Dan Hein
Financial Advice
for Drew Barnes
Gives Albertans a Voice
Charles Manson Resurfaces in
You A re Perfect Caesars Palace Las Vegas Photo credit Joan Bateman
CONTENTS 05 Farrah Krenek Dating Columnist 07 Golf The Green Side Bunker Shot Columnist Donald Crawley. 09 FINANCE
The Wealth of Women
BMO consultant - Dan Hein,
Brent Dunstan
Donald Trump Won’t Be President: SCOTT COWAN Here’s Why (403) 504-7092 Columnist
11 EDITORIAL Las Vegas 2016 Scott Cowan
377 - 4 Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0K4
JOAN BATEMAN joan@gainsboro.ca
Albertans Deserve Equalization Fairness Drew Barnes GRAPHICS DIRECTOR
14 EDITORIAL You Are Perfect Scott Cowan 16
Divorce and Post-Secondary Education Columnist Scott Stenbeck
The Fashion Files
Gainsboro Spotlight
scott-cowan@live.com ADDRESS
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Farrah Krenek Columnist
It's funny when I realize my age, and hear stories from other people that are younger than me. I listen how amazingly more interesting their dating scene stories have been compared to mine... I can't help but feel a little bit of envy... I sometimes wonder if what they say is true. Then think... if it's not, they sure know how to tell a story... but if it is... I can safely say there is no reason for me to feel envy... the stories sound so empty. I've never taken romance or anyone for granted. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I was born during a generation where technology hadn't taken over. Computers have turned romance into "digital love"... Everything you see now from on-line dating, to chat rooms, to blogs, to texts, to sending photos.... it's all so impersonal. No wonder people don't have the desire to get to know someone, or date them for longer than just a few dates. Or even make the effort to go and meet the other persons parents. I know that to some, what I’m saying sounds so very ancient... Perhaps my old school mannerisms are considered to be comedic or non existent... But respect and romance are timeless. You can't compare a personal touch of emotion that expresses what someone means to you, with someone that sends 10 people the same text within minutes. Just to see who they can "hook up" with... It's disgusting. Nowadays you see all sorts of couples, and when I say that I'm referring to different lifestyles... But no matter who is the more dominant, the more gentle... the breadwinner, the homemaker, or even the one that works from home... Every person that's in a relationship is touched when their
birthday is remembered by their spouse. I've told people before... "Know your girlfriends birthday and always REMEMBER it.".. She'll forgive you for forgetting about Thanksgiving. But she won't forgive you neglecting her birthday. It's her day. Her special day. Make her FEEL special. It's so many things that people don't do now that makes me wonder... Do they really know what love is, really? Do they actually know how to feel anything other than offended, if they see some random face book post they don't identify with?... A handwritten card or letter you know, to this day, I think is one of the most beautiful thing you can gift someone... All your emotion that you're feeling for this person, is transmitted to the ink on to the paper. When your special person reads it.... they FEEL IT... It's almost like getting electric shock through paper... Romantic gestures... I'm not talking about Valentine's Day gifts... God knows, here we've completely bastardized the whole concept of Valentine's Day. We’ve replaced love with cheap gifts that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Substituting phrases that you can copy off any porn site and people would just
love it... I ask you please... Don't fall victim to these traits. Please don't fall for someone that doesn't give you their undivided attention, when it comes to giving yourself. I wish upon you all to find someone that demands to go to your home, so that they can bring your MOM flowers. I want you to find someone that even though they may not have much money, they treat you like they have all the riches of the world. Talk to one another. Hear each others voice... take photos TOGETHER... Don't get hypnotized by falling for someone you met on-line.. someone that may not even exist... Someone with whom you will never know what it's like to feel the warmth of your touch... So for now, I leave you with this thought, because if this "digital love" is what dating is all about... I'm ok being single... After all... If I'm with someone that resembles a keyboard and a phone... I pretty much am irrelevant I... Thank you for listening... please take care of each other and encourage one another. Your kindness may be the only truth that many know. I love you all. Farrah
The Green Side Bunker Shot
Even to mention this shot brings many a heart faint! Of all the shots around the green, this shot seems to bring more anxiety to the average weekend golfer than almost every other shot. Why is that? My theory from 40 years of teaching experience, is that the handicap golfer fears this shot from failing to follow four fundamentals. I' m not saying this is an easy shot, but if you apply these following steps you will improve, even become comfortable not fearful of tackling this green side bunker shot with a high lip looming in front of you. Open the face of your sand wedge. Yes, you've heard that before but do you know why? To create more loft and bounce. When the face opens the loft of the club increases. A standard and wedge is 56 degree loft. For every degree you open the face you increase the degree of loft. With this shot I am opening the face 20 degree's, so my 'effective loft' is now 76 degree's. Special note here: 'opening' the face is not leaning the shaft backwards. For a right handed golfer, opening the face is pointing the bottom edge 20 degree's to the right of the target line.
