Chimney A Dwelling for Malcolm - local history enthusiast and Grandmas “gentleman friend�.
Batley is location in the Heavy Woolen district of West Yorkshire
SITE_The site is position on Calmes Wood ‘Tops’ in Batley, West Yorkshire in the heart of the Heavy Woolen district.
The Mills were cellebrated in 19th Century illustrations and gave the Town a sense of identity.
Shoddy: The recycling of woolen rags
SITE_Batley was once a prosperous industrial centre as a result of the invention of shoddy (recycled wool).
View of Batley town from the Site in mid 19th Century
View of Batley town from the Site today
SITE_The urban landscape has changed dramatically since the 19th Century. Many shoddy mills have been demolished or fallen into disrepair.
Structure opens to become a place to sit, view the town and share stories.
The tall structure on the hillside can be seen from the Town.
INITIAL SKETCHES_ Tall Chimney like structure in the hill opens out to become a place for Malcolm to meet his Local History Group.
1:50 Working Sketch Model
Material and mechanical References
Slotted and hinged joints
SKETCH MODEL_Chimney like structure which opens theatrically to become a space for conversation.
Cultural References: Fire as a beacon Fire at the heart of Community.
Conversation around a fire: the dwelling can be seen lit from the Town
INITIAL IDEA_The Dwelling acts as a beacon, which when seen from the town, will evoke interest and conversation.
Adjustable head depending on wind direction
Flexible facade could help to ignite fire when opened
For successful Chimney effect, as the height decreases, diameter increases.
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT_ Direct relationship between chimney height and diameter,
maintains effective chimney effect. A kienetic facade allows for adjustment to control airflow in varying wind conditions.
1:50 Flexible Facade Test
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT_ Flexible translucent facade provides shelter from the wind and glows as a beacon when lit from inside.
Joining Details
1:20 WORKING MODEL_ made without the use of glue.
Closed during lighting of fire to create effective chimney
1:20 WORKING MODEL_Felexible facade opens theatrically and allows for adjustment of the chimney effect depending on wind conditions.
Opens to control internal temperature during conversation.
1:20 WORKING MODEL_Translucent facade glows as a beacon, seen from the town during conversation around a fire.
1:20 WORKING MODEL_ Mechanical arms and hooks resemble textile weaving machinery, opening and closing the facade theatrically.
TREE Tufnel Park Come Dine With Me. A pop up outdoor dining space in North London which takes 6 yuppies 1 weekend to build.
Windows and walls become garden spaces
SITE_Loss of the Garden Suburb: Nature and houses are competing for space as garden plots are sold for housing due to high land and house prices. As Large houses are divided into flats, having a garden in Tufnel Park is gardens are rare.
Outdoor Dining Reconnecting with Nature
INITIAL IDEA Vertical tree structure uses minimal ground space.
A few of Tufnell Parks exhisting eateries.
Organic Saturday Food Market
Ice Cream Palour
Independent Restaurants, Delis and Gastro-pubs
SITE_Tufnell Park’s Yuppie population have given rise to a number of independent eateries. A seasonal, semi-enclosed pop-up dining space, where diners experience a private garden atmosphere.
Summer 2013 Location
Diners served by local restaurant or house
SITE_South facing end terrace wall
Indian scafolding structure
‘Pop-up’ Scaffolding like structure, which attaches to existing buildings and acts as trellis for plants to grow up South-facing wall. Using standard components it has the potential to “grow” as more elements are added to suite the specific site.
1:20 MODEL_First attempt at a scaffolding structure using notched pieces of wood and tieing them together with rope. The joints are too flexible and do not provide a rigid enough structure to suite my design.
1:50 MODEL_ Scafolding structure made from tieing timber and rebar.
1:50 MODEL_
Chocolate A bathing house to defend against the threat of tourism.
“We used to take bath on both sides of the canal. Now tourists are taking photographs from the boat without and intrude our privacy. Now we are taking bath in the night...”
“People don’t want to drink the lake’s water anymore. It tastes of petrol even after it is boiled and there is oil and rubbish floating on the top...”
SITE_ Alleppey backwaters are a netork of waterways surrounded by rice paddy fields in Kerela, South India
Houseboat Tours: Kerala’s main Industry
Tourism provides jobs
and pollutes the environment
The Intimacy of daily life plays out by the river...
Washing Clothing & Utensils
Temporary bathing huts for privacy
SITE_ Kettuvallam Houseboat tours are Kerala’s main industry. Tourism provides jobs yet invades privacy and causes pollution threatening traditional village life.
