For very young children, the Court generally does not take into account the wishes of the child. The reason for this is that the legislation concerning custody and access provides that the arrangements are to be what is “in the best interests of the child.” A three or four year old does not know what is in their best interests. At the pre-teen level, a Court will begin to take some input from a child, more so in the early teens, and within reason, children that are getting to 15 or 16 often do get to “decide” what happens. I think that part of the reason that teenagers get more input is also the simple reality that they are mobile. If they are taken somewhere they don’t want to go, they have the wherewithal to physically leave, or get on a bus, or call a taxi. Now, all of that being said, in my humble opinion one of the most damaging things that can happen to a child, and to the parents, during family law or divorce litigation, is for the parents to start openly asking the child what they “want.” While I don’t have a PhD in psychology (only a B.A.) and I am not qualified as an expert to make that assertion, it is an observation that I convey based on years of seeing first-hand how things play out in families where the children are told they get to decide the custody and access regime. Firstly, it is well established that children in a divorce, especially a high conflict one, will tell the parent that they are with at that moment what they think that parent wants to hear. It is not unusual, when asked by each parent separately, for a child to tell both parents that they want to live with each of them. It is not unusual for a child returning from an access visit to falsely complain about how horrible the visit was to the parent they are returning to, if they think that is what that parent wants to hear, because the child has picked up on the conflict. It is not uncommon for a child going on an access visit to tell that access parent how horrible it is to live with the other parent, if they think that is what the access parent wants to hear. So, to begin with, what the child expressed to the parents as what they “want” is often not accurate or reliable. Secondly, it is neither in the child’s best interests nor healthy for everyone for the child to believe that they are “driving the bus” as far as what the custody and access arrangements are going to be. Time after time I have heard Judges comment that what happens for custody and access needs to come from the parents, not be dictated by the child. Having the child believe they are in the position to decide causes some problems. On the one hand, I have seen many occasions where a child expresses a desire to change where they live or change their access schedule on the basis of a whim, or because one parent allows more freedom or has more lax discipline than the other. I have been involved in several cases where a child has moved back and forth between parents several times in a space of just a few years. This is not in the child’s best interests, because the parents are no longer parenting,

they are trying to win a popularity contest.

The other permutation of a child being “in charge” of where they live is that it puts them in the middle of a tug of war between parents. The child has an awful choice to make: to choose one parent over the other. This can result in parents competing with one another, and doing things to try to influence the child. Even if that inappropriate conduct by parents doesn’t occur, just the mere belief held by the child that the custody and access regime is the result of their “choice” places an immense burden on the child, and often fills them with stress and guilt. I have been involved in many cases where pre-teen children are reporting stomach upset and nausea, insomnia and migraines, surrounding the stress of custody and access. Contrary to what most people think, directly asking a child where they want to live or how often they want to see the other parent does not empower the child or help them, it places an immense burden upon them. There is no right answer from the child’s perspective, nothing they can do that doesn’t result in them hurting one of the parents that they love. So how do we get the child’s input when it is appropriate without having the child believe that custody and access is up to them, and putting on them the stress of that choice? Well, there are several things that we can do. The first is that divorce proceedings should never be discussed with the children, they should never read affidavits, and they should never hear comments like “You have to live there for now, but when you are 11 you can decide”, or “The Judge is forcing me to make you see your father/mother”. Next, there are some good counsellors in the area that specialize in dealing with children. My preference is to have a counsellor see a child for several visits, and rather than directly ask the child what they want, and putting that pressure on the child to make that “choice”, the counsellor can get that information from them more indirectly, and at the same time can make a determination if the child’s desires are legitimate and free from coercion or prompting by either parent. Finally, whether the parents agree to something or a judge has to decide, the advice I give to parents over and over is to tell a child what custody and access is going to be by starting the sentence with this: “The adults have decided that…”. Then, the child doesn’t believe they have to please the custodial parent by resisting access, or appease the access parent by complaining about life with the custodial parent. From the child’s point of view, even though their views have been brought in through a counsellor, they believe it is out of their hands. They don’t think they can tell one parent they are choosing to live with another because the other parent’s curfew is an hour later, or because they will buy the child a pony. If parents in high conflict custody and access cases could agree only on using that phrase, “The adults have decided that”, they would find that despite the circumstances, they raise happier and healthier children, and they spend more of their money making memories with their kids.