When you open the face you increase the 'bounce' Bounce is the word given to the back trailing edge underneath on the sole of the sand wedge. Some get confused with the 'flange'. Flange is the width of the sole. Bounce is the degree of the slope of the back edge of the sole/ flange. Confused? Come see me in person and all will be revealed! The ball is placed 2" forward of the middle of your stance. Although it is against the rules to draw a line in the sand before you swing, two stroke penalty, visualize that line 2" behind the ball. That is where the bounce edge enters the sand and the sand divot starts there and moving forward. So you are splashing the sand starting the divot in the middle of your stance. A shallow divot is ideal. You may have heard the cliche of a 'dollar bill divot', a good mental image of a shallow divot. With the club face open to the target line or flag, open you body alignment, stance, the same amount, in this case twenty degree's to the target. At this point most golfers open their body too much. Only open (aiming left of target) the body the same amount that you've opened the face. For many I don't even let them open the body. It is the club face you that strikes the ball, so opening the face is the most important thing here. Now the next statement is a big key to success. Swing along your body line. Not at the flag, not inside, not across the ball. Swing along your body line as if you were pitching the ball from grass for a 35 yard pitch. I use this analogy to get people to make a normal swing, the length and speed you may need to pitch the ball 35 yards through the air. Notice how the club has swung up and along the body line and yes, my chest is turning. This shot is not 'all arms, keep your body still. No shot should be all arms! Look at he club face at the top of the back swing, the face is open, and the shaft is over my rear shoulder. We may call this a 3/4 swing as opposed to a full swing. Simple keys could be: turn your chest 69 degree's, swing hands up and opposite my rear
Donald Crawley Golf Columnist TOP 100 Teacher Director of Instruction Boulders Golf Academy 480 488 9028 Donald.crawley@theboulders.com www.theboulders.com www.golfsimplified.com
shoulder. Again think of a 35 yard pitch shot with a sand wedge. The downswing is where most poor bunker players fail. Swing back down (where you went up) along your target line which is NOT the flag. To swing along your body line you are swinging 20 degree left of the target. The lower body, legs and hips are so important here. Unwind, clear hips, weight on left side. The sand divot is following along the stance/ body line. This divot is 29 degree's left of the flag. Posture, spine angle is maintained. The ball comes up and out on a cushion of sand. This green side bunker shot is the only shot in golf where your club face doesn't make contact with the ball. The ball is forced out, like a breaking wave in the ocean, on a wave of sand. Feel to thump or splash the sand with the bounce edge of the sand wedge. Splash the sand out of the bunker and the ball will follow likewise. The follow through is left of target. The hips and chest are fully unwound. Weight is on the left forward foot. Club has swung through to finish over the left shoulder. End result? A high soft shot up and over the lip, landing softly on the green. One final comment here. You must keep your swing speed up. The club does not decelerate and dig the sand. The club is accelerating through the sand. Again, feel to pitch a SW shot from 35 yards and you will get the feel of the swing speed needed.