1:50 Sketch section: semi floating bathing dwelling and rubbish collector
Sketch plan: semi floating bathing dwelling and up-steam rubbish collector
INITIAL IDEAS_ Alleppey backwaters are a netork of waterways surrounded by rice paddy fields in Kerela, South India
Initial sketches: floating shingle privacy screen creates a protective environment inside.
Wood Chips are a By-product of the Boat building industry
INITIAL IDEAS_ Wood chips can be used as a means of absorbing oil floating on water. The oil coated chips can then be dried out and burned as fuel
Internal Materiality
1:50 SKETCH MODEL_ Traditional methods of joinery are used such as pinning, tieing and weaving so villagers can construct the dwelling themselves.
Angled Roof for Monsoon Rains
Wall and Floor Connected to Shore Gutter System
Floating Privacy Screen
Shingle Net Absorbs Oil from Water’s Surface Materiality References
1:50 SKETCH MODEL_ Semi-floating changing and bathing space. Floating shingle cladding absorbs oil to create protective environment for bathing.
Relationship with the shore
External light through paper mache facade
Design Development
1:10 MODEL_ A timber gridshell structure, covered in layers of paper mache like traditional racing shell canoes. It is then coated in Waterproof Varnish.
Woven screen wraps around timber gridshell
Weaving Details
Testing different sized wood strips
1:10 MODEL_ The woven privacy screen is made from soaking strips of ply in boiling water and weaving when wet. In Kerela Coir (made from woven coconut husks fibres) would be used to create this surface.
1:10 MODEL_ elevation
Internal Conditions
MEDELLIN PAVILION In collaboration with
Pureto MAMM Project Nov - mid Dec 2012
The objective of the Pureto MAMM project is to Design an outdoor pavilion in the Ciudad del Río Park, a green space near the Museo de Arte Modernode Medellín (MAMM) in Medellín, Colombia, in Collaboration with a group of 12 students from the School of Architecture of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín (UPB) led by their tutor Felipe Mesa. There were 14 students from the Bartlett led by Izaskun Chinchilla and Carlos Jimenez The project is support by the MAMM. The pavilion is around 40m long, 5m wide and 8m in height. It consist of a long platform which provides spaces for workshops and performances for the public in Medellín. GROUP 5
The original plan of this workshop is to build the Pavilion on site, therefore a lot of attention is paid on investigations on the proposed material Caribbean Pine and details of different wood joints and the construction techniques of our designs.
GROUP 1 Ramp Access and Workspace
GROUP 2 Kitchen
GROUP 3 Furniture
GROUP 4 Stage
CONCEPT_The overall frame is divided into sections, each section has a different function and structure either tipi or paso. Bartlett students and Medellin students are divided with each group working on a different section
GROUP 5 Grandstand
GROUP 6 Office
Possible sites within the park
Currently the park is used for many purposes by different groups.
SITE_ The linear public park behind the MAMM building is the proposed site for the pavilion.
Pureto MAMM Project
Pureto MAMM Project
An Industrial City in first half of 21st century Medellín was an industrial city in the first half of 21st century. In 1950, the Medellín Master Plan (Plan Piloto) was proposed to transform the valley into a more modernized metropolis.
The MAMM in Ciudad del Río For the past few decades, the government has been moving factories and heavy industries to the outskirts of Medellín, clearing up spaces near the river for residential and commercial developments.
Ciudad del Río underwent a transformation from an industrial to a residential area through the Simesa’s Partial Plan which started in 2004. Old industrial buildings were demolished and replaced by new residential blocks. The only factory left in the area is renovated into the MAMM.
Medellín River drains away industrial waste and natural wind drives away polluted gas
Medellín Piloto Master Plan factories were built along the growth of city into commercial proposed in 1950 by Paul Lester river, residential houses near and administrative center from Wiener and José Luis SertThe MAMMthese factories provided 1948been - 1970 building is the only industriallabour building to converted, other have demolished. created the railway network for transporting raw materials and finished products. El Pobloado Avenue
Simesa’s Partial Plan The implementation spans for 20 years, in which Ciudad del Río is gradually transformed into an area which connects tightly with the rest of the city.
29th Street
11th Street
Medellín River
Metro station Industriales
Apart from new housing estates were built, a large amount of space was revitalized into public spaces, including the Ciudad del Río Park where the pavilion is going to be built in. ej Belén neighbourhood (provides labour for industries)
MAMM Medellín River
factories gathered around the river
city spreads and grow up towards the mountains
Metro station Poblado
The evolution of the Ciudad del Río area.
public spaces
private spaces
WIDER CONTEXT_The MAMM in Ciudad del Río, a formally industrial area of Medellín, now factories are moved to the outskirts as part of Simesa’s Partial Plan which started in 3 2004.