1750 Gershaw Drive SW, Medicine Hat, AB Phone: 403-526-9500 Toll-Free: 1-800-403-1891

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Become Familiar with Wealth Transfer By Jackson Woodruff Financial Advisor


To retire comfortably, you need to save and invest regularly using an effective savings and investment strategy. Maximizing RRSPs or other retirement accounts will likely be essential to realizing your retirement goals. Once you retire, you’ll need to “switch gears” somewhat and begin considering wealth transfer strategies.

An effective wealth transfer strategy can help you accomplish a variety of goals, such as distributing your assets the way you choose, avoiding probate fees and reducing estate taxes. You can explore a variety of wealth transfer tools, including the following:

Gifting — Gifting your assets to your adult children can help minimize

As you can see, trusts are versatile instruments — but they are also complex. Consequently, you’ll need to consult with your tax and legal advisors regarding your particular situation.

Permanent Life Insurance — When building an estate for your heirs, you have typically considered both registered and unregistered investment accounts as your principal sources of accumulating wealth. Permanent life insurance can be used to effectively accumulate wealth and pass it along to children or grandchildren, typically in a very tax-efficient manner.

the size of your estate, reducing the tax burden at death. This could also potentially lower probate, executor and legal fees. Be careful when gifting property (including cash and securities) to a spouse or minor child, as income attribution rules may apply, causing income earned on the gifted property to be taxed in your hands.

All the wealth transfer techniques we’ve looked at will require some careful thought and preparation on your part — so don’t wait too long before getting started. Time has a way of sneaking up on all of us — but it’s especially sneaky when we’re unprepared.

If you donate securities with a capital gain to a registered Canadian charity then there is no tax payable on the capital gain, and you get full credit for the donation, up to the standard charitable deduction limit.

Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors do not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult with a qualified tax or legal specialist for professional advice on your specific situation.

Will — A will is simply a plan for distributing your assets to family members and other beneficiaries. If you were to die intestate (without a will), provincial laws would determine how your assets should be distributed — and there’s no guarantee that the end result would be what you would have chosen.

Insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Quebec). In Quebec, insurance and annuities are offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Quebec) Inc.

Beneficiary designations — Many of your financial assets

— including life insurance policies, RRSPs and TFSAs — allow you to name a beneficiary. Upon your death, your beneficiary will automatically receive these assets, avoiding the sometimes timeconsuming, expensive (and public) process of probate. It is essential that you periodically review these designations to make sure they reflect your current wishes and that they do not conflict with the terms of your will.

Trusts — Different trusts can help you accomplish a variety of wealth transfer and estate planning goals. For example, an inter vivos trust can help you leave assets to your heirs without going through probate. You can also structure the trust to stagger payments over a number of years, rather than all at once, or include other restrictions or incentives. A testamentary trust, created in your will, can allow your

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heirs to effectively income split with the trust, potentially decreasing overall taxation.

Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund

2B-40 Strachan Court S.E. Medicine Hat, AB Bus: 403-504-0550 Fax: 877-335-9404 jackson.woodruff@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com

Pg. 25

Why Us?  Just a short drive away  Convenient location  Free parking  Wheelchair accessible  Competitive pricing  Monthly payments to fit your budget

By Leslie Cochrane, Loft 3 Design Company


PANTONE 17-5641

By adding this year’s hottest autumn colours, layering with throws and burning candles that will make your mouth water, discover some easy ways to warm up your space and revitalize your outlook without breaking the bank.

Fashion-Forward With Color


PANTONE 17-1452

Mykonos Blue

PANTONE 18-4434


PANTONE 19-2045


PANTONE 19-4215

Deep Lichen Green PANTONE 18-0312


PANTONE 19-1662


PANTONE 19-1116

Linden Green

PANTONE 15-0533

For something more permanent, try a planter full of willow branches and new foam flowers, a great way to introduce colour and texture all in one!

restorative dentistry

Some of this season’s best choices are still Pantones colour of the year…Emerald. Added to this are yellow-toned Linden Green, bold meditative Mykonos Blue, the elegant purple of Exotic Acai, spirited Samba red and Koi, a shimmering orange. Pair these with Deep Lichen Green, Turbulence, a dark mercurial gray, and Carafe, a rich, glamorous brown. Introduce these shades in candles, pillows, vases, throws, and bath towels for an instant update.

Build a Tabletop Trio

Adorn With Autumn Aromas

Using scented candles to freshen up your room isn’t the only way to create inviting aromas in your home. Instead, open your windows on a warm day, there’s nothing quite like the smell of crisp fall air!