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BMO Nesbitt Burns
The Wealth of Women
You are a daughter, you are a breadwinner, a partner, an entrepreneur. You may be a wife, a mother; you may care for children and for your parents. You wear many hats and you are in charge of your finances. My wife and I have 2 sons and 2 daughters. We’ve advised our daughters to have strong careers and be prepared to take care of themselves and their families, even alone if need be. Times have changed and women have risen to the challenge. Facing facts, the modern woman is pulled in many directions, including taking ownership of investments and retirement. In the past women were expected to pay bills, budget for the household, but not be involved in investing decisions. This has changed! As a woman, you understand the emotional connection to money. It’s not only about the rate of return, but it’s about your long term goals and dreams that fit with your desire for long term security or short term goals. Women face 3 major challenges that affect their finances more than men. 1) women live longer than men, 2)therefore more women need long term care which can disrupt an otherwise solid financial plan. And 3) Women have lower risk tolerance, which is a problem because inflation erodes spending power. For example $100 in 1980 could buy only $36 worth of goods in 2013. When planning for a retirement that could last 30+ years, consider investing a portion in growth to offset the inflation. You have worries about your money and they are valid. You need a solution and a plan that makes sense to you. You need to know you are understood. This is vital to your long term plan. You have life challenges and milestones that you are facing – do you feel prepared to face them? If you are staying up worrying at night about the future, or your children’s or parents future – then you should revisit or begin your financial plan. When choosing your financial planner or advisor make sure you feel free to talk
openly, and feel free to interrupt and ask questions. It’s your money, it’s your plan, you need to be able to communicate and feel understood in order to properly build a plan, measure it and renovate it when needed. You need a financial advisor who gets YOU. “It’s just business, it’s not personal” – this may be true in some cases but not when it comes to your money, your retirement - it is personal! It is emotional and it should be. Finances are important to your life. Make sure your advisor understands that and understands you. What is your top priority and how is that different than 10 years ago? What are your stressors and potential financial needs? These are your own personal circumstances and they differ from person to person. Some people dream of travelling once retired, others are happy avoiding the hustle and bustle of airports. You have unique goals and dreams, a one-of-a-kind family, individual holiday experiences & bucket-list plans. Perhaps your aspirational views include investing in socially responsible companies. All this should be taken into account. Also as life changes occur, update your advisor so they can assess the financial risks and recommend adjustments. Unfortunately, 90% of women will be on their own at some point in retirement. Divorce or death of a spouse is an emotional upheaval, a life-altering event. It is the worst time to be forced to make decisions that could have been settled ahead of time. It can be very detrimental without proper planning. You are strong. You’ve had to be. Don’t be afraid of what your financial plan will reveal. Can you make your retirement work for you as you see it? Have you got a contingency? Will you be able to maintain your current lifestyle and meet other financial goals? If it doesn’t look like you can have all the goals you deserve or desire – what changes can you implement now to move the dial in your direction? Never be afraid to ask clarifying questions to educate yourself. This is your money
and your life; you should be interested and involved in your finances. Don’t be ashamed of where you are financially – about what you have spent in the past or how you spend your money or if you haven’t saved enough. Just get with a program Now! No time like the present to start. Don’t be intimidated. If your employer sponsors a savings plan or matches any contributions, max these out. Be crystal clear about what you must save in order to secure your future plans. Advanced planning helps you prepare for the unexpected, so let’s get started. Finding your path to a sense of security will include sitting with your team of advisors (banker, insurance & investment advisor, lawyer, accountant) to ask for their help bringing your financial picture into clear focus. A good advisor will help you review & plan with all your assets and liabilities in mind • Cash Flow Projection – before & after retirement • Investments & Insurance • Real estate holdings • Mortgages & Loans • Final Wishes (Directives, Powers of Attorney, Will, Trusts) Financial plans and investment strategies should be designed around your unique situation. You are a powerful force in your own world – make sure you stay connected to your long term money plans.
Lets Connect: Dan Hein, BRE Investment Advisor BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. 606 2nd St SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0C9
403-528-6771 Dan.Hein@nbpcd.com www.bmo.com/nesbittburns
BMO Wealth Management is the brand name for a business group consisting of Bank of Montreal and certain of its affiliates, including BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., in providing wealth management products and services. “BMO (M-bar Roundel symbol)” is a registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal, used under licence. “Nesbitt Burns” is a registered trade-mark of BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Montreal. If you are already a client of BMO Nesbitt Burns, please contact your Investment Advisor for more information. The comments included in this publication are not intended to be a definitive analysis of tax applicability or trust and estate law. The comments contained herein are general in nature and professional advice regarding an individual’s particular tax position should be obtained in respect of any person’s specific circumstances.
Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada
Donald Trump Won't Be President: Here's Why soon see, capable of producing thoroughly undemocratic results. The Donald's problem appears to be the belief that simply getting the most votes will get him elected. As baffling as it may be, this is hardly a certainty. A U.S. Presidential election is all about winning the Electoral College vote, and that's where mathematics, statistics, and strategy become vital. So, hang on, this could be a bumpy ride.