Pureto MAMM Project
Pinus Patula Scientific name Pino pátula/ Pino lloró/ Pino mexicano
Direct sunlight
Pureto MAMM Project
~30mOrigin (maximum height)
Direct sunlight
Gain per hectare
Pureto MAMM Project
Characteristics Require direct sunlight Require rainfall 1000-3000mm, Cannot bear high winds, High resistant to frost
smooth orangebrown bark which will get rough and cracked after several years air purification
air purification
Gain per hectare
Animals Currucutu Tigrillo Squirrel ~1m Zorro dog
each pine is around 9m tall Striped Owl ~30m
acid soil
each pine is around 9m tall
smooth orangeheight: 1400 - 3200 msnmbrown bark which temperature: 6-12°C, 20-29°Cwill get rough and cracked after several years
seeds dispersed by wind
distance between 2 trees 80cm3 per pine is ~5m smooth orange-
~400 pines in 1 hectare
20 days brown bark which+
seeds dispersed by wind
will get rough and cracked after several years
20 days +
15 - 20 years is the ideal age for cutting a tree
5 people and 20 days USD260 earned per pine needed for cutting 1 with sub-products hectare of pine with use moist soil soil nutrients ofUSD260 machines 5 people and 20 days earned poor per pine 10 years needed to soil
15 - 20 years is the ideal age for cutting a tree
moist soil
80cm3 per pine x 400
distance between 2 trees is ~5m
(maximum height)
Febnutrients Jansoil poor Mar Dec Apr Nov May Oct Jun Sep Aug Jul
moist soil Striped Owl
~30m (maximum height)
poor soil nutrients
needed for cutting 1 hectare of pine with use of machines
with sub-products
acid soil
4 grows best in canyons and plains with wet, deep and loamy soil
.5m per year
acid soil
height: 1400 - 3200 msnm temperature: 6-12°C, 20-29°C Medellín
height: 1400 - 3200 msnm temperature: 6-12°C, 20-29°C
Santa Elena
Medellín Santa Elena
1 1
growth rate: ~1.5m per year
Caldas growth rate: ~1.5m per year
grows best inCaldas canyons and plains with wet, deep and loamy soil
grows best in canyons Fizebad and plains with wet, Viboral deep andCarmen loamyDesoil El Retirp
El Retirp
Finca Normandía
3 3
urban land suburban and rural land
pine reforestation MATERIAL RESEARCH_PIne, the primary material for the Pavilion, is grown in the areas pine extraction surrounding Medellín
Carmen De Vibora
urban land suburban and rural land pine reforestation pine extraction
Pureto MAMM Project
Plant, grow and extract cycle 1
Pureto MAMM Project
Pinus Patula availability in Colombia
Forestal plantation in Colombia
3 12.6%
land preparation
manual control of smaller species
10% 3%
Annual demand for wood in Colombia
Pacico Atrato
6.6% 0.6%
Processed wood Wood pulp Veneer sheets and plywood Chipboards
Zona andina
Planting of Pinus Patula
roguing out small trees to open up space for larger pine trees around, the wood extracted can be non-structural uses such as fences
trees are cut and transported to factories for manufacturing before they can be used for constructions
soil recuperation technology to recover organic layer
Land suitab
OR 1st cycle: soil is rich with nutrients and productive
2nd cycle: soil started to dry and degrade
3rd cycle: organic layer is exposed
4th cycle: organic layer is gone
natural regeneration of soil is slow, 10-years time is needed for organic layer High suitability to recover Medium suitability Low suitability
pine industry leaves the land and allow it to recover
MATERIAL RESEARCH_The fast growth of the tree and sustainable practices in the area make pine a sustainable building material.
Timber harvesting
wood fuel
roundwood pulpwood
cortext sapwood heartwood marrow
sawlog roundwood tablon
cut type according to orientation in tree trunk
radial cut
tangential cut
oblique cut
13 MATERIAL RESEARCH_The finished product comes in a range of dimensions and shapes which must be considered during the design process.
Pureto MAMM Project
Timber construction Structural components
lattice: platform
lattice: balloon
lattice: beam-coloumn
plating system
Structural systems beams
crosslinked space
bolted joints
anchors, connectors and stages
Structural joints
restrained joints
nailed joints
bolted connections
MATERIAL RESEARCH_The product is structurally very versatile, making it an idea material or the construction of the Pavilion. The final structure should have a life span of 20 years.
