Courage Erasmus+ Project - Case studies Portugal

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COURAGE project partner: Carlos Gargaté School cluster Portugal Case Studies: “Orquestra geração” and “Para ti Se não Faltares” - Fundação Benfica Cláudia Corado, Élio Duarte Santos, João Paulo Proença, Lucinda Alves Dias, Maria da Graça Carvalha

This project is funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Summary and general conclusions In Portugal the access to education and culture is a legal right of the whole population, foreseen in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (articles 43 and 73) and in the Law no. 46/86. Equally enshrined in law is the duty of the State to promote the democratization of education and of other conditions in the education offered by schools; to contribute to equal opportunities, to the reduction of economic, social and cultural inequalities, to the development of personality and the spirit of tolerance, to mutual understanding, solidarity and responsibility, to social progress and the democratic involvement in public life. Compulsory education is universal, mandatory and free of charge. Nevertheless and despite the existence of such positive conceptions about the education and training of young people in Portugal, and according to a study published by Eurostat, “Education, employment, both or neither? What are young people doing in the EU (2015) ” almost one in six young people between 20-24 years old more specifically 17.5%, does not study or work. This percentage is slightly above the European average, 17.3%. It is also referred that this percentage has risen sharply in the last 10 years in Portugal, since in 2006 the data was 12.6%. This group of NEET has great economic impact and it costs the nation 2,680 million per year. It is an amount corresponding to 1.57% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), fairly above the European average and it is not more serious because the country has been "exporting" an average of 100 000 Portuguese a year of the most qualified young people, over the last few years. In order to solve the problem of early school leavers, the lack of qualifications and to reduce youth unemployment rates, the Portuguese government, through its own measures or others in conjunction with the European Union, has sought to combat this problem. The civil society has also been involved in solving this problem through the implementation of projects and initiatives that aim to combat the scourge of youth NEET in Portugal like: “Arco maior”-The city of Oporto has a response to Early School Leaving; Orquestra Geração | Sistema Portugal; CASA PIA DE LISBOA; EPIS -Empresários Pela Inclusão Social; JAM Project promoted by Associação PAR– Respostas Sociais; Fundação Benfica - projeto Para ti se não faltares (For you if you don’t miss school). Among the initiatives of the civil society, we will focus two, in order to be our case studies: The “Orquestra Geração” and the “Benfica foundation” with the project “For you if you don’t miss 015-2-DK01-KA205-004358 1

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