Brent Dunstan Columnist
Whether you are elated or deflated by this title, it's true none the less. The polarizing candidate for the Republican nomination has positioned himself, to the surprise of many, on the inside track of the GOP primary race. He has most likely also positioned himself to lose the Presidential election. I will leave the question of whether or not this is a good or bad thing to others; there is certainly enough time, ink, and Internet space being dedicated to that debate. The reason that Mr. Trump will not take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is that, for all appearances, he lacks the same understanding of how a Presidential election works as most people. Who elects the President? If you just said or thought "citizens of the United States of America", you're incorrect. Mostly. That's right; America, champion of democracy, defender of freedom, global policeman protecting and promoting the franchise of the individual via the ballot, is a country who's eligible voters do not directly elect their President. Technically, the President was not elected by the roughly 118 million people who voted in 2012. Why not? Because American Presidential elections are not a one voter, one vote system. In actuality, the Presidency is decided by only 538 people; the Electoral College. And, if you understand the Electoral College (a somewhat daunting task to be sure), it's fairly easy to demonstrate that Mr. Trump may likely be in for a disappointing evening come November 8th, if, indeed he's headlining the Republican ticket. The Electoral College system is a strange breed of cat to be sure, and as we shall
The Electoral College is made up of 538 individuals, nominated by their respective parties, to meet and cast their vote for President in their respective State Capitals, on the first Monday following the second Wednesday of the December following a November Presidential election. (You couldn't make that up if you tried.) These select few cast their votes, and thus the U.S. President is chosen. Each State's results are recorded on a Certificate of Vote, which is sent to Washington to be officially tallied in a joint session of Congress on January 6 of the year following a quadrennial Presidential election. Mostly. If January 6 falls on a Sunday, this necessitates the session being rescheduled by a Presidential edict to the closest date determined to be most suitable. (Seriously.) Then the winner of the Presidency is officially declared, nearly 2 full months after most people think the President was actually elected. The 538 Electoral College votes
are proportionally divided between the 50 States by population. Mostly. Each State, regardless of population, is guaranteed a minimum of 3 Electoral College votes. Once those are apportioned, the remaining votes are divided according to population. Mostly. Some of the most populous States end up being shorted votes, to ensure smaller states get the required 3. This results in Wyoming, with a statewide population not quite that of Milwaukee Wisconsin, having not the 1 vote it's population would otherwise mandate, but 3 EC votes, alongside other relatively sparsely inhabited States such as North Dakota, Alaska, and Vermont. As we shall soon see, this can produce some interesting mathematical scenarios. So where does the 538 number come from? That number corresponds with the total number of representatives in Congress, 435, again divided proportionally in the same way Continued on page 15
Las Vegas 2016
Las Vegas Convention Center Conference: Coming Soon Expo: February 7-9, 2017
Las Vegas is one of my favorite places. Not because of the gaming. I love the glitz, glamour, and the people. You meet the most interesting individuals literally from around the world. We attended the WPPI convention hosted by the MGM Casino. Thirty thousand professional photographers gather once a year for education, photo competition, and one of the largest trade shows in America. The newest technology is on display, and seminars are offered by the top leaders in the industry. Every amateur or pro who wishes to improve their craft, should attend. Next year they are moving to the Convention Centre due to their incredible growth. Outstanding companies unveil their newest and most impressive at this convention. This year “Perfectly Clear,” (www.athentech.com) a Calgary company was in attendance. They wowed attendees with their incredible new technology to enhance your photos. Be it on your smart phone or high end computer.
up by Josh Harris, Robert VanGroski, and SamTorreso. Actually I enjoyed this concert much better minus the 30-40 minutes of environmental activism. I promised on our next trip, a case of Labatts Blue, the bands favorite adult beverage. Medicine Hat's own Joan Bateman of Gainsboro Studio, won for best concert photo, amongst a class of professionals in attendance.
Joan Bateman of Gainsboro Studio is sponsored by "American Color Imaging," ACI provides the finest quality print, albums, and accessories to the photographic industry. David Tupaz with “one of a kind bridal veil Animoto (www.animoto.com) and Triple Photo credit Joan Bateman Scoop Music (www. triplescoopmusic.com) are used by every other photographer I I took a break to meet with Las Vegas local know. They continue to offer cutting edge fashion designer David Tupaz. We've technology in the preparation and photographed his collection in New York, presentation of your work. Other not so large and were excited to tour his studio. It was an companies such as Sew Trendy Accessories, immediate time Ellis Island Casino (www.sewtrendyaccessories.com) continue travel to amaze with their high quality props and experience tools for all photographers. Perfect gems like back to old this would never be found without attending Hollywood. WPPI. All the major camera and video Entering his companies are represented, and entertain shop takes your the thousands stopping at their booth. Most breath away. of all show "specials," can save you lots of Items from past hard earned dollars. creations adorn stylish manikins. One of the WPPI seminars we attended was The ambiance of training for photographing concert venues. the retro decor We caught a cab to Fremont Street where a heightens your U2 tribute band “The Arms of America,” anticipation for performed. I have to report, I felt like I saw the latest the real thing. The music, and John Genet garments was mesmerizing as "Bono.” He was backed offered to the
most stylish of clients. The boutique and it's wears, wastes no time in stimulating and satisfying the most discerning purchaser. David offers exquisite exclusive bridal veils hand sewn meticulously by cloistered nuns. As they pray silently, they sew. Each veil an original work of art. David’s evening gowns enthrall the most discriminating of women. His clients include several “A-list” celebrities. In the back of the showroom a final surprise awaits serious patrons of the arts. A runway stage, and seating for 150 guests, perfect for private fashion shows. As always, I offer my choice of the best dining choice of the places I visit. If you are a lover of BBQ and ribs, the Ellis Island Casino is worth the trip all by itself. I used to mention that it is a "local," casino. Which was code for not so nice decor. However, serious renovations have rendered this disclaimer moot. It is not a big venue, but is every bit a Vegas atmosphere. Much of the improvement is due I'm sure to manager Michael Galatte. Be sure to tell him Spotlight sent you, maybe you'll beat that long que for these incredible ribs. Texas claims great BBQ, but you have to try Ellis Island! Meat so tender it falls off the bone and sauce you will crave when you're at home. Vegas is notorious for expensive food. But you can get more on the Ellis Island plate than a normal person can ingest for $14.99, with a players card. Located behind Bally's on 4178 Koval Ln. next to the Super 8 Motel. Remember these slots pay better than on the strip. Local casinos do try harder. The regular dining room features incredible fare and pricing. Ellis Island... a place you'll miss on cold nights at home.