JOANNE_4th Year
AKMAL_4th year
MEGAN_5th year
LILLIAN_4th year
THE TEAM_Presenting our model from the previous project to one another and taking key ideas and inspiration from each.
INITIAL IDEA_trying to incorporate elements from each group members model to form design.
Repeated Decorative Ribs
Decorative Trellis Structure
Kinetic Fabric Facade
Kinetic Seating Facade
Initial Design Diagrams
INITIAL IDEA_trying to incorporate elements from each group members model to form design.
1:10 Sketch Model
INITIAL IDEA_Producing a 1:10 sketch model showed us that our first design is too complex, not coherent and would be over budget due to the number of moving components.
REVISED DESIGN_Lightweight decorative roof structure acts as trellis for plants to climb and stairs with playful hammock seating makes for a more homogeneous and achievable design in terms of time and budget
Screen Printed wood and decorative roof structure
Bird boxes encouage wildlife to inhabit the structure
Possible drainage solution
INITIAL CONCEPT_ hanging baskets hung between simple gridded structure. Long decorative vertical timbers extend into the space also acting as trellis for the plant to climb up
Pureto MAMM Project
1 Decorative Verticals 2 Trellis + bracing for verticals
Trellis performs structural use and supports climbing plants
Extended verticals grow downwards in different lengths to support climbing plants and create dynamic ceiling design
3 Truss 4 Panel Cladding
Roof structure 5 Maintenance Platform
Facade cladding 6 Ladder
Primary structure 7 Deck 8 Structural Stair Connections
Maintenance walkway and drainage slope access to roof and drainage of rainwater
9 Stair Stringer
Ladder for accessing the maintenance platform
10 Fixed Treads 11 Hammock Seats
Decked landing
12 Turning Handle
Hammock seats different types and sizes for single person or couples
13 Flipping Treads
Flipping treads treads can be flipped and locked to vertical Listat night positions to prevent access toMaterial pavilion 1 Sawnwood cuadre of 4 x 4 cm 2 Bamboo of approx 1.5 cm diameter Foldable tables 3 Sawnwood stringer of 4 x 8.5cm 4 Sawnwood duplex tablet 5 Sawnwood planks 6 Cylindrical timber alfarda de 5 cm 7 Sawnwood planks 8 Hammock fabric 9 Sawnwood Stringer 10 Sawnwood duplex tablet 11 Hammock Fabric 12 Steel 13 Sawnwood duplex tablet
1:200 Long Elevation
1:200 Elevation
FIRST DIAGRAM OF COMPONENTS_ taking into account the dimensions of readily available Pine sections in Medellin.
INITIAL DETAILS_A set of early details sent to structural engineers and client for feedback.
1:10 Rafter Detail
Key 1 Principle rafter. 2 Tie beam. 3 Bridle joint in tie beam. 4 Bridle joint in end of rafter.
KEY 1 2 3 4 5
1:10 Rafter Detail
Rafter Timber Embellishment to end of rafter. Step-lapped rafter joint. Lateral beam Step-lapped rafter seat.
2 3 4
1 Roof timber sections spanning length-ways cut at intervals, and butt jointed to 2. 2 Roof timbers spanning widthways. 3 Steel plate bracket to join butt joint 4 Bolted through timber joist. 5 Butt joint. 6 Verticals forming timber arboretum and vertical ceiling.
1:10 Attachment of Vertical Elements to Primary Structure
Key 1 Main pavilion structure. 2 Extended roof vertical. 3 Notch and bolt fixing to primary pavilion structure.
1:10 Attachment to the Main Frame
1:20 Flipping stair treads
Possible locking mechanism
1:20 Fixed stair treads
1:20 Stringer attachment to floor joist
1:20 Stringer attachment to ground
1:50 Stair Stringer
1:10 Seating adjustment crank
Adjustable seating so people can see a performance
1:10 Crank locking mechanism
STAIRS DEVELOPMENT_ Following feedback that the crank design was too expensive and unachievable. Hammock design is a seat which hangs from the roof rafters. A hole in the floor allows for easy access and the upright seating position means people can see the stage.
STAIRS DEVELOPMENT_Flipping and locking mechanism for security at night.
Truss Development - When the pavilion is built at 1:1 further diagonal bracing will be included.
ROOF DEVELOPMENT_Development of the trusses and joining of the roof to the primary structural frame. Many structural decisions were made through testing on the 1:10 Model
ROOF DEVELOPMENT_Balloon structure with notched wood joints at 1:10 taking in to account the length of pine available.