Go Floral for Fall

Your garden may be heading into hibernation, but you Pg. 26

 Sleep dreamily through

Put the Spotlight on Lighting

Layering is a time-honored way to adjust to cooler temps and add warmth to your home. Add an area rug to your hardwood or tile floors to create a focal point or anchor a furniture grouping. Enhance an existing window treatment with colour coordinated drapery panels. Drape a decorative throw across a chair, on the end of a bed or fold one casually on an ottoman. Layering is a fast, easy and versatile way to add snuggle power to your space.


can certainly indulge in some fresh blooms or refreshing greenery. An artfully displayed vase of fresh flowers can last up to a week in your home and cost as little as a few dollars.

If your fall decor is wearing last year’s colours, simply refresh with a few accent pieces in new hues. Adding just a hint of the latest and greatest colours will make your pieces look fashionable for a fraction of the cost of a makeover.

Add Layering for Cozy Decor


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Cooler weather usually means shorter, darker days -- and one way to brighten everyone’s spirits with fall decorating is with task lighting. If your existing lamps look tired, you can inexpensively update them with bright new shades that have a bit of colour or a subtle pattern.

If your tables and counter tops are beginning to look boring, add dimension and height with a trio of related objects; candles, frames or vases, for example, with variations in size and colour. These collections, especially in groups of three, add drama and interest to update the look of a room and give you a chance to micro-decorate in a fun and inexpensive way. Mix it up, but always have a unifying element like a colour, shape or finish.

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Refresh with Fruit

There’s no better way to refresh a kitchen table or counter top than with a big, shiny bowl of autumn fruit. Colourful apples, pears and oranges are welcome jewels in an autumn kitchen -- and they’re good to eat too. Display fruit in oversize serving bowls, large glass jars, or stainless serving platters for a modern feel. Pg. 27

Art View | Wendy Struck

orporate Christmas

Sat Nov 9 Fri Nov 15 Sat Nov 16 Thur Dec 5 & Thur Dec 12 6pm DOORS OPEN 7pm DINNER BUFFET 8:30pm COMEDY 10pm DANCE - “ROB HUDEC DUO” & AL’S AUDIO DJ

As summer begins to wind down, I realize with some regret, that music festivals, art markets and other cultural events will soon begin to move inside, off the streets and into the protective embrace of four walls. I think about events & venues new to our community, such as Medalta’s Thursday market and downtown’s Alive After Five; and wish for growing, supportive crowds that sustain them for years to come. Me, I want to be at every cultural event, every venue, performance, exhibit, and concert. But, I can’t always stretch myself, so I quietly hope that others’ are out there supporting too. I have a deep appreciation of cultural life and want it to thrive. As I consider this I become curious, exactly what IS culture? The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines it as: 1) The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regard- ed collectively 2) The customs, civilization and achieve- ments of a particular time or people I decide that, of course, it’s the people that are at the core of culture. It’s all about us. Art, music, theatre, literature, design, architecture, food; we create it for each other. I feel happiest when it’s all around me. I try to create it, live it, and support it. But I’m only one person, and I hear the crowds are often at the mall. I want others to understand the importance of a cultural community, and I am not sure why I’m worried, because surely, culture will survive?

Limited seating available, please book early. For more information or to book your Company’s Christmas function, please call 403-529-2222 or 403-5028190 Pg. 28

The Government of Alberta’s Culture page of their website says this: “Culture connects us to our communities, our province, and to the world. Our culture reflects who we are: what we value and consider beautiful, how we spend our leisure time, how we think about and treat each other, where we come from, and where we are going.” And describes their cultural policy... “The Spirit of Alberta is based on extensive research and public consultation and it reflects Albertans’ broad view of culture, which encompasses the arts, our heri-

www.wendystruck.com | struckwendy@hotmail.com

tage, natural landscapes and recreation... ensures Albertans have the opportunity to share, express and experience culture in a province that respects the past, celebrates the present and welcomes the future... provides a framework for Alberta Culture and our partners to help Albertans create a better quality of life. Our approach is to build an extraordinary culture that will shape the future through the following four keystone goals: access, capacity, excellence, and cultural industries.” Medicine Hat will celebrate culture at one of the last events to spill into the streets before snowfall; the three day celebration of Alberta Culture Days - Sept 27, 28, and 29th. There will be art exhibits, live music, the popular Downtown Art Walk, an after party, Pow Wow, markets, and more. Many exhibits run throughout October. No matter the season, take part in cultural activities in your community. All year round, it is all about us. Alberta Culture Days began in 2008 as Alberta Arts Day, a one-day event to recognize the value of Alberta’s arts and cultural communities. There were 100 events held in 30 communities across the province, and a flagship celebration at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary. Since then, it has expanded into a vibrant, threeday, province wide celebration that has helped inspire the creation of Culture Days - a panCanadian movement to raise the awareness, accessibility, participation and engagement of all Canadians in the arts and cultural life of their communities.