Photo credit Joan Bateman
The Arms of America John Genet - Lead Josh Harris - Brum Robert VanGroski - Guitar Sam Torreso - Bass
Photo credits Joan Bateman
Wear Your Daffodil
DREW MLA BARNES Cypress - Medicine Hat cypress.medicinehat@assembly.ab.ca 403-528-2191
Alberta has quite simply been the crown jewel of Canada’s economy for over a decade now. Our energy sector is the economic engine of Canada. Our farmland is rich and fertile. Our hunting and fishing are world-renowned. And our people are some of the kindest and hardest working you will find anywhere. Premier Rachel Notley just doesn’t get it. She believes she needs to apologize for our energy sector in order to obtain “social license”. She completely ignores the fact that among the world’s top energy-producing jurisdictions, we are leaders in human rights, environmental integrity and labor standards. Ms. Notley has consistently stood quietly while self-interested politicians from Quebec point their finger at Alberta with one hand, and accept billions in equalization with the other. This problem came to a head last month when the Government of Quebec filed a court injunction against the Energy East pipeline, a critical nation building project that would create over $9 billion in economic activity for Quebec. A group of Quebec politicians is doing its best to kill this project while at the same time accepting more than $10 billion in equalization this year alone. Only four provinces pay into equalization lately – Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and British Columbia – and natural resources are essential to all of our economies, as well as Canada’s on a whole.
Albertans Deserve Equalization Fairness It’s time for Quebec to stop playing on the sidelines of confederation, and start doing its part for Canada, or it should consider returning a large chunk of the energy-reliant equalization dollars it receives from us. Recently, the Wildrose Official Opposition convened a blue-ribbon panel on equalization and launched fairequalization. ca. This website gives Albertans a chance to have their voices on equalization heard and their opinions considered for a final report that will be tabled in the legislature this fall. The current equalization agreement expires in 2019. Alberta needs a clear direction on equalization policy so that it can advance its position prior to the next round of negotiations.
fairly. A thorough review of our country’s current equalization formula, and the early development of an independent set of recommendations on what Alberta’s government should be talking about with our partners in the federation, is in everyone’s best interest. Please visit fairequalization.ca, and have your voice heard on this very important topic. Drew Barnes is the MLA for Cypress-Medicine Hat and Wildrose Official Opposition Shadow Minister of Health.