Completed Primary Structure
REASSEMBLY IN MEDELLIN_ The use of authentic joining methods on the 1:10 model meant that we could disassemble the roof to take to Medellin.
SECONDARY ELEMENTS_ The attachment of hammocks, vertical elements and plant baskets
WORKSHOP_ Negotiation and collaboration of the different teams to create the final model
Hammock and Plant Basket Material Choice. Woven plastic bags in bright colours can be found everywhere in Medellin, used as handbags and for industrial purposes they are very strong.
CRAFTING IN MEDELLIN_Testing the crafting of baskets and hammocks from found materials in markets in Medellin.
At 1:1 clear plastic tubing could be woven to create enclosure.
CRAFTING IN MEDELLIN_The weaving of semitransparent plastic between the vertical elements creates enclosure for safety and looks beautiful when lit at night.
TESTING ON SITE_ View of tree canopies through the roof structure
Clamp system attaches maintenance platform to primary structure.
MAINTENANCE PLATFORM_ The maintenance platform runs along one side of the pavilion to provide access for watering the plants
Water drainage
To prevent water dripping down to the stairs rom the baskets after watering or raining, orrugated sheets are hung underneath the hanging baskets to guide the water to the loped maintenance platform, and out of the pavilion.
WATER DRAINAGE_ Corrugated clear plastic sheeting is angled towards the sloped maintenance platform to allow water from the hanging baskets to drain away from the enclosed pavilion space
Hooking Detail
RAIN SCREEN_Transparent plastic sheet can be unrolled and hooked to the ends of vertical elements to protect crowds from tropical rains in the event of a performance.
Hooking Detail- hammocks hang to the side when not in use.
SEATING_hammocks can be hooked to the side and a moving deck covers the holes in the stairs to provide extra seating during a performance.
Decorative Verticals Trellis and Verticals bracing
Hanging Baskets
Maintenance Platform Water Drainage Maintenance Ladder Rain Screen
Deck Hammocks
Stair Stair Seating
Flipping Treads
FINAL REFLECTION_We worked successfully as a team to produce a detailed model which is would be easily builable and within the budget allocated.
Though we discussed the original design of this section with the Colombian students, we decided to stay in separate groups- English and Colombian- to build our models.
GROUP 6 Office
On reflection this was a mistake as the final model for this section changed a lot during the building of it and bares little similarity to our original discussions. The fact that the model was laster cut further exasperated this problem as it was difficult to see the progression of the model until the very end. Partly down to the language barrier, which was a large problem in our group, we did not work mix effectively as a collaborative team in this part of the exercise.
COLLABORATION_In Medellin we were linked with a group of Colombian students to collaborate in the design of their section of the pavilion
FINAL BUILDING PROJECT _ HARBOUR Model Tourist and Residential Village in Kerela, South India
SITE_Vattakayal Lake Alleppey
HARBOUR Joanne Preston Yr 4 Following on from the Three Dwellings project I would like to further develop my ‘Chocolate’ dwelling brief and look at the tourism issue Kerela. BRIEF: Model Tourist and Residential Village. SITE: North side of Vattakayal Lake in Alleppey Backwaters, Kerela, South India. At the moment this is one of the few areas around Alleppey that has not been developed for tourism. This is possibly due to the smaller canals, which lead to the lake. Larger “pimped up” tourist boats cannot pass through them. CRAFTS: At the moment there is a problem that most of the money from tourism goes to the person who owns houseboats. This is usually someone who is wealthy and not from the relatively poor Backwater Villages. Local villagers who work on the boats as drivers and cooks get paid very little. I proposed to design 20-50 houses for residents and 20-50 boats for tourists. Each family will be given a grant to help them build a boat and create a website so they can find tourists to let it. It may be that families club together and share ownership of a boat so that they can divide their time between agriculture (rice and fish farming) and tourism. Crafts may also include my previous design for the bathing dwelling. Encouraging tourists to bath in the water rather than in showers inside the boat will make them more concerned about protecting the water quality. DECKS: The decks will include piers for the houseboats to dock at night, houses for the villagers and infrastructure for agricultural activities. PROVISIONS: I am particularly interested in Pokkoli farming. This is the alternation between farming fish and rice by flooding the paddy fields with saltwater at certain times of the year. This is a process that has almost entirely died out in Kerela due to it being a less cost effective way of producing rice. However Kerelan rice has been given new European Standard Certification, which means organic rice produced in the area around my site can be sold at a premium. Pokkoli Farming is a highly sustainable farming method.