Pg. 29



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On Thursday, June 20th the City of Calgary issued a high water advisory – not unusual during the spring runoff season. With a significant portion of the Calgary Zoo located either directly on St. George’s Island in the middle of the Bow River or on the adjacent north bank, each year emergency flood plans are routinely reviewed and preparations made – just in case. Zoo personnel were on alert that morning, but had no reason to expect anything substantially different than every other spring in the zoo’s history. They anticipated a little flooding in the low-lying pastures of the Canadian Wilds and had moved those animals to high ground; they thought there might be, as in 2005, some minor flooding of the zoo’s Administration parking lot, but no one was yet aware of the torrent of water that was on its way. At approximately noon, that all began to change as word came in that water levels might be as much as five times what was experienced in 2005! Quickly facilities and animal care staff pulled out historic flood maps analyzing the topography of the island to make an educated guess where the water might invade. Everyone sprang to action - it was emergency room triage time! Decisions had to be made quickly - what had to be moved first, what might survive minimal flooding, where to relocate a substantial portion of the zoo’s animal collection – with little time to do so. By shortly after 2 pm, City emergency personnel arrived on site, zoo staff was asked to move their personal vehicles away from the Administration parking lot, and zoo management ordered the immediate evacuation of the zoo by 3 pm. All non-essential staff were sent home with a few senior management, facilities and animal care personnel remaining on site to secure what they could as the scope of the impending flood became apparent. With orders from City officials that all personnel would have to be off the island by no later than 2 a.m. on Friday for their safety, and with the willing assistance of the variety of zoo staff that remained, animal care management orchestrated the evacuation of 160 animals – including six tigers, four lions and two snow leopards - in less than 10 hours. What may well be the largest evacuation of a zoo in history happened and was accomplished with no injuries to animals or people – an achievement that is a testiPg. 30

mony to professionalism and preparation. It was also nothing short of a miracle. The last lion was tranquilized and moved at 1:30 a.m. as flood waters were 10 feet from the lion barn; the last macaque was transferred to a kennel at the same time. Animals that were to remain had been secured in holding areas with sufficient food and water to last several days if necessary – all as per the zoo’s evacuation plan. Imagine working in the dark with no power knowing that a raging flood was making its way quickly toward the zoo; tranquilizing frightened and unwilling animals in the dark as they sense danger. Imagine event technicians and facilities staff helping to lift a sleeping tiger or an angry primate into waiting vehicles to be whisked up to the zoo’s Animal Health Centre. Imagine walking reluctantly away from the island at 2 a.m. knowing you have done everything in your power to save as many animals as possible, but knowing that some remain. Imagine trying to sleep fitfully on a camp cot in soggy clothing waiting anxiously for the dawn to arrive – and then imagine walking across the bridge and seeing 90 per cent of the island submerged in water. Imagine needing a boat to get to the elephants; wading in chest-deep water to rescue reluctant giraffes in cold water to their bellies or prevent a wandering hippo from exploring the Bow River.


Sunrise Circle SW

These were the adventures and accomplishments of the zoo’s amazing team for a few days in late June – they did what has never been done before and what they hope to never have to do again.

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Crossword puzzles provided by BestCrosswords.com (http://www.bestcrosswords.com). Used with permission.