The mandate of our equalization panel is to develop a position on equalization that meets the constitutional intentions behind the equalization program in a way that is fair, not only to Alberta, but to all provinces. The expert panel members are from all over Canada. They will draw on their academic expertise and objectivity to provide recommendations to the Government of Alberta, and we want you to be a part of that process. Albertans have done so much for Canada’s economy. We don’t deserve to be taken advantage of by political opportunists. Albertans and all Canadians deserve to know they have an equalization system that treats them
Carlotta Brentan, Nancy Wolfe , Spot Light Editor & Brad Burgess
My Friends view from his cell just above Charles Manson
After you’ve seen more Broadway plays than one can count, it amazing when a production really stands out. Last trip to New York I was invited to see… “You Are Perfect,” during its run at The Workshop Theatre main stage. I attended not knowing what to expect, or really having any knowledge of the play, or its content. A producer friend invited me with the promise of meeting the cast after the show. It’s a play depicting the psychological abyss of Charles Manson family member, Susan Atkins. The cast consisted of three marvelous actors portraying Susan, Charlie, and another inmate counselor; trying to make sense of Susan’s plight. I was reticent at first considering the darkness of the subject matter. That changed within moments of the lights rising. Cyndy Marion the producing artistic director has redefined the narrative of one of America’s saddest moments. She has taken us to a place of understanding by pulling back the veil of a forbidden subject. An event many want to suppress and forget, instead of forgive. Keep in mind the real Charles Manson and Atkins still are
incarcerated, and very much alive. I have a close friend who was in a cell above Manson’s. He will tell you he is as demonic now as when he orchestrated the Tate-LaBianca murders almost 47 years ago. “Everyone kept yelling... if he came on the yard, he was a dead man!” He was always preaching out loud. When he was moved to Vacaville, the whole block was screaming at him...(end quote) The victim’s families still struggle making sense of that tragic moment in modern history. The consequences of the murders alive still. I’m a huge fan of smaller off Broadway venues. Many do not understand the difference. “Broadway,” has theatre seating over 499. Off Broadway are venues 99-499. What I love about quaint smaller theaters is the up close feeling of 150 or less. The actors are close. It sweeps you into the very essence of the drama. Done right, as was “You are Perfect”… patrons become part of the experience of the moment, the riveting script morphs into reality. The audience is literally in the room with the thespians. As
such… you quickly empathize, and relate to the characters. Quickly becoming friends or enemies, anything but spectators. All in this play, are thrust into a collective vortex of Helter Skeltor emotion. The opening scenes introduce Susan, (Carlotta Brentan) and an inmate, (Nancy Wolfe) talking about Atkins upcoming trial. Numerous flashbacks involving Charles Manson (Brad Burgess) accelerate the senses. Brad was ominously familiar as Manson, mesmerizing in places. He made me feel the same chills as I experienced when my friend described the real Manson. At one point I realized I felt actual flashes of fear. I was catapulted into the presence of one of the most notorious murderers in history. These three actors were stellar in their respective roles. Carlotta made you believe you had been introduced to Susan Atkins. Nancy Wolfe as her counselor offers new meaning to the word climactic. Flashback scenes are more akin to historical video. This is a play that leaves you emotionally exhausted and strangely satiated.
Donald Trump Won't Be President: Here's Why
Continued From page 10
among the States by population (mostly), added to the total number of Senators, 100, 2 per State, regardless of population. For those who are playing along at home, this further reinforces the perception that small States are over-represented in U.S. governance. You may also have noticed that this only adds up to 535. The remaining 3 votes come from The District of Columbia. Thanks to the 23rd Amendment that went into effect in 1964, Washington D.C., with about the same population as Memphis Tennessee, also receives the minimum allotment of 3 Electoral College votes, despite having no Congressmen or Senators, or not being a State. Prior to then, in what could only occur in an electoral system such as this, a U.S. citizen living in Washington, the national capital, could not vote for President, despite perhaps being able to see the White House from his or her front door. If these 538 Electors, (that's what they're called) are who actually chooses the President in December, what's the point of the much, much, much larger election in November? Well, that's what determines how these Electors vote. Mostly. Each State's Electoral College votes are awarded to the Presidential candidate who wins the popular vote in that State, winner takes all. Mostly. Because it wouldn't add to the convoluted nature of this process to have complete uniformity, two States, Maine in 1972, and Nebraska in 1996, switched to a modified proportional system. In those 2 States, the Electoral College votes are allotted; 1 to each of their congressional districts geographically, and the remaining 2 votes, corresponding to their senatorial seats, being determined by the overall statewide vote. Are you still with me? This has resulted in their Electoral College votes being split within the State exactly ..... never. Since either State revised it's voting method, no candidate that won the State's overall vote has failed to sweep all the districts. So even though this could potentially make a difference, it never actually has. I won't even go into the fact that individual Electors can vote, and occasionally have, contrary to what the general election has determined they should. Not the most reassuring thought for the democracy minded.
