Consumer: - Female age 20 - 30 - Works as a stylist/photographer - Lives in Hackney - Doesn’t own her own bike (there isn’t space in her studio and is easier to rent a Barcleys/Santandar bike to move from location to location) - Has no brand loyalty to Rapha as there isn’t anything that fits her asthetic appeal
I am aiming to open up the target market for Rapha as their current marget are middle aged men. Not only is there a lack of clothing that is avalible for women, the asthetic doesn’t appeal to younger consumers (genertation y) with disposable income. The focus is to create a collection fit for the functionality that a cyclist needs but to also have a more authlesuire asthetic that has been adapted by youth and had pushed many sportswear and luxury brands forward.
Using a light weight water resistant fabric will allow the shape to hold for for a structured jacket. As there is no breathablitity I intend on making laser cut holes in the back and under arm
As the water resistant fabric wasn’t allowing comfort or forgiving with ease, I opted to a more stretchy and breathable fabric.