Across 1- Scandinavian capital city 5- Cheering word 8- Fall birthstone 12- “Pure Guava” band 13- Spanish Mister 15- Commedia dell’___ 16- Nair rival 17- Big name in insurance 18- Digits of the foot 19- Capital of Illinois 22- “Fancy that!” 23- Drinking cup 24- Without full use of a leg 26- Connected 29- Oppressor 31- Actor Chaney 32- Diciembre follower 34- Triple 36- Very small quantity 38- Profits 40- Greek portico 41- Varnish resin

43- Musical sounds 45- Giant Mel 46- Grunts 48- Die 50- General ___ chicken 51- Fleur-de-___ 52- AT&T rival 54- Fine furniture 61- Buck follower 63- Travels on 64- Canal of song 65- Flows 66- Snow conveyances 67- Part of A.D. 68- Actress Harper 69- Part of UNLV 70- Staffs Down 1- Possesses 2- Ooze 3- Lustful look 4- Punctual 5- Ridge of rock 6- Word that can precede war, biotic and climax 7- Give an edge to

6oz Steak Lunch Special 11:00am - 2:00pm Daily

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8- Cereal grass 9- Precursor 10- Suit to ___ 11- ___ majeste 13- Droopy 14- Inspire anew 20- Au naturel 21- Pub missile 25- Roman god of war 26- Implements 27- Aims 28- ___-foot oil 29- 1,000 kilograms

30- Govt. security 31- Falsehood 33- Carnival site 35- Devour 37- Old Testament book 39- Neuter 42- Camaro model 44- Roasting rod 47- Former Russian rulers 49- Honest! 52- Trading center 53- Rock’s Motley

___ 55- Beak 56- Brainchild 57- Actor Beatty and others 58- Yes ___? 59- Orange cover 60- Greek island in the Aegean 62- CIA forerunner

Answer: Pg. 34


Pg. 32

Pg. 33


MP, Medicine Hat, Alberta


n September 4th the World Economic Forum ranked Canada’s financial system as the safest and soundest in the world. Canada is the only G-7 country that did not have to bail out its banks with taxpayer money during the recent global recession. Our Conservative Government is ensuring that Canada continues to have the best banking system in the world. Our focus continues to be the economy: jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity. As Canada is part of the international market – countries all over the world trading goods and services – we are not immune to the financial challenges facing other countries and the goods and services that they purchase from us. We have seen the financial crisis in Europe with a number of countries in the EU as well as the weaker economy in the United States; these difficulties impact the ability of our companies to sell their products and services around the world. Trade agreements continue to be negotiated with countries to moderate the impact of trade impediments. Beginning in July of this year you now have the option to voluntarily defer your Old Age Security (OAS) pension for up to five years in exchange for a higher amount later. As I understand, you would receive an increased monthly benefit of 0.6 percent each month, up to a maximum of 36 percent at age 70. Individuals can decide when to start receiving their OAS after the age of 65 and can also defer receiving OAS for up to 60 months.

People need to consider their own personal financial situation when deciding the time to start receiving their OAS, as well as their life expectancy, their wants, and needs. A caution for those considering this option: delaying receiving the OAS will also impact eligibility to receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

Centennial celebrations for the founding of the village, with my wife Micheline. There were approximately 1,000 registered people at this home-coming celebration. Congratulations to the Village of Foremost for 100 years of growing, a fun-filled weekend, and thanks to all of those volunteers who helped organize this grand event.

For more information on voluntary deferral and how it may impact your retirement plans, visit our government website at: www. servicecanada.gc.ca/oaschanges.

Working on behalf of the Medicine Hat Constituency and all of the communities in this Riding continues to be my priority. It is an honor and privilege to represent you as your Member of Parliament in Ottawa. If you have questions, comments or concerns, I welcome your calls, emails and conversations. You can reach me in Ottawa, or through my offices in Brooks, Taber or Medicine Hat.

I recently had the privilege of issuing a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in Brooks to an individual who participated in two World Games and four Olympic games, representing our great nation, Canada. Sherrain Schalm won a Bronze as well as Silver Medals at the World Games in the Fencing event. Congratulations to Sherrain on receiving the Diamond Jubilee Medal and a sincere thank you for being an outstanding athlete representing Canada at both the World and Olympic games. On July 27, 2013 I had the privilege of attending the presentation of the Ambassador for Peace medals to our local Korean War Veterans at City Hall in Medicine Hat. These Veterans or their family members received the Medal and a Certificate of Appreciation. The Mayor, Caesaria Kim and I participated in this event. The Veterans and their families were very appreciative of the Medals and Certificates.

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On August 2nd, I attended the Foremost



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Answer to Crossword

Triple Action Vitamin C

Pg. 34

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Vitamin C is essential for the health of collagen and its synthesis. This treatment combines three forms of vitamin C for maximum results. The solution penetrates into the epidermis, improving collagen production and blocking skin-damaging free radicals. Suitable for all skin types.

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Pg. 36

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