and having the same measly 2 Senators as Wyoming gets, the big States still have the ability to gang up on all the little ones, thanks to the Electoral College. In spite of losing a few votes to other States, the big States still retain the lion's share. To illustrate the point; a candidate can become President with as few as 11 States Electoral College votes, as long as they're the big ones. Win California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, and New Jersey, and you're President, because their Electoral College votes add up to exactly the 270 it takes to win. That's the magic number in a Presidential election; win any combination of States that adds up to 270+ Electoral College votes, and it's time to start working on your inauguration speech. Of course, if 11 big States can produce the win, the reverse is also possible. Sweep all the smaller States and, thanks to that Joker in the deck that is the 3 EC votes D.C. has, (and steal New Jersey), you can take the White House without getting a single vote from the 10 biggest States in the Union. And, as a result of the winner take all nature of how the Electoral College votes are awarded, a truly bizarre scenario is statistically possible if you did so. You can become President with
less than 22% of the popular vote. Because you get all the Electoral College votes a State has by winning the popular vote in that State (Maine and Nebraska not withstanding), it doesn't matter if you get 90% or 50%+1 of the popular vote; 100% of the State's Electoral College votes go to you regardless. So then, as unlikely as it may be, win by the slimmest of margins in the 40 least populous States and D.C., and get completely shut out in the 10 most populous States, and you're the President even though 78% of Americans voted against you. Thank you Electoral College. So then, how does this newfound understanding (if you could call it that), of the Electoral College show Donald Trump will fall short in November, December, and January next? One word: California. The State of California is the anti-Wyoming; an Electoral College behemoth with 55 votes. Winning California alone gets a candidate 1/5 of the votes needed to win. California's 55 is 17 votes clear of the next biggest vote contributor, Texas. Texas and Michigan, also considered a big State, still don't add up to California. Donald Trump will have already conceded his Democratic opponent, if he's the Republican candidate, a 55 vote head start. How? Have you heard his thoughts Continued on page 22
Now if you're feeling a bit sorry for the States with large populations, fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be for all the big States. Despite getting less votes than their population warrants,
“A dream doesn’t come to reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Colin Powell
Scott Stenbeck
1(866)783 6232
Wear Your Daffodil
Law Columnist
Divorce And Post-Secondary Education -Looking for an extra income? Divorce And Post-Secondary Education With all the high school students graduating in June, I felt this article would be timely. When a child is 18 years old, can they still be a “child,” for child support purposes. The Divorce Act and Federal Child Support Guidelines provide that child support is payable for a child of the marriage. They also provide that for children under 18, the “section 3,” or “table,” amount; the number provided for on the chart is presumed to be the appropriate payment. There are circumstances where a child can be over 18 and still be considered a “child of the marriage,” for the purposes of child support. Where a child has a disability, that renders them unable to take care of themselves and they continue to reside with a parent is one circumstance. By far the most common situation, though, is where a child goes into post-secondary education. In that circumstance, what is payable and for how long? With a child over 18, the section 3 table amount is no longer presumed to be absolutely the appropriate amount. The closer the situation is to a classic parent-child situation, in effect the child living at home, being fed, and sheltered by a parent, the more likely the amount will just be the section 3 table amount. As with a child under the age of 18. In other circumstances, the Court has some discretion. Firstly, there is an onus on the child to make efforts to provide for their own education to the extent they can by applying for all available funding, and taking employment when possible. One common formula that I see is for the child to make a budget of their school and living expenses. Just split it three ways between
the child and each parent. Another one is for the child to make the same budget, subtract what the child is able to do with earnings, bursaries, scholarships and loans, and split the remainder pro rata between the parents based on their incomes. There are also some circumstances where the Court won’t order support at all, or will discontinue obligations. Generally in my experience, the Court will usually allow about a four year degree or program. After that they tend to put the responsibility solely on the child. Parents are able to help if they want, but they are not compelled. Taking “a year off,” can also discontinue support, but not always, as can switching programs. There is also a line of case law that with an adult child, if the child has rejected the parent-child relationship with one parent, through no fault of that parent, the Court may not order that parent to pay support. Another situation is where the child has access to employment or has a program that pays a good wage for work experience. They can earn enough to finance their own education. When separating parties have children, I do urge them to think into the future as far as possible. Since what and how long support is paid for adult children in school can be an area with a lot of litigation and Court applications. I advise my clients to put a formula down in writing, with my assistance, to address the issue when it comes up. Either in a settlement agreement, or by asking the Court to specify it in any order that is granted.
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18 Photo credit Joan Bateman
Photo credit Joan Bateman
20 Photo credit Joan Bateman
Photo credit Joan Bateman
Donald Trump Won't Be President: Here's Why
Continued From page 15
on Mexicans? That's just one of a number of things that give California voters pause about him, but enough on its own. The Hispanic community is fiercely proud, fiercely loyal, and will be fiercely motivated to get out and vote for NOT Donald Trump. Donald Trump winning California would be the electoral equivalent of walking on water, turning it into wine on the way by, while healing a leper. For the one who fails to understand the reference, it would be a miracle of Biblical proportions, times 3. How then, could Candidate Trump overcome such a Democratic head start? Look to the Electoral College! The Electoral College is a treasure trove of statistics, and where the strategy to win the White House must be born. It also makes predicting outcomes easier, because between current polling (often suspect), and historical results (iron clad), which party will win a State's Electoral College votes is often fairly solidly set. These are referred to as "safe" States, and most of the States are considered safe. However, there are a handful of States that have been consistent in their inconsistency, referred to as "swing" States. Some say that there are up to 10 swing States in 2016, but I'm going to take 3 off the board, because historical results (iron clad) trump current polling (often suspect). Pardon the pun. Wisconsin hasn't voted Republican since Dynasty and Dallas were duking it out for the #1 TV show, North Carolina has only voted Democrat twice in the last 50 years, and one of those times was because they were mad about Watergate, and Pennsylvania has voted consistently Democratic since the 80's. So these 3 States stay where they are. Safe. That leaves 7 swing States, and all Donald Trump needs to do to make up for California is win 6; Colorado, Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Virginia. These States combine for 56 Electoral College votes. That makes his strategy clear. Invest heavily in those States with his time and advertising money, win them all, and he's effectively ..... tied. Of course, the Democrats will be doing exactly the same thing in these same States, especially since they know the only effort needed in California will be making sure voters watch the news regularly. What is the likelihood of Trump winning these 6? Well history tells us that all 6 went Democrat in the last 2 elections, and all 6 haven't gone Republican
at the same time since 1984. That was a truly unique year, when the Electoral College juggernaut that was Ronald Reagan took 49 of 50 States, with only his opponent's home State of Minnesota and D.C. voting Democrat. The point being; Donald Trump winning all 6 of these swing States is highly unlikely. But what if he did? Does he get to start having "President Trump" embroidered on his bathrobes, and trade in his 757 for Air Force One? Not quite yet. If all the safe States stay safe, and these 6 swing States go to Trump, neither side has the 270+ needed for the win. This leaves the final swing State to tip the scales. Florida. The last time a Presidential Election came down to Florida deciding the Presidency was 2000, and that Election showcased the idiosyncrasies of the Electoral College in all their glory. In 2000 the candidate with the most votes lost the election. The entire election came down to one swing State being the deciding factor, and it was a large State with lots of Electoral College votes, 29. As per the rules, those votes went entirely to one candidate, despite an incredibly narrow margin. How narrow? 537. Out of almost 6 million votes cast in the Sunshine State, a difference of 537 votes gave George W. Bush Florida's 29 Electoral College votes, and installed him in the Oval Office, despite losing the popular vote nationwide. This is the kind of thing that should make Canadians positively giddy about a "first past the post" Parliamentary electoral system. Admittedly, we're not in the Presidential campaign yet, but everything about Trump's run for President so far is high on populism, and low on strategy. At the outset of this piece I referred to him as polarizing. He's either really liked, or really not. A huge part of running for President in the Electoral College system is getting out the vote among the voters you want, while not giving extra motivation to the other side to do the same. This is where Donald Trump is failing spectacularly, simply by being Donald Trump. His name on the ballot ensures that there will be no such thing as a complacent Democrat in 2016; the words "Remember Florida" will be on every campaign office wall and Democratic email. Trump most definitely lacks Reagan's folksy charm, or even that of George W., who were both able to get blue States to go red.
That is the key to a Trump win; to move what were considered "safe" Democrat States to the Republican column, and he's not doing much to motivate that kind of move. If anything, his platform may actually be prompting the opposite. Case in point; Arizona, despite having voted Democrat only once since 1948, is a prime example of Trump making it's 11 Electoral College votes vulnerable. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Democrats will paint a picture of Arizona's southern border looking like the perimeter of 1970's West Berlin in the minds of it's voters, should Trump be elected President. With Arizona's Hispanic population approaching 1 in 3, well, you can do the Electoral College math. -11. Barring the truly mystifying, (this being the Electoral College system after all), how then will the November general election play out? Hardcore Republicans, the social and fiscal conservatives, come out in record numbers to vote Trump. Moderate Republicans, hold their noses and vote Trump. Mostly. Right leaning Independents can't, and stay home. Left leaning Independents, highly motivated to vote for anyone not named Donald Trump, turn out in record numbers voting Democrat, as do all those "not complacent" Democrats. This results in a close popular vote, but that closeness won't translate into the Electoral College vote. Once those votes are tallied, the result will be a substantial, but not massive, Electoral College win for the Democratic candidate for President, because the numbers just don't lie. The collective voice of a comfortable majority of 538 Electors will say to Donald Trump, "You're fired". Of course, pundits have been predicting Trump's demise since day one, so who really knows anything for sure anymore. This is America, and this is the Electoral College after all ..... Brent